HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-01-29, Page 144* Oak NOTICE For The Village of Brussels To facilitate snow plowing and snow remover open:MOM. PARKING ON THE STREETS of this Municipality is p.onilo~ between the hours of 2 a.m. and Si a.m. This order will be sta'ietly enforced In accordance with the way Traffic Act, Section 43, Subsection S. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Municipality will not. itkv. responsible for any damages caused to parked vehicles an OkroD result of snow Rtowing or show removal operations. LS Turnberry & tRowick Townships Wroxeter ‘Community Hall' • 2.00 P. M. — -.T.R.LURSDAY, FEB. 5th Ontario 'IDepartment • •of :VARrioulture 0.-H, Miles, Agricultul Representative Thurs. .Fri. Sat. Jan. 29 -;3C10 31 A. M. "Gold Beneath the .6A•110 OF THANKS I would like to thank all ort. friends, who sett me cards, treats,tand visit- i ed: me during the past Month when • I was a, patient in: the Wingham General Hospital. .I. will' always member Wein, Linda jatiklin Organist WA. M. The ,United :church OF CANADA Minister'. 4Rev. L. Browns:S.A.; Organlatt Mrs. A. E. Martin 8.46 Chc-niith School Robert Miller, Mr. rumean Mc- Donald, and Mri, Reber& Maier 'Phe minister led in eougregational prayer, Dining the year there bad been 3 weddings; S had -reeetved baptism, and S were received 'into member ehin - 1 by pr'oression of faith, and 4 by certificate, it was agreed 'tihat the conrt're g,ation should participate for, another year in the Ever'y Fain- tly Plan of the United Church Ghserverif, whereby every fatn- ily will r'ecei've th Church paper twice a month 'du'ring 1959. The congregation agreed to a re- quest from the Session that the number de Eld ens be eatse cl e from 12 to 15. Accordingly„ the follow eng new Elders were elected: Meslserls Jack C ar d Leo/writ Median, 'Cecil McFadden, Mr. Max Oldfielit was elected to replace Mr. Stanley 'Wheeler who* had resigned. Mr. Wm. (Ti. ' Ellacotit was made an Honoiary Elder after years (of *senvice on the' Sesston. Mr. 'Plies Pierce was elected to take his. Place. ZIe later withdrew. The four elected Tilltler'e were ordained and Iadmilltea '50,'SSFOri 'of The Cburch on Sunday, January 18th. The three retiring Elders, Messrs, W. G. Leach; G. Speir, and L. Speir were re,eleCted. Newly eleeted members to the com- mintee Of Stewards were as follows.:' Wilfred Trey, 'Sack McDonald. Jack Wheeleri and 'Charles Thomas.' , A new -Board -of Trustees was elected -With provision made for the retirement Of three members each year With the possibility , of .re- election. Tilley *Were: Messrs. Roy Conshtt .A,rdian IMeTagrreft, Jack Wheeler, Ralph_ 'Pearson,. Alex Mann, .Tack Miteittell, Ian MacDonald, Lloyd Wheeler, D. A. 'Rum. Mr, Ti. A, Vann was rash elected the representative to the United Churchmen. There was Gensiderable discussion and ette-tioning With regard to a nropased addiltion to the Church to • --SATURDAY, FEB. 14th provide incrdased accomodation for 6 -Sponsored *t.bY the Sunday StehoOli and recreational Pla-jestic Womens ' Institute facilities for the young people which might also proyttle more roam for The =revving If Church suppers, It was decided that the investigating CAPI:f0t. IFILAIRE rammittee should pursue itY, Studies further, and that a vote of the con- LISTOWEL, ONT. -grecatlen -taken in the near :The Meeting Was adjaerned. and his 'life in the Minister prenottured the Belie Tarr. ' A Wild White' -Stillion 1 fights .for diritn i• ,SNOW FIRE: CARD OF Ti-lAiviCS And on the same' program LONDON, I wish to etpross, TM: AP - Anglitati,Churcii, a Gerrnan Shephard Dog Will make yoti laugh --- acid cry pr (N.