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The Brussels Post, 1959-01-22, Page 3
Imperiat .,Die, hards By TOM A, OVLLEN NEA Staff Correspondent. LONDON — (NEA) If Prime Minister Harold Macmillan looks unhappy these days it is not he- 'cause of unemployment, Infla- tion, or next year's election pros- pects, Britain has never been more prosperous, nor MacMillan more popular. No, what gives the prime min- ister that harassed look is the League of Empire Loyalists, a Small band of "Empire First" cranks dedicated to making Mac- millan miserable, The marvel is that Macmillan takes the persecution as calmly as he does, For example, the prime min- ister was entertaining Dag Ham- rnarskjold at a banquet not long ago, when a bearded loyalist sprang from underneath the ta- ble and begat. shouting, "Down with the United Nations!" The :startled U,N, secretary general nearly choked, but Macmillan went right on eating his soup. A few weeks later Empire Loyalists invaded a garden party where IVIacmillan was speaking to Tory ladies. "Macmillan is ambassador of the dollar area," k ;his tormentors shouted. Did the nibaliarn was slightly higher in the confinement-reared birds but was never a serious proh lem, Mortality rate was less, than three per cent in each group, No difference was noted either hi age at first egg, egg weight or feed needed to produce one doz- en eggs, « S. In both experiments however egg production was three per cent higher in the range-reared birds and these birds were ap- proximately four ounces heavier at the end of the test than the Pullets reared in confinement, READY-MADE FAMILY — Norman Burgess, 36, is placing the ring on the hand of his bride, Mrs. Evelyn Teskey, p3, during their wedding in Toronto. The widowed Mrs. Tesley is the mo- ther of eight children, ranging in age from three to thirteen and they've all been in an orphanage since their father's death earlier this year. Burgess is a $3,900-a year customs officer. IIEFARM FRONT J6 What Pees Discipleship Cost? Mark 10: 17-27 Memory Selection; The Wings which are impossible with Mien are Possible with God. Luke 18; 27, Jesus' conversation with the rich young ruler well illustrates the differenee between morality and discipleship.. Having kept the law from his youth was pot enough, either in the sight of God or of the young man him- self. He realized that something else was involved in inheriting eternal life. We must make a complete surrender of ourselves to God, 'God never asks any- thing less of us than our all, Frances Ridley Havergal ex- pressed it well in the words; "Take my love, my Lord I pour At Thy feet its treasure store; Take myself and I will be Ever, 'only, all for Thee" C, H, Zahniser, writing 111 Arnold's Commentary, tells of what discipleship cost C. I. Studd, He gave away his fer- tune and became a missionary to China, India, and Africa. A let- ter, written to Mr. Booth of the Salvation Army, containing his last fourteen hundred poundi, had this note accompanying it, "Henceforth our bank is in heaven, You see, we are rather afraid, notwithstanding the great earthly safety of Messrs. Coutts and Co„ and the Bank of. Eng- Land, we are, I say, rather afraid that they may both break on the judgment day. And this step has not been taken, without def- inite reference to God's Word, and the command of the Lord Jesus, who said, 'Sell that ye have and give alms, Make for yourselves purses which wax not old.' " At the close of the letter he wrote, "Please also to enter the subscription as coming from 'Go and do thou likewise.' " We are not all called to turn over all our money hut, this is certain, it must be completely dedicated toa Christ's cause, for nothing that we are or have can be withheld. When the British, government sought to reward General Charles Gordon for his brilliant services in China, he declined all moneY 'and 'titles but finally ac- cepted a, gold medal inscribed with the record of his 33 en- gagements. After his death it was found that he had sent it' to. 