HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-01-08, Page 129c 401 .4444. 4 44 4 4.4 4. ..••••••.• Brights Peaches, 20 oz. Mountain Trail Fancy Cohoe Salmon .• • • ..... Hunts Fancy Tomato Juice, 48 oz. 2 for 69c Stokleys Cream Style Corn 15 oz. •—••••• ......... 2 for 29c te• • r rf.:••,•0 C 22c HUETHER 'S PRODUCE EGGS POULTRY ROE and WATTS FEEDS. MURRAY HUETHER Phone 80 Brussels. ..xessmosimealaMISOMMIN.. Incorrie Tax Problems Z Income Tax Computed at, a reasonable rate. Will compute income tax forme_!or.bareirassiaga. and farmers, Caen all day Thcsday and. Friday. Call Z.47-Pgt-- appointments. File early returns and avoid the last minute rara:Wa... GLENN M. RONNENBERG INSURANCE Brussels, Phone 247 Monkton, Phone Matched' t5+70117' DISCO[,-NI On All Dry-Cleaning Starting January 1,26 to January ,24th LISTOWEL D Y CLEANEr: Agent: C. J. Pegelow, Brussels Harold. Swift, Ethel Fred Kirkpatrick, Cranbroot- ..nowaseemespaannoeso,eximme iversmsnanut TO OUR MILK CUSTOM. Making milk deliveries In the Village has becom e. very' ca,Merir due to' the excessive athount of snow. This, makes. delivitriLtat.t-***V46 slow and a lens day for the delver. ,ConimeneIng January 12thi deliveries Will' be Mode. ttt liar village one day and the other half the next. 44 DellVerles will be made south of the river noiN Mottdayst:11944414-77 'days, Oridays. and Saturdayei: Deliveries will be made north of the elver oat Tuesdays Thin* egOe',. and SattirclaYa• W e. appreciate your buthies and would ask to yd00-4t-titicOkr4p WIthi the never dellVery 'schedule, S C ei tj` ki S D ANNUAL MEETING and BANQUEr East Huron Agricultural Society At Melville Presbyterian Church WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 28th At 7 P. (VI. Slides by Gordon mooavie on Trip to Germany Tickets $1.50, on Sale from Directors Wilfred Shortreed, Pres, Norman Hoover, Sec.-Treas,- LICENSE AND PERMIT OFFICE OPENED HERE Mn'ilartley Fischer. Clerk of the Village of Brussels, has been appointed Tastier of motor vehicle licenses, and permits. This will be an. appreciated - convenience 'to the people of this community, a great many of whom have already taken advantage of it this week. His, rather, J. W. Fischer received the first license !sailed here. • PEOPLE WE KNOW gra,. Tas. Ballanityne is, acting, librarian during the illness of Mrs. 'IS * Mr, and Mrs. Cleo. 'Baelter and family of London, were'week end visitoirs with her rphrents, "Mr. and, Work. * Mr John Hoover has returned to his .Studios at Western University. London, after spending the Chriat- mats, vacation at his home here, We a.re Pleased to rePort that Mrs. C, Sellers, who 'has been a patient Witighara Nefspital • since •.the • day ►"Olt Publishing House skatherlsellas seees4 dem Teen. Ot&e .1514ittU4114, gsterre Thursday, January 8th 1959 . , $011:)' per year - 4240.1.11AtiVo • THE BR S LS is sorm.w.ha ,r UNITED CRURCH borore New Tears, 'Improved, .The December meeting of the * . M, S. was held in the Sunday Mrs. W. IS. Scott, the popular School item. The president. Mrs. H. liinatrinn of the 'Brusaels Library. !Thomas, in charge of the' meeting, opened, with members repeating the eontirrites seriously Ill in Wingiorm Lord's Prayer. A Short business Hospital folloWing a stroke suffered He is survived by his wife, a daughter, Lois .