HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-10-22, Page 1ST PRUSSBLS. VILLAGE COUNCIL MEETING Tlae Mnill(tiPal Council of the 'Village ef Brussels met on Oct, 10th, Councillor J, H. Strett on being absent, Tbe Mimi:4'es of August 25th meeting were mead and adopted on motion of W. A. Wt/l00lignb sec- mated by J. O. Krwter, Oarrleal Mloived by J. C. Xrp.nter, `0,econded W. A, Williamson that filhe Council 1170(111E1st iMr. Frank aideOutcheon to construdt a closed ibeard fenee around his pkreperty, lot 379 on Elizabeth Street in 'the Village of Brussels. — Carried NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION ;The Court of Revision on the 1959 Assessment Roll for the TOwnship of Grey will be held on Monday, October 27th, 1958, at 2. pan., In the Clerk's Office, Ethel, Ont. Edythe. M, Cardiff, Clerk; Township of Grey- Melville Church Minister: Rev. Jonathan Greens Organist — Donald Dunbar leaday Sckool 10 A. a 11 A. M. Divine Worship • • • The United Church OF CANADA „,'• Minister: Rev. L. Brown B.A.; B.D. • Organist: Mrs, A. E. 'Martin • 10 ,A, Ml, Chtlith 'School 11.15 A. M. Layman's Simdity Monday, bet, 27 ChAreh-of-the-Air CKNX, NITitigh,a(ti, at 9-.1;5 A, M. St, John's Brtsaielli 8.30 Holy Oitchatidi 00 CANADA.' ""- Parish of iiirininelat Restore Rev, Wi.itiLjad011;lig.A4 Oilest TURKEY SUPPER TUESDAY, OCT. 28th 6 to a P.M Admission: Adults 1:28 Public ;school Children .50 Tickets Available /thtirs. - Fri.- Sat. Oct, 23 14 • 25 ADMIT' ROVDY„ .is back iii his iriobt faarioti.,1701e ANDY HARDY. Don'twriss:;: H A RDY •' COMES• HOME" SiO,141rig, MiOkey,'s Sos TEDDY, . Phis- •"Wlid Heritage" ' dinerriaSeone . • Color 2 BRIDGES OPENED 1 IN MORRIS TOWNSHIP John A. Moore, Stratford. assistant district, engineer , Dept. of• High- , ways, officially opened the new $28.000 Garniss bridge on the 2.rd. line of Morris Two. on Friday.' Other speakeIrS included - Reeve Speaker:Rev. Grant Mills. E.A-, Baillie Palatott, John W. Hanna, Clinton ;MLA fdr Hitilon•laluice;; consulting Male Quartette — Kenneth Steil, enaneeir R. M. Dawson, Stratford, Donald Henry, Kenneth.KilpatrIck, and W. 0. Strulthers, of Wingliam. Brian Presdott, will sing at both, i Also present were Morris Twp. servIcet. Councilers, and road officials. A bronze plimme was unveiled. in a second ceremony a new 50 ft. bridge On the first line of Morris was ! 'opened. S. Hanna cut tile ribbon. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES At eight. &Clock on .Friday evert- ' Ing, October 24th, the atnatial COM- CAP TOL' HEATR Inienaerri ' etilt •Exercilss will be held I 1 E in the Winghath District High LiSTOWEL; OMT, , VALig BkAtjTY' ti-lOPPE Wed, Oct. 29 36 • DIM 7. I. A • '§ • iiify UNION. UNITED CHURCH (Grey Township) • ANNIVERSARY SERVICES- . SUNDAY, bCTOBER 26th. 11 A. M. and 7.30 P. M. (E, S. T.) ;Monday Tuesday • Oct, 27 28 :MD DAN ONLY !DIE (Wail WIG'S' 'RD AttutAID TO SEEN. T cinenfas000 Color ..). Stain] There Will be. G pr'ogram'me of vocal and iriatritinen- trtl innslic, and the presentation of certtficntea cli,plomas atibletie and ,SCheirtatte-. aavarda. Mr. Jailtea B, • )SeLitt Of SeafOrth Will be the guest eneaker, Gwen Walsh, valedictorian. Following the Exercises,, there will -be an ,inflOrittal dance for the .,dtit• dentd .,, and, their' friends, to , the nrtu le of The Esquires.'' • • All parenta . and others interested In -the "tilstrfct High Sato& ,zate invited '?0 geffie to the derilitience,, Mehl Exercises,. for Whicih there id no iatInfinelon charge, refiner, -ettideirte, and it:lie:graduates Of 1958 'par, 'tare ttitited to retiiairi 'fox if he donee in the 11.00 A. it'll, . Mattine - SundaySchool..