'Manchester during a severe stringency to be melted down and used to buy bread for the poor. Under the date of its send- ing, this words were found in his diary. "The last and only, thing I had in this world that I valued I• have given over to the Lord' Jesus Christ." The rich young ruler of the lesson kept all and lost his soul. - League, founded in 1955, 'has Fascist leanings, Its secretary, A. lc Chesterton, for example, is an ex-follower of Sir Oswald Mosley, the .Britisb Fascist, hut he has managed to window-dress his national council with such respectable ancients as the Earl of Buchan, 78, :and Field Mar,. shat Lord iconsid.e, 86. But if the League has bor- rowed ,some of its ideology from Hitler's brown shirts, its antics • are typically British in their wackiness, Take the Buganin-Kbrush.chev visit to England in 1956, • The League, as well as Sir Anthony Eden, was on hand to greet the. Soviet leaders when they ar- rived at Victoria Station; and as Sir Anthony stretched out his hand, a loyalist vpice boomed over a microphone,"Eden is shaking hands with murder.° Eden looked as though he had been. stung by a Moray eel,. The League's greatest triumph to date, however, was the hoax it pulled on the Archbishop 'of. Canterbury at the Lambeth Con, ference in July. None of the 351 Anglican pre- lates assembled from all parts of the World as .guests of the Arch- bishop found anything unusual Who Says They're The Weaker Sex? the superior, egg-laying ability of range-reared over confine- ment-reared pullets were con- ducted at the Experimental Farm • Brandon. Each test involved a separate group of 1800 birds and showed little to choose between the two rearing methods as regards livability, body weight gains or feed requirements during the growing period. * • • In the laying house too -their body weights were about the same and, contrary to' common belief, .the range-reared birds consumed as much ;feed as their opposite numbers. The incidence of feather picking and can- 1 41 NOT A BIT SPORTING: A member of the League of Empire Loyalists is shown above, being asked to leave the Conservative Party Conference. "Does a giraffe get a sore throat if he gets wet feet?" ask- ed a zoo' visitor, "Yes," replied the keeper, "but not until a week afterwards." ISSUE 2 1959 , Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking about the two bearded "bishops." One wore, a high hat with a full-length, black , cassock and imitation gold chain and cross, while the other wore a round- brimmed parson's hat. Both were Empire Loyalists in the .atrical costumes. At the appropriate moment, they commanded silence. Then the, horrified assembly heard their plea, "The Empire Loyal- ists ask you to protest against the invitation to the 'arch-ter- rorist Makarios to visit this country's The London, Daily Mirror has a suggestion`for dealing with the loyalists. "In the old ,days rural England' had a fine remedy for such boors," the Daily Mirror says editorially. "They were taken gently and firmly to the duck pond and thrown in." But newsmen opine that with- out the League British politics would be a lot duller. CHRISTMAS CROP — Carefully stored by a worker in a factory In, Vienna, Austria, are these Christmas tree .balls readj, for o painting. When a masked man entered the bakery, the 23-year-old girl assistant gave a cry of apparent terror, But flinging.up her arms she grasped an open bag of flour that lay on the shelf above her head and showered the contents into the gangster's face Then, before he could recover, she thrust the sack over his head and, jerking her knee into his stomach, twisted the mouth of the sack tightly around his neck, Hearing her pries, the manager of the shop, in Essen, Germany, rushed in. But, by now, she hardly needed his help, The would-be raider was reduced to a state of shocked helplessness. From tie to time, greatly to the surprise and discomfiture of thugs, peeping Toms, bag- snatchers and other scoundrels "who prey on the supposedly weaker sex, their cowardly as- saults meet with determined op- position. In some cases the re- actions are so swift, spirited and resourceful that the tables are turned completely. A husky, six-foot gunman imagined that he had an easy catch when he decided to raid a Chicago grocery' store kept by two elderly sisters, Miss Ar- menta Vest, aged 65, and her 62-year-old sister, Mrs. Eliza- beth Heber. "Stick 'em up!" he ordered