HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-01-29, Page 54000 War, 404, Issued by authority of the Minister of Labour, Canada 8055 It will pay you to have all maintenance, repair, renovation and redecoration jobs done around your home or place of business during the winter lull in the building industry,. HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS . under` the National Housing Act, are available, through your bank up to $4,000 and up to 10 years to repay, FARM IMPROVEMENT LOANS, backol by the .government, are also available through your bank up to :$5,000 and up to 10 years to repay, Help yourself and at the same time, your eon- munity --by having jobs done now.. Why wait for spring- DO IT NOW! Carried Moved by C. Kreuter, seconded. by 0. S. Elli&t, that By-Law No. 1- 1959 as read a firse and second time be read o third time and passed - Carried This being a By-Law pinpointing and con f inning appointments of officers to serve the Municipality for the year 1959. Mr. R. B. Cousins, member of the Brussels Library Board was present and presented the council with the estimated financial statement .af the hoard. He also rognested, larger. grant (con' the Village of Brussels this heing necessary due to the rn",,th msde in 1958. Moved by W. A. ivillitarn gm g ee. ilinled by PT. R. Pearson. that BY-Law No. 2-1959 he read a first time. .-- Carried M-1-en by ,T. C. Kreuter, seconded by W. A. Irtliainson that ByLaw No. 2-1959 as read. a first time be- read a second time. - Carried Moved by IT. it. Pearson, second- ed by 0. F. 'Elliott that By-Law No. 2-1959 a" road a first and second. time be read a ',libel time and passed - Carried 'rice Bv..I.aw to prohibit the running a.• large of dogs in the 1'1!Ilage of Brussels by J. C. Ernuter, seconded by O. 9, pit'ott, that a grant of erli,,no be '-nven to the Salvation Army Corps at Wingtbani - Carried Mcwucl by IL R. Pearson, second- .I by W. A. Williamson that a F•rant of 8750.00 he given to VIA P.rwtsols Public Library - Carried Moved by 0. S. Elliott, seconded by IT. Ti. Pearsain that the sew-tna as presented for payment be Paid ealTied Brussels Public Library,- 1959 eramt '•••-' Stationery supplies ' .nssels Coal Yard, oil Assets Coal Yard, relief mai Ont. Municipal Ass., 4959 'fees Sat7ation Army, 1959 prent 1959 Committees Are Roads k StdoWallts, Kreuter Pearson Pollee & Industrial, Pearson and 'Elliott, - Fire Sc Publle VIng„ WilliamSon and 'Kreuter Finance & Lights, Elliott and yfiiil Ine On e'rrl. fl•nisine. 1e59 ,I9 7 .5 ;1"nraine, 1058 E. Martin Peeve Gm liteflutcheon reported that the Couneil meeting,. mill b''s held the lost Monday of every inn nth at o'clock Sharp. Moved .hy 0. S, Elliott, seconded liy J. C. K'ranter that 'the meeting attnalr.;; George Mei-III-Aeon. Reeve IT, A. trisebet, 'Mork $750.00 5.40 23.88 211.00 5.00 35,00 and t,fleetry Litt- r_ This little spaceman is just back from a trip to Mars (out in the backyard) . and now its leader is packing him ofrto bed. While he was away, oho washed the floor . . the dishes . . . several large piles of clothes , .. and WI there was plenty of hot water for this spaceman's bath. Henson? 1.3c-caus: she has a modern auloinatic electric water heater with abundant storage capacity and quick recovery when more hot water is needed. Healing water electrically is safe, clean, modern and costs just a few cents a day on ;11sevi..al Hydro flat rates. You get more 'out of life when you get the most out of electricity. the safe, clean, modern way 117.,V,CTRICITY DOES SO MUGU.. -COSTS SO urrt,P. -1611.11,- 01/4-C20.1A1 ONL/Y‘Q. undut. srniiil ru bbor- backed rugs in your washer, then tumble dry in an electric dryer set at low temperature. _ . /LAW • YOP../14.1" 1 14114-EP YCI,JR :ENC:ttr,- It1134E,D Er?' 9H .091 ,,,ca • iblifOrQ1041'" r CART COME Fi.LLY tn•ln.nPF1) 4.A5rr •1F. ' `Ii.11aredaY, Za414.101 avv, NOTICE MORRIS TOWNS14.10 Will ..not b .& responsible for any- --itarriadt tiotiS td cdrs or trtieke" parked on road, milk Carl's, .60 any ,othdt .olifeot that would interfere' With &IOW tiltiudiiiii0 of roads, • • Road' Supt, Morris two., FOR SALE - ,-Ford Army Truck, ..15 „hundred weight, ,;with „Snow Blaide; ..also complete Snow Plow for front, all worked by hydraulic of Chains and Sipare Tire. , Sammy Waxman „„„ ,„Phone 287 "S E Y " .CUTCH EOM °foes tot 06aristo8/Lettmeet BRUSSELS '0'40..e 56 VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS Owing to the epidemic of rabies the following By-Law was passed, by Monris Township Council on December 15, 1958. By-Law No. 1.1959 Being Q. By_Law Passed in Pursuance of The Dog Tax and Livestock Protection Act, RSO 1950, Chapter 107 Whereas it is desirable to prohibit - the running at large of dogs In the • of the Village of Brussels, iTherefore be it enacted that no person owning, possessing or hart), m•ing a dog shall allow the said clog to run at large within the Minnicipality of the Village of Brussels., For