HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-11-26, Page 2CUTE CUISINE — French actress Pascale Rohert'uses the insulated mittens attached to her apron 'to take a dish from an oven during a demonstration; in Paris. The apron,evith,built-in mittens Was, designed for convenience as well as to protectethe house- wife from burning her hands on hot pots and pans. TABLE.TM KS mss. Aram's. -I FASHION HINT ON A TOOT'— The music comes straight out instead of 'round and 'round in this horn which Chief Musician Frank Scrimo- nelli, 38, ploys. It's an English post horn, and the band is the only one in the nation to use the slim, 30-inch instrument in a solo performance. What induces people• So hard pressed by their environment to expend energy in,unessential oc- cupation? It is impossible to know the objectives of the an- cient carvers since no written record accompanies their work. It is not easy either to analyze the motives of living Eskimo artists, because they seldom give utterance to abstract- thought. Quite naturally they enjoy the increased income that their art has provided in recent years. Fears have been expressed that, this would lead to degeneration in the art form, but this has not been the case, nor is it ,likely td be. The Eskimo himself has al- ready set standards for his art which he must maintain to com- mand not only a market; but, more important, the respect of his fellow artists ... One Eskimo finds beauty in the light sleek lines of the Weasel, Another sees the mas- sive bulk of the walrus They watch an infinity of detail, then, perhaps, discard all but the es- sence of the form. In quiet moments they remember, and carve what they see beyond the' Arctic night. They carve without pretension and without self con- sciousness, for art has not yet be- come a specializaticSn. It be- longs to all. What motivates this man and his art? Perhaps it is the cling- ing remnant of a forgotten civi- lization, of the Asiatic continent where he almost Certainly ors iginated, Perhaps it is pure love of craftarnatiship which he cleare ly holds in high esteem. The severe cliniate demands that the Eskimo spend rinteli of his life in his hen% He rritist ,Provide hie own arriuserrient HI in- chistelotti habits Icel.,* him tine* to tenitemPlate and perfect lame art. And, of course, he heieaetater Wetted his Time werfare; —Froth 'ECAtuldiesi. Eskini0 Ares iknorracsibrodT $8Tiorrebtrocl? Most of so, when we' see a sign wading like the aboeemer any late of a dozers other different eperlings—simply* point a finger Wing •"I'll have sem* of that." And all the time we're thanking our stars that we don't Kaye to try and peoneunce it, But, aes eording to. Gunhild Ganeings in The Christian Science Moaner, * very simple,, The Danes "imply esmorree one slice of bread with butter and then pile -- whatever your ima- gination and refrigeeater can coneeet., tleeseje rating, too. Although, as a Citizen of Caneda, and justly Rrood ot our wheat, I think the anee. might try and do some- thing abOut that forgotten extra- Wee of breed. If you 'Wrote Ot- tawa about it they might start an investigation—which 'would help the trans-Atlantic transpor- tation interests, if nobedy else. • * * Denmark's famous smorrebrod (amid really not be called sand- wiches, as this wrongly gives the impression that our gay and colorful version.of meat or fish laid on buttered breacr also de- rives from the invention of John Montagu, Fourth Earl of Sand- wich (17,8-92), called by some the father 'of the modern sand- wich. The Danish Smorrebrod was never more than one slice of bread. To begin with, it was covered with butter only, but later was covered also with meat, fish, vegetables, eggs, or Cheese. Historic "butterbreads" have had a changing role in Denmark throughout the ages. They have been the poor man's meal at which the aristocrat's servants turned up their noses and they have been a repast *bout which one poet said; "Only the rich who never knew of any need In times of dearth themselves with butterbreads can feed." At the tithe of King Kristian el (1513-1523) bread covered With butter only was eaten as dessert at the Royal Danish Court. The Swedish word 'Smor- Nas (buttergoose) originated in orway where a spoonful of freshly churned butter was giv- th to the farm hands to lay on. eir fiat- beeid. To