* _.:, ., ., e4EAUTIt7W.,, , . .., „ ., . ,.. , CIL Dieid's Chilrdiii Heithird '.iia - ,.., - Cuttint StyIth Cold 'WAVING' ' DLit 0ANCEAOUtio . c44. .01 I', At trot100:g ' 'IL i6 . 1.0,* •• 6460' ',.... ONONt 14D ithitlikt.it Carried 60.00 14.04 5.000,06 12,00 3,000.00 101,11 3,000.00 PARENTS!' 2.50 The Clork was authorized to call for tenders for snowplowing in the Village of Brussels fir the 1958.59 season. Tenders to be is by 5 o'clock on October 27th 1068. MOved.by H. A. Pelairson, seconded by J. C. banter, that the Reeve be authorized to proclaim Tuesday, Nov. 11tif, 1958 as a public holiday in the Village of Brussels. Carried Moved by J. C. .Kranter, aeconded by ,W. A. Williamson that By-Lay' No. 7, 1968 be read a Hirst time, - .-•• nCarried 'Moved by W. A. Williamson, sec- onded by R. B. Pearson that, By-Law No. 74958 as read a )first time he read the second time. — Carried Moved by H. R. Pearson, seconded by J. C, Kreuter that By-Law No. 7-1 1958 as read a first and second time be read a third time and passed. — Carried This By-Law se's forth the dates of the meeting for the nomination' and elctection of candidates for officar;. to serve • the Village of Brussels during the year 1959. -0c.raespondence was reviewed and. an indigent hospital account for Mrs.- Florence Jamieson was re- turned to the County of Huron as the Council felt th.at this account was not rated an indigent, case. The Clerk was authorized to write to .Joseph Brewer and ascertain. as to why he did not,aahnly for a Build- ing "permit... for the congt(Tction. of a garage, Reeve McCutelheon stated that he lied received ireqUets from. some residents who wished to have new street lights installed in front of their' profierty, latter a discussion this was left over till the spring. Moved by W. A. Williamson, sec- onded by S. C. Krauter•that By Laat .No, 84968 be read a first time. — Carried ' Moved by H. R. Pearson, seconded by W. A. Williamson that By-Law No. 8-1.958 as read a flint tune bt reed a second trite. —• Carries Moved by .1. C. Krautea, seconded by H. B. P.ertraon that By-Law No. 3,1958 as read a first and second tim e he read a third time and pasSed. This being By-Law authorizingCad rfe the bOrrowing of $10,000 Moved by H. B. Pearson, seconded by W. A. Willuinson that the, account as presented be paid. M. C, F. 0. A,. fed .Post ,Office, postage, B.1,.1 & TelepliOne Co. 161 Post °Mica pOstage 13.)I ti. & G. TelePhOne 16r4 truSeela }blab, pOWer & 0. Telephone Co. loans Receiver General, tax Brussels Coal Yard, oft MicidteNaitland COnSeit• VtatiOn, reed Oldrield Hardware, age.. COlifity Of Huron, Hospital Prev, of 'Ontario insulin D. Hall, labthir' T-tielcV r& Sons Ltd, filie einibitient F. Bull & Son, fire erlidpment binteaia fox botin0 F, .gravel S. Sweeney. damp, Workitleit'S Cohnpei cation, fees Toe IleWer, truck reiita ti ridge Meters, Daylight Saving Time For The Village of Brussels ENDS at MIDNIGHT SATURDAY. OCTOBER 25th G. E. McCutcheon, Reeve •••••••••••""!••••••.• Royi;i Instant Puddings 3 for Tops Dog Food 4 for Stokely's Tomato Juice 20 oz. 2 for Van Camp's Beans with Pork 15 oz. ,2 for ••••••••••••••••• A• ' • • aaa---•-• • • a a a v..so CCUTCHEON GROCERY Formerly The Rutledge Grocery Phone 293 We Deliver MILK CONSUMERS . In Brussels Area Please Return ALL Empty 'Milk Bottles Regularly DO NOT 'Leave Them Lying Around And Please Remember That We WILL NOT Allow 5c Credit For ROUND Bottles After Dec. 31st. COUSINS DAIRY Brussels, Ont. Phone 2: DANCE • To The Music Of Ken Wilbee's Orchestra At Parkview Gardens, Listowel Sponsored,_ by the Listowel 'Branch of the Canadian Legion Every Saturday Night Everybody Welcome t 32c 14 35c .. • 1. ".' '''''''''''' 29C 29c C. Sc -C., limn; er, pollard Chain :Saw, 1. itittledgc,, fe4 1)-e14,47 KItterY,. f 0X-• Poet .Office, U, 1. S.' C. J, Cardiff, selecting ,itirere. H. A. riScher, seleeting jurors AleCotcheon • selecting jurors • Brussels Hydro, W. W. power O. 4 0 Krnut.m W. StUYplies • J. B. Allen, mlatbarlal Mueller Ltd., W. W. material D, Hall, labour, Hanover transport, areiglit MeNbirter •& Workman, W. W, labour & material 3.1.0 0.00 .1.00 15,83 I 4.00 4.00 4,00 68,00 11,53 70.97 54, 58 17,35 2.40 , 37.30 1 Mos1 by W. A, Williamsos, see. ended by J. 0. Krauter that the meeting adjourn to meet again on October 17th, or at the eall of the — Carried I Reeve, IT. A, Fischer. Clerk. UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES The Rev. R. G, Hazelwood B, A., B, D. of Mount Forest was the guest preacher on Sunday Oct, 19th, for the 82nd Anniversary Services of Brdssels United Church. The Church was packed for the morning service and ;nicely filled in the evening. It was a day of blessing with the autumn flowers hi boquets at the fronit df th e Chuirch and the warm sunshine out of doors. The morning message asked a questilon "What is the Church for?" Meth was answered by the words of the text in Ephekans, a:la (Rev- pand Standard Version),: "that throluath the Church the manifold wisdohn of God mighabe made known So °flea. the message of the pulpit is throttled by certain intereoa the congregation which the mini- ster moot` not offend. But the Church must be fearless the proclamation of the Word of God If it is to be the Church as 'God intended it to be. in the evening Mr. Hazelwood spoke on Acts 17:6 — ',These that have turned the world upside down •have come hither also." These were the Christians. The early Church was on the offensive. Its membership was totally committed to Geld, prepared even to give their lives for Christ. The Christiana, were given unlihnited reaounrs by the coming of the 'Holy S omething of these .marka, of the early Church was lost after the third century, but must 'be reclaimed NI we, are to be true followers of Christ. Thu music under the direetion of the organist Mrs. A. B. Martin, Was appropriate and beaubiful. In the moiling the choir sang Caleb Sim- per's "What Shall I render" bud in the evening "Praise the Lord," 0 .iernsalein" by Maunder, A Ladies rhorns,* tionelda. Pearson, Gwen dOlyile Martin, Ann Cardiff, and Mae Myer, sang "Joy &Meth in the Mori-tine 'said': 'Whither rrhmt ,COest," At. the morning ser'vic'e a male quartet, Lloyd Wheeler, 'Tom Strachan, ICabvion Willis, and OW] McFadden, sang 41:110: Church in the Wildwood", and in the evening "I ‘57atit My life to tell for Jesus", fitting thought as the congregation PrOceeds into T new year of Milk- len activity. 11.15 The next iminuniZation chide for Brusels and district 'preschool s 151.19 children will be held at the Bens- 61.59 sels School on. October 37th from 10:84 - 11.30 a.m. This is the 72.00 second in a current series of confer 2.81 with Protection 'available again st 5.50 .dit)therfa.. whooping cough', tetanus, etnalliiet and Mid itNCACEMtNt Mr and Mit. Harvey MaCtitcheeni Brilafaelea ()blow, wish 4.o announce the ent ageilient" of their eldest 3:5.4.00 de:tighter; Very Estelle, 'tai' Mr. 11,61rert derdeh Guyer, Sett of and d'OlYer at itanhilten 11,00 Wedding tea talte iblace n Heatniftlian, -trio IOW tinirt or October. 