HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-11-12, Page 10m4111.50104tii Nye .Changing", lairs. Olen Thtegier read .the topic "Witleli -WaY. The moctIng closed with a hYlna. followed 'by the ,Mlzpah, 136ne. dainty 1,,11,11C11 w'a' , N'Veti by ths hostess, assisted by Wien Cameron and Kay Pfeiffer. q., Vegetables Wise An a fresh new taste with, , FRIENDSHIP OIROLg The INevember lneetiug of the Friendship Circle WPM 'held in the Brussels Enited Ohurch with 23 members present,. The .:plresidont .opened the meeting with the theme bymn anti the Lord% Pr4Yer repeated in unison, Atio-v this IntSlness "session Grace Wilbeo .took charge of the devotional period. She read a :poem. A hymn was sung ,ifollowed by prayer • lea by Shirley Wheetor and a pdesage of Scripture read by Luella Mitchell The tote story "Carry the Lan. !Tr!" was ably given by Barbara ivteCutche.on. A colored film strip, `C.per Belt Calling" .was 'shown by SliVey Brown. The the Olirtstiaat natives work, The meeting elolsed and the Miz,pah Belied 'Lunch "Was served by feilf illAfir)iiceaturaetd not to forgot that Christmas gifts will be ex- rvitlr iction. oah nbsytIounn ed au,t.otoli)e next meeting, (around with "Firiendship Sisters" Lil FOR SALE — Need Storm Windows Before Yeti Buy let Jaaltsou Homes Ltd. give you an mamma on Aluminum self storing windows. No Obligation. Phone Seatorth pop 75c: - Foe' exCA:,,g fl,•• • BA.M.If eotlieliers" rec.t I DAIRY FAEIPitragO OF PANA 0A. 405 Horon Streat, Toronto • In the winter men and materials are more readily available, and small jobs get better attention and can be more economical dur- ing the cold weather lull. This applies particularly to building and renovation jobs. HOME IMPROVEMENTS CAN BE FINANCED — —by Home Improvement Loans under the National Housing Act, available through your bank . . . up to $4,000 and up to 10 years to repay. FARMERS- -inquire about Farm Itnprovetnent Loans hacked by the government and available through your bank . . . up to $5,000 and up to 10 years to repay. Plan to help yourself and at the same time help your community to increase employment this winter, CALL YOUR NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE FOR ADVICE AND ASSISTANCE .40111;LIZV7i issued by authority of the Minister of Labour, Canada. giva 8034 The Cranhroolc Ladies Aid met in the dhureh. Mrs, Ken McDonald opened the meeting with a call to worship. A hymn' was armg followed by a Prayer by Mrs. Mac Engel. Mrs, Stuart McNair gave the Scripture Reading taken from the 15th dhanter of Romans. A. reading' "How Times Have Changed" vans given. by Mrs. Earl Dunn, The =Roll Call was answered, by giving the name of a woman of the Bible. Fifteen members were mresent. 'Inure minutes were read and approved, Mrs. Stanley Fischer' ,gave thee, treasnirer's reniort, During the business period the annual bazaar was discussed. Plans were made to hold it on Sat. Nov. 20nd at • 711-te next meeting is to be at the berme' of Mrs. Stuart McNair, The meeting eloised with a hymn followed by the Benediction. W. M. S. Meeting The. C\l'avemlYer meeting of the M, S. was held at the home of Mrs. Alex Steiss win, thirteen mem- bers and the new studmf. minister Mr. Thompson. 111.t's lender opened th 4.. mooting with. • prayer for to-clay.Hymns were stin' Ili "With MTS.,art • the ,n!ierio. Prayer 1,‘• .NTrC MointiS.On. SO'HrThire was mad 1)r Miss Forrest. The topic, on the tost 'part at the Christinn Saga wa'i• taken by Mrs. Stri.,f o,+finley Fisea,;or foe Over the 1),,ines Dart. of the meeting. Mrs. Me, ;i,11,1 Mrs. Fi8011P1' of FPI-0'1'04 Sectional meeting. • '0 Brussels and brought. back tvinorts on Ter, M. C. O. C. wiorlr. .1"zza6 were made: for a snecial meet 4r,tr. fn be !held in th'e char eli on Dec. ; 3rd. 1ti%iti, Mrs. Elwood Roe of as guest sneaker to tell ahem` trim to the. World COnvention, in Tokyo, Tar .n:. Election of officers for 1959 took place its follostS: PresidEnt Mrs, Stanley Flatter Vice Pres. I'vfrs, Strickler Secretary ...„ ..... „ Mrs. Alex Stelae Vreasurer are. Jacklin Pianist Mrs. Mac Engel Supply See. .......„ ...... , @Os, Schnook Library sec. IVIItt, Dunn Welcome & Welfare Mrs. Ti, Efans Glad Tidings .... Mrs, 'Fred Smaildon Auditors ....... Mrs. S. Evaltia, Mrs. Gordon Knight Mrs. Gordon 'Knight closed the 9 meeting with prayer: rl Lunoli was served by the hOstesa assisted by Mrs, Fred Smalldon t and Mrs. Stuart Evans. L. Knox Evening Auxiliary ti The monthly Meeting of the BY‘Srittig AirotillarY Of Knox Church Was held on NioVeinlier 1,3th, it the ltomc of' Mrs.. Glen with inertiberis and one visitor nreSerit, litre leader Of this ineetilitg Rest Knight bnened the meeting .; with; A (kilt to Woi'efilo, &lowed by j A i",i0titStili'0 Lesson was Itatl to tintsbri followed bY Prayer. The meeting *As curried over t6 the riresitIont, Mrs. Oaineren. The d the last meeting Were red& and ninirot,Sd. The Mein. .11 ber,4 ttece'nte41 inVIttlatiOrt to attend be beeentlibt theOtitig of ti W. tit. 