harshly as he confronted Miss Vest across the counter. But, far from being' cowed, Miss, Vest reacted with lightning speed. She snatched at the gur. in his hand and, although 'he instinctively pulled the trigger, she managed to wrench it from his grasp. The shot . roused her sister. She dashed from the store room, sized up the situation in a second and tore the handkerchief from the gunman's face. Then the two iisters sat on 'the man. .Each of the women was nearly six feet tall and' in remarkably good physical• condition. They wrested with the 150- pound raider, and through sheer tenacity a n d determination, threw him to the floor. Seconds later, he was gasping for mercy. In leSs serious crimes, too, the resourcefulness of girls and women of all ages is sometimes remarkable. A peeping Toni who, for several weeks, pester- ed nurses at a South of England, hostel got a thoroughly well- deserved shock when he tried to peer into one of the dornii- tories one night. The sash win- dow was raised and there wa,s not a sound from within, so the man thrust his head over the sill. It was a fatal move;' the nurses were expecting him. Down came the window and the peeping Toni was trapped, A strong young nurse, wielding a cricket b a t two - handed, brought it down smartly on his head. The nurses released the man from the window and found out that he was unconscious. He was indeed caught and out! When the police arrived, they found the nurses working hard -to• bring him round. * * Pointing up the giant strides that have been' made to date is the fact that this year, out of 93,709 samples tested, only 0.18 per cent were Disc 4 and 1.93 per cent Disc 3. When a sample is received at the unique Ottawa laboratory, an amoupnt of 15 grams is meas- ured and dig-solved in' a. solution ,of sodium citrate. ;It is ,filtered through 'standard leisei:‘Viehich retain the sediment and. classi- fied tinder 'microscope, iqurphy heads .a sue.- " prisingly small -staff. ;,that han- dles aperatiOns lab. As many as 1,660' sainple's have been ,,,...pgiacesscd by six peOle• in one (:.iiiipmerft"‘Isen -ill the lab- * oratory. was designed: by leaders Canadian cheese indus-, trY, since Capada pioneered in, the.„WorIZ. Ite;•,sceele. ,o1\1110/nlipr of, %dterileie stibmit, .eheese",,this year are 277. Lasl year, there 'were 349, and the year before 330. The reudetion, officials" explain, is• dud• to' k*Ptiniber ot4 Stitall fat:, ,. tories closing and ,athafgarnatioli of others,, * • ,, TWO tests that seem to prove 0300M MUU MUM SWUM EMOMEMO MUMOU UUMUMEM UMO UMW Onfil MUMU MIMEO MO MUM MEMO MEMO 00000M MEM UMOU BED ME00 MOIDO WW1 MONO 000 MOEMMOM MOMOU ®©OE ROO COMO WOO WOW =MOW • special Mending teams to coin- pensate for this loss tinder the traditional "family System,'' — 'By Gordon Walker in The Chtia. ban Sciende Monitot. "family!' Life In. Red china This might more appropriately be called "An Intimate Message from a Chinese Housewife fo Her Untutored: Husband." It wa,s sent, unabashedly, to the letter column • of the Pelting peoples' And it shows graphically how ' the traditional family system is lbse, in4l.P'sgm rsehlVa;eer by lgntrrnirliran, dogmatism; and how mass mes- merism is being employed as Primary weapon of government in Bed:China of today: "Pear -1:lushantl:. "I awoke quite early this morning. I felt so excited. about things happening in per street over the past few days (the set- ting up of the new communes) and I wanted to talk to you. But I do not have the patience to wait for you to awake, as I am in a hurry to go to Chi Cheng to visit an industrial project in the company of Chairman Hau of the 'Residents CommiLtee, "You may not like to 'hear what I am going to tell you but I have, to say it, I find you have not been satisfied with me lately, You have often remarked, 'Ypu disappear the entire day; what has become of our home?' "You are a cadre of the state organ and should know about the implementation of the gen- eral line and the concentration of the total efforts of the people in industrial undertakings; In the latter project, of course, our street has a share. I am a house- wife. In the past I did not have much to do with street affairs, much less with industrial