-I ritiroil, to my friefuls for their OF' ,CAWADA ulur°ink city THE LITTLEST 'HOBO stle limey kitl4liess Viti reeent obe, reinembered. AwSOf it+efie We 14 Jet's, mon. eeb,, 8 •Yntil theritthtfulneqs will et; 4161,4 ..„.„ ii;orome Mickey. Rooney and Tom twell Wfory• tlaelor hi the Corriedy t i.sa i9 dt LITTLE EARN i,SORORITY GIRLS" 16***? tOrIViele A*0 1 r 2:00 — TOtSDAY, FEB. 3rd. ..,..k .,.. - `TRAT SHcOULD BE .itti6I3Ebo Holylkt ebatlet ' - ' oineMadCope . X,, -. . - — .. ....„....._,,,....,..„, .. .,- . , .. t *lab' tie ' thank All ittoSO Who Stalallit'l-1=601 '''' '!Fort' of Sports" Coles,,,, dartOo.n , ' te . r einembered 114,0 With itarcia. -gifts littediditY;, V eiii, 214 ' , . • iiiii•iii•INt.''''' '..'•n II.I6i'-', -----.n •'....•.... Auld tIsits while t .Wita a Patient in . .. : , , .Pirrifibaticiii tit ilSt. ,Mary the Viiiiii, 7: wed. th tiK ,. Fri. . 'Felt. 4 ,..5 .,. • am Geiiefal 146IIPitat aititi since 0.00 iteid: itoly ,Ducliii.tist DRAG STRIP' Mot Tic .!61Ii6 ileifie. , :Oat- ;Rods vei 'Motor' tketiii ISPOCIOI thailks,16 the doctors and: , ..„ .. .. „ .. , ., JANUAwIt, SPECIAL - CREME .11tCO3LD WAVES domplete $4.95 with Cut VAL'S BEAUTY SHOP 14014tBrussels Post Publithtng House *Tulip Margarine Old Town Sweet Mixed Pickles 16 oz. Monarch Angel Food Mix ............... INFORMATION NEETINGS- BRUCELLOSISZONTROL IpROGRAM IVI E HURON •GiC/UNTY Phone '293 Grey & Morriis Townships -*Brussels Library l4/Iely lie °Chur ch Rev.4onethan Groins Done14-421uvilker 8unday7lachool DivinseiWorshlk • , rs *wit* PIUS SU:40i tif AOitt' ,1 ; 4. re- -.N-0-7 I C E ANNUAL MEETING ""The Annual Meeting. of The Cifitdrent's 'AM' So'Clef*** oaf ITiiron, County . will be held at the, Court licruset --Godenlich 1 Ontario, on 1 Wednesday, "February 11th, at 'Mlle -cordially invited," WroxVrer Community 'HALL FRIDAY, JANUARY 130th t'grruther's Orchestra S.pters'ored by the 'W'roxeter Hall Board Admission 75c Lunch 'Booth -Check Room 'Everyone Vtildome Where belter-permanents cost -legs. CREME -GOLD WAVES Complete $4.50 :Appointment- day or evening Phone 155 SKATING PARTY 'In -the Bret-Sels Aren a ItLIESDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd Melville `Church Sunday School Lunch Served at 10 p.m. -at 'the" Church tAttnilsslon : -a5c Public School Chilitren 25c - -Everyone Welcome At 'L 1st T E TEA .... ... • ..... JAN. SPECIAL • at 'IRENE'S 'BEAUTY SALON BAKE SALE -end TEA 'Brussels Public Library .1 440-0.4484 44. 440904 Owss .4"4:* -04frael- r13,4A- N C We Deliver 111.29c 50c 22c -The Amain); Meeting of the lima- :;t I,; MI/tett CIUM.311: WaS. lteicl tn, basement cf the. Outrc4. •A htrge manhej.1 •::f the .,ow:;regation, shared the Pot Lucl?, Pupper nt 7.pare.; many creme later, _After the 'werAbip service and con- stitution by tale minister, the Rev, Br0wn, Mr. Edwin Martin was .'el'Cieed secretary Poi" the meeting,. The Minutes of the last annutal .meciting were read and adolitod, and the priated. rienertS •Of •111.0 congrUFretion and its cm. ghaizations Were received and ap, pc- ivr,rtl,.Tbiese 'schierwed sulbstantial 'llicrear•es and revealed a vitality et that was encouraging to all. The, eentgregiation ltowe-,1 ,in tillent greyer in memoiT of those Who luta gone into the p`crnal lite during the past year. namely: i\iiss Flor- ence Buchanan, Mrs, Daniel Glas- sier. Mrs. Peter MeAtatr, Mrs. ANNUAL MEETING "Or BRUSSELS UNITED qi-IORGH IN1 ter Ern, ° ,oARO OF TI-IANWS rl sev;t POLLARD'S CHAIN' SAW JAMBOREE The inclement weather and hazard.ons driving conditions were responsible for the small attendance at Pollard's Chain -Saw Jamboree ;and the cancellation the Dash- walcem Dance. The postponed activities will take place at a Case and Chain Saw ' Day to be held early in March when the names of prize winners fcr- the second day, Mitch hare bean re- tained intact, be drawn along with falF ethers, .Prize winners for the first -lay were: lst If1 25 off. on saw —Toni Miller .2nd. OTe2;011 Chain — Don Me. 