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The Brussels Post, 1959-01-29, Page 4
ELL — ELGIN BLVD. at LAURIER AVE., OTTAWA, ONTARIO is Ottawa Tour distinctive address only steps from the Parliament Buildings, fseasling stores, railway terminal, and theaters. 405 rooms with bath and shower, IN/ and Radio in all Guest Rooms. -CAP. PARK ,r•-aupervised on premises (100 cars) Single from $6,00 Double from $9.00 FAMILY PLAN 9'*41 a,1 week-tilde trumped fur School ets:u2 Wr t the P161,110, tar ...wt leforenttlote brut Club Wet, _ .1'4i0g."0,—..........teeein.bowaffiesegetars.sepearavoltre...ert. LIGHTWEIGHT MODEL RA WITH 16" il.TTACHF.HTS Aftjg. Ii7-7•Tirs ONCY MOWER GIVES "PROVEN 1, QUALITY" FOR SO LITTLE COST SEE AND Trizz 'sADA'S GREATEST CHAiii SAW VALUE TODAY WES. •BUMARK Brussels, Ont. CR SAWS LTD. iliaTw.,:.7)ZOUG'H ONT.- A'.,mac'. ti/t "" GET'flt4G OUT =w WHEN YOUigt STUCK start slowly forward in low gear, When you have moved as far forward as pOssi•la, shift to reverse. When the wheels spin, -again shift to law. Repeat until car is free. Spinning wheels Only digs you deeper into the 'snow, How the POINT SYSTEM works Points will be added to the driving record of motorists Upon conviction for offences as listed below. 12 points within a 2-year period will bring licence suspension for 3 months. An additional 12 point accumulation within a 1-year period will bring 6 months' suspension, A driver with 6 points will be advised of his recrird and asked to improve his driving. AO 9 points the Motorig will' e asked to attend art interview and show cause why his driv-ing prNile,,e should not be suspended. He may be placed on probation or have his licence suspended if his attitude reflects irresponsibility. Points cre deducted from the record 2 years after the date of conviction. After a period of suspension, a motorist will begin with no points against his drMng, record. Each motorist will receive a folder describing the Point System in detail when applying for his 1959 Driver's Licence. F©ET SV et-Crp„Kk,q So POINTS VIOLATION 12 Criminal negligence involving fhe use of motor vehicle 12 Driving while intoxicated 12. Driving while ability to drive is impaired 12 Obtaining licence by misrep- resentation k 11on for any, of the abci t r•iit /lea, •I ,penslon is 15144irO3Y U ,/ tat trust 3 .4 9 Foiling to stop at scene accident 5 Careless driving 6 Racing POINTS VIOLATION 5 Exceeding speed limit by 30 m.p.h, or more 3 Exceeding speed limit by more than 10 tn,p.h, and less than 30 m.p.h. 3 Failing to yield right-of-way 3 PaiIin6 to obey a stop sign or signal-light 3 Falling to report cm accident .1 Exceeding speed limit by 10 m.p.h. or under 2 Improper. passing 2 Failing to share road POINTS VIOLATION 2 Improper turns 2 Farling to signal 2 Improper driving where high- way divided into lanes 2 Failing to stop for school bus 2 Unnecessary slow driving 2 Following too closely 2 Idmoporroper , passing of street car 2 Improper opening of vehicle '2 pedestrian cross-over violation 2 Any other driving offence when vehicle iii tootiori Ontario Department of Transport announces your 1 GREY TWP., FEDERATION. ANNUAL MEETING Po Sure to Visit .CANADA M 7QU.IPMENT SHOW 1,-,2nuogy 28-29-30-31, 1059 (10 a,m. to 6 p,m. daily) Industry Bldg., C,N.E., Toronto EQUIPMENT & PRODUCTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD . • t t • .44, TTA.P Spring— Tulip Festival "during May" outnnter —YZ-./ Fishing, Hunting J Fall-- Carnival of Colors — Gatineau Hai Late September, Early October, Winter Skiing, Within 4 Miles AT AMY SEASON TAKE IN THE . . ... . Pa.:lament Buildings. National Museum Experimental. Farm National Art Gallery .... Plus many other places of interest •GREY TWP,.. COUNCIL • INAVDPRAI, MEETING 1 The ..tioU'Airal moo.'