give them en impression of the meat they f eldom got, as this was reserved or the family, the butter was formed as a goose. The:f..:"shitirrebrod ass known to tourists visiting Denmark can be es elaborate as the chef , cares to *take it but for the Danish house- wife it is the easiest and most deliciotis 'last appearance for leftovers. Xven the tiniest bit cans be served as a smorrebrod in an appetizing and attractive way. There is a great difference be- eween our opulent smorrebrod served at parties and the, eon- tents of 'the lunchboxes prepared /Or school children or. office workers, homemade or bought in a smorrebrod. shop. Such a sehop sells nothing but smorre- brod, ready-made 'or made to 9rder. Smorrebrod shops are so Important to our Danish life that they are the only shops allowed to stay open until midnight. They fill several columns of the eallow page in Copenhagen's 'telephone directors/ and some of #iem boast of dehvering to for- eign embassies. All restauterste in Denmark have smorrebrod lists. Oskar Davidson is. the innovator oflhe'.'s JOngest with 177 different'yell- ations, On'a four-foot bill of. fare. As you may choose also .esneng Pete gel* of bread. fnetste.- men- tion ,toast) . .and the !breed Mope a. variation itselA it Oyes.- you in xeality 108 versions : of SMOrre.... bred, But the charm of =erre, hrPil that mt get' at. tesst three or four pieces, for geYgral are no: more than. anyone with. a normal eppetite cann eat for a meal, As the food. is the seine as that served tOr the cold it is easy for any hostess to. create her own delicious variety from leftovers or out of .cans. after a visit to the nearest super- market or delicatessen.. . • While. the box-lunch smorre..- bred is eaten with the ,fingers,. We use forks :and, knives when. it is served at home. And, as at. the cold table, we like to' change the plates after the herring in order not to ruin the following dishes with a eahy, flavor. We serve smorrebrod on Plat- ters but if one cannot place •ev- erything on one tray in a happy and, colorful arrangement, it is. practical to serve each selection on a different platter: the her- on the -first;. • then the salads, meats, etc., ex- actly as one does with the cold table. The cheese comes 'last. If even the tiniest bit of food is left over, save it. The last lit- tle end of a steak, for instance, may be used for one betterbread. But if everybody wants a shere you may cut it in four strips and put a strip en top of each but- terbread with sliced cold pota- toes, cucumbers, tomatoes, or whatever you may have that your family likes with cold meat. The end piece of a salami or a ham you can chop and use as a thick spread in the middle of which you make a hole big enough to hold a raw. egg yolk — Yes, we often use raw egg yolks. That goes too for the stone- hard ..crumbs of any cheese. One or two remaining ' an- chovy filets will s, make' a butter bread with hard-boiled,egg slices more delicious and crumbs of egg add color, white or yellow, to •any betterbread speeaci -emn- binee with another color. An artistic blending of color is as important, as the blending of flavors. • The 'foundation is thin slices of bread, lavishly buttered. Take care that. there 'is something which everyone will like in your assortment and use all your ar- tistic skill to make the trays look like an epicurean delight. Beery Breath Stops Car A device to eliminate drunken driving — an automatic cutout that operates by smell has been Invented by Hellweg Fri- borg, a fifty-two-year-old Dan- ish radio technician. It consists of an .infra-red lamp, a photo-electric cell and a relay, Friborg claims that it reacts to alcoholic fumes, drugs and gasoline fumes by switches ing off the car engine. If necessary, the apparatus can be adjusted to switch off the' engine "if the clever had barely sniffed a glass of beer," he claims. Q. Is it considered proper to enter someone's home with a lighted cigarette in one's hand? A. It Is not good manners to enter anyone's "home smoking. Why And Whet' Do Eskimos carve? The human being , . is at the centre of the Eskimo's art. It affera the most in subject matter, fu' the lives, of people are in,. finitely fuller and more varied than- the lives of animals, The hunter Stalit.ing the Pelar bear, the mother' holding the child, the boy