HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-11-12, Page 8Costume lAt:n4els
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-...*NtS„..91; 1-02.;*
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300-Mile Lake Would Hold
Three:.Times as Mud, os
Hoover Dam's Lake Mead
." ' . ' ' 41"- '
— BIG CONTRAST. ro RUssian farm' picture is this scene kt R ed
China, where human, muscles.instead of motors, ill the fields
and even horse-drawn plows are a rarity.,
"Dear Anne Hirst: I am be-
ing made frantic by my his-
band's treatment of our daugh-
ter, She is 18, and deeply in
love with a young man who
everything a girl could' want
and her father will not let him
in the house, Our daughter is
pretty, quiet, and has always
been responsible, She holds, a
goOd position, and has always
had many friends. But she
never cared for any boy until
she met this one. •
"My husband will give no
reason for his oppositpn
but he
is increasingly concernecr :about,
her. If she is out of the house
he seems uneasy, wanting to t
know where she is and when
she's expected back. She is, I do ,
believe, far more patient than I.
am; she never talks back.
"She has told "me outright
that she will not give up the
boy, and if he can't come to
the house she fully intends .to
meet him elsewhere. I cannot
blame her. . .
"Her father and I married
young, I am only 39. He and I
have always been so close to
each other until now. I know he
thinks the world of our girl, but
he is driving her away fronf him.
I am araid he is losing all,•her
Join in the Fun
_Agi .004%4%411414
_;e a bright early-bird — whip
up this gay apron now to greet
Christmas guests. Fun to make.
HippFloucb for a joyous day.
Santa's jolly face ,and , tinkling
bells trim this apron. Pattern
..659: .Santa; head:transfer 81/4 x12
incheS; 5 'holly sprays, directions.
(stamps cannot be accepted, use
postal note for safety) for this
pattern to Laura Wheeler, Box
1, 123 Eighteenth St, New To-
ronto Ont.
Print plainly PATTERN NUIVI-
HER, your NAME and AD-
A NEW- 1959 Laura Wheelee
Needlecraft Book, JUST OUT,
has lovely designs to order:
embroidery*, crochet, knitting,
weaving, quilting, toys. In the
book, a special surprise, to Make
a little girl happy — a cut-out
doll, clothes to color. Send 25
cents for this book. ,
*ISSUE 47 — 1958' `
trust and affeetiOn, Can you
help me?
* Many fathers are devoted to
4' their daughters, but so jealous
*'that they cannot bear the
• thought of her taking any
* man seriously, They want all
* her affection, and often go to
• stupid 'lengths to hold it. This
* daughter of yours loves the
.* young man, sci, he comes 'en-
* der the ban,
* A father must naturally ex-
* pect that some day his daugh-
* ter will, get married; if this
* 'reasonable now, he can
t be, eonsoled by the kowledge
*'that he has been a good fa-
* they to her. But what will she
*-think - of him as a parent if:,
* he denies her now? If she is
I forced, to meet the boy away
• from dome,. or if the two
* should elope, how shocked her
* parent would be — yet it is
* he who e,will be to blame.
* Parents should expect and en-
* courage love and marriage:
* your husband married the girl
* he loved :— how can he justi-
* fy snatching the same right
* from hiS daughter?
o If your husband is close to
* his minister, or trusts the opin-
* ion of, one of.., his married
* friends, perhaps- their argu-
* ments would open his eyes to
* such injustice. If the young
* man is all you think, her fa-
* ther should be eternally
* grateful that the two are in
* 'love and planning their future
Your girl is young enough
to wait a while. Cheer her on
with hope. Ask her to be pa-
* tient until father of her (now
* so distraught) sees the light.
* If he doesn't, and soon, he is
* only destroying himself. He
* will lose her love and respect
"' if he hasn't already, and the
• rift between them could last
* for years.
o But if he is rational now,
* she will feel a gratitude that
* will repay him a hundred-
* fold. (Perhaps you can leave
* this page where he will find
* it today?)
• MARRIED, ONE!" .Dear • Anne Hirst: The wives
and *children of alcoholics merit
my sympathy. Such men refuse
to do' anything 'about their de-
grading habits until they see
`that they themselves must suf-
fer. Other peoples' suffering
leaves them unmoved; it only
leads them to drinking:rfnore.
"Alcoholics bring deaths on
the highways; they fill our jails,
they increase the financial bur-
den of the taxpayer. They con-
tribute to the human agony of
the world. I"think they should
be COIyIPELIIED4o accept aid,
both medical and psychiatric.
"New thereis no curb on these
prospective killers who turn
-their caStleS into hell-holes. Any
wife who sticks her neck out be-
fore 'a court is not going to get
any redress.
"I kkow. My husband is an
About two years ago a letter
came to me very much like
yours. Thei—writer, however,
talked it over with her pastor,
who discussed it with her hus-
band. It helped.
