HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-01-29, Page 3PERSONAL /ow yoa Heard? New, .Mirsieuletillt. harmless odorless, JOBA Facial MIA body heir remover, Formulated from pure neutral substances, One applIS/A. tion Guarantees 80 days Halr-Free Skin; $2.00 prepaid. Jobra, Inc., Box No. WC Berkley, prep ch i U.S.A. .ADULTS: P.ersonal Rubber Goods! 2i assortment for $1,00 FitieSt tested, :guaranteed, Mailed in ',Plaid, sealed package pins free Birth Con trol booklet and catitlegkte of ,gePiitiett, W a ta .DiStril?titOra, BON A4-TP, 'Regina, Sask. END OF WORLD ARMAGEDDON, Mark of the beast. • Modernism, 144,080. Old Jesus pre.exist? Astounds Students, Silences Critics, Send 255 to: Legate, Recanville, Sask. PET STOCK .13upGIEs, champion class breeding Stock, singles, or pairs, guaranteed, Write: Aviaries, 2 EdgewoOd Gardens., Toronto. HAMSTERS Golden, Spotted, Albinos end Honey, $1,25 :each, 53,50 a trio, ,also Wholesale. Ross H, pickle, Bonarlaw, Ont, POULTRY . WE have 8000 Mount Hope Queen Leg- horn Pullets at, present 3 to 4 Months old, We also have Red X Sussex, lied X Rook, Sussex X Red every week of year, any Age, They are all vaccinated, wormed, debeaked and culled. Free delivery within 100 miles. Write er phone Tavistock Poultry Market, Phone 60, Tavistock, Ont. REAL ESTATE WANTED low priced acreage, any size, also 1,000 ft. or more lake frontage, reasonable for cash, Box 177, 123.18th _Street, New Toronto, Ont. FARMS-BUSINESSES-ACREAGES NONE TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL. LIST WITH US. - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. J. G. PORTER, BROKER BOX 139, :HIGHLAND CREEK, ONT, STAMPS CZARIST RUSSIA - 25 different mints only 25 cents with approvals. Excelio Stamp Company P.O. fiox 218, A Sta-tion B, Montreal 2, (Que). FREE 52-page magazine and pamphlet explaining how you may exchange your surplus stamps with fellow members by joining: Stamp Collectors' Exchange club, Arkona 23, Ontario, FREE 40 Exotic Giant Pictorials! Free 144-stamp Worldwide Mix". Free Stamp Newspaper! Free Illustrated Bargain Lists! With approvals. Rush 10C for rstage. Philatelics, Dept. Y, New Paltz. THE famous British line of Rankin Stamp Albums and Accessories in-cludes albums from $1.25 to $50.00 and accessories from 10 cents to $11.00. Write for our complete catalogue. The Ryerson Press, 299 Queen Street West, Toronto 2-B, Ontario. COMEBACK — Things are look- ing up for Roy Campanella, who is making slow headway against paralyzing effects of an auto accident last year. He'll help coach this beloved Dodgers during the '59 season. ISSUE 5 — 1959 Know More About The HOLY BIBLE Free Correspondence Course on "WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES" 12 Simple Lessons For All Ages WRITE TO EMMAUS BIBLE SCHOOL — 382 George St. S. Peterborough, Ontario AND RELIEVE NERVOUSNESS 1AtiPAY To be happy and tranquil instead at nervous or fora good night's sleep, take Seditia tablets according to direttiont. SEDICIN® $1.00—$4.95 TABLETS' Drug Stores Ontyl SLEEP • TO-NIGHT 10:4flo.11101) :LLTHE TIME New and. then everylmily Beta !.&11?ed-nut." feeling, and may 6e -bothered by backaches. Perhaps kith, ing.-serionsly wrong, just a ten:Manny (cenditiOil caesed by urinary irritation or bladder' iiiscanifoil. 'fbek'slhe time. to. fake Doilds Kidney. Pith'. Dadra WO Stimulate the kidneys to relieve titchiliiion Which may often Cathie SAM and: tired feeling: Then you feel better , tor better, work ileac. 