selentnly dancing on his knees, these, are the ro.lbjectst which have appealed to, native;: artiStS The Eskimo sometimes tries to portrey animals which, in the- great cycles, of nature, haye, dis- alaPearecl grounds, Desiring, them far food, Ktunalik' heti carved an arctic hare With the -va'gtie 'idea that he may magically encouragel return, Kumalik has never seen a hare. -He has relied entirely on the. descriptions Of his zelderS who remember them 'freni long ago Eskiino etiquette requires a display of modesty that the artist may not necessarily feel. The carver is likely to malign ,his own work, saying it ieuseless and worthless and that he should never try such a thing again. He is usually reluctant to copy or repeat a subject of his own, or indeed anybod else's work. This is fortunate, for in con'se- quenee he - produces a wide variety of subjects, no two pieces being alike in form, movement, or concept. There is a curious conventiore- in' Eskimo art. When a swim- ming% animal is 'depicted,• only the part of its body visible above the water is carved. A walrus emerging from,the water, a bird rising to the surface with a fish in its beak, a polar bear 'siting- ing into the sea, all theee carv- ings are cut off through a hori- zontal plane representing the surface of the water. Why does the Eskimo carve? No list of favorite autumn des- serts is complete •without a re- cipe for the. use of orangeS,. writes Eleanor Richey Johnston in The 'Christian. Science Moni- tor, and I am sure a lot of my readers will agree. Here are a few hints I hope you will find useful. There are many ways to slice an 'orange and recipes often call for different types of slices by name. Here are 'a few , of these kinds With their definitions: Cartwheels—Slice oranges cross- wise in any thickness, (peeled or unpeeled). For half cart- wheels, cut cartwheels in two. Chunks—Remove caps. Cut the orange in half lengthwise. Place half orange cut side doWn and cut lengthwise. Then slice crosswise. Bite-Size Pieces --- Cut peeled orange in hale lengthwise. Place half orange cut side down and cut lengthwise 3 more . times. Slice crosswise 4 or '5 times. Segments—Peel; gently' separate into natural divisions. Sections—Peel; cut sectionvhall- way between segments , walls Wpseofagmtebsea— Place center' on end, cut into 6 equal orange pieces. Orange Flowet—Place unpeeled orange on erid. Cht 'into eighths; slicing almost to the bottom peel. Spread "petals" gently. Grated Peel—Wash orange. Us- ing medium grater, remove only the outer, orange-colored layer, which contains flavor- giving oils, * 4 * Here is a glamorous pie that Is high, light, and fluffy—a deli- cete pie for concluding a. holiday meal. ORANGE CHIFFON PIE I envelope unflavored gelatin 2 tablespoons eold water 'A cup orange juice 1/3 cup honey 3/2 teaspoon salt % teaspoon grated orange peel 3 egg yolks, slightly beaten 1 cup oran ge segments, cut in bite size pieces well drained 3 egg whites, stiffly beaten Vs cup honey 1 nine-inch baked pastry shell Maraschino cherries and orange segnients. In top of a double boiler, soften gelatin in cold water and orange juice. Add honey, salt, and orange ,peei. Place over boiling water; stir until gelatin dissolves. Gra- dually combine small amount of hot mixture with egg yolks; re- turn to double boiler, Cook over hot, but not boiling, water until mixture thickens slightly. Re- move from heat and cool until miiture is slightly congealed; fold in oranges. Drizzle honey into egg whites while beating; fold stiffly beaten whites into fruit and custard mixture. Pour into baked pastry shell; garnish With maraschino cherry halves arid Orange segments, Chill. Serves 6-8. A• refrigerator dessert that, can be Made with frozen StreWbere rtes la pretty to look it as Welk it delicious for sPediet (Weise% STRAWBERRY. PARFAIT WHIRL 100:ekite strawberry flieVerea Olathe eitja hot iivater. 