HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-02-05, Page 1quip, re.,-ho, the 195 rua 'tenor leoro wpm rep"irtel. tIIC highest In MINH ('aunty at the unwell; meetine of the 001 EinrOn Society It on Witneq- day Watt; of lee' week. 1', iene;.‘,e esai proc eeilod by diluter .served to a gathering of 100 people by the young Women's fettle. te/ Melville Clinrob., in the eohool room of the aborrh. Wilfred .5hootyreed, president of the •• In Marge of the program. Rev. J. H. Greene, minister of the- ciburch, weld ranee. Vice- presid6nt Clem 5teffler Rro,posed toast of thanks to the yuong women and 'Mrs. Calvan Krautor of tho Guild replied. 'Mr. tGreene• extended, a welcome on behalf of the church. Norman 5. Hoover, secretary- Treasurer, in his finencial state- ment listed total receipts as $5,788.31; total expenditures as $5,507 53. Prize money paid out was $3,006.80 There is a 19'59 mem- be%"ehlo oaf 1121, iteeves Bailie Pat-yo tt of Morris Township and ,Geroge llutehitisou of Grey Township. and Councillor Hugh Pearson •qf Brussels, veto were guests of the Society, each spoke briefly, James Mate a past oresicient and district director for Zone 8, of the Ontario' .Association de Agricultural iSocteties, informed the gathering that the 1958 gate receipts Of the Fall Fair here were the highest In Huron. County. -Four retiring directors, James Bowman, H. It. Pearson, W. J . Perri'e, Sand James Smith, - will be replaced by Harvey Craig (Me- KillalPt), Gordon (grant 1(Birussles), Robert Grasby (Nerds), and Jack Knight, (Grey). Mrs. W. .7. -Turnbull, reporting • for the Women's .5iVision, mentioned new exhibits, .fine horticcultural display, Club girls' work with 40 members, and 'interest .created by tLe baby show..2be also reported GETTING OUT - WHEN YOU'RE STUCK -,•Sliatrie slowly forward ow gear. When you have moved as., fat. forward as potsible, skiff to reverse. When the yifieetMpieq,,, again shift to low. Repeal until Car it tree. Sptrielint whee aaly digs you deeper into the triene. THE amtsorlar,94 *seem c&seata2S, net oats P*PeetillIOSe .0.**10% Thursday, FebrUarr 5th, 1959 • $2.00 per year - 424,5Lca flats Publishing House ERLISSELe GIRL t CROWN.EP QUEEN 13RVSSELS COUNCIL • MEETING. EUCHR WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11th . At tO0 FAIR eoAFto REPORTS HIGHE ST GATE RECEIPTS IN HURON COUNTY '1'1u Municipal COonell of l.he ' Miss Mope Myers of 13rubsels ea* Village Of Brussels met on Jan. 20th . ero-Weed Qtleell of 1:015tQW IA Wallet 411 Inember5 being present, High -SONO]: at the annual “At,e,i , Home." In the 1. 0. 0, F, Lodge Ropnl,-7 LUNCH — PRIZES— ADMISSION 50.c• Everyone Welcome Sponsored by the Q. P, and T, Van Camps Beans with Pork 15 oz. 2 for 29c Niblet Corn 14 oz, ...... 2 for 35c frOno, Who is 0, ()redo 12 steam/ is the fitingliter of Or. and A. Myers of I3russels, •i NEW LIERARIA•N I APPOINTED HgFig Mrs. Hereld Kerney of .Brussels reedved the appointment as Lile rarlan of the Bruseele Library, to fill the vacancy created by the death el: Mrs. W. S. Scott, • Tho Library Board met on Friday night of %St week to consider the applications that 'had beep received, There were only three applicants. for the position. Mud by J. C. Krauter, seconded by U. 5. i,Ili.ott that the minutes of Jan. 7th, 1959 meeting he adopted as read, Carred Moved by ,T. C. Kreuter, seconded by 0. 5, Elliott that Ii. R. Pearson he oppointed representative for the Yillov;. of Brussels to the Mid- 'Wes'tern Development ASsociation for the 195940 term. Attefol: that J. C. Mantel' be the second 'Tyre- senta tire. Combination Deal York Pat Butter, and E. D. Smiths Raspberry jam 9 oz. tumblers ..... ... . 2 for 47c Coral Isle 'Instant Chocolate 1 lb , ......... ..... . „..„.... 35c — Carried Moved by H. IL Pearson, second- ed by 0, S. 