0,0l now. Look for hint ktiST 'With the fed haiiit at all drug tentiteta.Yliti call depenit 011 Dead.s.6o JUST FOR FUN — Thit 806.pound motorized golf car can ciOze its Way over nearly any type of terrain, Wet or dry, on its three big,- low-pressUre tires. Because the tiret hug the ground, toriformingto burnpa and hollows, they're ea's'e On greens and 4 drew dyg, lop speed iS 16 Mph. The two-seater getS 6660 66 holed' to the gallOri of dos. New -Chemical to gill Eels The vamphe lamprey Which hes desolated Meat At the Great. Takes Of the hordes of game fish, that at one time thronged their waters has at long last met his Waterloo, in the science la bs Where Dr- Vernon C. Appelgate, a wiry, determined biologist has cox/le up with a control measure that is 100 per cent effective and ,cheap enough to make pos- aibie the complete elimination of all, Great Lakes lampreys in five years. The compound known as chlorinated nitrophenol ;s seeded In the streams where the young lampreys arc hatched and where they spend from three to five years buried in the mud of the stream bed, This wonderful, yellow-coloured solution is seed- ed in the stream in granules anl turns the water a light yellow colour, It kills the lampreys in the water and also drives them out of the stream-bed to their deaths, It has proven to be ZOO per cent effective, and the won- derful thing about ,this is the fact that it has no effect on gale.' breathing fish. Anglers on the Mosquito River in Michigan were taking prize rainbow trout in the streams that had been* coloured and found the fish fully active. The killing of the lampreys can all be done in the streams. The little eels spend the first five years of their life as worms in the stream beds growing about an inch a year. At the end of this time they suddenly ma- ture, sprout eyes and teeth and swim out into the Great Lakes for a 1a-18 month orgylof feast- ing on large fish. A single lam- prey will kill up to 90 pounds of fish as it spends this 18. monthsof barbaric feasting, then it returns to its birthplace .te spawn and die. There are 233 known lamprey streams on the United States side of the Great Lakes and over 100 on the Canadian side. The treatment will start in Lake Superior where there are still some trout. Then down to Lake .1-luron and Georgian Bay where a few still remain. Lake Michi. gan will come next and then Erie, and Ontario in turn. Lake Ontario, once teaming with trout and whitefish has been denuded for 25 years and will have to. be completely restocked, Lake Erie never was a trout lake but will be restocked, The size of the undertaking can be realized when it is estimated that it will take 71/4 million fingerlings a year for ten years to bring back Lake Superior. For the sportsman it will be a boon. Twenty-five years ago trout fishing was the popular sport around the resort areas of Georgian Bay, Anglers could be cure of fine trout right in the narbour of Meaford and other similar towns. In fifteen' years those scenes could be repeated, and with the rainbows on the increase, and speckles and splake seeded into the streams of the Great Lakes watershed, the fa- bulous fishing of the early years of this century could return to make easy and pleasant the youth of our gtandchildren; "Once and for all I want to know who is boss this house," the irate husband demanded. "You'll be much happier if you don't try to find out," re- plied his wife, sweetly. GOTTA 'QUICK -.Oka player Weiar't 010 etSOUdh f6 snag the rock-hard, used the rtittgli.tinti.tOtigh batil& ba3kef.liko, wicker glove IS usetle, to Celptiead-,Onel then* the Whith -fedefele tit CM -eall- riatifeet epted of Stem* 150 •inpft. 44. 41 '-I =4 I 4 4 1 4 • I I 1 I ti •41 I I I cheeky .Cre9ks. -Crook have never lacked lra- pude.nre, A French murderer was .asked by a magistrate to. explain how he had cut up b14 victims, "Don't say 'cut up,' sieur," the assassin ,protestedi 1,et us say dissect" 4 follow known as the King of. Bluff made a fortune from selling shares in a non-existent eider company. lie was able te; afford a Ilona - Royce, and in place" of. a licence, his 'car .dis. Played the label from a beer tettle for six months before offi- cialdom noticed. Another cheeky crook was the man who was wanted for burg- laxly in 1910 .and was found to be the star attraction at a Len- den theatre. He appeared there every night as a naval petty officer graphi- hally describing how he brought ' clown. the first Zeppelin, and how he was • the sole survivor of