HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-01-22, Page 5GLEARINC A,UQ.TI9N.SALE 0-leering Auction of Farm 4teek and Machinery At South % Jot 29, Pen.. 8, Morris Twp. 11/4, miles. north of Walton „.9r '4.14 • South "of Brussels. .:and i•Mile.b. vilest on Tt/..$PAY, JANUARY 27th at Ip,rn. Cattle Holstein Cow due in Feb, Hereford. Cow, due in Feb. 4 Durham. Cows, due in Feb, Ayrshire Cow, -freshened Dec. 25th the president, tot* over the l,?4,0404, Part .or the ateet144. MI who could, were to attend the Preshyteriel Wleghem, Plans were Inside for the World Day or Prayer to he held in the church on Feb. tatli. The roll call was answiVed with. a -Mae .containing "neighbour". Mrs, Jtteklia gave the treaSilrer's report, The motting closed with all repeat. Mg the Mlzpalt Benediction. 14117111, was served by the hostess assisted by Mre, Engel and Mrs. !!. Ylttlt*d4rA sr4411.817 a4 4- OP 11:10 " GA'ORGE' McCinewl0N "44. 1CP Z?...%?Al,r 7'6 1,;(40 CAPS r,r.,^r,' 53 ,Chev. Coach 52 Ford Sedan 57 Buick Special 4 Door Hardtop, Radio, Heater, Automatic T IN FtV4 T ( Mit • .Hc:"..11.0 Tolls r (. OC.:$0.D,C..;'.. ',,r/i Y • - ..ASCD CAR Ltt ;: - ---,'-'7) Ire ,( iSq' • , c7,1), J.!T (;; liMYCAR! '; ATTENTION CAN SLIVERS iNur Law (lost iAhutaittag sad 116. *Elam Platt wet gidap rat emu *otter del. SIM= Tie isly tint titAtai AfIINN i1, asmiet 1110114 114104 itpoi :tied,* sell Don. CLASSIFIEV ,-...DS r VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS 1 Owing to the epidemic of rabies the following By-Law was passed by N 0 Filter 'Queen, ...••••••• reset T .1 C Moines Township Council on Sales and Service December 15, 1958. Phone 17r19 By-Law No. 2-1959 Being tt By_Law Passed in Pursuance of The Dog Tax and Livestock Protection Act, RSO 1950, Chapter 107 Whereas it is desirable to prohibit the running at large or dogs in the of the Village of Brussels. ,Therefore be it _enacted that no person owning, possessing or harbouring a dog shall allow the said dog 'to run at large within -the Munidipjality of the 'Village of Bnussels. - For the' purpose of this By-Law a dog shall be deemed to be 'running at large when found on the highway or other public places not under the control of any person. A dog Shall be deemed to be run ning at large wlhen 'pound other than on the premises where ,it Is habit 'tinily kept. Any dcig found running at large with• in the Village of Bnussels, may be seized or killed by any peace Officer or any person ''authorized to enforce this By-Law by theMunicipal Cor- poration of the Village of Brussels and for better clarity it Is hereby specifically enacted that any officer of The Ontario Provincial Police is hereby authorized to kill any dog running at. large contrary to- this section. Any person, being the owner of or having. pessesion of or being the harbourer of any clog running at large in contra'v'ention of the above prohibition shall he guilty of an 'offence and liable to a penalty of not more than Fifty ($50.00) Dollars excIrsive of costs ,and such penalty shall he recoverable wider Tho Summary Convictions Act. Read a first, isecond and third time and finally passed this 7th day of January, 1959, This By-Law to .remain in force until further 'notice. Geo. E. McCutcheon, Reeve IT. A. 141scher, Clerk WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING . ASSOCIATION" i'Wbere Bettie. WI* • Are II•ed" Supply' artlEolat breading iaartists for sat Otr cattle. It pliottIng tag dtatiar" "Amply at! ttv -- Mater), '1'•P's.19101,0,toR.PP10 '114tite. I1:4t Et- ti4ligal salla ,des snip >;=-..: 60E0 :It: 'Ain it littlittabal .10140111 Of Meg ISVOtailitaiii esll botTes1:—,7.V inki tag) A. 7a. week !sr, t sad OD P. West- vitas wallas& itif oogii egatodit be twit oi Radio Monist sail watt ,Mondry karats': The 48400 141 MO wit the cat to tow. 7 Yearling Steers 2 Yearling Steers. 2 'Yearling Heifers Pigs . S Pigs, ilpr2X, 125 lbs. 8 pigs, .00 lbs. I 9 Pigs, 100 lbs, "Hay and Grain Quantity geed mixed hay 1000 bus, mixed grata Glary (Yiihts and Herta Barley grown' from registered seed. Machinery V. A. case, 2 'plow Tractor .Oliver 2 furrow Plow on rubber 7 ft. Fleury Bissel tandem 'Disk Cockshuflh No. 11 Fertilizer, 13 run, Drill 1 4 section Drag Harrows Cultivator —Rubber tired -Wagon 10 ft, Flat :Rack 7 ft. Massey- •TTarri!s Binder Massey Harris Side Rake 6 fL' McCormick Deering Mower, in good 'shape Internatilonal Drop Head Hay Loader John Deere Tractor Spreader (like new) Clinton Fanning Nip with bagger Stone Boat g Crate Ropes Pulleys Hay Pork Electric Fencer Wheel Barrow Electric Clippers Chalins Lumber ij`orks Shovels ect. 800 'bus, Granary on skids Do Laval Cream Seperat'or with Motor Other Articles • too numerous to mention Terms Cash No Reserve Farm Sold, • Proo. Willi*m Flood Auct. Harold ,Yaokson Clerk — 0 , Cheneiv CRAIN bI OUIC. Mr. and Mrs. Allister Bird arrived home on Saturday from an enjoyable month's holidays spent in California and home