HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-01-22, Page 1— 535 -- 600 — 640 685 720 I 745 I 730 Phone 122 Brusseis RCN. C FS • - ..verwee,meisksa.cow vgarazrs ANNUAL MEETING and BANQUEc Res Horon arritultural $eriity At Melville ,";resilyterian Cr.urch WEDNESDAY, JAN'tJARY 25th At 7 P. M. Slides by Gordon McGayin on Trip to Germany Tickets $1,50, on Sale from Directors Wilfred Shortreed, Pres. Norman Hoover, SecaTreau. e`e HUETHER'S PRODUCE •••••••••••,,6* ....... wimasteavg.arquommf.......aemeilitilOOMIllne Phone 293 We Deliver 10110 a rat, it Window Of the, W. L3. Leaela jewat- Ivry ileas6els awl 21160,10 Off With wAlt'lles and j'HiVe.eiktrr valno tfr ;,i'3111'UnI'"IttSIY pp i A rtin.,c,,i `chtty Wag Aro: !nada at the BM Croainery beat. the buriaaa's were Ixtffled in an atiemet La cart away the 1,500 pmntti safe. Both break-bee it. ',a believed ovelierea altont 8 a.m. on Tuesday morning, Thu jewellery loss. when the plate glass window was smashed, was minimised berwe Mr. Leach mekea It a practien to remove ill-eel/a items from the window at He (stimates the tote lee': oo the robbery at aa'50. alio Mrs. Leach, who nee the apartment above th e store heard nothing during the Mew anti were unware of the rohbety. until Murray Lowe, on his parer route 'at 7 a.m., noticed the stroehed, window and notified Mr. Leach, 'My. R. B, Cousins, owner and. i operator. said the thieves smashed. 1 atai e 'in the front door of time CreameY, reached in and. unlocked it then after teiling, to gain an entreince to the office by forcing ! fe e tafeeiee wanilow they jimmied th e lock. In spfe of setting off a , bereler alarm when they entered the office an tattered-a: was made to move III, the, safe Mr. Cousins wads aroused -by the I sound of the alarm in ;his nearby re,sedeece and his son 'Lawrie hi his home also heard the sounds ,qf a commotion and both observed tire car lea it sped 'h,y •• en leaving the Creareery. In answer to questions by the' Board, Fair. McLellan& secondary school inepeeter, stated theta- (a) The requirements as out- lined .for 6 classrooms, 1 shop and 1 Home Economics atom seemed reasonable. It 'would he better te ,bedia this proposed IleNV addition than to do it two or three rooms at a time. (b) school with 750-800 enrol- anent econed peoviele a modified vocational .p!ro,granime for Grades 9 and 10, Several member: felt that this was most destrobl a iii view of the fact that some pupils do not wish to continue in the aca• deinic or commercial course. The members of the Board were iuost conetirned about the accone mOdation for September 1359. At present the 5611°01 which was •de-. signed for 520 pupils is More than filled, Iscience olasses are using regular classrooms, the cafeteria is baling as a classroom. and additional rooms must be provided by this September. The architect, Mr. Kyles, who was eiresent: stated that if approvals creald lye given shortly, it might he possible to have the addition ready at Jaratary 1, 1900. ',He stated .that be felt thht the proposed addition coup be built for $200,000, although he -wished to, study the requirements further. it was agreed 'in discussion abet probably $‘225,000 Would cover the cost of building, the equipMent and other changes, The