Have you tried that?
You, and all wives who suffer
so, have my sympathy,
* I I
The wise parent realizes that
children must live their own
lives, and provides against that
day. Anne Hirst understands the
problems of:. both generations,
and explains theist to each other.
Write her at. Box 1, 123 Eigh-
teenth St., New Toronto, Ont.
Do You Snore
At 40 M.P.H.?
There were snorts of indigna-
tion from countless people in
the United States recently when
a man who has been studying
male and female snores for Ave
years announced that "eVeryone
snores at times,"
"We never snore, " they de,
"Oh, yes you, do," said the ex-
pert, when he heard of the
protests, "We all do, but' most
of us snore so quietly that we
don't disturb other people, Only
about one in every ten adult
snorers is a menace unaware of
the fact,"
Snoring may oecur when the
Mouth 'is either eperr'or cIaged.
It is paused- by. a ,vibratiorr ,or
flapping about of thet,Soft palate
which)ls,.et the back, of the Rocif
of the mouth. And—let's face it
—there's no certain cure for
Other • plaglies which haVe af-
fected the `human 'race down the
ages have been conquered or
controlled, but not snoring, Snor-
ers in this scientific Age are mak-
ing at least as much noise as
was made in the days, of Moses,
Nero and Henry VIII.
Hospitals-have spent thousands
of dollars soundproofing wards.
They have beaten street noises,
rattling trolleys and squeaking
shoes. But one noise they can't
stop — THE SNORE,
Some hospitals, said•an official
of the King Edward Hospital
Fund for London recently, intro-
duced snorers-only wards, But
the snorers woke each other up
and caused, more work for the
The scientists have measured
snores. If you're a medium snor-
er you produce 40 decibels (unit
measurement of sound),-equal 'to
a car travelling at 20 m.p.h. The
champion snorer, can reach 90
decibels, the noise ,made by a
truck going uphill.
FOOLER No racket, „this. The
"missile" is the central pivotr for
a gigantic, 120-ton crane under
construction at a naval "ship-
yard in Prange:"`"
All Gone Now
before, the first fearful
atonic bomb; a celebrated case •
involving the effects of radio-
activity intrigued the American
public. In the early' 1920's, 42
women worked at the U.S. Rad-
iuni Corp. plant in Orange, N J.,
painting'. watch, dialS with iune-
'Met -cent radium paint. Autonie-
tically they .`tipped" the radium
coated, brushes on their tongues
to keep a fine point. doing So,
they"sealed their own death war-.
The first worker died in 1925:
Her death. was .originally
nosed as catised by. "stubborn
anemia," but a more tbotough
investigation turned up
ferent result 1 Cancer, caused '
radium peisoning. From this
-Was inferred that the radioactive
metal ledging in the bones was
'systematically destroying` • the
tiSetieg' and" bibod cells of the'_
•Woritera."One- by one thrOngliblit‘
the -Test equarter ,,eeritury > the •
Recently, doctors" completed
the autopsy of the' .1e§t Of The
42 watch dial Painter§,-. Miss
Ltfey Sullivan,. 57, *he died on
Sept! 2.. The verdict: dander; or
the sphenoid §iiiii§ The cause:
Looking back
en the ttagre te4tiltk dObtorif I
—loth& that the .itigeStiOn 01
radittin had CatiSea the death of
eVerY,Shigle+WOrker.."• there are
no others left said Dr
td*iti Albenet, the ESSet County
eicainitier, "the case 14'
• eld§,ed,"
She was ;woman nearing sev-
enty. Over a cup of tea our con-
versation -turned to houses,
trees, farm homes and sub-
divisions. I 'was airing my pet
peeve — the lack of greenery
in most new developments.
"Yes," agreed Mrs. H., "they tell
you trees can, be planted and
the grounds landscaped but at
our age we can't wait for trees
to grow!" That was a sage- re-
mark if I ever heard one. And I
believe she was voicing a
thought that had been in my
subconscious ever since we left
the farm, Actually, we 'have
quite a number of trees on , this
property but not close enough
to the house to provide, shade.
Se ,we-, continue .to plant trees
and more trees. But as—I look
at them I am eonsciotts Of an
urgency . . . want trees now.
Growth is so slow — what I
want' is 'a "Jack-and-the-Bean-
stalk" variety. However, ,slow
growth doesn't stop us planting
— someone, if not us, will reap
the benefit in the distant Ititure.
We Visited "friends -on— their
Hespeler farm last -week and
brought ,back five junipers for
foundation planting. Also, three
roots of trumpet vine. That, at
least, will grow fast' and be' a
protection frOm 'alterhoon
Stin 'on the patio, during the hot
summer days. In they meantime
our nearest- neighbour has plant,
ed .lilacs all along. the, fence.