.inft of the e.tre:' Two. Cauoell. held. • on .411narY 12th. 1059. Reeve ticOi'g linitctllinson, Conn- cillors Archie Mann. .(VennMettler, Kenneth Bray and 'Lawson Ward t:lok the oath: or once, Mrs, ova Thompson, .minister of OranVrook and. Ethel. vro,bytoriaD .cburcuos conducted a ilowatkinal period. Moved, by Glen littether, -seconded by Kenneth Bray that the Minutes. of the last meeting be adopted as read - •Carrlea proved Archie Mann, .siccanded by Kenneth Bray that we finally Pass Bv-ILow No, 1 atithortzinp,- the Reeve -and Treasurer to borrow $90,000 (rim the Canadian Bank of r,--mmereo. Brussels - Carried Moved by 'Lawson Ward seconded by Glenn Ifnether that we finally pass "1-1311Law • No. ft', 195.9, to- pay 'Township ,Off leers .Carried Moved by Kenneth Bray seconded by Archie M,ann that the Road„ Supeal4endent„ Reeve and Treas- urer be authorized to apply Tor tiro 19.58 road subsidy from the Dept. of High wa ys — Carried Moved by Olen Huetb.er, secontiod by Kenneth Bray that We appoint Alec Person and 'Milford Dunbar to the Ethel Cemetery board — Carried Moved by Lawson Ward seconded by Archie Maim that We increase the Brussels Post printing contract $25.00 --• Carried Moved by Renfieth. Bray seconded by Archie Mann that we increase the Road Superintendent's wages from 90c per hoar to $1.00 per hour, subject to approval of the Dept. of Htghways and finally pass By-Law No, 3-1059 — Carried Moved by Glen Hnether, seconded by Lawson Ward that all annoyed accounts be Data - Cafried Moved by Kenneth. Bray seconded by Au'dhie Mann that we now adjourn until Feb, 7th or at 'the call of the Reeve The following accounts wet', paid Clifford •Hoegy, fax bounty Nelson Hanna, fox bounty Ronald Hood, Tx bunty Barry Billie, fox boutrfy Win, E. Bishop, fax bounty James Struthers. fox bounty Lloyd Kernagban, fax bounty Fred Smalldon, fox bouuY Mark 13ttlie, fox bounty Frank Purvis, fox bounty Howard Savage, fox bounty E. M. Cardiff, Clerk's fees fox 'bounty Robt. Cunninghaw, .stove oil f're hall NI, 12,45 Wrn, J. Per,rie, bull-dozing Seller's d.timrp 6,00 The Listowel Banner, ady, The •Blyth Standard, adv. drains F. M. Cardiff, Clerk's fees Centre Br, Northwest Drain County of Huron, hospital- ization On t. (bold Road A'ts niernhersilio, fnr. AsQoPPiation of Rural NitmiL. rtiPalitios. membership fee' A,stte As,,,e,nAnte Offieet ;nyntbr,"7,,11 tee: Tier. Munippal World, 0 -4thscriptions Thi,-tie Printing Ltd.. f!poPet4 Tto Salvation Armie. ftrant Ss, .Tolin's Ainhnlatt1e4...grant ltonds Curd. TIrlifge; 4:711.3 The Annual meeting ,).r 00.1 Twp, vavration was 'held lit the 41;1101, ,Centre Janitarl 11.111. hh. Mr. "ant tin Dawn pres3ding. vonsalering driving couditions a, uul .crowd was present, Minute••-• of the last aunual meeting were read by t4ecretary-trenaurer, 4ae, lIonst on, also the treasurer's. rile -it ,•hav,7012: receipts $250.82, while the ,PNoonses were .$$84.05. Battu-tee on hand being. $522,03. With rising cost the County. Federation were tinging the Twp Federation to adopt the t'-g mill rate or one tontli above pro-quit Four. 'tenth, Dram- to keep mill rate the same Twp. Federation had sent $1.50.00 to the County to apply to 1959 /tax year, it Vas decided to close Lo.e books the a the year, and to have limo annual meeting ,in January in future years... Martin. Boon explained the work during the year. Mr. ,Carl Hemingway explained, how the county money was spent, Iie-- 0NPreg'10,1 the ',regret of County President, Winston Shapton of 1?.N7eter, who had driven as. far as. 