chairman, Roy Cousins, h ./e:tura-A George MoGutcheon. Reeve of Brussels, Baffle Parrott, Reeve elf Morris, and Geoige Hutch. Paean, Reeve of Grey. Mr. Cousins stated that there Was a feeling hi. Brussels and the Isanroundieg riet, that a school should he built in tirnseels. In, an open discussion, two or three proposals were made by lhose who urged Milling in Bru.esels 1. That the Wingliam Hugh Srliool Dietriei Board btrild and operate a corm-dote unit rn Brussels com-', Perable with that in surroundine centres. N:OTICE Any girl -Meting .to take the iBarden 'Club Home Beautification this swing must he 12 years of age. Sponsored by the Majestic Institute. Please Plione Mrs, John Wheeler 12713 by Feb. 1st ac, that the seeds eau be' ordered. SUPERVISED SKATING NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING WV, Of The Fielarave School' Fair will be held in BELGRAVE COMMUNITY 0E1\1'7:RE WEDNESDAY, JAN. 90th at 2 P. M. VALENTINE TEA BAKE SALE sind TEA Brussels Public Library SATUFIDAY, FEB,. 14th Sponsored by Majestic Womens Institute Siltating at the Brussels Arena- will be held on rflaesday and Thursday afternoons from 3,00 to 5.00 pm, weather pertnitaling for Pre-School children, all Public Sithool grrls and boys who . are anxious, to skate but ! are not playing hockey in the Minor leagua, The .supervistOn of slcating will he by members, of the Brussels Home and School As.soollattion. Changes may be Made ht needed con- cerning days or time of skating ana l age greases, depending on attendance and the *amber .offernig to super- '1, Vise, Any imfOrmation may be sue- plied 'by the Rink committee or the Home and School Association: POLLARD'S CHAIN SAW JAIVIBORM Ira BrUssels Town Hall on THURSDAY, JANUARY' at 1 P. M. (1st day South of 86 Highway) JAIqUARY 23rd (2nd day North of 86 HIghwaY) 22ndL consisting of Speakers from Saw and Chain Companies Films by the Department of Lands Entertainment by THE KANSAS FARMER and CLARK JOHNSTObg. Various Draws and Prizes BUSHWAKER'S DANCE Sponsored by THE LIONS CLUB Proceeds for Retarded with the various highlights of other years en tb Night of the 23rd, with CLINTON ORCHESTRA Prizes For and Forests,... Giftttirser and THYNNE ant: J Office DeParuoont, Ottawa thOdOef$ 4.3 60=4 data; Post House Thursday, January 22nd, 19$9 BOHM.. IN BRUSSELS PISGUSEED AT W. D. H, 4. BOARD MEETING U S MeKILLOP TWP, FARMER PIES SUDDENLY • TkilEV-g$ GRAa, JAWELL.ERY WALKED. r1;iMitt'n2RY . • 'Minas Mark Hamilton, McKillop Til I e electing 'tie the Winglutia• Tawnship 'farmer ai th e, 'Walton lli-triet In alt Behool Board. was bald ' alieteict, (lied suddenly at lila lv'nle on Titer:day, .Yannte•y 15, The meet. ing was called ,to discuss the prob- lem of peoviding mote .aecomodattoe, Mr. W, S, Hail presented a roper on probable enrolment, The 'figures. were ,obtained from the elementary, schools' in the Whigham District. Safe Depend.able Motor 'Transport Muffets '9 oz pkgc ..... 11Yrei . . 