(Mrsa • Clarence Borim), Winghatna a son, Robert, on the home farm, one grandson, ;George Telmstaa lof .Beigrave. A son, Arthur McLeod predeceased him in March 1951, Also surviving are three sisters, 'Mrs, Frank Shaw ok Morris Town- . ship. Mr".. Earl Mathers, Lucan and Drs, IGIonden Simmnos, Wingtana. Two sisters, and two brothers pre deceased him. His brother Win. Alexander passted away suddenly only ;' month ago. John's (Guild was held at the home of Reta 'Glasgow. The meeting- opened with the hymn '10 Little Town of Bethlehem" followed by the Lord's Prayer in lanCe{13 was presented by Higgins as follows; PFe‘q,ent MargeertI;e Nre,uter Vice President — Ethel Brewer Secretary —Jessie TAttle treasurer — Leona Armstrong Pianist — Mary Fisolier Asst. Pianist — Helen Elliott Sunshine Committee — Wilma Hemingway, Kate Wilson Flower Committee — Isabel Adams. Wirmifred Edgar Press 'Reporter — Mary Davidson The group leaders then took charge off the %octal portion.. A Christmas Prayer by Ruth Pipe was much appreciated ,and Christmas Synibols were presented by • Joanne Kings group. A Hilarious skit entitled "The Swellum Machine" displayed the talents of Ethel Brewer and Jessie Little. of Elizabeth Elliott read an interesting account' of The Harvesting of Holly in British Columbia, and Jean Trelancr,s, group presented 4 amusing versions of the familiar *nursery rhyme, Mary Had a Little Lamb, Betty Bronson demonstrated the The minutea of the; November hula hoop with great skill followed meeting were read and adopted. The treasprer reported that there was a nice balamce on hand. Reta gave a reading on the history of Santa Claus. Carols were sung by all present. Pat Davis conducted the business after which Rev. K. Daggs cenduleted the election of officers for 1959. „ President — Pat Davis Vice Pres. — Tedn .Workman, Secretary — Marie MCCutcheon • Asst. Sc— Phyllis Fleeter Treasurer — Isabel Alcock Sunshine Treas. — Ruth Thornton_ Pianist— Alberta Smith , Rev, K. ,Taggs closed the meeting and members exchanged Christmas gifts. A delicions lalnch was served by, the lunch committee. George Carswell. Johnston 'G'eor'ge Carswell ,Johnston, 4 former 'OldeY Township resident; maimed away in 'Wingliata Generdl Hospital, where he was taloa follow in: aryiden 1:4•:.r, :attack 'Suffered at his home oxr Shuter St. in W111'thioA on Tuesday, January 6th, Iii' was in Ilia, 64th year. A son of George Tohnston and, ;Sarah Atkins • of NoWlele, Mr. Johnston Married Elizabeth 'He was a veteran of World War 1,, Mr, and Mire Johnston farmed in Grey Township for a number all years before mowing to a 'farm just 4011th of Winglittni on No, .4 'High. way, They retired to Wingham only last fall, ST. JOHN'S GUILD The December meeting W. M. S. St. by the well-known "Night Before Christmas", nicely presented in the form of a pageant by Joanne's 'group with suitable costumes and props. A contest on the Drawing of a Rein- ;deer closed the'progralna and all Went 'to the dining room where a beautf ful Christmas, tree, stood surrounded by gifts. After. the singing of "Silent Night", these were distributed by Santa Claus and all 'enjoyed deltc- ona retreshments served by Mrs. Conlon, Joanne Ring, Ethel Brewer., Ruth Pipe and Jean Ireland. mgt.-1014.E GU.ILP .