The Brussels Post, 1958-10-01, Page 7THINGS HAVEN'T CHANGED MUCH—The modern mobile transport equipment of U.S. Marines
halts while several desert ships pass by in Dikily, Turkey. Camels have been used by Mid-
easterners since ancient times to transport , goods and an international crisis or two isn't going
to change things,
SI,25 Express Collect,
13.01.1$4 the torment of dry equine rashes and weeping skin troubles,
Post's Oczetne Salve will not disappoint you, Itching, sealing and Miming eeze-nia, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will reepond readily to the
Stainless odorless ointment regardless
of hew stubborn hopeless they Seem, Sent Pest Free on Receipt of price
2065 St, Clalr Avenue East
LADIES, Ladies! It's Free! Illustrated Folder of Imported Hand-Tooled Leath-er Goods, Beautiful., selections. Foot-
wear, Bags, Wallets, Write Today! Barrow, Box 508, Collinsville, Virginia.
MONEY from spare time hobby. Small investment. Raise Golden Hamsters. New and interesting pets, Free litera-ture Gerald Saunders, Box 114, DeIta, Ont.
WANTED! Home Workers to address and mail Sales Literature. $10,00 per thousand, plus 40% Commission on sales. Send $1.00 for mailing full de-tails, Fox Enterprises, 1133 Aircraft Drive, Marietta, Georgia,
Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates. America's Greatest system illustrated Catalogue Free,
Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto
Branches: 44 King St., W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa
MAKE EXTRA MONEY with no experience at all. SELL BELLEFAIR GREETING CARDS Gifts, novelties, toys and decorations. It's easy to make extra money in your spare time as an agent for Bellefair. With an outstanding selection and the liberal profits you receive there's no limit to the money you can earn. Start now, write today for our free cata-logue and samples on approval, In-quiries invited from Churches. Clubs and Groups.
224 Holyywood Ave., Wiliowdale Ont.
FETHERSTONHAUGH & Company Patent Attorneys, Established 1890. 600 University Ave., Toronto Patents all countries.
ADULTS! Send 105 for world's funniest novelty joke cards. Free catalogue specialities, herbal remedies, vitamins, food supplements. Western Distribu-tors, Box 24-FC, Regina, Sask.
hunters, Thanksgiving week-end (part-ridge) and Nov. 1-12 (deer). Guides on request. Home cooking, book now. Taylor Lake Lodge, Whitestone On-tario, in the Parry Sound District.
$1.00 TRIAL offer, Twenty-five deluxe personal requirements. Latest cata-logue included. The Medico Agency, Box 22 Terminal "Q" Toronto, Ont.
CUT down the easy way. Chew "Kwits,"
the new anti-smoking chewing gum. Takes the craving away for hours. Contains Lobeline — a new discovery. Price 690 package, 3 packages for $2.00 Postpaid. Wilson's Lab Products, Box 200, Markham, Ont. or your local Drug-gist can procure them for you.
NEW FAST COMPLETE Photo Service designed for speed and custom Photofinishing. Ex-pert enlarging, 8 Exposure roll, Con-tact Size 40c Double Size 50c. 12 Ex-posure roll, Contact Size 45c. Double
Size 70c. You will appreciate our speed, quality and friendly dealing. Renown Photo Service, Erindaie P.O., Ont.
WANTED: Waterloo or Bell traction engine. Would take a Sawyer Massey for either engines. Eldon Demerling,
Box 224, Harriston,
ISSUE 39 -- 1958
You Can Depend On When kidneys fail' to remove excess acids and Wastes, backache, tired feeling, disturbed rest often follow,' Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate kidneys to normal duty. You feel better—sleep bet, tor, work better, You can depend Be on Dodd's. Get Dodd's at any 'drugstore.
Tales Of The
Baseball Diamond
in the first inning of a game
between the Yankees and Tigers,
Dick Wakefield smashed a liner
which bounced off first baseman
Nick Etten's shin directly to
socond baseman Joe Gordon,
Who threw Wakefield out,
The identical play occurred in
the sixth inning. A savage line
drive caroming off Etten, going
to Gordon, then back to first for
the putout, Wakefield, victimized
out of two sure hits, fumed and
"Don't feel bad," jockeyed
Gordon, 'Vick and. I practice
that play every day."
Connie Mack was a kindly
old gent on the ball field, but
he wasn't the Milquetoast his
biographers would have you be-
lieve, He could express himself
quite firmly when the occasion
There was the afternoon an
umpire called a game on ac-
count of rain in the seventh in-
ning, just as the Yankees went
ahead by a run. The game had
started in light rain and Con-
nie saw no reason why it
shouldn't finish the same way.
He walked over to umpire
Art Passarelia and impaled him
with a baleful glare. "Tell me,
Art," he sneered. "Did the rain
get any wetter when the Yan-
kees went ahead?"
* 4' *
When. Big George Magerkurth
was calling 'em in the American
Association, he once gave Donie
Bush, manager of Indianapolis,
a beautiful dose of come-up-
Pence. In the fourth inning,
Donie came roaring out of the
dugout to protest a called strike.