'Monett before turning hack account of the fog. Mr. 1 i ein mgway introduced the t.-1110(..",. speaker, Mr, George McCaguc, Havriston. Who gave a thought, provolnag adairess. He also answer- ed 'several Questions from the floor, Mr. Win, Turnbull moved a ,vote of thanias to the speaker. Mr, Arthur Bolton. assistant Ag. Rep. spoke on the Brucellogs canvas and urged everyone to attend the meeting in 13Irussels Peb, 3rd. Mr, 'Wm. Turnbull thanked the Federation for helping 4-71-1 Club work. Election of Officers for 1959 : President — Martin Baan 1st Vice — John Knight • Sec.-Treas. — Rae Houston PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD MEETING The brussels Public Scrm' Board bold. its ; ilnaugural meeting on Jan. lit, all mombere. present, The Secretary called for 110r111.- naimig, far chairman fair 1958. Moved by Louis Ebel and seconded IV Roy Kenney, that Rev. L. Brown be Chairman. Moved by Jack iVleWhirter, Stephenson he Chairman. Moved by Rev. Brown, seconded by Jack McWhirter, Louis Ebel be C'h Irma n. A--4 Rev, Brown and Gordon Stephenson both requested their names be withdrawn, Louis Ebel was unaMionsly elected to the chair The minutet of the last inrof,-uvn neetin and the last rermlar mi.:ethic. were read and net int eri motion of Gonlon stotolouson and Jerk ,'.1t eWThir t or, Chairmen Ebel welromerl new Board meinhor, Mr. Herb Strettan, tpon neconvot en Finn by li n t' Krumelv and TTerb. Stretton, the o Irmo n voritto,..ioel to rinornoWtt thO PorP 4 olto'4 to wh'IF ortPO'tt- tYlOtitSt Pliold he man re-,eratrift. srmrsrrHnti at 11()On hour. Movel by Gord.rn Stephenson and err ,t 4rit i,v llev. Burnt, t, Elizabeth roto.It seeretary-frerisUret TOY 1959. flarefori: ivrnyod ao-pti-ort awl 1,1‘ iVtr T.- Cl' Alt (4r,;n1.“.t.6 tiro/ furl riqt flittriert l(feer ,1 'hy • i•ri ari f trt'rbrn u611, see' ended by it Kennedy, Rev, J, Greene ho acepploa ,to the Library Board to eolnidete Rev. Jewel's term. .carried M,pveti by B. Kennedy, seeondod by Jleph Si',rettun, anti Eli4abeth Elliott linen power to sign all cheques .portaining to business or solool B.oae, Carried Moved. by itev. Brown seconded by Gordon Srevenson our .eegulo Moot , lug night he. the Britt VridaY overly month at 7.$0 p.m. Carried Oballtittan Ebel ropoeea that an option had. been acquired on plop.. erty owned by L. Wan for a c.ebool site, The following accounts were presente,d, ()Wield Hardware, care- taker's supplies (.1, Workman, repairs 24.75. L, Porter asbestois powder and slick fast powder 2,44 'Sc to -1,00 Store Crepc paper and Christmas. Decorationts 0,00 Kitchener Printing Service Report Card EnvelOpes 1.15 Express on S. Suppli 2.00 Postage, E. Elliott 10,00 Mored by Cordon •Stephenson and seconded by Herb St:rotten, • all accounts except one be paid — Carried Donis Ebel and Jack Mc- Whirler were appoiMed to accompany council to view lance under option at present time. Secretary was instructed to write Listowel Salva,gte regarding the posSibilities of .purclfasing fire-escape for installation at rho 'school. Business using concluded the meeting adjourned to- .meet again on the regular date r at the call of the chairman, E. Elliott, Sec,-Trens. ANNUAL MEETING pF ER0$..g-La • SQCIETY `i'lir .utinnal m eet oIr the Brussels litatrict liortieultural Sudety was held in the basement 'of the Library. BopOrts of WU). activities • It158 wore given IfY Mrs, Ella SILIArdo, socretarY-Treastior. 