HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-01-22, Page 4Cause's Capital Ctey tig„agussg.4.5 ror Thursday 4.444447 Via, 959 ..••.", • • • • • Ator Psteff tate 45 ► $1 • Be Stole to, Visit CANADA FARM & INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT SHOW larinury 2 49-3041, 1059 (10 a,m. to 6 p.m. daily) Industry Bldg., C.N.E, Toronto EQUIPMENT & PRODUCTS FROM AROUND THE WORLD ;4: AN UPER FLO FERTILIZER GUARANTEED NOT TO SET-UP IN STORAGE SUPER FLOW is precision granulated . always flows freely no matter how -long it's stored. With SUPER FLOW you get a dust- free fertilizer that drills evenly without clogging or skipping . .. results in more' uni- form growth and maturity with bigger yields, better quality. Save time and work next spring with SUPER FLOW ... and right now, save money by ordering your fertilizer today. You can store it with confidence .. . SUPER FLOW keeps its free-flowing qualities indefinitely. available from C-1.1. or' NATIONAL fertilizer dealers y iJ get more for your money with SUPER FLOW OIMITAL HARRISON GETTING OUT WHEN YOU'RE STUCK - tidro l6wly forward in low deco. When you have Moved as tor torword posSible, shift to ratierte. When the wheels spin, tagoiri shift to low. Repeal until tot 'is free. Spinning wheels 4pionly. digs you deeper Into the snow. 1 Watson Brown thanke..i lie Board membeis for their co-operation dur- ing the past year and vacated the chair for the election of officers. Mr, J. H. Kinkead acted as chair- man ,and conducted the election of officers for 1959 which resulted as folloWs -- Chairman — Watson Brown, itont- Mated by John Cox Vice-Chairman — m, W. Smith nominated by Watson Brown As there were no- further noin attons these were declared elected by the chairman, Motion of Bolger and Smith that /the Board re-hire the Secretary for 1959 at a. salary of $500 — Carried 'aria Conley the Board re-hi,,) the handyman for 19159 at a salary of Mc per hour and 7c per mile trayelling expenses — Carried Motio n (..10;:c .and Bolger that the Board accept the following 10 tenders for caretaking. No. No, 5 — Robert Draper No. No. 10 -- Mrs. $350 Motion of Bolger and Conley that the Board accept the following -tenders 'for wood. -,- ' — Carried Leslie ()liver, 30 cords at $6.50 per cord, divided equally between No. 1 and No. 7 schools.. *- Gordon Campbell, 15 cords at $6.50 per cord to V. S. 5. 4, William Turnbull, •80 cords at $6.50 per cord. 15 cordto each of No. 4, 6. -10, 11, schools and 10 coils to each of No. 3 and a schools. Robert Draper, 15 cords: at $5.50 per cord to No. 5 school. • Motion Of. Smith and Conley that , the Board pairs By-Law No. 1, 1959, authorizing the chairman and Sec- ` retary to borrow up to- -$15,000 for - school purposes as needed from the eels, . Canadian Bank of Commeree, Brus- I -- Carried etas Meleailibriii sera! Blot* "" ;..'' [geiaPaltea '& ititiirk ''. tg,tt D. Enfiliii. cam 'hill • ''' stsrvIte, ,• 4... 4.411 iiiitert 1.iitietist. *lit,' : aiai4ites 17. t, 7a."' tollit iteieeit A. *iittei ititee -.'''' I SeroOtrite tf: It • Ittrib Ve nit iiii, noitrtivrare, lSkintiltait . and i4iiittee ' 0:76 Bre*tiN• Hardware,- antintile&t. - did retWIrO $7,.$0 lean §paring. bOeitS fillif Murray Trtinvetre 1,theriv I $.511 mr.iirm. he Helder and eleintev ii...e- iaiiiiiial •Vtlifri'ii to selOnit. r,e, .;,. +.•,..t. , li,y 211th. tf,t1 Thirtril inelulthrs lir, i i, Poherty , .S.teffier A tioublie .riog coreupny n St, Ainbrose ilrureh, Bre.0606, united in iu rvriage Kit:tttitellt Anne,. only thlughter of Mr, and Mrs. Vim Sterner of R. R. 3, Brus.sols. and John Patrick Doltel:ty •son 01 ldr, and . Mrs,. .louse, Doherty of /1.- . 