Magerkurth waited until Bush
nearly reached the plate. He
then turned his back on him
and addressed the crowd.
"Ladies and gentlemen," he
cried. "Mr. Bush is about to
make a short speech: As soon as
he finishes it, he will be called
upon to leave the premises. I
thank you."
When Tony Lazzeri took ever
as Toronto manager in 1939, he
inherited a team of hitless won-
ders who had just put together
a string of thirty-odd scoreless
innings. The old Yankee slug-
ger took the situation philoso-
One day Walt Lanfranconi
pitched a beautiful game —
walking nobody and giving up
just four hits. He lost, 2-0. In
the locker room, Tony patted
Walt's shoulder consolingly.
"Never mind, kid," he said.
"Next time maybe you'll pitch
a shut-out. And with our slug-
ging, you'll be sure to get a tie."
How Can 1?
Hy Anne Ashley
Q. How can I remove a broken
cork that has slipped down into
the bottle?
A. Pour in enough household
ammonia to float the cork, let
it stand for a few days, and it
will break into fine pieces. It
can then be removed without
Q. How can I sweeten milk
that is beginning to turn?
A. Add enough carbonate of
soda to cover a dime for each
pint of milk, and boil, This will
make the milk sweet and will
preserve it,
Q. Please give a few of the
standard kitchen measure.
A. One salt spoon equals
three-quarters of a teaspoon;
three teaspoons equal one table-
spoon; sixteen tablespoons equal
one cup; two cups equal one
Q, How can I prevent a sew-
i it g machine from dropping
A, The tension should be ad-
justed; but before doing this,
give the machine a thorough
oiling. Oftentimes this is all it
Q. How can I remove
scratches from table silver?
A. Buy a Smell quantity of
putty powder at the drugstore.
Put this in a saucer with enough
olive oil to Make a paste, Rub
this on the greet' with a soft
cloth, then polish with a cha-
Q. What can I do When it is
doubtful if there Will be eitotigh
"Juhior: It's not polite to dunk
Vont' toddy]
locked up, With two armed
guards outside the door, Couture.
tweeted on the f u t u r e, Why
should they punish him fax
leading some papers left in an
ordinary folder on a desk?
Three hours later he heard a
key turn in the lock and jump-
ec' up from the chair. A grim-
feced Major Gerneay stepped
"We are leaving for Wash-
ington immediately," said Major
Gerneay. "An aircraft is wait-
"May I — may I say goodbye
to my wife—"
"You may not," Gerneay snap-
ped. "You are allowed to speak
to no one until. we receive an
all clear from London — from
the Prime Minister himself."
The fact that a special 'plane
had been laid on for the express
flight to the Pentagon complete-
ly unnerved Couture. By the
time armed American soldiers
:net the 'plane and marched him
direct to an office where nine
of America's war leaders were
waiting, Couture could just
about walk,
After questioning the ser-
geant-major for ten minutes, the
officers ordered him to be plac-
ed under close arrest in the
Pentagon. By this time, Couture
was certain he would be shot,
or at least imprisoned for life.
The next day, Couture was
hustled under close guard to -an
office where he found the Vice-
President and a number of mili-
tary chiefs awaiting him.
A devastating cross-examina-
tion followed. Had he shown
the file to anybody? Had he
talked to anybody about it? Had
he allowed the file to leave his
possession for even as long as
a minute?
To all these questions shot left,
right and centre at him Couture
had only one reply: "No!" The
file had even gone to bed with
him when he realized how se-
cret it was. It was his secret
The top brass then dismissed.
Couture a:' d promised to "send
for him soon."
The War Office in London
advised Washington that Cou-
ture should be interned for
safety, but Washington a n cl
Canada protested.
"You can't intern a perfectly
good Allied soldier because of
the carelessness of someone on
your side," the Pentagon snap-
ped. "In fact, you ought to de-
corate the man for keeping
London wilted under the cri-
ticism, and Couture, still under
guard in Washington, was freed
and flown back to Que,bec.
Exactly one year I a 4- e r the
War Office announced that the.
British Empire Medal had been
awarded to Sergeant-Major
Eugene Ethile Couture,
Today he is just plain Mon-
sieur Couture, of Quebec, but he
ranks in the annals of war as
the only man in history to be
decorated for keeping his mouth
The fabulOtit
scout, Paul
Krichell, ran into an old-tinier
who asked him to drive to a
small` town to lotik, over great
young player. Before Krieliell
consented, , he asked the fellow
a few epeeptiene about the pros-,
Peet'e hitting,
"Can he hit?" the old-timers
chortled, "Yesterday the pitcher
fires a high, hard one, outside
and above , his head, and this
boy whacks the ball forty corn
reWS., The next time at bat the
pitch corned In closet almost clip=
ping his chilli and the boy slams
one over the, leftfield Vegetable
patch, The -thirdt,itne 'at'bat;
the pitch denies' low arid out
Side and he ,Striashes. It MAY
COO rows
"Ireah," KriChell iriterriiptedi
"but. how is he on 'IOW and In-
side .pitchers?"
"Low and intide?" the Old-
gasPod. ''WhYp titan, that's
just where he gets his power!'''