'Pa ogart ird Ganger Chain -- Geo. Smith 4th McCulloch ' (*barn — Frank Cardiff rll 11 Ave. Farm *Tab n ArmsfrOnv 11th Ltillb.v,..ninar, Farmers ply — Elmer Armsrtr ,-,, 7th I-Thlder, Farmers, ,Fli•-•1••• Charlie M"Lecoi" 8th Tools, iSnap.On/root — Tom Sarklin Oil, Crtatrol CAI Co, — Dick Aler,:qt 10th Oil. CaF•tril Ott Co, Louis P11 elan '19th Oil, Castrol On_ — 'Reid HURON COUNTY • FEDERATION NEW$ Once more I wottld remind .all cattle Owners to look up the adver- tisement in their weekly Paper .t). -find the date of the brucellosis in- .format'on meeting closest to them, A r'epresentati've of the Federation calling. ' ,get your decision. These are. buret men and beams" 'Meet each Wednesday t morning at 9.50 with -thf-or Sunerin- they- are not paid for this work. telleuri Mrs. Max -0119eld. in This canvass will he much easier! for them and you will be. better ('barge, sattlied if you get ;the. information „. . - at these -meetings that are being 4 arranged by the Dept, of Agriculture ter your benefit, ;- 3*. Carl Hemingway WORLD DAY /OF PRAYER SERVIG World Day at Prayer rot", 19:1 4,1 is to be hem on Uh, Fir," Friday in, Lout, FridaY,„ PtI143utry The Service eons. to Us this year frorn Egypt where, a c.oininiltee of n ine Women repree4nting Me differ- oid (*Impeller.; worked ,on- it In Oar). All the ladies of Ow community are Cordially invited,M attend, at the Anglican Church at 3. p,m, Mrs. T. C. McCall Thursday, January, 29th, 1959 A new qro-ip %an 3rgaulAqi receittly. lt. V, a Kinderertelt 0-11.11 . „ . Lir bay-, and girls, 1.1.,Aes 4 • (pre- tic,nocl), and is 1crE3wn as the 'f.f;turtbeants'. Their theme song- "Jesus wants tyre for .a .Soulreant". and little pins. are worn. by the , MeMber4 portraying the sunlight raniug tJhrough a WindOnv, -Contrary to some opinicins, this , -has nothhing to -do with the Depart. meat olf Education, but is under 1.11e • direction of the Session cif Brussels t United Chureh. The purpose of thq, • group is to give a mid-week activity • to the preschool Children, that they may he taught the stories of the t • 'Bible and the teachings of Jesus. Seme song-t, seat work and a mid • morning lunch all eontelhute to Iltr, interest of the pre ram, The "Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Robinson hamilton, and family, Loudon, spent a few days with Mrs. Mark Hamilton. The sudden death of Iris brother, Mark shocked the contmonity and the I-Tarnilton 'family is extended t" their sympathy. Mr. Witmer Cuthill is a patient in the Workmen's Compensation Hos- pita], Downsview. Ont. We hope his ( recovery is speedy. Mrs. Agnes Davidson is a visitor with Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. tlraham Sholdice wet , Toronto visqors last Wee'k'. ONTARIO FARM UNION ANNUAL MEETING The Annual Coua'y meeting of the Ontario Farm Ifition was held January Sth, in tbo Agricultural Borkrd Rooms, Clinton, with a good a bten dance. -Mrs. A. Nesbit, °of Auburn, Wo- men's director, spoke briefly. She stressed the fart that every individ- ual should write to their member of parliament concerning the rabies disease, My, Robert Taylor introduced Mr. Dollmaav Agricultural Englneeiring, who al:4*e on Win safety. He said that farmers stand third in death -rate, and that fatigue ;'S one