444444 emlney Tomatoes, 28 oz. 2 for 31c 2 for 45c Premium Fancy Sockeye 'Salmon 2 for 89e Aylmer Catsup 11 oz. ... .. ou Wednesday, January Mae of c.t heart fielzatiaa Ile stuttered the fatal attack while engaged in farm ,antite, lie was lfi h'e G3ra year and had throe in the district all his life. He was a member of Walton United Church. Be Is ,Sili'ViVed by his wife, the former Katie St:ate-auk; three r daughters, Joyce, :loan, and Berbera, and One aon, Williaut; also his father, Joseph. Hamiltoe, Tiruseele aed a brother, Robinson, of Liandon. • The body Is resting at the D. A. , Rana funeral home In Brussel-4, where the funeral service will lie held at 2 p.m. on Friday, January 23rd. Interment will be Brussels eemetery, 2 for 33c Enrolment at .Sept. 1957 Enrolment at Sept. 195S Iletimate at 'Sept, 1959 Estimate at Sept. 1960 Estimate at ;Sept, 1061 Estimate at Sept. 1002 Estimate at Sept. 1.963 EGGS JAN. SPECIAL at IRENE'S BEAUTY SALON Where better permanents cost less. CREME GOLD WAVES 'Complete $4.50 Appointment day er evening Phone 155 POULTRY ROE and WATTS FEEDS MURR.AYHUETHER Phone 80 Brussels 77. Income Tax Problems Income Tax Computed at a reasonable rate. Will compute income tax forms for bus;neer.s., and farmers, appointments. ANNUAL S:KATING PARTY CARD OF THANKS would like t thank all my ifrieeds for their nice .cards and. treats ana also the people who visited me at home. Special thanks to 'the Nursing- Staff at Lirtowet and Dr. Kirk. They will always be be' remembered, Mm. John Schrock CARD OF THANKS wish to thank all 'my friends who eontributed to .the beautiful wedding gift sent to me. Your friendly .thoughtfaluees was aireciatea, Mr. and 'Mrs. Henry Singer. (nee Marlene Warman) Grand Rapids, Mich, CARD OF THANKS wiet, to • exprdss my.., sincere thanks to all my friends and neigh- :boars for the. lovely cards, flowers • Matta and treats given to me while in the hoapital and since I returned home. deenly appreciated Hurl 'will always be rem new eal by me, Kra. E. S. Pollard Brussels, Phone 247 Opten all day lluesday. and Friday- Call 247- Flle early returns and avoid the last minute, r'402.. GLENN M, R 0 N n1 E B E R INSURANCE Monkton, Phone Mitchell Selagealet •Childrel' In Brussels Arena TUESDAY, JAN. 27t1 sponsored by Brussels United ChillfOli Sunday School Lunch Served at 10 p.m. at the Church' Admission: Public School 25c —.Adults 35c Initial investigation was carried out by Police Chief David Hastings and is continued assisted by OPP Constables Robert LewiS and Robett 1'setl ,o iThe Winglatem detachment wit,rtasurarearesus. Zrearmaktriamarsamswcwommegi:r.V, na..:,i2E•karmrane uancAre.n.....leasamarom=7. '1.1=...1==1,9,7ref rAtleneallaTTOW1111.tloarAl JANUARY SPECIAL CREIVIL COLD WAVES Complete $4.95 with Gut VAL'S BEAUTY SHOP 140 Brussels E. A. (TED) WILSON Former Gene'ral Contractor OF LONDON, ,ONTARIO Commencing ' Business As Contractor IN BRUSSELS and WINGHAM DISTRICTS COMMERCIAL a n d RESIDENTIAL Concrete Work General Roofing Brick and Block Work ' New Homes Remodelling DESIGNING — DRAFTING Firm Contract Prices 12 R 19 Farm Building Repairs — BLUEPRINTING Submitted BRUSSELS 'PHONE Beauty CAPISOL tHEATRE! LISTOWEL, ONT. ;kw ,44•;• GRANTS AN.NIVE7gAIRY SALE BRUSSELS, Ont. JAN. 24th to JAN. 31st, 1959 Prices Slashed on Ali Goods 20% Discount On All Regular Liner$ Churcb. fillnIster,. Rev. Jonathan Groan* Organist -- Donald Ounbar 10 A. M. Sunday School 11 A. M. Divine Worship • e: The United Church OF CANADA Minister: Rey. L. Brown B.A.; B.D. Organist: Mrs. A. E. Martin 9.45 