'Elliott ihat By-Law Nn, 6.1958 as read a ilirst and second time be road a third time and passed — Carried Moved by H. R. Pearson, second- ed by J. G. Kramer that the in- dustrial committee be allowed to spood up to $250.00 as they see fit, in bringing industry to .Brussels. —. Carried • BRUSSELS TRANSPORT Safe • epexiciable Motor ,Transpora. Phone 122 Brussels P.C.V. C 1),F EUCHRE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18th. At 8:30 P. M. In the Brussels Library PRIZES — ADMISSION 50c Everyone Welcome Sponsored by East Huron Agricultural Soclet Ladies Please Bring Lunch WORLD DAY 10F PRAYER SERVICE C UTCHEON Gann The World Day of Prayer for, 1959 is to be held on the Firslt Friday in, Lent, Friday, February 13th. The. Prayer Service comes to tits this year from Egypt where a committee of n i n e women representing the differ- , ent churches worked on it in Cairo. All the ladies of the community are cordially invited •to attend, at the' Anglican Church at 3 p.m. Phone 293 We Deliver Moved by H. R. Pearson, second- ed by' J. C, Krauter that By-Law No. 3-1959 be read a first three — Carried Moved by J. C. Krauter, seconded by 0. S. Elliott, that By-Law No. 3-1959 as read a first time be read a second time -- Carried Moved by 0. S. 'Elliott, seconded by H. R. Pearson that By-Law No. 3.1959 as read a first and second time be read a third time and passed and forwarded to the De- partment of Highways for appro- val. S PECI .A CONTINUING at • IRENE'S BEAUTY SALON „CARD OF THANKS I ivish to express my sincere thanks to all my Mends and relatives who (were so 'thoughtful and kind while I was a patient-in the Strat. tord`General Hospital. Special thanks to the'Ethel Womens. Institute. ' Mrs. Hulda Woods • . NtOTICe. 'ANNUAL MEETING "The Annual Meeting of The Children's Atd Society of Huron County will be held at the Creurt House, Godenioh, x Ontario, on 'Wednesday, February 11th, at 2.80 'p.m. Public cordially invited." St. John's Anglican Church `PANCAKE SUPPER TU'ESD'AY, FEBRUARY, 10th Supper served from 5 to 8 o'clock Adyrils4lon 650 and 35c 44.4.4.-.14. r- tya,...••••••.. SPECIAL. Continued for 2 weeks Only CREMC COLD WAVES Complete $4.95 with Cut VAL'S BEAUTY SHOP 140 Brussels PAINT SALE! at MACHAN HARDWARE 1c* February Only 15 % Discount for Cask on all Benjamin Moore paint, enamma: 'and wall satin No Exchanges or Refunds on., this,. Sale Where better permanents cost lees. .CREME COLD WAVES Complete $4.50 ST. JOHN'S A.Y.P.A. PARENT'S NIGHT Members of at. John's A. Y. P. A. Appointment day 6. ~.evening ;Phone 156 ... • VAL:ENTIN.E "T:EA BAKE SALE and TEA Brussels Public .Library , .SAT,URD,AY, FEB. .14th Sponsored by Majestic Womens institute :played bast to their parents, and members- of the congregation, in the Parish Hall on Monday .evening, February, 2nd. The meeting opened with the ' hymn. "Go Labour On." • i The Rev, W. K. Jaggs introduced the guest for the evening, Mr. Stan- 'ley Tomes, senior student at.. Huron 'College, London, who -gave an ilustrated talk on his work with the Oree Indians in the Diocese of Keewnitin, Mr. Tomes ,was thanked i on behalf of the A. T. P. A. by the president Miss. Edith Davis, for his very interesting and talk and expressed the pleasure of the con, gregation for his part of the even, 1.1,7,':=• entertainment. A panel discussion followed which brought out many Instructive pertaining to the Church. The Office of ,Compline. was con, ''ducted by Rev, W. K. ,Taggs. and (three II'iron College students con- cluding the +woe-tile's re-erem, Tetnelt was by Members of the 'Y, P, A. and soeial hoar followed,. — Carried Brussels Public School asked for an. approval for financing of a six room school, cost of the huildIng- and egulp- meat to be up to $120,000. The clerk was authorized to have the neces- sary By-Law :prepared for the next meeting. oterk was aUthorized invite the members of the Morris and Grey • Councils to the recreation meet'ng to be held in the Brussels Public Library on January 29th. at '7 o'clock. • Moved by Ft. It. Pearson, seconded by J. C. Kreuter that the accounts as presented for payment be paide — Carried HUETHER'S PRODUCE.. EGGS POULTRY ROE and WATTS FEED&: MURRAY HUETHER • Board the the JAC.K THYNNE \CONCERT AND DANCE Phone 80 lists for. their work been Wilted and women of 'he Cora- Brussels in Brussels Town Hall on FRIDAY, APRIL 10th that the prize have laready mailed to the munity, At tee Income Tax Problems 7 Income Tax Computed at a reasonable rate. Will compute ,ntwne tax forms for busemeagee and farmers. Open all day Trxesday and Friday. Call 24.7 Caw appointments. File early reterna and avoid the last minute trixxItt. conclusion of business Garden MeGawin gave an interesting 'il.lustehted account of his trip to Germany in Seetember, when be accompanied hue champion Canad Ian plowmen's team to the world plowing match • es the manager. Riehard Procter thanked the speaker, • At the. Directors' meeting which took plkte after the folleeting officers were elected: President Clem Sterner I 'Vice Pree, ...... Mellott Procter,. Leotard Meehan Sec.