• • • Twenty nine merobens of the Pres, by tertan Young Weuerr's Guild .gathered at the bailie of Mrs, jeaa Conlon for their Oltilistinas rne o tin The tastefully decorated aiirround- Ings lent a festive air to the occasion which prevailed .' throughout - the evening. A ,Atort business. session Ill Charge of Winn, fred. Edgar Opened the 'plrograrame and the . Pew elate. of Jean r Phone g93 Uriited Church Y. P, U. SKATING PARTY TUESDAY, JAN. 13th Skating from 8 to 10 Lunch at the Church Admission 35c and 25c Everyone Welcome JAN. SPECIAL at 'IRENE'S BEAUTY SALON 'Where better permanents cost less, - CREME COLD WAVES Complete $4.50 Appointment day or evening Phone 155 ANNUAL SKATING PARTY In Brussels Arena • TUESDAY, JAN. 27th ,sponsored by Brussels United Church Sunday School Lunch Served"aa 10 p.m. at the Church :Admission: Public School Childret 25c _Adults 350 ,JANUARY SPECIAL CREML COLD WAVES CoMplete $4.95 with Cut 'VAL'S BEAUTY SHOP 140 Brussels 44..4. Melville Church Minister: Rev. Jonathan Groans Organist -- Donald Dunbar 10 A. 'M. Sunday School 11 A. M,. Divine' Worship r. The United Church ',OF CANADA Minister: Rev. L. BroWn B.A.; d.D. .Organist: Mrs. A. E. Martin • 9.45 Church Sobool 1.1 ,A,M, Out ,of lithe ;dood Treasure Note -- Annual .Meeting on Jan. 9th.. I L: Anglican Church eZi!. OF CANADA PsNoh of llimisaN ).1 ' V40. W. jag.. SA. i. r: . Epiphany if, sal'Al '. Holy ;Cmelutel t' it matins lunar , - St. David% Fienf011 'goo m tut it I last week, Mr. net itend,erson received a pleasant aarniiise on New T'ear's 1 Eve when he had a telenhone• call I- from his brother, Wes T-Tenderson,1 :ef Grameltort, B. C, - I I * * • '1Vrilas Marlon Hoover. dairliter of I Mr. and Mrs, areSrman 711enver, has I taken 11. nesitIon en tile ;staff of mho flan fi (Tian Bank ;of tlexamerce here She •crUninenred li nr ti /..,',..r d il to ci ,m, lvforday of,this'weeta CAPITOL . IHEAIRE LISTOWEL, ONT. 4.411•10•4114•Da r.• Fel. Sat. Jan, 9 10 WALT DISNEY 10,0e:tents "THE' MisSOuRt TRAVELLERw Cohn,. 'Standen der Wilde, A teenage orphan rune away to become' a. Fernier Mon. Tues. Jan 12 13 Lana Turner anti Jeff' Chdndler, Star in a Riiniatle COMedy eafFie LADY TAKES' A'FLYER" :Chiernateepe 'Cater Wed. A Thtie, A Jan 14' ••, 1b .1A See . Hot Rod Racing Near Reek and Ralf 'MAO t'i NOT RODCANdli High Sehoot tht BiOfy o11 a dill MINOR HOCKEY LEAGUE ORGANIZED HERE On Priddy MAW:a:Ian- 2nd, a Meet- laa waa 4.04.1 to oroonize the Bras- lads Maar ii9tal ey 1,4;ague. It was decided haVe 'Weigel fm 2 ago proups, 7 • 9 yeaya and 9 . hat. Icr the sanaller rhildren on the ice thait—Ali boys Interested in playing. ' -adc welcome. to come Monday and. t Wednosday nights from I - S pan, and Saturday morning at 9 a.m. 'Boys are to supply 'Itch' own sticks, but other einiipMent such as sweat , ta.s and goalie pads will he provided, Tin' -General Manager of the I. loazzue is Oiler Riley. The managers leataa ;Ito iael: McDonald, Lou Ebel. Ted Wilson, and Hartley •I Discher The Secretary Treasurer ' isGeorge Galbraith. The coaches , and committee charge are Saturdays — George Galbraith Ned Rutledge Ted Wilson Hartley Fischer Herb Stretton Jim Valiance Mcnday Nights, — Lou •Ebel O. Riley Ted Wilson Don Willis Hartley Fischer Jim' Valiance Wednesday Nights Hartley Fischer Don Willis • Lou Ebel Ted Wilson Ian. McDonald Jack McDonald Jim Valiance All' support this venture will he apnredate'd to' encourage the younger beva in 'hockey, Any donations will be welcomed by the secretary treas.