444 eu liiveeterielli Sheol MO& 1 PIM etiiit jelly toll #41 VihipPea Meat Dissolve gelatin in .hot .water in a 2-quart saucepan and stir Until blended. Add' strawberries and. juice: Gradually add spoon- fuls of ice cream, stirring until melted. Refrigerate until thick- ened, 'but not set. Cut jelly roll into 5 even-sized slices, Butter a 1 1/4 -quart round casserole and stand slices around the sides. Pour strawberry mixture , into center. Refrigerate until firm be- fore serving. Run spatula around edge and turn' out on serving' plate. Garnish top with whipped cream and whole berries. • * • Combine vanilla wafers, cream cheese, and frozen (or fresh) peaches to make this chilled des- sert. PEACE-CHEESE DELIGHT (12-oz.) packages of frozen peaches 1 cup milk 1 (3-oze package cream cheese I envelope unflavored gelatin le cup cold water 1' 'cup grated Canadian cheese 3/4 cup vanilla wafer crumbs Defrost peaches.. Add V4 cup milk, a little at a time, to cream cheese and blend e until very smooth. Soften gelatin in water. Drain peaches; heat juice and dissolve gelatin in hot peach juice. Mix increatrecheese mix- ture and remaining milk. Chill until almost firm. Add peaches and Canadian cheese and beat with electric mixer until well blended. Line bottom of an 8x6x2-inch dish with vanilla wafer crumbs. Pour gelatin mix- ture over crumbs And chill until firm. A LUCY SHOW By ERSKINE JOHNSON NEA Staff Correspondent Hollywood — Desilu is be- coming just olu" for a night. But it doesn't mean Gracie Allen leaving George Burns has given Desi Arnas ideas about permanently shoving Lucille Bali into the solo spotlight. It's just a change of showmanship pace kV Lucy and Desi for the first time in elmost eight 'years. "K.O. Kitty," an hour-long comedy, gives Lucy the role of a dance teacher who inherits a prizefighter, Aldo Rayi„and be, cornea his.trainer-manager. Aldo and Lucille punch home, the comedy with Aldo's buddy, Wit- Hat n Lin-Wigan (who pitched auto commercials laIt season), pitching woo at Lucille, ° It is the type of role Lucille played hi "movies before she ever. board "of Desi but after all theses.eI Love,„Lucy" shews,• with Desi the red-bead told me: , "The fiest few days of sheet- ing ghee nee''e little freebie. I' missed 'on myself sedbesiaedel had Acetsge elf to keep front. falling into soviet of the "Lacy altdetieneh Iebeh Ieseeiled 10 takes. just standing thete. look- Mg Aldo straight in the ,eye, end railing him Ricky." — She 410, leatned hoW use a punching. bag for the. Shoes andt lave the broken fingernails to ,Piesisis' it. They snapeed like tesickeie even inside gloves." 4.S., When the thee comes foe thigh. to Solo on the shew, It tieuld be it Satire,• * 103 my how Hollywood soli to a l'tt How To Tell 'How Long You'll. Live Who lives leneereepeople with dark skins or people with white? There's no doubt whatever about the answer tp, this question, says a South African social, anthrte, pelogist who has' been studying it, He has found overwhelming evidence that dark-skinned met) and women live longer, This is what he says: "Long,, eeity is clearly an, inherited trait, Some dark-skinned, people live to 115 or even 129 years in spite of being poorly fed and badly housed." Scientists in other parts of the world have been studying fac- tors upon which long life de- pends, One in the United. States has been telling us that men and women to-day have one chance in 100,000 of living to be a hun- dred. That chance is better if you are a woman, for two out of every three centenarians are women, We're told, too, that we can compute our own expectation of life in a simple way. Each per- son had a mother, a father, two grandmothers and two grandfa- thers. By taking the number of • years that each of these adding them together and divid- ing by six, 'the person gets' — very roughly—his or her hered- itary life expectancy. But we can all influence to some extent the' length of our lives. To live longer we should keep busy, say the experts. One goes so far as to say that retire- mentcan actually shorten a 'man's or a woman's life. Many 'people Who retiree slack off afs ter having had a busy life for years arid, 'suddenly finding themselves with ,"nothing to do," grow tired of life and die. ,The remedy is for them to' go on us- ing the abilities that do not de- cline after, those requiring mus- cular activity fade out. "Indulge in hobbies such as painting and Writing or collect- ing," advises 'a psychologist. "Plan ahead; however old you are. It's only when such activ- ities and planning cease that you become really old." Up A Rugged Scots Hillside It happened like that. One moment I was looking across the moor to • Achmoree thinking of making my way back, 'and the next I had decided to climb the Hill of