HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-12-03, Page 115 Games For $1.00 3 Special Cash Games 1 Door Prize ... • • ,••••*. .... ••••••••••••••••••••• Bingo To Start 8.30 P.M. ••••••••• Under Auspices Of The Brussels Canadian Legion MeatVeiteMAIZMOWM:s7A-C ANNOLINCEMEIVT We are happy to announce we have now added K'ELVINATOR and MOFFATT Appliances to 'our line We also have HOOVER Cleaners and Steam Irons in stock. BRUSSELS, ONT. aliemottottemmitmowswite rant's e Store HEADQUARTERS FOR RUBBERS All Sizes in Stock No. 1 Rubber Boots — $3.95 $4.95 $5.95 W e Are The Exclusive Dealer For BAUER SKATES See the new — Russian Boot & Skate For Mee we have theet Figure. Skates for Ladies skate Guards Coming This Week : The Newest in STETSON HATS Per Hirn A very appreciative gift -fin. rietmas Everything In Men's Wear Suburban Coats, Top Ceate, Sults, Trousers, Ties slid Bet Dozens of Ladles and Heusi, SlIpPers to chose from. Abundance of FORSYTHE SHIRTS, — loth [truss and Spert Everyone Welcome To Etreute Araund TELEVISION and RADII REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES — GUARANTEED SERVICAt Electrical. Wiring 'Contractor OVAL. HARRISON 0HO-ft** J•8••••••••• .•••,10 • ELECTION IN BRUSSELS FOR COUNCIL, MONDAY, DEC. 8th Reeve, P. U, C., School Board, ree- ceive Acclamation. Four Coun- cillors To Be Elected Nominations Reeve George Ti. McCutcheon (AO) Council W. A. 'Williamson (Q) H. B. Pearson (Q) J. H. Stretton J. C. Kranter (Q) Clarence Pegelow (Q) 0. Elliott (Q) Gordon Stephenson P. U. C. Win, Adams (Acl.) School Board (Ac{.) 0, Elliott R,. W. Hennedy (Q) Gordon Stephenson (Q) T. II. Stretton (Q) There will be a municipal election hi Brussels on Monday, Dec, 8th. to elect four councillors, All other Village officials went in by accla.' Dee to the inclement weather,' there was a small attendance at Brussels nomination held in the Library on Friday night. STORE HOURS Sieves In Brussels will remain It on Wednesday arternoons from now until Christman anti also on the Monday, Tuesday, and Wed, nesday evenings preceoding Christ- mas. mmt•••••,••• . 13BUSSSI.,S WOMAN OBSERVES 90th BIRTHDAY Membetishil) in the over Ninety Club was accorded 1)4.s, Margaret Cardiff wition she celebrated her birthday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Harold Cardiff, (her son and daughter-in-law. Daring the afternoon, she re- ceived congratulations and best 'wi'shes, teem many friends and neighbours who °ailed. Though Confined to a wheel chair for many years, she is alert and keenly in- terested in the activities of friends and family. A gay corsage graced her dress, and surrounded by gift bonnets and cheery birthday cards she opened her many gifts, At the sapper hour, neices and nephews and grandchildren joined her immediate family, making a party of thirty, Mi's. Cardiff Wals the former Margaret Lowe, a daughter of the late John Lowe and Elizabeth Johnston, and has lived in the dis- trict almost all her life. Following her marriage to Richard Cardiff, who died, 28 years ago, she lived on a farm in Morris township, then moved to Grey township, where she lived until moving to Brussels, 1-ter family include a son, Harold, two :daughters, Mrs. 1-Tarvey Dennis, and Mrs. Douglas Teemingway; sie grendebil (I T' en and four great grand- children, Vrionds were persent fern Pails. Druntibo., Seriforlh. 'Walton and Brut- , H. & S. ASSOCIATION MEETING, WED. DEC. 10th The Brussels Home and School 'Assocciation will meet on Wednes- day, December 10th, at 8 p.m. in the school. There will be a musical • 'program, showing the place of music in the school. Mrs. W. Tang, music supervisor, will be the guest speaker and there will he musical selections by students. A debate partict*ted in by mem- bers of the Association will he a 'feature of thr pro rant, Plan to attend this interesting meetin g. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Harry McIntosh, Drayton, announce the engagement of their daughter, Marjorie Melinda, to Mr. Ben Franklin, Bridge. son of Mr, and Mrs, George Bridge, Brussels, Ontario. The wedding will take place on. December .270.1, in Drayton Itnited Church. NOTICE Having sold my business, known as Bray's Produce, Brussels, Murray Huether, I take thii oppor- tunity to thank all those who have been my customers during the past years and ask for their continued patronage for my successor, Glen Bray MUNICIPAL NOTICE I hereby give notice that an elect- ion for four Councillors to serve the Village of Brussels, during the gear 1959 I demand a poll wilt be opened at the following places on MONDAY, DEC. 8th, 1958 Polling Sub-DIvision No. 1 In ,the Council Chamber In the Town Hall; D. R. 0., William Bell; Mrs. W, Edgar, Poll Clerk. falling Sulellireitleti No. l.); in the basement of the Public tAbrarYi D. 11. O., Ben Whittard; Mrs. Vera itastingS, Poll Cleric. Polls to be oPee from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. 11. A. FiScher, Returning Officer • 44:.::Uaii.4.11441h.z., • VAL'S DEAUTY titttoPit A t oetitik Cuffing` ittylin0 'dela "0110041 Pitokt t40 fiRugstitt g els. •••••••••• • . . ••• •••• • ••• • •••••• We Deliver •••,•••••••••• •••••••••_/• ••••,•••••r•••••••••••• Guaranteed Workmanship Free Estimates Prompt Service No ,Tob Too R. R, 3 BRUSSELS Small or Too .Large PHONE 83r4 Brussels I Pariah Of ot:44*g, die'. W, K. jaggile'it44.Liti; Advent. '.#.80 A.Lii. Isis ttiChattit. !t,11 Holy ittoliartat Sunday SehoOl. •••••••••,••••,,,•********••••••••••••• ••••••••••• Clark's Pork and. Beans 20 oz. 2 for Hunt's Tomato Juice 48 oz. Snowflake Shortening lb. Maple Leaf Mincemeat 28 oz. •••• •••••• • • ••*•••••••••••••••••••,•.. 39c 29c 25c 45c 1,••••* ....... os* ..... * ....... ma•• ' With. Every $5.00 Order, a FREE TICKET on a draw for SWEET ROSE MARY DOLL mccumeN. GROCERY GENERAL CONTRACTORS PLASTERING, BRICK and CARPENTRY WORK HUNT BROS. The United Church OF CANADA Minister: Rev. L. Brown B.A.; B.D. Organist: Mrs. A. E. Martin 9.45 Church School 1.1 A. Mr Christmas Series "Expieetancy for Ithe Comgng" (2) "A Dream in the Night" Dedication of Worship Centre in gUnday School which'wes to have been Nov. 30th 7.30 P. M Sacrament of Holy Communion at new Worship Centre Dee. 7 — Sacrament of BaPtism " r Anglican Church OF CANADA 01C belt*s thoolib tiieiistie CAR DRAW, DEC. 24th Help the Wadelng Pool Fund. Buy your ticket now on the 1958 Chev% TEA AND CANDY SALE United Church C. G. I. T. in the United Church Basement SATURDAY, DEC. 6th from 2 to 4.30 Everyone welcome CHRISTMAS CONCERT S.. S. No. 12 Grey Walton Community Hall FRIDAY, DEC. 12 at 8.30 p.m. Dancing to NOrrit's Orchestra Admission: 50e and 25c DANCE Wroxeter Community Hall - FRIDAY. DEC. 5th Ian. Wilbee and his Melody Makers Dancing at 10.30 p.m. Sponsored by Wroxeter Midget Bali Club Admission at Popular Prices DANCE 'Modern and Old Tyme Brussels Town Hall FRIDAY, DEC. 19th Jimmy Alco'ck and His Old Tymers ADMISSION 50c ,Under the AUSpices of the L. O, L. ••.-* ••••• CAPITOL 'I HEATRE LisToweL, ONT. Dec. 3 • 4 • 5 .'THE LONG HOT SUMMER" ClineniaScope Color Admit Entertaiment Jeanne Woodward plays in a second "Peyton Place" bee. fi• • "ONCE UPON A. HORSE" Free Merchants Matinee • „ „ Dec.- 8 ,, 9 - 10 PIRAW WIND EDEN" ollelanialeeed ' V 'Adult 400, Chandler. tether Melanie in 0 , Modern 'Love Story Phone 293 ..... .. . ••• .. ••••••.,••••• EVENING CAROL SERVICE Melville Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, DEC. 21st Melville Sunday SChool CHRISTMAS CONCERT MONDAY. DEC. .22nd. at 8 p.m. ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CONCERT Brussels United Church TUESDAY, DEC. 23rd. at 8 p.m. Silver Collection Everyone Welcome • Melville Church Minister: Rev. Jonathan Grooms Organist Donald Ounbar ' 10 A. M. Sunday School 11 A, M. Divine Worship Brussels Horticultural Society CONTEST EXTERIOR HOME PgCQRATIONS Using the Christmas theme, „lodging on basis of originelitY over-4111 effect and beauty appeal, PRIZES: $15 -- $10 $5 Entries must be in, on or before PEC, 18th, to the Committee he charge — Mrs. D. A, Rann; Mrs Nelson Reid, Walton; Mrs, R. W. Stephens, OUTSIDE JUDGES 6:4_11,,,olvolgAte.alitmorwmowAivegA MAYDELL SHOPPE BRUSSELS, 00t. OFFERS SPECIAL CHRISTMAS VALUES 20% DISCOUNT ON ALI.. HATS , A Good Sellection Of: Purees — Scarves -- Gloves — Slips — Weidrest Hoalery -C L DR EN'S WEAR Lined Corduroy Jeans with Shirts to Match tined Corduroy Crawlers , .— Skirts, Blouses, Housecoats, 'Slacks, Sweaters, Orestes* Many Other 'Articles 'Come in And ace Our Bargains AraNttatIq044.M,MMM;GW.MiMf.M TURKEY BINGO in Brussels Town Hail art FRI. DEC. 5 FRI. DEC. 12 •••••••• • • Santa Is Coming To Town at 2 P. M. SATURDAY, DEC. 13th. Candy for the 'Children at the Town. Hall Legion. Pipe Bond will lead the Parade eatthoribeit ea *wend elute melt Poet OM** DePaze'eaent, Ottireve post Publishing House Wednesday, December, 3rd, 1958 •••••••••,•,*,,, "*"..",..1** • • resentation of the Township present NelSon Higgins, treasurer -- went over the financial statement and explained different parts of it, .McArt.e3r, Road Superinten- dent — offered 'Ito answer any question anyone might wish to ask. Bailie Parrott, Reeve thanked his mover anti seconder and re- viewed matters Pertainieg to the county; 'the County Home is full ,and the old part has been con- demned and the department hat said that something has to be done so are making plans to build. new part. He reviewed the Work being done on the county roads He. IL A. Fischer, clerk, was 41Mo:tilted chairman He reviewed the finan- cial statement. which was published in the Brussels Post, last Week, also Went over rthe work of the •Reeve George McOutcheen thank- I Children's Aid Society; 15667 netmle ,..ed the Village ratepayers for the Visited the inuSeitni this year. ) licclamation; the Mill rate remained same as last year;Street lighting Stewart Proctor, .'•,Q0uncillOr to be imprOVed; eeequitte‘ water thanked his mover and SecOnder and service Will be restored as Vien as also the tritepayend for more piping is available, The reeve claret:thee There bat been less •;81101ce at length on the waterworks; work to do on over this past .••TTtilitles Commission yeat, He went the work done on replace the Hydro Commission the toads in his corn's of the towel mid will be respoetibie for water- ship and also the Week on' tverks. hydro, sewage etc; Mottle It the ; bri north West ttnarter of the township. , dget which seem mostly ho was the rmisnati:, Ienti:tisonitoataoot the h There also' 'has been considerable Queen Street and the bridge appro. ached; lie dealt oxtenstitely with 171116r114:+b•t'6::;:i 11111 ° offered 4.° try to County Connell Matters; Nada, being onsnror any otteetooc or, t000lbot of the Geed rtoo,(t Ross Tnitiat, Conticillor thank- rci tho tatereteert for aeciamation Ittl,i'll'...;;41b10.0.4eottittontt.csymer bt.64111:111,7, soiree, (aoietiened ACCLAMATION IN IN MORRIS TOWNSHIP Nominations Reeve Bailie Parrott (Q) 'COuncli Walter Shortreed (Q) Gordon Wilkinson (Q) Ross Duncan (Q) School Board Stewart Procter (Q) Elmer 'Young (Q) Carman Haines (Q) Bernard Thomas Jaine4 iMichle was olorAnted, appointed chairman for the nomin- ation meeting on motion of Ross ,Smith and Harvey Brown. There was rather a. small rep- done on the roads lint t6h7eitil7ey°11:att • - "" th°111 to 'the 'bee Ho mud also Ills mover felt that. more work Should be l• Itt.058"sreci the Pe°1)1° he w311.1d ("tilt" of hie 1 ihe village was to good financial eon- thanked his Meyer and seconder and the ratepayer's for tits. eeetematiet, ditlete; the council had eerehnted Tb/illet 4Yhei. there eileit td old telephone building arid intend *e- felt l notating it with the 75e1, gOvermotit taek page) I, (ebritintied on tosido page) ncillar W. 21., Williamson, Said Walter Shortreed ' „'' • a b itv i * I