That, also -,.grows quiOkly and
will provide a'sheiter belt plus
priVacy. ' -
While ' we 'Were at Hespeler
my friend and I paid a visit to
two ,.of the- woollen. and, textile
factories in that district. The
cott4ri pill, wasn't open that
day, At one mill I bought 'knit-
ting wool at 120 and 280 an
ounce. At another plaid- shirting,
'wool and rayon; 54 inches wide,
$1:85 cents a yard. There was
also a table stacked high with
remnants at very reasonable
prices. For anyone handy with
needle and knitting a Mill at
that type the PlaCe 'rto • go.
Especially if there are, children'
in the faniilyi ”As ,everyone
knows "the price for children's+,
clething is •-appalling. Joy bought
a little pair` of jeans for Rosa '
and believe Me the denim was
little more than muslin
generally makes his little fait-
fits but, that was One- firne she
Wanted sextet/ling iii a"Burry:
When Our children were Small "
was very rarely they ever
wore "readY-mades!' except'
When. they • Were giveh as Prea=-
death. always; ended up`.
..as witiahreakerS4Or Bob.. Skirts
a nd dresses` Were dote, tri-
Size frig T3ee And they Were as
nicely dressed as •aeY of then,
playmates'. :Mittens were knitted
•With 'Old ':/weof"11.4 I`.; found it
didn't Matt and Shrink ii§„ did •
new, wool, that'WeS sine the days'
before rayon frilit••;'
threS and shrink resistant wool.
Ifyeti ••ask farm mOthert 'and
Working men's wives can stretch
the dollars- more by „making
chirdreni clothei than
shy etii*er waj t daft think of
Some people even buy good'used
and Soh had the Same
once with Ross. His tummy, not
the clock, is his time-table. They
were all here yesterday. Ross is
the smallest of our grandsons
but what he lacks in size he
makes up for in agility. He has•
extra-ordinary balance. His an-
tics in his high chair give me
the jitters. Is it my fancy or are
children more advanced these
days? Certainly rickets is a
thing of the past thanks to
medical science and improved
standards in childcare.
Famous. Quipster
Takes A Rest
Give or take a few, Arthur
(Bugs)' Baer, one of the greatest
one .l'i'ne quipsters• in, newspaper
hiStory, could count 151000,
columns of wisecracks ---
cal, topical, or whatever .77 bled'
daily 'from his' typewriter. That
adds rip to' 40' years of national,
Hearst syndication for rings, '
whoiprepared last month to give
his typewriter a ,rest.
At his, remodeled' farmhouse in
Stamford, Conn.-, ',Baer disclosed
that he, is giving up the attempt
to be funny everyday,. „NO.!, 72'
and ailing, he will" stop writings
daily and do, oniy "occasional
colums," was Ible," Hugel ex-
plained, ``that I was goingWinto A
The news touched off a rash
of recollections among BugNs old(
friends, who talked nostalgical-
ly' of some. 'Of his celebrated
punch lines: Arrkelog the best:•
On the Grand C'anyon: "What
a great place for old razor
On• Prohibition,: "Wine, wo-
men, and song are now wood
alcohol, ' trained nurses, and
'Nearer ,IVIY God:40 -Thee'."
On the lorgnette:, "An,.aquar-
ium for- one fish eye."
Bugs became a by-liner as a
sports • columnist for the old .
New York World, in 1915,. Am&
soon changed employers.mi„the„
strength of a Warrned-over gag,' ,
Writing in The World about a
slow - footed., baseball . player
(Ping Bodie of the New York
Yankees) who had been thrown
out trying to steal second base,
Bugs cracked: "His head was full •
of larceny but his feet were
honest'? The gag brought a
chuckle from Ran-
dolph Hearst Sr., who tin-
aware that Bilgs, hada used the
line before.— hired him for:his
New York American. -
A quiet, earnest craftsman
with close-cropped white hair
and a craggy face, Bugs ,7con-
siders the search for inspire-7 ,
tion an around-the-cloek job.
When seizeeleby an:ideaphe often
writes pages to p olish it.
"Humor is like 'voices," he says,
"You don't know how it's going
to be until you try it."