'El', krfengetritatitS Were matte te order the new Study took 44. 1 1; .. . .. • ............. , . , . 4 Best yet of the best sellers! New Might, New Models, New Money-Saving Poweil hevroletiask• Force '59 Take trucks that have shown themselves to be the biggest savers on job after job ... the biggest sellers month after month. Add important refine- ments and engineering developments that mean still greater efficiency, endurance and economy. You've got trucks that give you unparalleled assurance of reliability . . . trucks that promise to keep your costs at an all-time low. Here are some of the ways Chevrolet Task-Force '59 solidly backs up that promise to stay and save on a broad range of hauling jobs. A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE MININIMONNUMNIMMounanalawal BUILT-TO-LAST BODIES NWzxel =IMO Manta' bigger; saving t1t eat TS Ii Chevy's best selling (i's arc thriftier that ever- -the biggest savers yet with new camshaft de- sign, new valve train durability . . . horse- power and torque to spare! V p I I p si I Luz Six big V8's match modern short-stroke power to your job! High horsepower ratings _range from 160 to 230; '59 ad- . vancements include new wear-saving thermostat control, new durability through better cooling of components! TIRE -SAM TANDEM AI DESI5 Triple-Torque tandem axles "track" on curves to cut tire wear and they boost G,V.W,'s as high as 36,000 lbs.! P _Jaff1+74.E, NWO8F-M, Take the new Fleetside pick-up, for example. With double-walled side construction, tough select-wood floor, wear-saving steel skid strips and extra-solid tailgate,. this body can !Ake it! FIRST FULLY AUTOMATIC HEAVV-DUTY TRUCK TRANSMISSION Extra-cost option Series 50 through 100 I I I P 0 siuraction This power-dividing rear axle helps give wheels sure: gripping traction on any surface. Extra-cost option in Series 31 and 32. They're stronger and safer with I unitized design plus sturdy new front cross sill, and you get al bright new interior trim, easy p Nu-Flex seat, High-Level venti- lation, concealed Safety Steps! rjz NEMEM: NI a durable, comfortable your local ctuthorize - ttcaSId. Chevrolet dealer_ iverside Motors Brussels, 40 41 Good news in every Series! New bigger brakes in light-duty models, new huskier clutches, new rear axle durability in middleweights and heavyweights! Rep 1-4/4, -14! JP, rir /44:44,n,ce Spring-- Tulip Festival "during May" .// Summer.:,. rishingi Hunting Fall— Carnival oil Colors — Gatineau Hills -me Late September, Early October " Winter—,,Skiing, Within 4 Miles ,AT ANY SEASON TAKE IN THE . . . . 'Parliament Buildings National Milsetirtt Experimental Parma National Art Gallery ,IPItivert4tty other pidces 4 intdresi RD E LGIN OTTAWA] ONTAEtIO ItcYrtt oirr Ortly sftpa from the Parliattienr Buildings, teidi6g gores. railway terminal, and theaters.. .400 roots with bath and shower. lI and Radio iii all CraC'st Rooms diuttimUt ftiPerVised on pitentott MO cars) talk 'trot 16.60 osible frota 0.00 ?Mitt MAN desitiii#4 envoi writ. ei amity* 10, a0,1 Club RAH. clistinpivc address irt ()wait •tv,rgo.r 111•1111sammegm* r aillIMPIVP0101111116.1.. .5 Un Stuiday morning, Nov, 23, tit 10 o'clock, .4 young people'a Bible will he condoeted by .the R. Thompson. An young people are .extended a beartY luvitattim to attend this new .class of the Sunday School. Recent .,isitors at the home et Mrs. James Noble were lwr bro- I titer • Robert ,and Cram b...4H of Miolt, Mimi 111.1411er, son ,ot Mr. and Murray ',author, had the tuts- fortune to .fall while playing last week, sustaining a broken right urra. N ,ep bt mind the Bazaar in tire Community Centre on Saturday of this week at 3 p.m. Como and get yet Kr 'Christmas Cards, Gifts and home larking,..Scne "ad" in this issue, ,On Sunday Mr, and Airs. Murray • Hu?ther and flmily called on Mr, and' Mrs. Doug Lawless In Simcc*.. They were accomPanind by MY. ! Duncan MeTaggart who visited with 1 Mr, and Mrs. Fred Elsley, Wood- = stock. Anyone interested in helping the I work - of the Library may do so by donating baking or dandy for the sale on Nov. 29th, Cranbrook Ladies Aid. ..Q1iAN-1$14...VO Lc BRUSSELS, IS WINTER THE . BEST TIME- -for repairs, maintenance, renovation and general clean-up work around your home or place of business? ANNOUNC ENT JOHN C. WARP Chartered Accountant plie4sed to ,annettnet; the onetting Of tixt Offie..3 for the th'netic:e of laic ttrotessioa in Lis towel, Ontario elephone 200 Wallace Ave., N. WEEKLY SALE Brussels Livestock Sales Yards EVERY FRIDAY 1 P. M. Tour home toarlmat where you Are weleoute as Vatter, Consliguar or dyer. PHONE 46