through lithe Western 'Provineets. Murray tilluether has disposed of his home in the village to Gordon Engel. The annual !meeting of Knox Pres- byterian Church will he held in the nlSurch on Thursday'," January 29th at 2 p.m. Mrs. Stanley Fischer and Mrs. Mac Engel attended the annual meeting of Maitland Presbyterial rif the Women's 'Missionary Society held in St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. NVInghlairr, on Tuesday, January ISM Wm. Edward Forrest . On Pudsday January 13th, there -assed away in The Louts° Marshall -**0splital, Mount (Vest, Wit'; Edward .."nest, in his list year. Tie was horn in Jamestown, the only son of johur Forrest .and his Wife, Jane Scott, In 19212, he was married to Eliz- abeth Caldod, who predeceasled him roi. the lalst twentY•years, he made this hoine in Mount Forest. lie is survived by one isloter, Miss Alice J. Forrest of Oraubrook. Burial took place in Bintasele cemetery; iervices, being oenducteS Pickering Of Mount Feted. Pailbeerert: were George .Aditas, Robert itinith, At. Waistil, Coll* SOlineten, finals 141111/11,7 kid 6456 0I Murphy. • 'Tfii, ,inertias of the Tta it. to: inti hats it. the Italie of *it retreat lifti alto iiitiat•tro posoit itm. 'Min. as tidy; lied Oki eiti to **nil isrtog it lii It. !AWL OraYitt. *ma ritIoiteE 'in agitaos. Alt react the ielititniriAbe! •641114 IAA 10th. chiP410. Orittei. by *I. Oritce 16tians, tire; er and 111iii, Etetag took" tart Iti dlseusslen led by 'Mrs. Thins 0n. dahadiati ifidiatia. the tonic on "The dafieditinse' (the Indians) was 04eti by lifts. Strickler', *0, tIticher. Earl Bowes, Road Superintendent of Grey Township, Taw YOU GET MORE OUT OF LIFE WHEN YOU GET THE MOST OUT OF ELECTRICITY Even though it's washday Mother has plenty of time to spend with the children, because electricity helps with the housework. The washing is done automatically. . . by electricity. While she's away the clothes will be washed and rinsed thoroughly, simply by setting the dial on the automatic electric washer. When she comes home, the washing needs only to be transferred to the automatic electric clothes dryer. While she's busy preparing dinner (on her automatic electric raw), the washing will be dried sunshine-fresh, automatically, whatever ...the weather. Automatic electric laundry appliances are sail, clean, and modern. They free you from wash.. day, drudgery forever . . , yet they art jest a few tent o day 'Goma* a*vivt afitiAtit To frothisi a tetrilifirifte which hit hot been used • for eons tiniii **044 out Idly! Whit redo IA AtitA4 Waft% :11)OtS SO MUCH THE BRUSSELA for a farm improvement loan • when there'fi more time to do the job " and skilled help is .available Farm Improvement Loans, backed by. the Dominion Government, are available from your bank—up to $5,000 at five percent simple interest, and repayment Periods. up to 10 years depending on amount borrowed, and: the purpose of the loan, These loans cover the purchase of all types of farm equipment and improvement to the farm house and farm buildings. ALL HOME OWNF,,RS. are eligible for HOME', • IMPROVEMENT LOANS, under the National Housing Act, available through your bank—up to $4,000 and up to 10 years terepay. Why wait for spring— DO IT NOW! Issued by authority of the Minister of Labour, Canada 8054 WANTED One or two geese and a gander Phone 2'24r7 WANTED Large blocks of furnace wood, apply at Brussels Post, 'FOR RENT — One Dui plex Apartment , Apply 284 Brussels WANTED '— Young boy in Brussels wonting farm_ work. Phone 25. WANTED =- Cattle spiraying, for lice. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Louis Blake .Phone 424.6 or '95 Brussels •FOR RENT ,- 6 room house; immediate pos- ,-session. , apply at — Bevan Elliott's Grocery mossmeskasswommerwastwaixas "HELP WANTED — Ladies Wanted for part time work at home. Piece work. Excellent Memunernitiori, Reply Box i50, Brussels Post. 'WANTED .-- KEEM KNITTING reqUires 25 local ladies for part time home knitting. by 'machine. No exp}erience 'necessary. Apply Box 447. Mt, Vomit It rural 'route please give directionS. APPLICATIONS For the position at Librarian, 1131rassels Public Library, are now being received. Applkettions to be in by .smutty 2Stlt, 1 p.m. It. B. Constitute,• Tress. 10' • • 6 t to 1Yt011llle itst400114i. *tit ..,,bt b raapeealbii ter sly dirniot dens to lart it liarkett on road, faint can 60 ANY tither object that wouia iaterteo. 'with SCOW ploughing' of NO*ICE We lhearle lie* and ati0a Type writers and addlig'machines toV' Wm. PAckoie0 Sale. Road Seat; E. A. Itaininend and Co. 'Morrie TWO. 'I'lidOeretield. Ont. 210" Ottoe * t144 `7... *^"...' ATTENTION, FARMERS Not only does it contravene the Highway Tragic Act but it is Mi. cult to keep township concessions and .a d or oad s free of snow If the plow is being continually lifted for milk cars and cars left en the gravel Poirtion of the road, We are not re• ponsible for any damage that may occur. • •