Some of Bugs';,, quips.
has lasted so lone that he has had
them t p,layecl,•back,- at Asri;
ually witholit attribution. Since
the mid-1920's, In -,,example, en-
tertainers have been repeating
his caustic 'cfuery: "HOw much
would you charge to haunt a
house?" -Bugsetollectstsho royal-
ties but he can take, satisfaction
froin the fact' flat tkkrii genera-
tions of hu'rxibrqt:radestnen have
publicly hailed him as a master
of his craft. The late Fred Allen
called Bugs his favorite humoi-
ist and, once _wrote: ,,"If _all the
brilliant.mots Mr. '13aer .has ad
libbed were, laid„ end; .to. ,end.
people who appreciate humor
would have one. crack bigger
than the. Grand Canyon. and a
thousand times as funny." From
Q. •If Olives and: celery are, to
be served„at 7 e 'dinner,: when Is
the preper, ftiine'll„.,jtas.them
tlienabletr'' 35
A. Dtfiriiiethes`bliP'reirurse.
,Modern Etiquette:
liy ileherta , Lee
(t; lit PermiSS1140' t° Op,
has fOod'ih roe's.
snoods? only time this is per-
missible is when one has road,
vertently taken a morsel into
handle.," Otherwise,
ththearwt tis4e,"tIoto .71";
Q. Is iii preper, for a, woman,
to use her .maiden, name tta'
name after she' re' mar-
A. Yes), this is the established
, custom, Ill other wordt, after
Joyce Margaret Stewart marries
Henry MOrgarii Shejhen/i
becomes Joyce Stewart' Morgan,
Q When. one, 10, sending-, ts,„
; a+le; tietytorty hithy,;:lik the, %ink:4.4
:Age addressed to, the infant or.
`to the- mother?'
,Arieret often. sent 94.(ie
mother—hutt,youi may- 41: as you
, 171
Wislr regardtirg this!,
Qt Wheat al bride.eletb,leCutaitil
ing up) tierguest list far the-
itedding, and' find's. W too) large•
for the' room, availhble, should'
she issue, invitations. anywarr .to.
the• entire list, and trust that
many !trot atteAS*5 .7;
A. ''S,heiSz :faltinca•
if she does this!' lib Would be,
much better' if' she. cut ,thigunt her- "
list,. and` ask her fiance' tth, do
the, same:.
to Al
clothing for making over from
'rummage sales. Quite a good
idea, too.
Well, the countryside is look-
ing somewhat bleak these days.
• Only the hardy poplar and a
few sheltered oaks and maples
are retaining their, leaves. Even
they are . shivering on the
branches as if disliking the
chilly winds. Partner has been
raking up the leaves almost as
fast as' they fall and digging
them into the garden ready for
spring. On many gardens all
over the country, in spite of ad-
vice to the contra'ry, leaves are
raked up and -burnt. What a
crime against nature. I" suppose
in the spring those same garden-,
ers will go out and buy fertili-
zer. So much is wasted. Any-
thing that grows can be cut up,
spread on' the: garden and will
provide humus for next year's
growth. ,
Dust Saturday ,was,pur eldest
grandson's fifth,birthday and he
had-his first biythday,party com-
plete with all the trimmings.
There were nine children in-
vited frorn ..3-5M thou'er, Daugh-
ter was-wise, to.,Iirnit, the time.
• Long encregh .for fun an,d, party
treats. Short enough- to elimin-
ate over-tiredness. At the end of
the day it •Was Dkighter who
tlired. The 'grandparents were
not present,' It ,was. a pleas-
ure we thought it better to fore-
go. But of course, by phone next
day, ,we got an excited commen-
tary of the Whole proceedings.
And now we are back to
standard time — no more con-
fusion Jot at least • six months.
We turned our clocks back but
Taffy,didn't. He was yapping to
be let out at his Usual trine: Joy
ild• FACTOR, agricultural increasing ...„ .„
• • hiethcinitatienk ' 8iit"76Veri. 'this 'Modern combine in .1h* •Uktiiindi
wastes manpOwet, "twee Men 'here' running •it•
mdchine one 'Man • WOOFS Operate on Garitiction tatitti
HOW to• look smaft ,•eVery: (30,1) "
out of the seven? Whip up two
skirts- — one slim, one flared
to mix-match with all your tops.
Beginner-easy •-eto sew'; choose
glowing tweedeor vibrant color,
Printed Pattern 4845:- Misses'
Waist Sizes 24, 25, 26,•28, 3p, 32.
Waist Size 28 slim skirt takes
11/syards 54-inch,; flared, 2iyards.
Printed directions on each pat-
tern part. Easier, accurate.
Send FORTY CENTS (400) use
postal note for safety, (stamps
cannot be accepted) for this pat-
tern. Please print plainly SIZE,
r,. Send order,to.ANNE ADAMS,
Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New
Toronto, Ont.
• t RUSSIANS RENEW ASWAN 0. on hat eigairt
aSiiiteitide to begin tOriattlittion,Of,th0 ;itian$noth .).(010,.•on High Dam, PtOmier ,risers answer
to his growing "o `elation. ,The 9stiart,affet, 6060 dollars'.triilltaii l OUI4 be arie,fifth -One,
sixth the entire 'east Of 'the dam which, ten' toinpier ed; world 'add two nifilionfaCreS the
COUniry',s present 06 Million, atreS ;Cti'a ld Newtroo), Withdrawal of arid'
British offers Of dam aid 19SiS led tril seizure and riditatialiriatioiit'bf the