HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-11-05, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST 466 ..te rie .6e .6e.. 4a -wad (aea4daodeoe Ata64 "4/4 Free! Marie Fraaerg exciting new "'Bazaar Bost Bolters" recape:i Write terloy! DAIRY FAMMORS OF CANADA 409 Huron Streot, Toronto TELEVISION and RADIO REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES dUAltANTEEtt SERVICE Eleetrocal Wiring Contractor itiRVAL likknisON PHONE 47r7 NOTICE The Huistin Ctwnty Geuna, ii :40 moot In th Council Chamber], C urt COderiolii on 1014. i4168 at 10.4 a. M. Al; and eenenrita Millet nein the hods' of the dietii titiOtie floOki 46Vreiiii3Of' Eith; John Gr boot' Cleote: County 60 Htiren. MR SALE A— FOR .0A.LE SPITAYed iSPY Apples, 62.50 per beet Singer • Sewing- Machine Howard Smith Phone 1341 Apply at :rail Brussels Post. AUCTION • SALE 40 elead .Of Gregg_ Heistent • cave and •Helfers • to be held on the farm, Lot 14, Con, .2,. Stenle.y 1%(4. miles west 4 14 miles B941 of .BrPc0f1014 on TWEWAY, NOV, 11th at 1 etcleck ConSietin.g. of , Cows fresh and springing 25. Heifers $reSh and Springing. 12- Stee‘leer • Oettle, 1 'Registered liereferd. Bull Number of Young Cattle Cattle ere vaccinated end of good quality, Terms Cash Prop.: D'Arcy Rathweil .and $0116 Auctioneer; Harold Jackson FOR SALE -- Need Storm Windows Before You. Buy let Jenkins, Homes- Ltd. give you an estimate on Aluminum self storing winthrlts- No ObligatIon, Phone Seater* SW -#,-ediet,.-bi.D7 etgAl-razt BRUSSEISV44•46 5b TURKEY BINGO Wed, Nov. 126th; Fri. Dec. 5th and. Pat Dec, 12lth. Sponsored by Brus eels Canadian Legion Branch 213. Watch for further particulars. 610.1411410111110MANM14146_ 58 1/2 ton Chev. Truck 54 Oldsmobile Sedan 57 Chev. Belaire Hard Top 1 4 reiiee,•i;..etesee Modern Lighting for Modern Living Today, lighting plays a new role in modern living. Coloured bulbs, new fixtures and controls all make it easy to add pleasure and beauty to our homes . . to create an atmosphere of warmth, spaciousness, and hospitality. Housework and hobbies are so much easier and safer if the lighting in your house is the proper intensity for good vision. Inside and out, modern lighting protects your home from prowlers, protects your family from accidents. At Christniasyou can share the festivity and enjoyment with your neighbours with colourful Christmas lighting. Modern lighting is a silent partner, helping you to see better, enjoy hew comfort, new convenience . . helping you to "Live Better Electrically"—the safe, Clean, Modern *ay. 4 4 U 4 A 4 , .4 -4 4 4 4 1 'I 4 4 eteelrie :ty does so much 0 .11 t t - I 4 GS GE IsfeCtITCHION WHEN A CAPS TRAVEL,INE ,E=VENTY, IT'$ NoTI311'10- oRIvE0-IT'S EtEiNo AIMED! YQUA BEST BET IN nm PUYit,* A USED CAR IS RIVERSIDE maroicep THEY AIMTO PLEASE WITH THEIR FINE sELECTIONS/ WediteSdar, 110y, ;tit, 1061 ,edeeeeeei .1186,666.bra6161606:163MCVM rrli:ri‘rirrelrierlaVilpfrolAr.liFirWri.rweiorarrIrirrraisoW01 rure,•7 70:1 j 1 CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE -- Dressed Chickens, et 35c a lb. llers, Mervin McCauley Phone 1211 FOR $ALE Ducks, dressed for oven. none 51r4 MrS, Ross Cardiff FOR SALE — 700 Red Rock Pullets, 51/i months old. Fees oil —.. —tuner. Taos, Melyarlance Phone 34111 FOR SALE Pink, summer, semi-formal dress,. :eine 0; only. worn 3 times': Price 412.00. • Clary Agnes Higgins phone 261W LOST — Red Meer, weighing about 700 lbs. from lot' 3, eoncession 13, Grey Township. Contact JOhn Blake. Phone 4247 WANTED — Large 17.ii,ited States end Canad- ian Manufacturing Company re- quires Field Representative in Grey Township. Exeeptionally High. 1i:sky-nines. Onaraeteed repeat bus- IneAs. Automobile essential. Agri- iller:A or farming background most. hanorterit. Sales training given. Reply to T3ux 84, London. Ontario, CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC X-RAY' ULTRASONIC SHORT 'WAVE LISTOWEL, ONT. Phone 768 for Appointment If No Answer Gall 770 SLRV1A teAkiVAERz iviUTUAL FIRE INt.JRA.NCE CO. Established In 1114 Mead Office Atwood Ont. Insures Fiera) Property, Private Dwaine's and Contents In Toying end Villa's. Schools, Churches ..and Hells on an "INSURANCE AT COST" beele PROMPT ADJUSTMENT to CLAIMS Contact your Nearest Director or Agent R. W. (Dick) INIntileld liao Windstorm insuring* Druesste, Ont.. NEED STORM WINDOW.. tow" You Bey let Aelksso lime" Ltd. ire you as ]insets en Alumina sat *teem 11M14111,16 Phone neaterik 1 • REMEMBRANCE DAY On November 11th, Oanadigne i will gather at war memorials in I some 2,000 cities, ttown and villages. 