Church School 11 A, M. The Sacrament of Holy Communion Friday. Jan, 23, PtepairatetY Set-trite at 8 p.m, Chain SAW Lady Clogger Admission 50c For Further Particulars Specials Mans Oxfords, regular 8,95, 10.95 $ 6.95 Queen Gent Clogg^i4t Everyane'W,einiasett: Listen To CKNX Enatleallt Boys Oxfords, size sih. to 3 Thurs. Fri. Sat, Jah. 22 23 24 Gregory Peck — Joan Collins in a powerful Western Drama of misguided revenge "THE BRAVADOS" CinernaScope Color Mon. ttiet. Wed. Jan. 26 27 28 Howard Keel and Jane iPalifell return In the Liveliest, FictOtIn# TOOtIn Musical of the late decide. SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS • .... 0.14 ........ 2.25 Girls Strap Slippers, 8 +6 13 2,89 Ladies Oxfords and P 7 ......... r•vi, 2.98 Rubber Booth', the best you can buy ... . .... . .. ....„... 5.49 100% Wool Sport jackets, only 19,05 Wool & Wool Worsted Suits, 9 only 34.95 Colors: Black, Charcoal, &, Grey Sport Shirts, limited quantity House Slipper* sizes 6 Meek Tles, 1.00 each 20% Orff lierni Inehidleig Cr`eSS.8htrts Sweaters I Ss . „... Thine, *et tat Jen: 24 SO Si , hie ii#e in A Wild White Si-Mite* Nettie too' SNOW irtht, • Pants Tea Casts 'torn coot. Soot: Oklamoo serat•iiii 'unde0iiiiiiii- tteiSOO kits titie it' Used Skswrs 2, Thu't Li a Wing-halm Higta School Board blend and :ope'r'ate a school for latacleS 9 and 10, or 9-12, in Brtissela, and have the special subjects taught in. Wineham and itaileeotitatien ae.niteraided between these. It was also suggested that.. preltubly piritS from ,Grey and Morris how attending Talsitowel, n 0-rtli, (111r ton extuld be induced to attend. this Action]. Supporters of these plane pointed to the great distances which Pilaffs travel to scbecd, the possibility of Avotrlinrr buntline nroaranis in Wingliam, Li s tow el, aiid Setif ot tia arid the passible seating entepayets, itt a tilarietterrei of the 'fir'st ShaaeStion it was notnted out 1. that tt eemniSks Atilt would cost a,f feast $440.0061 2, that at )present rthere Are 91 tee, le:ciao *idea serve tateit ?l oL thee nearer VOinalia.m than their' AO 46. The 59; minlia that rOnAifi Are in tit* ararleltl, There. A.re iheitnneWali erS o; iinmhlote OiactO iityc *Ann! 44, nion14 TAO milt iri '10frtirrIelk =604.4: NOTICE FOt The Village of .81118els PARKING Ye 4011Iltait IRO* 0104401ing, and ito* removal ofisiiiitifirie‘... PARKING ON THE STREETS of this municipiitik Is pea- between ihe how* of 2 i.m. and I TMS Order will be strictly enforced in Aire& Lune with th* 114101M' 'wIg' Traffic Acts Section 4E, tinbsoetfort E. NOTICE le HERERY GIVEN tititt the bIttfolelpallttiviiNtatfier responsible for arty drenaged tasted A SarfreCtritiflatale elnrORR.- Peewit tsf titer/ eidivIng Or snow reineeal anersitione. tiAVio irfAirriite; 6000 And bil the same program' LfiNfi German Sheeharef Dog viiIll. Maio) yeti, 'Minh and or* In THE LITTLEST' HOES Anglican Church OF CANADA Pariah of Brussels Pqrsirsot VI. ASA, M.A.• RIB' ileptmittyriema Sunday Si. Jetties —iii 1111v *Emir Sifat AWN, Sudsy flobis, lifr. Arrant lireitie tr. Sterne Collie; e If ought Conversion Of Itt, AO A.M. ROI* !helot* et. Dander' -- ifsetrOsa '".$.80 *esimie taaataaireet La -rig Tiitie no trade-In 01/ Nts tiitiotee' No •itifOndo. tiiAnd, 1'610 'tote.