Bulwark, having, by amazing luck, been blown through the funnel when the warship exploded. • An American murderer offer- ed to confess in return for guarantee that he would receive a life sentence during which he would be regularly.aupplied 'with doughnuts and apple pie. But he died on the operating table in prison. He Blows Good Until 'Kid Ory raises his trom- bone up to his shoulder and di- rects its shining bell toward the dark ceiling, he could be con- fused with a retired successful executive, dressed as he is in tailOred suit and spotless white shirt. His eyes are alert, his manner quiet, confident, and un- obtrusive, like a man who has it made and knows it. "I've been working for other -people all my life `and I've• made it for them," he noted recently, "so. I decided to open my own club and see if I could make it for myself." It appears that he has, For five nights a week, '72-year-old Ed- ward (Kid) Ory holds forth in a jazz joint of his own, Kid Ory's On the Levee, at the foot of Tele- graph Hill in San .Francisco. From" 9 until 2, the remodeled old warehouse is crowded with his fens. They want to see and hear the Kid himself, an appar- ently indestructible reminder of jazz in New Orleans after the turn of the century; the man who composed the equally indestruct- ible "Muskrat Ramble," and the band leader „wile gave Louis Armitrong his first big break. The Levee is just, half of Ory's life nowadays. -On Sundays and Mondays, Ory plays , the. role .of a country squire at rhiA* sRburban home in Marin County outside Sah Francisco. Amid pool, patio, and garden; he putters-with Iris flowers and his 4-year-old daUgh- ter. Babette.. This week, as Ory prepared to leave "thesse "Snburban pleasures to return to the. Levee afters- a brief epoet-heAday vaca- tion, he denied recurrent reports cet, ill health: "I'm, in good shape ndty,'m eating 'three meals a dad and I'm blowirig *good." Liketi many classic jazz-man, Ory would rathe.play than talk, "I don't condemn the modern musician's'," he said, 1'I" don't condenin ariSr styli of music. There's lots of good jazz -men these-days. Armstrong is. No, 1 in my book, Rock 'n' roll is something new to the public, but it's not new to me. I 'played it yeers . eget as a kid — 'just the same tune with a different tem- po. We called it the three-chord blues." —From i.TENciStEEIt. How Can 0? '13,y "Anne Ashley Q. 1-low can Y steam velvet over a teakettle? A. Try using a small funnel in the spout of the teakettle, A larger surface can be steamed, and the work can done .much more quickly, Q. Ho-s ,calt I removeet scorch- ed. mark ftotn wsolebfakric? A. If the niater14;iS Riot wash- able, rub lightly with a piece of white flannel wrung very dry out of cold water and slightly moistened with glycerene, If the glycerene leaves stainseethey can be sponged out with alcohol. Q, How can I make a polish for metals? A. By using 1 cup of Cigar ashes mixed with 2 tablespoon., fuls of bicarbonate of soda, brought to a smooth paste with Water. Use on a clean cloth, tub. bing vigorously. Q. How should pitint and var_ iiifih bilialtes be cleaned? A. It is a good thing to terneme bet that varriish and enamel brushes should be cleaned ottt,in turpentine, while shellac brushes aheuld be cleaned out it de- natured alcohol, Q. lime Can I overcome a sat, low eilliftPle:000, Anti dAtk circles irrrder lire eyes'? A. Take More sleep, driOk more water, eat iniate trent, get bloke fresh ail., take More eget-, CIAO, and bake the beeeficial re- Stilts. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING aaSsarles.'" eeesee, eesseeese, „ , , 'AFTERMATH --Train cars - resulting flames after.a Conn.. Fifteen to „20 cars . standing passeoger Big Race Track Crowd , Fooled ``ligyal, entry nobbled during derby. Favourite disqualified af- ter winning, Race goes to 100-1 outsider," Sensational sounding headlines, ethesei If grly novelist had dared to -use them as chapter headings onto „indicate the„ plot of a., book he would have been held' up to ridicule. Yet truth really is stranger than factiona,For, ,fantastic, as it sounds, all this really did hap- pen. What is more, the "head- lines" above quoted do not tell the whole story. For this race also cost the life of a spectator, a woman, who was responsible for the "nobbling." The thousands who made their way to Epsom that fine summer's day in June, 1913, were lOoking forward to a perfect Derby. The sun was hot, with just sufficient cloud and a stiff breeze to pro- vide moments of refreshing coolnesi, The field was a top- class one, with only fifteen run- ners going to the post — not too many to clutter up the start, nor so few as to weaken interest: So the race promised to be full of excitement, It was that all right — but not in the ex- pected way.1 za As the horses lined up for the start, there was still no hint of the drama that lay , not many seconds ahead. The flag dropped, and the field was away to a steady start, Nearing Tattenham Corner, the crowds looked for the fav- ourite, Craganour, and saw him well placed, a little way behind a 100-1 outsider, Aboyeur. These two looked as though they would have the race to themselves, for already they were several yards clear of the remainder. Perhaps if the horses had been closer together at this point the tragedy that was now so near would not have happen- ed. For suddenly a woman dashed on to the course, into the gap between the two groups of horses. Some of the jockeys -said later that, as they approach- ed, they had seen her struggl- ing with a policeman, and even• tually break away from him and duck under the rail 'that marked the Course. Whether she would have run out into 'a bunch of horses is something we shall never know. ' As 'it was, she was there in time to position herself to take a flying leap at the next horse to pass. King George V's Anener. She grabbed at the bridle in an attempt to pull the animal round into the rail and stop it. In-' stirictively, the frightened horse reared and almost threw its rider; Herbert Jones, So swiftly had, this happened that nearly all the crowd at Tattenham Corner missed' it, for they had turned away to watch the race that Wes developing be- tween Cragangur and Aboyeur. Johea fought grimly to regain control of his thoitnt, and tot a split second it seethed he would succeed, But as Anmer's Cote feet touched the ground the woman lest her balance and fell fetwerci, grasping the reins tti eave herself fecieri This tithe there was ho second chance for the' jockey to regain control. As She went down, still hanging, on to the telliS, the WO= man pulled the hOrSe. With her. Armlet stittribled, dragging the Wornan for tonie yardei and then hit the earth., Jones WAS writ flying over the horse's head Mid • -landed some distance away. Fie Was ecifikicitis and, luckily not. tab •bectlY Injured, apart teotii e broken rib, But the Wotan Whe had caused WAITIN' — Michigan's I. a n c.e Olson eyes a ball that took it- • self out if play during a cage,,, joust. One well placed shot with a spore by the referee put the teams back in business. all the trouble lay still. Her hat had rolled across the course and her heavy ankle-length dress was draped round her knees, which were drawn up near her chin. She was not dead. But she never regained consciousness, dy- ing four days later. Meanwhile, the race had been going on, and those jockeys who had been trailing behind now settled down to their task of trying to catch the leaders, For most of them the chase was hopeless, It was still a race between the well-backed Craga- nour and the outsider, with the former inching up into the lead, Amid tremendous excitement, Craganour flashed past the post a head in front of Aboyeur, A neck behind them was Louvois, which a few weeks earlier had won the 2,000 Guineas by a head from Craganour. A close finish indeed; so close that many of the crowd by the post, none of whom knew of the tragedy, had to await the judge's '•' verdict before knowing the win- ner. And