'The, ceremony 'wan performed by -the nov, Fathet Durand of Wingbam. Miss Betty Halialmn, Rog, N, of Clinton, attended her. cousin n- ma- tron of honour and Miss Kathaleen Hann-hap, Molten, was bridesmaid for her couNa. The groomsmen Were James Doherty, 11, R. 3, .Cloderich„ brother of the groom, and .James Sinnett of Detroit, trailers were Stanley Doherty. Codonich brother of the groom, and Clem Stetlfier, Brussels, brother .of the bride. The bride was charmingly gowned in white velvet in the Empire style, floor length with portrait scallopetT neckline studded with pearls and rhinestones; long lily-point sleeves. net- finger-tip veil was embroidered silk illukion. ,She carried a white I. prayer book crested with red roses. The bi4cles attendants wore gowns styled identically on princess lines, -the maid of honor in royal blue .velveti and the bridesmaid red velve.t• The dresses -•featirred a V neckline, front and back; with back-flared, street length skirt. They wore pill box hats encrusted with pearls and draped with an .astrich plume; long white gloves, and carried boquets of white mums. Miss Yvonne Connelly, Brussels, played the wedding marches. Mr. Louis D. Thompson, R. M. T., ac-1 comparded her in the solos, "Ave Marie, "Penis Angeliculs" and "Mother At Thy Feet" The bride's mother chase a dress of • illaivY (lace ever taffetta, beige 'accessories, and a corsage of red roses for the reception at the home of Ithe bride's parents, tiollowingi the wedding dinner iserved--al Cranbrook Community Centre. Guests from a, distance were present +from Detroit, Mallon, Whit by, Owen Sound, Termite, 'London and Kitchener. •,• For a wedding trip to the E. 5, A. 5 FOR SALE — • Need Storm Windows BefOrie You Buy let name Homes• Ltd. give you an estimate on Aluminum self storing windows. No Obligation Phone Seaforth 8W Dunfield CHIROPRACTIC X-ItAY ULTRASONIC SHORT WAVE LISTOWEL, ON1 . * Phone 7.S for Appointment If No Answer Call TIT :,;(ivizKtirurgreesi II) /, R G KRAUTER PLUMBING. HEATING SWEET ME TA L OIL BURIVERS BRUSSELS ,Nasa 47 X WThIpirtAm D. WARP. (continua front pago ono) The wood propo3ai was -exam- I oa. itctro there were sorlett problems. To esitt,bilsh school IiVussels for 100 pii,pils weuld, re. guise the enrolment of many pupils outside the area. Other Boards would be required to pay tuition fees for. theso pupils, Points which would, woke This difficult, 1, The present transportation schemes in the schools.. would have to he continued along much ' the. same routes, and new system set nip to serve the new school in ; Brussels.ost1 This would be decidedly e 2. To provide shop, home economies etc. the Moils would have to be transpTited to Wingham at a siderable expense. 3. it was pointed out that while there was difficulty in prolviding for extra curricular activities now, there would he greater difficulty under the proposed, iplan, 4. Boards eXperience difficulty in securing 'teachers at present, It was 'felt that a second school in. Brussels would cause greater problems. The Board discussed the situation. with the reeves who were in rattend• ance, There was :wiiillingness to study all phases of the problem. it was pointed out that in 1947-8 when the Council • of (Grey and Mores made their requests to assign portions of the TownshipS to rvarious .Hlgh School Districts, the assessment of the 'portion Surrortmdifig Brussels was considered too Small to build . and support a secondary school. It is felt now that to build any type of secondary school in BruSsels would not mean that additional build- ing in Wingharti, Listowel and Sea- forth would he unnecessary. to pro- vide for the expected ISO pupils in Listowel some building must be dime.. Certainly in Wingham most of the prpposed addition must be provided in any ease. ,The Board decided to study the" matter further. .and in th.e .meantime to attempt to get a more accurate estimate of the cost of the addiion. It was -pointed out that the new ad- dition to the Wingham school would likely cost between % and 1 mill, Another meeting will be held in two Week's ..time. The Problems Facing th'e Board You, too, can get a PERSONAL LOAN Our Personal Loan service is organized to meet the wide range of needs of a wide range of people. Personal Loans are available at any one of our more than 800 branches . . . for, any worthwhile purpose . . for front one to three years . . . A loan is readily repaid through regular monthly deposits. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Providing Specialized Personal Loan service since 1936 N -59C Brussels Branch — L. W. J. GLASGOW — Marmot ereasom.--•soussamstaszsammentarrogggaggIgocanntrammme TTAW yeah. 14./o-wrixe p Spring — Tulip Festival "during May" Summer— WiA/Fishing, Hunting j Fall — Carnival of Colors — Gatineau Hills Is& Late September, Early October OTTAWA, ONTARIO HOTEL, Tour distinctive address is Ottawa Only steps from the Parliament Buildings, leading stores, railway terminal, and theatcrs. 400 rooms with bath and shower. TV and Radio in all Guest Rooms CAR PARK —supervised on premises (100 cars) Single from $6.00 Double from $9.00 • FAMILY PLAN Tours a webbrnets artabolul kr behoul arev••• Willa Cs manager le Would, laformitlaib aid Club Pater • VA:44114 • eci .• •••••••ge • DER NOW SAVE "N„..4.......411 44.::•;•, GREY' 'TOWNSHIP §c.1719.Ql..„ ;Pc:0 MP MEETING. The rognicr 0w-cling og the tire. Twp. Sehoel. Board was held, in the Mut .Segtool. on. January •6tit at ' 1-3o p.m,. with -all members and In- enactor J. FL Kinkead. present. TteY. -Kaitli.re of Moles.worth wan present,. .,,nd Coli(ttleiled devotional exerci?es before the meeting opened.' The Minutes of the last regular Meeting and The special meeting -of Dec. 29 were rend and .adopted on .motion .;if Bolger and Smith,. — Carried 1 — Mrs. Eleanor Hemingway $325 — Mrs. .Myrtle Nicholslon, $300 4 — Wilma Johnston $275 $300 S — Mrs. Douglas Fraser $400 No. 9 — Robert Harrison $300 Noreen Barlow $390 No. 11 ---Mrs. Elsie Cunningham $375 13.12-- Hugh .Tallinston $30,0 U. 4 — Richard J. Adair sign all cheques and bave authority i to pay all teachers, caretakers, bus 1 ,drivor and secretary as Der contract i for 1959 and also all hydro bills iwhen rendered, Motion of Smith and B—olgeerarrtblea4t I the following accounts be Paid. — Carried , Ont. School Trtistees's' and TELE. VISION and RADIO REPAIRS 1 - ---Ratepayers Assoc. fee 28.00 Ont. Salford Truitt** ' TO ALL. SI,AKE0 —• GUARANTOILD KIWI" I emn iteuanfietlla reftdveeyethyt trc .7- 2$.111 ,.. fitsctfoest Whim Santravtor oft, tr. az '- o.ra 'sow 4Pit Print Shop, Ocidertssti, !!-- ' report, eatrds — 11.81 Rob. L. CrinningtaM, oil No. 9 meet At ItrtMela Carrion or Smith. to. .tnPot cola ea !Fel, ruary 3rd. at 1.34 44m. 1 1 Norman S. Mem Secy. Motion of Conley and Bolger that I CLINIC i the ,Chairman or vice Chairman • and Eastern Ontario, the bride wore 1. How many ratepayers in Morris i - a beige p:1iase taffeta, sheath dress and Grey Townships would support a school in Brussels with an in- ' -dark brown' torg jacket, with tur• (Iroise and copper-toned accessories creased -mill "rate? -and a corsage -of yellow mums. l 2. How many ratenaYeirs in Brussels • The -groom's parents were unable l would favour the' school in the Al- to attend the wedding owing to the i. Inge if the,ttax rate were increased? illness c his father. In order to lain this school would 'f they he willing to assume a greater portion of the cost than the reg- ular assessment. 3. How tcould the members of the Windham District High School -Board who- represent afreas outride the Brussels distfict ask for the Support of the ratepayers in this municipality for a building problem in Brustsels, or Winter — Skiing, Within 4 Miles AT ANY SEASON TAKE IN THE , . g Fa.liament buildings National Museum Experimental Farm National Art Gallery • ....Plus many other places of interest Lamp ELGIN .EtLGINurRDA.,.., • • 1 * i ( r Best valve ! Proven Mesa to sew > An camodfis mend **it Weir". It' limos peolomiseollo teor rat et on °Oration. It limo boom *m W 15 years of leatioreitio, A * proven qoality Pi RA Main Saw tieetil 1199.50. You get a law that tvadit let you dovin, Mk for a free destionstration. Enquire about our Clammiest filannee OWL • WE S. BUDNARK brussels, Ont. 1111111111111111111Y SOW SA • MN 14' AlITA4:11111111V5 IONEER