1 Here they will stand with heads bowed. land A 'poppy On their l'east. In the two minutes silence, they , will. pay tribute to the More than 1 op,000 Oarmcifiams wbo were killed ! to war. 1 Bach will remember in his own way. Perhaps veterans will think of comrades .as, they were a few seconds before their death. Wives will re- member the long wait for husbands who. event to, war and never return- ed. Parents will think of boys Who were so young when, they left home for the last time. And some will think of a father who went away melt a long time ago, Perhaps the most nnportatit for you, to remember is that many of the dead were young and full of life When they joined len, many were fresh out of classrooms. Some were flying bombers while still in their teens, others were Storming the beaches at Dieppe, din Italy and in N.ormandp do g hdfore their 21St birthday., • Many died without reach- ing their 21st -birthday, So one thing to remember. is -thee they n;e-le:, young. One might also think of what they left. Their future was as grand as your plans for next summer's vacation. ,They left the excitement and magic of autumn, afternoons and football; (he swift, silent swoop of skis on powdered snow; basketball. football, hockey, track, and dozens of things which you enjoy. Through their death, *hey bought freedom for future genenations, To- day we may tend to take much of This freedom for ;granted. But look about you,. Think of what you plan to do tonight or tomorrow or next -weekend. Then ask yourself if you would be enjoying the same privi- leges anti pleasures if these men 11.0.d not not paid for it with their lives. That is why when we wear poppy and , stand in silence on Remembrance Day we are in effect saying "thank you" to those brave men who paid for our toclays" with their future, Saturday November Sth, will be Poppr Day. 'The Legion hopes that everyone *ill purchase ra Poppy arid in ti4s way yen hater the dead and help the living. The Braegels Legion invites you to join them in the Rernembranren Day Cerernemy Mt the Cenotaph Tuesday Noverriber 11th, it414.),RMATtON "Par ertIticial mannineu,ni labor. malion or einviee 11•0121 all. breads M data% It ova the Waterloo Breeding Aneoclation aki Clinton H Y.2 - 144i Or .1?almeriton US beanie ILIA. and S.D. A. M. We bite all breedS available ?won OM* Itt low ado.' ATTEND W. A. DEANERY. mrs. R. Stephens; MrS, Bryan, Are. Glasgow,. Mrs, B, Somers, and Mrs. G, Davis attended the k a11. Dea,oe.ry piketigig of the W. A, held. Clintonin on Thtipsda.y of last week. -Members of $t. Johns Church aleo Attended the illustrated. talk on the recent 'Lambeth, Conference given in St. Pants Parish Hall, Olt Monday. Oct, 217, by Bishop Town- send of London, 0, F. U. SUPPORTS NATIONAL. FARM UNION WEEK The Ontario Farmer's Union In eol-operation .with four- other Pro. Warm Unions., Manitob, .Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia, embark on a special program for the week of November 3 7 8 known ns National Farm Union Week. The prithe function of National Farm Union. Week is to acquuetint Urban:as well as Rural people with she fact that there IS a Farm Union, and imiress upon them the aims of Ontario Farmers' Union. The in- come of Urban and 'Rural people . is related, they 're interdependent„ Warmers depend on Urban people So buy their farm produ!ce, Urban. people doPerul oni 'farmers to buy their merchandise. If agriculture is not prosperous farmer's cannot buy cars, trucks, tractors, balers, forage harvesters, combines and other machines so necessary to operate a farm today. The level of prosper- ity also influences .wbether Mrs, Fortner gets a new be or makes do with the old one, whether she has a presen'ee system or ,carries water from the pump in the yard, whether she gets. te new beating :'stem nr coaxes another year's service from the old kitchen stove. ;These things have a hearing on the pay cheene or • a. the man in town, FARM TIN-IONS/ try to keep their Membership and the farming cem• m'i'iity in ,soeneral informed on things which- are currently happening in all fields which might affect Agriculteire. through the medinm of the Ontario Union, Farmer, their official pubTh cation, along with radio, T. V, and the Press, InforMation Booths are maintained at Wall Fairs, during the recent Ploughing Match alMost 600 • tarntere visited the Ontario - Farm Union. Tent. The Onitallia Fainters' Union is -organized on three levels. Local, County arid ProVincial, Locals, Which are usually get nip One to a Township holds regular monthly meetings and clilSenge v'airidee AM-Ventral. prob; lens, Reecirtiniendatione go from here to the County orgttoizatioii in. the form or resolutions. Resce iutions that pass County. Meeting are sent to Head Office ter dietti- Wien to the other locals Within ' the province. They then go before file PrtiVinciat Annual OniVention said if Passed beet:Mies Tinian POlidi, which .C6,11.1101 be changed by -directors. This leaves central or She ergeninatien in the hands of the members, Thits the term "gram-4 reite, The Natrona! Warm Union Week Campaign` ineindeg 1060 and air placards and iii st,6ued knit ,teed na', httSineStt teenie. Will. Wear special • badges, will be used On all tarM Unfelt nialt.. In additiert to this 4tid. tieilittod most brenteritiC local inetilberS will conduct a • fir* datives .for new 60kolAtik Get Yelif :Fah Permanent zit irenee Ratify - Salon coral WAytt AtAioi*ttont DAY Of ttiti.ittitl Phene 1A6 •