the purpose or this By-Law a dog shall he'deemed to be running at large when found on the highway or other 'public places not under the, control of any person. A dog shall he deemed to ho run' ning at large when found other than on the premises where it is habit uallY•kept. Any dog found running at large with- n Village of Brussels, may be seized or 'ailed by any peace officer or any person aUthortzed to enforce this By-Law by theMunielpal Oar- potation of the Village of Brussels and for better clarity it is hereby specifically enacted that any officer of The Ontario Provincial Police is hereby authorized - to kill any dog running at large contrary to this section Any person being the owner of or having possesion of or being the heiteurOr of any nog running at large in contrajr,ention of the above prohibition shall be guilty of dn. offence and liable to a penalty of not more than Fifty ($50.001 Dollars exclusive of costs •and steb, penalty .shall be recoverable under The Summary •Convietions Act. Read a first, iseeond and third lime and finally pasSed this 7th dey of January, 1959. This lly-Law to remain iii force until further notice. Geo. F. MeCntebooe, Reeve It, A, Fischer, Clerk CAT rLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls. Are Used" Supply artificial breeding 'Service for all breeds of cattle. If phoning long distance, siMply ask tor -- Clinton Zon4 th 9•5550 or Pahneistee Zenith 5-bra0. if it is a local call; use our, regular number - Clinton H V 2.2141 or Palmerston 498. Far service or'more information, call between:- 7.30 and 10.00 A. M. week days. 6.00 and 8.00 P. M. Sat- urday e.veninets.. t*er cows noticed in 'heat on Sunday Morning, do not call nail Monday meriting. The quality is high and the ea'af is low I We bete new andE itSed Type- writers and adding itiathineS for dale. A, Itatattiettal and Co. Moorefield, Ont. PtiOtiOS: lteS. 1732 Office 3140 INAUGURAL P.4PgrINP., QF O,Qt,INGIL The, inaugural niceting. cif 140 3,1/59 Municipal that Vrl'lage.ofr' Birwseele was held o' January 7th, 1959, .all menbers.'being present. After the declarations of Office' wore taken by the .Cleric. root L. Brown emiducted a short ,P,0000. of .devotions and stated that he 'was 'NIPPY to be present .at 'the firet Council Meeting for two reasons, first that be was Interested in. the Village and the Council to ',hers thenigelYes., secondly to hind that The metNbers were Interested lu. the 'higher authority of 'GM himself, Reeve Geo. 'Nfeentelmort welcomed the new member to Ole council, C. S, Elliott, and, hoped that the emincil would have a good year, " Tho minutes of Dec. 15th, 1958 and Dec. Sisit 1958, meetfues were road and adopted, on, motion of W. A. 'Williamson., seconded by R, Pearson, Carried By-Law No, 1-19,59 was introduced, moved by 0. S. Elliott, seconded by Y. C. Kreuter, that. By-Law No. 1-1959 be read a first time - Carried, Moved by Pearson, second- ed by W. A. Williamson that By Law No. 14959 as read a first time be read a second time, .„ N 't I g, Tiller (Moen, Sates and 8er-dee Don. 7 reser Phone 17r19 WAN rsb - Large idttek.s furnace weed, apply at Bintssola Peat; • ApcnoN.SALE AyAtien Sale of Property and, 90atie at Lot 16. Qpn, 1a M9killep TWA!, on WgPNE.SpAY, FEB, 4th at 1 v. m 2214 .South .arld. ,2.1z miles Bast ,of Walton or a miles North of Poeforth ardey, East 21 Itegistered; fully accredited Ayrshire Cows, freeli and springing' 27 'white faced Feeder Cattle •Calves 000a regiptere4 Ayrshire ller6l. Sire. rising i2 .yrs. old PI90 4.7 Chunks, about 530 lbs, pieortp Roller and 2 H, B. Motor Farm - 50 acre farm Part Lot 11 and 12 MoKillop TWO., 20- workable And remainder In bush land. Terms ; Chattels Cash propeRy 10%, down, balance In 30 clays. Prop. - Glen McNichol Auct. -- Harold Jackson r72:0111a1M11.111112511011111•1116511011Nii 53 Chev. Coach 52 Ford Sedan 57 Buick Special 4 Door Ha.rdtop, Radio, Heater, Automatic FOR RENT - One Dnplex Apartment Apply 284 Brussels 'WANTED. - Young boy in Brussels wanting farm work. Phone 25. 'WANTED - Cattle praying for lice. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Louis Blake Phone 42r6 or 95 Brussels FOR RENT - 6 room house; immediate pos- zessien. apply at - Bevan Elliott's Grocery HELP WANTED - Ladies "Wanted for part time work at home, Piece work. Excellent Remuneration, • ,Reply Box .50, Bruseels Post. 'WANTED KEEM KNITTING reguires ,25 local ladies for part time home knitting 'by machine, No exp`prience necessary, Apply Box 447. Mt. Forest If rural route please give directions. ATTENTION CAR BUYERS lOur Low .Cost. Financing and M- et:trance Plan will help you Make a "better cleat, BEFORE. you buy talk to us. GLENN RONNENSERG General insurance Monkton -- Phone 663041 Brussels - Phone 247 Tuesday and 'Friday FOR SALE - 30 .Sucker, 8 weeks old, Line!oln Mai4tin • Phone )20r24 ClikS.S.1fr.12:1::, ADS WANTED One or two geese and a gander Phone 22.7 controls; Set WATERLOO 4 G4 GE McCUTONEON