'These' included .the planting' and antti'uten- Puce of 10 .Xlower beds. on the streets of the village ono al each. of three entrances to the villa e, throe flower bOxes op the bridge and a flower bed at S. S. 1 Grey. school, The grounds at the now telephone, balding woro planted witrti shrubs and ,chryFttinthenipms, window boxes wore placed on the town hall, a bed of tulips and annuals planted on the brow of the enhankment surround- op; the Lions Park; and a bed of roses at the Library, SevontY-filvo tuPp bulbs were 'presented to _the new nursing home,. and are planted, ready for spring hlooming. Each week a basket of flowers was delivered to time nursing home and to the different,' churchesdf the villagt?. Hyacinth bulbs have been .planted and will be given shut-ins in their homes, Officers Installled Mrs. W. H. Boll,. the .president, was in the chair and received. the report the nonyinating committee, presented by • MIrs,, R. 'V. Kerney, Mrs, R W. Stophenti installed the followng officers: President .... ..„....„ Mrs. W. Bell Vice-Pros, ,...,,,, Mrs. Earl Cuamore Mrs. D, A. Rann S'ec .6Treas, Mrs. K. Sturrie• Directors for two years, Mrs. 11, Barrows, Mrs. John McDonald, Mrs, Nelson Reid, Mrs, Florence Michel; I • 32 00 ' 4.00 8.00 15.(70 t 1.20 I 5.72 1 25,00 ; 35.50 15,00 15,00 10.00 27.00 73.95' 5(00 F(11.-thr. fiTtirl• "Pa W Isin4e11111.-61 rfseir FOR !Intl — 1 Neel' Atorm Wttici.lwn Rogow.. Ilny let ja.c.-rea :Wm., • Tar. give yon ati estlinitiv I 4171Talurtm .elf Pt.c.r'nr; gar reltirty No Obligation Phone SettfOrth -)vs.41 1 ti* '7)0Pr9 APTI:rI 7,t-FLAY tr,TIIAS eltr"„ StI.Ofer WAVilf • LISTO WELT stitOt Phone 768 Tor -Appotritiiient It 71,761 ATOWer Call 7T6' School Directors : No, 1 James. Alrmstrong Jr. No. — Jan van Wet No. 3 — Ross Smith No. 4 — 1VI,e1 Dennis Minion No. 4 — Lawson Doig Nta, 5 Archie Campbell No. 6 — Ross Stephenson No.. 7 — Cliff Bray $48.00 .No 8 — Doug 'Fraser 12.00 t No, 9 Scott McLean 8.00 t No. 10 — Wm. Bremner 68.00 No, — James Coopej: fi 4.00 i • Na. 12 — Donald Buchanan. `)S.00 " Cream Producers Rep. — Rae Hot: 4,00 sten 4,06 flay Producers Rep. — Mel Dennis. 'Poultry P(roducers Rep. — Orval Harrison Beate Producers Rep. — Ross Knight Lady Director — Mrs. Cliff Bray The meeting was closed by sing-. ins "The Queen" followed by lunch. Anyone Wishing to meet with the directors contact. the See. -Treasurer fn" date cif meeting AS TINSMITI-15 mete- AND OUR 11 PRICES ARE FAIR.. Effective February 1, 1959 to make Ontario's streets and highways safer The Point System . is designed to protect pedestrians and the 'millions of careful motorists from. the small minority of negligent drivers who abuse the privilege of operating a motor vehicle., Protects good drivers—corrects bad drivers. The good drivers will be safer than. ever before. Forgetful motorists will be encouraged to improve their driving habits. Proof of the effectiveness of the Point System in reducing accidents is provided by its success in other provinces and in the United States. it is designed to save lives= including yours. I 1'4 SYST .ono MP, 11411QM '0 Om M,e1.1, Mrs. .4.ndrew ,Couttsi airs. A. • W. 'Stephens, Mfrs, 'KernoY, Airki., 110.Y • Cardiff, IiTDUki:>n; n'll(11q73:; 1,‘ Mut(0.1.100gAi.:104y1.7 piroat8, MI's.. W. Kerr, Mrs,. Wesley Herr. Mrs. Baymond Birarvon, assisted by :Mrs. D. A Bann, described the me, (boil and gaffe it shorft demonstration, of inciting flowers from wood fibre. A clan,~ for Instruction i11 this acar- .ity is being. lamed. Mrs, 13, IV. Ste- phens was chosen to attend. the con- volition of hOrtleultutral Societies in 'Toronto in March.. A group of moan, hors served, tea at 'fete ..clos.e of the meeting. FOLLOW THE RULES OP .0 0 D and you will keep your driving record cleat' R N6 HON. M. 84 'DYMOND, 'Abi.0 Minister D. ci. COLLINS, booty Minister