HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-01-08, Page 5THE SAUSIELA VON SWEET METAL WORK IS JUST ONE MORE THING THAT WE DO, FOR HOME D STORE /a*, PLUM GER °ALVIN KRAUTERV °I) 111 >rseej40,44s IsStisesSs.gs'-' 1959 CHEVROLET VIKING 60 MEDIUM-DUTY STAKE Numerous improvements. in, the 261 cu. in. 150 hp. six cylindese engine provide greater durability in this medium-duty stake truck, one of 139 models offered byeChevrolet in its 1959 line. Changes include heavier pistons with thicker domes and steel inserts-for greater strength and longer life, aluminum-coated intake valve faces for reduced wear' on both valve seat and face, full-flow oil filter, and a new thermostatically controlled,by-pass cool- ing system. Also available as optional equipment are two V8's of 160 andt1V51hp., fiver speed synchromesh or Powermatie transmission, and two-speed axle, „ PADEMAR ,Thurs tt- lam4r,), t?I, 100$ — ",!!'eeree,Preefeeeseleleeeeleeoreeeeerree "SIPIEJECIEV” 4, GEORGE iticCUTCHEON FQJ SELF-DEPF.N$E„ GET .OFF 'resc„ss. FEET By OC>tNG TO RIVER5IPE MOTOkf AND PICKING .014T ONE QP THEIR FINE, EASY-RIPING VEEP. .CARS. THAVHAn. THE SIES';.T.. it ii OOH! A PEDESTRIAN- A WOMAN PRI.YeR CLIPPER ME YEAH , air SHE. MUST HAVE ALLOWED FOR IT/ 53 Chev. Coach 52 Ford Sedan 57 Bufek Special 4 Door Hardtop, Radio, Heater, Automatic. WHY IS WINTER THE BEST TIME- -for repairs, maintonanco, renovation and general clean-up work around your home or place of business? In the winter men and materials are more readily available, and small jobs get better attention and can be more economical dur- ing the cold weather lull. This applied particularly to building and renovation jobs. HOME IMPROVEMENTS CAN BE FINANCED- -by Home Improvement Loans under the National Houaitig Act, available through your bank . . . up to VAN and up to 10 years to repay. FARMERS— , —inquire about Farm Improvement Loans backed by the government and available through your bank . . up to $5,000 and up to.10 years to repay. Plan to help voltiklf and at the 84$0 time oil?' eommunitil to increaie ompiotiment feinter: CALL YOUR NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR ADVICE AND ASSISTANCE te;®CA tatia„y neetheriti •14 1 • • Walk safely sr drive safely have a happy hpliday Wan. ,Tan. 15th, at the church, TELEVISION and RADIO REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES -- GUARANTEED SERVICE Electr'cal Wiring Contractor ORVAL HARRISON PHONE 47r1 'The Huron County Council will meet in the Cdunt House, Goderich, Ontario, on Tuesday January 20th, 195,9 at 2.00 p.m. CLASSIFIEr ns - -1- WANTED — Work by the hour or day, Fred Selling Phone 97W FOUND.— Small Dog, male. George Davidson WANTED •-• A wolnsan to do week& laundry for a small family, in her own home. Apply to Box 50 Brussels, ITIIVIGKSTON PARK" HERaPPRP. PRQPYPTION. SALE, Owned by M. W. Keefer,. ,Blair, •pntarto, sellin with Added Con. ssignineets on Triday„ »Tannery 16th,. 4959, eenlilleneing at 1.00 p.m, .at the littyg Sales Arena, .0.altville„ Ontario. The OrnieItat0n offering .comprises en. excellent, 'wellreOrelitiOned„ high, quality group of young females, all. tut three .carrying Servlbe' tO this :outstanding Domino Heir MA 1114, top seller 1957 Sale of Stare 'Vern the Hunter Rnalob in Alberta, Theses emales are of "Larry Domino" and Ringwood brooding, „ Selling aloe, a ragged,, setiviec_age son of the Ma, Trityre Ranch Calgary Bull Show I Champion, who topped the 1955 Silly oil Stars, Other consignments will be equally pleasing. Hays Farms 'Limited, Sale Managers, Box 490, Oakville, .Ontario. ere-ss, Je• ee .. and Mrs, Merl Baker, 1st. Vie? Fres, e- Mrs. Elston. SpeirAn Mrs, Jelin S01140alt met with au ' 2na Vice fires. -- Mrs. Jae,. Bremner unfortunate accident lee New Year's SeoretreY — Mrs, Harold '.Keys Day wbon she fell outside her home Treasurer — Mss. Everett Robinson fracturing two bones in her left Organist — Mrs Herman Whitfield wrist, She was confined to LiateWel Temp' See. — Mrs. Ti'red. Cl oy Hospital until Saturday POW ,Mins, Monthly — Mrs. Les. MeNaY Fbipply See, — Mrs. Carman Baker ! Miss Lillian Powell visited Over Press Rep, — Mrs. L. Lake New Years with Mr, and Mrs. J. 7$oinin, Friendship * Miss Myrtle 1 McGee.: Locking, Mrs. Gordon Speiren Miss Anne Kirkpatrick, Mt. Forest Balmy Band Supt. — Mrs. Harvey i I spent part of her holidays with her , Smith I 'uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Mission Band Supt. — Mrs. Lindsay Kirkpatrick, Master Paul Kirkpatrick , McKay, Mrs. Delmar Dilworth 1 has gone to Mt. Forest for a holiday W. A„Officers with his cousins there, iPresident — Mrs. Herman Whitfielt Vice Pros. — Mrs. Leslie Lake Brine,, David and, .Toyce Mother ;See, Treas. Mrs, Delmar Dilworth have started to (school in Brussels The amer'l congregational meet? this week. Pit evenini OFFICERS INSTALLED R A N .16k,,, C). AT UNION LINITgo 0HYPIGH I . Sunday School and the regular , Officers of Union United Church morning service were held at the ° W. A. and W. M, S. were