under- takings. But now' I have made up my mind about throwing my- self into such undertakings so that socialism can be built, and pushed through at an early,date. "Has ,the party riot called Upon every one of us to think, speak, out, and act boldly? Is it ' not something rare for housewives' to start industrial undertakings? You. might not come, upon such things even if you travelled around the' world:. • "Try 'to'think this over;,itowill not take ilS"Jong 'beforeove7will start setting up two. smalle fac- tories in our ,area. We will alSo set` up a children's nursery and several public mess halls.; How' cheering!. By,, then„ there ,will be no idlers iri the street and no eibtileheilde living en relief. Our area has' thus become a' big fam- ily; "You. might-say,. disapproving; how can you call such an area with „1.10, households -and nearly 1;000 inhabitants 'a "big' fan:lily?. "I Wilrput 'it this way: in the socialist era -newadays",,"the term'. "family" has taken on ,broad meaning. In 4orirrier, days,, the , earnily, was made., up of people comprising three geneations, the In-law's; and the relatives. ,As., times- have7changed, big families such as, this have become fewer while small., families have grown in. ntimber. After libetation, we have mcite and more small fami- lies in Our society and now, also, • the bigger families. , . "This new., kind' of big, gamily 'is different from the, type we had in. the past. It is de new type of. revolutionary big family=a unit, an organization; a factory, a farm etioperative,• an. area,•4 street, a village or a county. . . . All of new Chinaor the entire socialist ,camp is much 'larger revolu- iionary big family. "Do not' get upset. You Prob- ably want to. have the same kind of 'home as you had in the past, one in which the whole family served your personal needi. , . . Such kind, of Life,F you say, looks Something like a home But what kind of home is this? It lags far behind the, age of upsurge in every field of endeavor in which we live today. It is without a whit of socialist smell." The housewife then goes on to describe the pleasures of being relieved of household chores, owing to the communal mess halls, the dormitory system, arid the communal boarding nursery, schoolS, , , ''But we do have a home, that is, a huge family as, I have men- tioned. Like TM, have takee part in work: and production, each of us having.'id big family in the unit with ,Which each is associated. This Niig family is ,satitratedWth reVoliationaty corn, heart-'warming arid "considerate feelings ,for each Other as well as disinterested Vti\txterided te3citie and all. iWhen \'f eliodyeh's figs and Mess halls have beeh ';‘-'set‘otip,,, we will all pitch in otitt, effOrts, laboring, teething; liv together a,:, I think evert the 41611 family ri,,a Match, this hornet" ,,remarks upon .0 ,1SWalteN4ng;; and reading the let. ' ter are not teeth-tied. Under the system, he will probbly,,have to relinquish even his bed,. not to Mention his wife, his children, and' any Other re, MOVable. property, - }Tis wife be- COMO'S a worker. His 'children be- Cottle state wards whom he may or May mit See from Month to indrith. w. EVeri itTie wants his socks darned; the new tOrriiiithies have "Pull over, buster," said the cop. "You haven't got any tail light." The driver got out and after examining the situation looked so positively horrified that the cop was actually moved to' sym- pathy. "It's bad, mister," said the cop, "but not that bad." Recovering his voice the mo- torist stammered, ,"It's not the tail ,light that bpthers me. What hapened to my trailer?" 