1 28.96 3,00 83.16 WINNERS OF POL,t.,ARD'S' CHAIN SAW DRAW Pollard's Chain, Sew, BritsselS, Cow ducted a draw' at their 'display at both the Braseele and the Tee** Water Fair, Winners are: At Brussels Fair Barbara Turnbull, Brussels. ,Niornien Stephenson, Ethel. At Teeswater Fair Harold Dawsum, R. R. 4, Whigharn, Thomas Rivett, Dungannon. W,M. ERYDGES ,HONORED ON RETIREMENT 'The. Reeve,. .Council, Clerk and Treiasurer or Morris Township 0010 on Mr. and first SVillam Brydges on Friday afternoon, iOctober 17th, on behalf of the Township of Morrie and presenlied than with a pair of Ottawa Valley Wool Blankets and a sun,. of money. Mr, Brydges l who bas been TO Collector for the past thirty-five years lied to retire on account of ill hearth. THIEVES STRIKE HERE AGAIN Alert youngsters, on Saturday afternoon, spotted, and promptly !reported, their find of*the safe that had been stolen. from the Bray Produlce Brussels, looted of cash and .abandoned. Murray and Don Fischer, 11 'and 10 year old sons of Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Fischer and their coma panfon, Rae Smith, son of Mrs. Douglas Smih, all of this village, found the safe at the Pennington swihruning hole while 'bicycling in 'that vicinity. On also finding hooks a and papers scattered around they quickly cycled to It•own'and reported theilr find to village Constable D. Hastings and returned to the spot writh him, The safe was stolen from the Bray office sometime Friday night or the early hours cif Saturday morning. When found the Strait safe, which had. been * enclosed In a wooden 'cabinet, had been smashed open ,and $476 in cash was. missing. Fortunately huSiness papers and. 'account books were intact. Entry to the :business establish- went, operated '•by W. G. Bray of Ethel, bad been gained through. 'the rear doors after the hook fastener had been \pried 'kip. (The break-in and theft • was di;covered by Donald McLean, an emPlyee on Saturday morning. P. C. !Lewis elf Winghlahn is in .• charge of the investigation. Wednesday, October 22nd, 1958 &after's*" 0.00•4 class ins% Post Offlos DoPestelent, Ott • araramorOitgr $2.00 per year $2.50 1 trost Publishing House. ,,rart,aara--raa-a. Melville Young Women's Guild. ANNUAL BAZAAR and BAKE SALE in the Brussels Public Library SATURDAY, OCT. 25th At 2.30 P. Aprons — Baking — Candy Miscellaneo woNo••••m...,, NOTICE The Annual Meeting and Banquet of District 8 (Huron & POW Ontario Association of Agricultural Societies *AI be Ueilti in BRUSSELS on WEDNESDAY, OCT1'. '20th, beginning, At. 10.00 A. AL (E. T,, in the Brussels Library, A. Turiroaw Banquet in Melville Presbyterian Church at 1!2,80 Coo sharp, Guest speaker, G. Montgomery former Huron Gwadar- A,gricultural Representative, Everyone welconie. ,Ticketta 51.50 For tickets see: Norman Hoover; Wilfred Shortreetiaa James Main Geo. Watt, Blyik sec,-brier SATURDAY NOV, 8th at 2.00 P. M. IN BRUSSELS ARENA Sponsored By East Huron Agricultural. Society Please Bring Donations In Time For Sale Melville Presbyterian. Church Brussels ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Will Be Held On Sunday, October 26th, 1958' At 11 A. M. and 7.30 P. M. Guest Speaker Will Be — THE REV. W. J. S. McCLURE, B. Of Molesworth Special Music Will Be Rendered By The ohol-o- Everybody Is Heartily Invited LION'S CLUB HALLOWE-EN PARTY The annual Hallowe'en Party sponsored by 'the Cons Club `w Z" be held in The Town Hall on Friday even'ng Oct. 31st. Pr1r.r.5.. will be awarded as follev-,c for onst.tim-s. 1. Clown 2. National 3. Cowboys or Girls 4. Mother Goose Character 5, National 6. Hobo 7, Indian 8. Ghost 9. Irish Couple There will also be a Hula Hoop Contest. Everybody Welcome • WRIMINIMP.ritoraramogr GROW WITH CANADA BUY CANADA SAVINGS BOND o Interest For The First Year 41/4 % For The Remaining 4 Years: Bonds May Be Cashed. At Any ,Time. At FACE VALUE Contac EL YN BAKER Phone 2631 oir 19 .thittiseht RUMMAGE SALE Farm Produce — Garden Vegetables — And Other Art'cles Accealted Alma rarromanararporrr,rorr,;,,,,j,-...