of the main causes. He said that the Dept, of Agriculture -passed a Stabilization Survey System and where offices are going to -be given to individuals through the Township; and lie hoped for* every effort and co operation. Robert Taylor was pleased to report that the Advisory Committee coll.ststet1 .1 Ptr, oli—AgogooLp,1,,D.S11.7 sonnal 2, which is hi our favor,, but that farmers demands wilt be harder to obtain with the government being one sided. All locals are to- -come prepared to the next county meeting with- a report. A Darn Dance was planned for the near future. Committee was appoint i a to b Var iety Silow of e held March Vf1111R n be re-mensible for lunch. meited by Mrs -1. N'esiet that 11-, meeting-be :10M -erne& WALTON, PAINT ..i'ALE.1 at MACHAN HARDWARE for February Only 1 5,(''0 Discount for Cash on all Benjamin Moore paint, enommet. and 'wall satin No Exchanges or Refunds on this Sale HUETHER'S PRODUCE EGGS POULTRY ROE and WATTS FEEDS MURRAY HUETHER Brussels •uvalumrstortenonsranem*/** Income Tax Problems ? Income Tax Computed at a reasonable rate. Will compute income tax forms 'for huisigesep and farmers. Open all day Tuesday and Friday. Call 247 fov- appointments. File early returns and avoid the last minute. NOT,. GLENN M. RONrENBERG INSURANCE Brussels, Phone 247 Monkton, Phone Mitchell 66Sr4t'i-7 COMMERCIAL a n d RESIDENTIAL Concrete Work General Roofing...- Brick and Block Work New Homes:, Remodelling Farm Building Repel-m.7 DESIGNING DRAFTING — BLUEPRINTING' Firm Contract Prices Submitted PHONE 12 R 10 BRUSSELS' DAVID HASTINGS, CHIEF OF PM:WO. REMEMBER# YOU NEED MORE ROOM! tecnie +if reem between yout" tar and the one ahead youltneetV extra stopping space under Winter condiilops. Wintertime F the time When road courtesy is most essential give the kiiKeer- d rNets a break( Snowbanks drivewa or drifting snow may cannot. • stalled vehiclesi hidden ys, intersections and padnin• • t tTai!I t 00000 .. .. • ........... IP• iStokleys Cream Style Corn, 15 oz. ... . 2 for 29c A funeral service Was held on Thursday, afternoon; January 32nd, at 'the D. A. Rann ftijteral hotne for Mrs. Elizabeth McCall, widow of Thomas C. McCall,- Who died on Tuesday morning in a Whitby nursing 'home, at 84- years of age. 'Rev. J. Greene of Melville Presbyterian Choral' . officiated. Pallbearers were 3', S. Armstrong, R. B. Cousins, George Elliott, George McArthur, John TOE. and Frank Kirkby. .r Mrs. McCall was 3-rmerly berth Caroline Kirkby, a daughter at the late George fed Margaret INIcArthur Kirkby. Allowing her- Marriage to Mr. McCall, they farmed in Morris, township, later moving to ItusseIs. For the past ifew„.years..sitre had made 'her home with their -only daughter, Mrs. Jahn (Edna) Nelson, Lansing. Also sir_ riving are a Itanther, ljerbSrt Kirk- by. Walton; a.sister, Mrs,. Robert Watt, Blyth; and a, granddaughter. Janet Nelson. Lansing% Burial Was made in Brussels cemetery. • 'WIN W4AM DISTRICi CONCERT .tritio' students ,eirt the Nstbigiitutt itilstrict ,,PreSeiit titbit* annual Variety dencert on thnitclay ailci Pride* Aveningai, "tIetirtiary. 24 ,and 27 in the School 'Mere Will he a more proLgrnmmtR 'detailed tiiitiOnneeineet re girding the PRVPS.E.t.$' LINITEp CHURCH - KINPERtiART.N $2,00 per year - BR.USSE LS IRANSPORT Safe Dependable Motor Transport- Phone 122 Brussels P.C.V. C.04FSkt. before you drink ''—'7"-::*:**.*r*F**.•.*:*r.***:7******;:.*.mg;v;:;a' 4...***1:-*roAttot, Phone 80 1•0•011.4114.111MIAMITINUMMINIMMINS.1.4351 E. A. (TED) 'WILSON Former General 'Contractor P 5' OF a. LONDON, ONTARIO' Commencing Business As Contractor IN BRUSSELS and WINGHAM DIST'RICTS