when it did come, with 'the decision in -favour of Cregae nour, these was an immediate sensation—the stewards objected to the wimier. Craganour had been running very erratically in the, closing stages and was alleged to have impeded at least one other horse and prevented it coming through to the front. Fifteen minutes passed . • . twenty . . half an hour. Then the all-clear was given, arid Craganour's number was . hoist- ed. A great cheer went up from those who had becked the fa- vourite. But the sensations were not over even now. The "all clear" was found to be a hoax, and once again Craganour's 'backers were left in. suspense as to the fate of their money.; The' next race was run and then, finally, caroesethe announce- ment. "Creganour " disqualified. Race awarded to Aboyeter." Still the drama was,notiquite played out, Cragatiou?sNwrier, an' American; 'could nOtZebelieve the verdict and amain:feed his intention to appeal against the . disqualification of his horse. But he waited till next day before lodging "it; "and the. stewards told "him he was then too late. Dis- gusted, he vowed he ...would never again race in England. He sold up his stable and returned to the United States, But all these events, sense- Menai as they were as a purely ' sporting story„ have been thrust into the background of history by the incident 'which so few people saw, The woman who flung herself in' front of the King's horse was a 35-year-old suffragette named Emily Davison,- who hit upon this 'daring scheme as a means of drawing attention to the cam- paign for votes for women, The suffragettes' organization denied that they had any part in the scheme, or. any knowledge of it, Whether or net the hot- headed action of one' of their members did the movement' any good, that race has become known as the "Suffragettes' Derby." Emily Davison, foolish as she was, undoubtedly possessed cour- age, and racing erected its .own memorial to her. It is because of her action that there is now a double rail to give a clear space between the crowds and the course, " "Fancy those. two guys fight- ing,. I .theught they were in- separable," "They were; it took live of us to pull them apart," AGENTS WANTED Sate?, SM. St- Lawrence. Montreal, for yeueseie. Sell our exciting lions*, found in stores. No competition, Prof- colour eatalegue and ,seoarato confi- dential Wholesale price sheet. Murray wares, watches and ether prodaets pot its up to 5007a. Write .now lot free GO INTO ausoris5 B4EY :CHICKS SOUK February-March Bray chicks now, for early markets, PromPtship, meat :on Broiler chicks, Ames, dual purpose cockerels and pullets, dayolds and few started. Also heavy breed cockerels, Request pricellst, gee local agent or write. Bray Hatchery, 120 J ohn North, Harnilten, Ontario. TIME-TESTISD Performance since 1920. Day-old Chicks available weekly from The Flatlet' Orehards in Red X Col. Rock and White Leghorns. Take ad- vantage of our ;early order savings on day.eiti pullet chicks, Write for cal), logue and privelist, The Fisher Op chards, Burlington, Ontario. BOOKKEEPING SERVICE BOOKKEEPING Service that is ideal and inexpensive, We keep your records for $2,00 per month. More information write - Auditax, cfo 230 Herbert. Waterloo Ontario, FEMALE HELP WANTED CATHOLIC Family requires Mother's helper, Large home centrally located in Toronto, Live In, Must be fond of children, Salary 580,00 monthly, Write Box 176, 128.18th Street, New Toronto. Ont, WOMAN wanted fgr general house- work, gentile home. Live in, Must be abstainer, Please state wages desired. Mrs. WiliteMs„ 25 Pheasant Lane, Tor- onto 18, Islington, FOR SALE CHINCHILLAS for sale, Good Profit to raise them. Can be kept in house. Write Mike /gnash, 233 Cocksfield Ave., Downsview, Ont. SERVICE station, repair garage, all fully equipped, good gallonage, $8,300, $2,000 down, stock at invoice, at Little Britain. M. 0, Tindall, Realtor, 43 Bond St, W., Oshawa. RA. 5.0429. FOR SALE REGINA Princess Knitting Machine. Very little used. Mike Ignash, 233 Cocksfielcl Ave., Downsview, Ont, -- 1208 HANDY gummed stock labels, some illustrated, pack 31,00, Sample 100% Wholesale discount on $5.00 orders, Edwin Glidner 3177 Riverside, East, Windsor, Ontario. INSTRUCTION EARN More Bookkeeping, Salesman-ship. Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les-sons 50,' Ask for free circular No, 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street, Toronto MEDICAL. DON'T DELAYI EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 135 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.,a5 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA 'SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema t:" rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint You. Itching, scaling and burning, ecze-ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema wit respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE 63.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St, Clair Avenue East TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES MEN AND WOMEN NEEDED To train for a most interesting and satisfying profession. Learn to help Yourself and others enjoy better health, For free information and charts: CANADIAN COLLEGE OF MASSAGE 18 Farnham, Toronto 7, Ontario OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN LEARN AUCTIONEERING, Term Soon. Free catalogue. Reisch Auction Col- lege, Mason City. Iowa, America. MONEY Maker! A Travel business you can run from your home. Practically no investment. No experience required. W. Anderson, 3933 N. Clarendon, Chica- go 13, Illinois, START Mailorder Business at home! Receive 5 Guaranteed Money-making Plans, Get on our List, Free details. Egert's Service, Box 7, Wayne, New Jersey, U.S.A. NEW PLASTIC NECKTIES MAKE top profit, 40 terrific patterns, no competition, look like silk every man a proSpect. Delnonstrator $1.00. Details free, Atlanta Import, Box Sr. Station E, Toronto. WORK available in Auto hauling to the West if you can qualify and own or can purchase late model Tractor, Contact Dominion Auto Carriers Ltd. Highway 98, Windsor, Ontario. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEAoiNG SCHOOL LGearrenat Opportunity Pleasant, dignfiod profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates, America's Greatest System Illustrated cdierigue Free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESING SCHOOL 358 Blooar raSnt.cht:Toronto 44 King St., W., Hamilton 72 It,kileapt Ai StreetTEsir Ottawa ,, FETEIERSTONIIA UGH & Compa ny Patent Attorneys. Established 1890. 000 University Ave. Toronto Patents all countries. PERSONAL FREE Booklet; The Kingdom Of GOct. When and how it will, come. Who can participate, Write, ,lohn (Bien, Prelate, Sask. GIMANTEED protection for Birth, Marriage. tteeeipta and personar'red- orcls sealed by you', but tiled with Safe. For information Write: Safe. Box 13. „Redlands.'California. DIABETIC.-: DIETETIC foods:, flour. Tanis, canned fruits, breakfast flakes, tolls, gout, chocolate hats and ether items for the diabetic person._ Mail ordera Sent, Flatter Drugs, '739 Richmond St. (tittt CX.11. station) London, Ont. LEGAL Forms nor will. DMA did Without a Willi Two fortits and do-it itistenetlebs. not 51,00. (Will has been draten tip by Clt nadla Stationery • BM: 145, GrbvelTinitre SOSIt FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB .BON 31. GAIT. ONT. FILMS developed and 11 Magna 404 albtini. 12 magna titinte '604 tf alblini Reprints. SU each. ,„ ILO R DACOLO Developing roll .51.00 ,.loot ineitiding prititti, Color nritils 35e, each extra. AiiSeo and EktachreMe 35- Mtn. 20'"ett- prisureS mounted lit Slides„ 81,25 Foior prints fon, slides 'od. Dultlitiatt tranapatencles, 250 Were stacked up in this manner as firemen sprayed water on the 76-car' New Haven' freight train jutnped the tracks near Stamford, toppled down an embankment and several .others slammed into a No one was hurt, but all tracks on the Main line were blocked by the wreckage.