the Red Fox. Per- haps all the really Important decisions are made like that, in as little time as it takes you to turn your 'head. I scrambled to my feet and pressed on up the hill. When the ground became too steep for a direct assault, I went on in a series of zigzag paths, as I had often seen. Duncan Mor do.. . On and on I went'up the steep sides of the hill. It was like climbing up the inside of a gi- gantic bowl, for the hills swept around in a tremendous, over- hanging - wall encircling Loch Cuithir. The only way to get to the top of the ridge was through the gap formed by Bealach na Leachaich. . I went on again, stepping quickly and lightly across the WITHOUT DElli You'd think the town never had heard of Barrie Chase, the 23-year-old blonde who danced up a storm with Fred Astaire as his first home screen partner. Everyone -- movies, TV, and Broadway — is chasing Chase ,now. But Barrie has been doing dancing bits in Astaire films as far haelt as:•1955.("Daddy ,Long Legs"). She was a dancer on the old, Ty Comedy Hour and she helped Jack Cole choreOgraph two retent;reoVies, '"L'es and "Designing l;Vornan."- *- Happiekt 'man in town about Astaire's dancing( paethers haV- ing a :way.,of.,becorning, ,famous is Producer• Jerry Weld. He Ilea Barrie in his forthcoming 20th .1 ':oats, c taught '.the nwi ea.7 One P13411(iga 'nit toe.. hold, then a few quick steps before the gravel and stone could start to, slide beneath my feet, Up and up I Went until it seemed that X Could go no high- er for I Was under a ' pl'Otrud-, ing lip of bare rock fully twenty feet high., It was easier creasing the eceees now that the angle of the hill was SO acute, for I could balance myself with Me right , hand, I was afraid to look down, but I carried on doggedly, slid- ing on to my knees now and then, but always moving for- ward. At last I came out through the Bealach, leg weary and sweat- ing for all the cold wind that; whistled around my ears, I was on top of the ridge of hills. 011 the west side the ground fell away in a gentle slope to Glen- hinisdale. . . . I was facing south and on my right lay the Jong valley of Glenhinisdale, cut by the silver ribbon of the River Hiniscial. I could see Loch Snizort and Loch SnizortBeag, Loch Greshornish, the slender chain of the Ascrib Islands, and even distant Water- nish Point. In the far diStance I made out the flat tops or Mae- Leod's Tables and Loch Braca- dale. I looked around to my left," across the Sound of Raasay, and saw the blue hills of the Outer 1 ; Isles topped by a fone roner of white cloud, , . I ran. the last •few yards to the summit. of the Hill of the Red Fok and threw myself face down on the close-cropped turf. The 'whole of trotternish was spread out below me. I could see the river Mealth winding through the flats on the start of its long journey to the sea, and all the townships for miles around. I don't know how long I lay there, The sky was clear when T reached the summit and the mist was setting on the Steer when I turned to go. All I know Is that I no longer felt lonely and miserable. I had climbed the Hill of , the Red Fox, just as Duncan Mor had said I should, and. I felt a wild, unreasoning surge of joy. — From "The Hill 'of the Red Fox," by Allan Campbell McLean. Q. When a YOung girl is in- troducing her equally young sis- ter to an older married woman, should sheecall her sister "Miss Harris"? , A. No. She should merely say, "Mrs. Phelps, this Is my sister, May." to. rnsr "It's a short circuit. Please make it longer." Century-Fox movie, "Mardi Gras." She plays "Torchy, ' a philiosophy student working her way through college by strip- ping in a New Orleans night club. For some time Barrie's name has been linked with As- taire's because of frequent din- ner dates, But she brushes off the talk With: "We're ,friends, that's all." Barrie is the daughter of au- thor Borden Chase-'and pianist Lee Keith and she's definitely keeping that tricky first name Which now could light up thea- ter marquees in "the Fox film version of ":Can' Can." As Gary Crosby put it so, well tb her: "When„I saw your name in the cast of 'Mardi eras' e. thought you were a boy. But the second I saw knew you Were •a girl," WITHOUT DES1 FOR #irst thne in years, lautille fall scara with Aide) Ray- in, bir ci y on the Desliti Playhouse Show: 1 R. 11,