'prime minister blow up? No, he -waited while the ladies, bran- dishing their parasols, drove offs; the intruders; then went 'on withot7 his speech. But the last straw for Mac- millan's supporters came in Oc- lober when loyalists, gatecrashed *the Conservative Party's annuali .conference in Blackpool and' 'tried to drown his closing speech with blasts froni a bugle. This time the hecklers got as ,good as they gave, a apple of them being taken out. to the 'cloakroom and beaten up by at- tendants. But did this stop the 'league? It only made matters worse. "Fascist beasts dripping. with 'blood," the League screamed, and currently the Conservative Party is in hot water for hay-, ing used "excessive violence, amounting to brutality," in ex- pelling the. intruders. No one knows for certain what the League stands for, as its 'members seldom get beyond shouting "Don't scuttle the Em- 'pire!" before being thrown out ,of meetings. A list of what they are against would include the United Na- tions, Archbishop IVIakarios, NATO, American air bases 'in .Britain, European. Free Trade, Egypt's Nasser and Danish but- ter ,(this last because it is "un- fair to New Zealand butter). In the view of many, the cu ., ,. tti'brtIner lo 81. Unity , CROSSWOR DS . 9 Peaceful 62..intsia Qt dyes 10. Ornamental 33 Pin used In stand bowling 39, Transm Itted PUZZLE a 11, Small tarnot 86, Made an 19 Aliex incursion' 19 Cavet'n 1 89. Or, island DOWN ACROSS 22 Rekoiiiid 41, Hesitate 1. Mark of t. Boxed 29 Breathing 42 Correct omission ' 2, Proverb sutoid 3. Leases 6 darpeiftp,ea.. 3. Att. chain 20 Letter Z 5..reieel tool ..1;',..... 4, rtaTiuiont • 28 PeHeifoo of 7, Of an age S, seatiii-Okurbli A.*117',1Mit iihks; time' 9.'Deitil fish ' 'No o. i,!, "Be11,...for .;" V,vteivilt.zed '-'t0. Cabla et trot 60. Selzd 15, (9nitte , e.lettt,te ...„ . . a. PcitAie4.' 13'.. Stir an. 14,1:•;:-/0-41thloodony • Imperil 02 Wine o,.. 3.1 1111211111111ill iiiiii11111111:8111111/1111 1111MIT 111 El 11111115111111111111 1111111211111111 lilt! fille1111111 111111111111Mill 111111111E 11111111 mei 3 ,r ill111111111611111111111f411111111iii um. N®E ;;;;;;111 o egg ilii111111111111111111111111111111 40 11111111111 Niiiiiiiiiiligill1111111111111111111111 1111111111 50 1111111Riiiiiii111111111 11111111111111111111111116111111111111111 killMitgiikillIII1E11111111111111 .._rekitlenbe , • 11. Brerikftint, . • feed 8. COttitnatitl,-:. to ..-cat 20. Parker '21 ,Pttofolinit,. „ 22' P31101606(1 .r1.0111. (rttvll ,r.tk• cap • rthoof edge 20 Bath r ing. . 21, •CtintiAte.; • .39. Dtvidbl`tntt • Oki"ff Q1d;r4ihil at' 813. Bobbin 27'.Clitittide i," 28. Rend 44. Side ot'A triangle 46 Ceremony' Aft. 1116a paste 41. 17oe'ti '61. 19h11veN . '24 `r7AtIctif.. • 63, Joiti. rtritatat,iitot '67;.. A rtiilitia *t.dfitrit to Ails:Wee elsewhere on this page SIX DIED HERE — Picimet from a burnin4 Mein tekte skyward Allentown, as firemen soak beilditidt near the demolished Mountainville Hotel to prevent the blaze from The Oat explosions killed at least six person 'and some others Were injured. NDAYSC11001 LESSON BY Bel' • barelaY Warren • B,D. P,91 .1".• nos ete Efforts in the cheese industry to produce the purest possible products are paying off. During the first ten months this year, about 98 per cent of all cheese graded fulfilled the requirements of Canada First Grade from the standpoint of extraneous matter. This achievement followS on the heels of a 1957 amendment to the Canada Dairy Products Act, under which extraneous matter analysis of cheese be- came a factor in determining grade. • • • Canada was the 'first country to undertake this analytical work. A sample of cheese is taken from each vat graded and for- warded to a central laboratory at • Ottawa 'where analysis. of the samPles is carried out. Samples' are referred to as having Disc` 1,- Rise 2, 3, or 4. The first" two 'discs qualify the cheese for inclusion in Canada First Grade, Disc Canada, Second Grade, and Disc 4 Can-, ada, Third Grade, or below — depending on the nature of, the sediment. • S * Tests were started on an edu-: cational basis as the upshot of a wartime incident in which two• carloads ,of cheese were turned back from their United States destination. • • • At first; results of the analysie were. relayed ,to the milk pro- ducer and cheese manufacturer for their information only. In .1954, ,though, the Federal Gov- ernment ruled that every vat must be tested for extraneous matter, and that a premium would not be paid unless they (Premiums have been paid were Discs 1 or 2. on top quality Canadian cheese since 1939,) The latest amendment estab- lishes a direct link between grading and extraneous matter analysis. • • • In 1953, when the program over half of the 85,909 samples submitted were Discs 3 and' 4. Two years later, the figure had been whittled down to 37 .per cent.