instalied usual time on Sunday Met aims 1 by Rev. Lloyd Brown at, the, Deeenv hi Knox Presbyterian Church, ,` bee meeting At the ' Mr. And Mph Wee Mcillachern Herman Whitfield, W, M. 0, Officers visited recently in Detreit with Mr. President Mrs 4.4eliee Mc ay ill 1 e held sg v ) _ on , thOlne of Afro, Ali communications, notices of deputations and accounts must be In the hands of the Clerk not later than noon, Saturday, January 17th, 1959P `FOR RENT One Duplex Apartment Apply 284 John G. Berry, Clerk County of Huron. Cameo Company WO*: Vigorous Emma* Program... NEW MASSEY—FERGUSON PLANT BUILDS 280 TRACTORS A DAY! FOR SALE Four good 600 - 16 Tires and Tubes. Car Heater with Blower. Apply to Wan. A, Ward. Brussels Brussels 'WANTED — Cattle l3pfraying for lice, Satisfac- tion guaranteed, Louis Blake -'Phone 4i2,r6 oir 95 Brussels :FOR RENT '- 6 room house; immediate pos- ssession, apply at Bevan Elliott's Grocery NOTICE TO RESIDENCE OF MORRIS TOWNSHIP , Owing to the 'epidemic of rabies tho following DY-Law was passed by Moan-is Township Council on December 15, 1958. By-Law No. 1U, 1958 Being ,e I3Y_Law Passed in Pursuance of be Dog Tax and Livestock Protection Act, RSO 1950, Chapter 107 s Whereas it is desirable to prohibit the running at large og dogs 'in the Municipality of the Township of i Morris. Therefore be it enacted that no person owning, possessing or harbouring a dog shall allow the said i dog to nun at large within the Municipality cif the township of in I Morris. For the porplose of this By-Law a dog shall he deemed 'to be running at 1 large when found on the ,highway or other public ,laces not under the control of any person.' A dog Isbell he deemed to be run fling at large when found ether than on the premises where' it is habit unlly kept Any dog found running at large ,within, the MunidilialitY,,, may be seized or killed 'by any peace Officer or any person authorized to enforce this By-Law by theMunielpai Cor- poration of the Township of Morris .and for better clarity it is hereby specifically enacted that any officer -of The Ontario Provincial Police is hereby authorized to kill any dog running 'apt large contrary to tide section. Any person being the owner of or bawling possesion of or being the lusebonrer of any clog running at __ large in contra;vention of the shove prohibition shall be guilty °Vali* offence and liable to a penalty of not more than Fifty ($50.001 Dollars sesies t ee .0s,,,eosts .and such' penalty shall he reooverehlo under The Summary Convictions Act, Read a first, Iseccind end third lithe and finally passed this 15th day of December, 1958. 'Phis By-Law to remain in force until fersber notice. Bailie :Parrott,'Iteeve 'Gee, Martin. Clerk. • 950 world-famous Ferguson System tractors every day*. .. one in less than lows minutes! A remarkable production lime that goes a long way towards proving this new Massey,Fergueon plant at Detroit one of the meet ad- Sauced industrial facilities in the worldi Yet this is the output of only one of sixteen Massey-Ferguson factories that operate in Seven countries,--in Canada, the U.S.A:, gngland, 8cottandi Franee, Germany and Australia, Over 23,000 employees in these factories kaanUfac- ture complete line of farm and light 1.11dUiltrial equipment that reaches' markets in over 06 other Countries. The Detroit *ant is part of a whole new sada of develOpments sanglig- through product falleatea, neasidate- taring and marketing, that hive recently been Ott into effect by tlbls dynamic 110 year old Company. The largest manufacturer of tractors and self-prepelled combines in the, *OM today, Maes'ey7,,VorliiiiOn-=-1t Canadian COMpapy with, a truly inter- national Otitloolc-looks forWard to Continued progress in. the Mechanize- tion of atatiOulturit throiighotit the world. FOR SALE Coleman Oil Stove. large size, new condition. Apply to Elmer Ellacott !FOR SALE 5 room brick cottage with built- in cupboards, bath, hot and cold -water and wood shed. .11#Irs Wes. Stephenson, Phone 270J ' Brussels 'FINANCI,NG A CAR ..„Before you buy ask ttbout our Low Cost Financing Service with com- plete insurance Coverage. .. • ... GLENN RONNENBERG General Insurance ,Monkton — Phone 663R41 Brussels -- Phone 247 Tuesday' and Friday WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" supply artificial breeding service for all breeds of cattle. If phoning long distance, simply ask for -- Clinton Zenith 9.5650 or Palmerston Zenith 5-514. If it is a lima call, use out regular number — Clinton H V 2-3441 or Palmerston 498. For service -or More information, call betweerit—, 7.20 ' and 10.00 A. M. week days.• 6.00 and 8.00 P. M. Sat- urday evenings. Irdr tows notleed in heat on Sanday Morning, do not call Until Monday morning. The (finality is high 'and the Oat is lows • r • r• ••• Dunfielci CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC titAt ,titirttAtOvid: • SHORT 'WA** - LiStOWEL, OWt Phone 7e!! tor AnPOIniiiiiiiit No AnsWer Oat ey-Ferguson Limited TORONTO oiraia Aare... )