-, mrer or any of - the committee. HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION '1VIEET JAN. 14+h Miss Clair McGowan of Blyuh will he the guest speaker at the regulai meeting of the Brupsels Home and, School Association to be held at the , school at S p'arl on Wednesday Jan, 14th. 4 4 ° • ▪ 4 • 4 A 4,; 6' 4 4 4 t I f • I .f • 4 4 I 4 S ession took place.: Mrs. T. Streeter' reported for the nominating Corn. tnittee. Treasurer, Mrs. MeLauchlin, reported that the allocation on Miss- ionary giving had been exceeded again. a On behalf.of -the Society MrS, L. Nichol thanked the retiring presi-, dent, who served so faithfully. The isenier grotto than ;kilned the Friendship Circle. Mrs. George Bridge, chairman of the program took charge. Scripture by Mrs. Jack Cardiff, and readings by Mrs, D, Mc. ,Aster, MrS. L. Wheeler and Mrs. A. ketaggart; duet, McWhirter sisters; Mate isetrunietital. by Mrs. Jittzt, All Were much enjoyed. Christinakl carols were sung by the, trientherS under the direct on of M.rs E, Martin. Prayer by Mrs. 11. Johnston closied this portion of the Meeting.. Lunch was 'Served by the senior groitp trent a prettify decorated table, Mn'; Theinee and Mrs. Jack LOUre,• Presidents of each groin), pottered tea, MeMotoeit. Hoover, and Willittthaori Were the omitnittee.. 016.1,0. ATTENTION #ARMERn. Not anIs, (lees it contravene the Traffio Act but it is lift _ cult to *keep toWnetilp onneeeSkiln and Sh1N•oFyls tee() of ki.Otti'' It the plow is being eMitintiallY lifted for milk end 'ettit 'left on the ei rant* 'of tie Wo. itto bet todittio datitgo that tratty occur, itottit of Grey TOW:1MP. DANCE. in Cranbrook Community Centre FRIDAY, JANUARY 9th Music. By K E. N WILsEs ,s Orche5trQ. Lunch Booth in the Hall, Under Auspices of Cranbrook Hall k;'6a.7.1a Admissica 50c Everybody Welcosn*t Annual Meeting Grey Twp. Federation of Agricultare Ethel Community Hall WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 144... At 8.30 P. M. GUEST SPEAKER — GEO. ivIcCAG UE, of Hitlisktur" Everyone Welcome We Deliver sorryrol.cs..ammise,.ammmlimg•-l' 110111 .messinmes NOTICE Motor Vehicle Licenses and Permits now on sale at the CLERK'S OFFICE in th'e VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS'. Office will be 'open Monday to Friday from 9 — 5 and Saturday afternoon from 2 — 5 H. A. FISCHER, .ISSVER. c•romar.••••maasimmew ISM Lftismiscesonixfamm•rsTna. NOTICE For The Village of Brussels PARKING To facilitate snow plowing and snow removal operations, ;PARKING ON THE STREETS of this Municipality Is prohibited between the hours of 2 Lira and 8 a.m. This ordeir will be Strictly enforced in aiccordance with the High- way Traffic' Act, Section 43, Subsection 9. ' NOTICE IS HEREBY *GIVEN that the Municipality will not he responsible for any ciaanagea CauSed to parked 'aehiclet as the result of snow Oewing or snow reiroe"I •-,arationt. DAVID HASTINGS; 'CHIEF Or POLICE •.4•444maremami4.4.44.4•4444,44444=•••••••••••• PROCLAMATION Village of Brussels In accbrclande with a resolution paSsed by the Municipal Connell of the Village of Briiiiiela I hereby proclaim that ht view- of the preset rabies sittiatiOtio no dog Atilt be, allowed to run 'at large in, the Village of Brussels until :fitiothet notice from this C. E. lifeetricheoni Reel)*