-Treas. • Norman Hoover Brussels, Phone 247 GLENN 'M. RONNENEECIG INSURANCE. Monkton. Phone Miteho.P Me* , Brussels Post Office,. postage , Bou,ssellesesP, T.3. G., hydro Mid-Western Dev. Assoc., A. T-Tiggins, snowplowing 11, TTiegins, snowplowing D, laboor, R. W, ,Kennedy, adv. T. A. Combs, Christmas trees H. A. Fischer, 1958 registrations McOntclheon Grocery, relief Grewar's Grocery, relief Bills Pine Service, gas & oil R. Howard. fox bounty hi, Piaci, fox bounty te, Lamont, fox hoinity T3toisels Coal Yard, oil B. V, Sr U. Telephone CO., tolls ' IleceiVer General, current tax CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all who sent me cards and letters or remembered me in any way while I was in hoispital in 'Kitchener and since coming home. It Will long be remembered. Helen Martin 5.00 111,57 50.00 27,00 212,50 20.40 19.56 s,on E. A. (TED) WILS ON Termer General Contractor OF LONDON, ., ONTARIO Commencing Business . As Contractor IN BRUSSELS and WINGHAM DISTRICTS, artarsorsErr—ttnicanzvztizz,r4srismer ieummeernimazmAravamoszesiviza=tt strzezmae-Lizazerz 2:51 m v Imewere Melville Church Minister: Rev. Jonathan Greene Organist -- Donald Dunbar 19.85 19.84 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 19.05 10 A. M. Sunday School 11 A. ta,. Divine Worehip Huron County Wheat Producers Annual Meeting AGRICULTURAL BOARD - ROOMS, CLINTON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11th 1959 At 2:00 M. REG. MYERS, 'ONTARIO 1PRESIDEN, -- Guest SpIeaker Election cf Officers 3,00 2:50 RESIDENTIAL General Roofing New Homece' Farm Building Repalm. BLUEPRINTING. COMMERCIAL a n d Concrete Work Brick and Block Work Remodelling DESIGNING — DRAFTING Firm Contract prices Submitted PHONE BRUSSELre 12 E 19 Russell Bolton, County President J: Carl HeroirieWay,* Sec.-Treat. josernmo zzomm**446•1elers;vm.::-Z REAL ESTATE — LIST OPEN LISTING. List your property to-day -- open -- so that you may sell yourself, Without paying commission and you way list open with 'any Other real estate and are bOund only to pay W. Stevenson Real Estate commission only' on ellente that W. L, Stevenson Real Estate brings to you. • Doritgot.i M. L. Heftete, Phone 67, HarrIttetif -Ontario. (or) S. k, Graham, Phone 9 2, FordvViChibntarlo. Warren Li Stevenson.. Real E4tate. PHONE 325, MOUNT PORESt -ACIStifrit 66VE0046 ONTARIO St. Davld'r Hanfryrn r a0 iK *. *4-vow* Moved hy '0, S. Elliott, setoitund by H. 'R. Pearson that Abe meeting a — Carried H. A. Fischer. Clint r•eorgo Mcdtitelleon, !Were • NOTICE --• Will yon plan to attend the Brits- Seta Home and School meeting to be hold WedriesdAY evening, Feb at eight? A 'Very interesting prograind hits ▪ been Planned by Ure committee in Outree, including an &Meese by Mrs, teacher froth Stratford' N'Oritiat Reboot Voiti tvi11 etdoy Year oSeniiig if lett *Pend if with ydar friends at the #ohie tend School theetiiie, The 'United Church OF CANADA ' Minister: Rev. L. Brown B.A.; OM. Organist: Mrs. A. E. Martin 9.45 Minh Settool 4. X, "Hew do you get rid of your sins?" tre: Anglican Church OF CANADA 1 Parbil of SOUS*. *041 *it . ve jail* • 401111'a CIS A A. ma* iiteisibt M, Mattlns When Draw will. be made for the New 1959 Chey. Ticket salesmen area asked to change the date of the Draw on their tickets, Spo n so) ed by The Re-creational Committee • CAPITOL HEATHE LISTOWEL, ONT. .tao, Wed. • Thur. - Frt. Feb. 4 - 5 - 6' DRAG STRIP RIOT Hot Rods vs Motor' Cycles Plus Susan Cabot In ',SORORITY GIR LS" Adult SATURDAY ONLY FebAlary 7 "Jock Mahoney" famous on the Tiny 'Gray TV Screen, can be seen Life Size In Color in ,"THE LAST OF THE FAST Gups,, stocige Comedy Magoo Cartoon Mon. Tuet. Feb. 9 - 10 A naughty European LoVe Story "THAT CERTAIN SMILE" Adult Cinemasoope Colbe Wed. Thure: Fri. Febrtiety 14 Big Days 4 WAtit litAt‘httR. • t 6 'N 1.< A it Pitts Disney's ' 44' PAUL 'S.UNYAkii' •