PIPE THIS — There are nothing
but choice weirdies in the pipe
collection of Ivan Morgan, of
Welling, Kent, En,gland. His 19-
year search for grotesque
smoking aparatus has yielded
a collection of more than 1'00.
Tanks Still Safer !
Big automobiles stil hold first
place in the battle of the high-
ways and they are cheaper, A.
J. White, Dirctor of Motor Ve-
hicle Research of New Hamp-
shire told the state chapter of
the American Society of Me-
chanical Engineers in an ad-
dress at the Unversity of New
Hampshire. The research author-
ity said American cars cost 50
cents-a pound, whereas the small
foreign cars cost $1.15 per
pound. And when a big car
crowds him on the road he wants
to be in a big car too. It there are
many converts to this line of
reasoning the Army shpuld
be able to dispose of all its ob-
eolete tanks in short order, —
S. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Bees Swarm In
Man's Beard
An elderly man with a mag-
nificent snow-white beard sat
down on a bench in the Tier-
gerten, Berlin's chief park, one
hot afternoon and was soon en-
joying a nap,
Suddenly he was aroused by
a noise of humming which grew
louder and louder. To his horror
lie discovered that a swarm of
bees had settled in his beard,
Fortunately he had the pre-
sence of mind not to move. A
girl who was passing saw his
plight and summoned the fire
She was right, The firemen
brought along with them a skep,
a kind of straw beehive and the
bees were induced to quit the
old man's beard and enter it.
That incident is being recalled
this summer by beekeepers in
many parts of Europe who have
been called to deal with an ex-
ceptionally large number of bees
swarming in odd places',
A man in Paris was having a
bath when he heard a prolong-
ed 'buzzing and found that beet
were swarming under the bath-
eoem fleet. When the flooring
Was ripped hp, the bees and 20
MS, Of honey were rethoved.
In Spain a swarm potted it,
Self in a letter-box and had to
be evacuated by a bee expert
before the postman could collect
the Mail.
Bees swarming caused the
failtire of a navigation light oh
a buoy in the Kyles of Bute.
Fttst they settled on the lainp,
then they Went inside extin-
guishing the light atid choking
the air circulation,
Obey the traffic sighs — they „..
are „piked there .for OUR
Sell d dOffidiele tine of Chtistmas Cards = Everyday Cards
Sacred' Calendars Personal Iniptint Litiet
Novelty and Gift Write
INTRODUCTORY SAMPLE OPPetie,i ROices (46 dordS RetSil $1.06Her St,
AT 'REST 1.ei#14( MitilSter. Brig. den. Abdel Krim KOSSetti,
'kept' on a 61lCihket,In frOnt of hii•deik office in Baghdad.
Itaiterrii Who hot been •Pitnle• Waite? Since- the recent 'eatioie
hasp been Utifig' Ministry DefeleSe to
Gravel In The Sky •
mpla*1,# w display of
Elting stare startled the
ditantS, of the ,Americas on
1-vernber :IA Ma, Beginning
fore ernidnight„ the meteors
increaSed in frequency until at
dawn. they were as thick as
,ehow. fleiree, A single observer
otOn saw twenty appear within
et, second, epeeading .Out frein
the .0X1StellAtiOn Leo. Many sue
PeratitiOns people thought this
Marked the end of the World:
end; as bells tolled, they pre,
pared' for the future, Next day
all was serener but a new branch
of .astronomy, the study of me,
tears, had been founded,.•
This great display .and the
ethers that occur from time to
time present some of the most
'interesting but tantalizing in-
formation we have about the.
occupants of interplanetary
space. We know nothing of these
flying gravel banks until we
collide with them and have a
great meteor shower, Even af-
terward. we cannot accurately
trace their paths through space.
to predict when we may en-
counter them again, for when
between the planets they are
invisible to us. The earth is
playing a game of cosmic blind-
man's buff with them; only if
by chance we meet one of these
swarms of particles does a brile
lieet meteor shower result,
otherwise we .go swinging
around the sun, completely ig-,
norant of where or how the me-
teor swarms are moving.—From
the Planets," (revised edition),
by. Fletcher G. Watson.
Save Your Fingers
This item won't do you much
good unless you chop off a
linger tip — but if you do,—
save it and get to a good sur-
geon as fast as possible.
According to plastic surgeon
Dr. Beverley Douglas of Van-
derbilt University, 17 cases have
been reported recently where a
finger tip was successfully sewn
back on. He advises: control the
bleeding by tourniquet only,
don't use corrosive substances
such as iodine in the open
wound, wrap up the tip in tissue.
Douglas says he uses a magni-
fying glass to match up the
fingerprint ridges.
CHAMP CRAMPED — A friendly
macaw at the Jungle Gardens
made it hard for Dennis Kyle.
to display his mibs shooting
skill which recently won for
him, the title of National
Marbles Champion.
Won Medal For
Keeping Silent
Casually, the sergeant - major
picked up the file from the floor
of the conference r o o m. But
when he had glanced at a cou-
ple of pages, his eyes almost
popped out of his head
For what he had read convinc-
ed' him that he was holding one
of the most vital secrets of the
World War II in his hands—the
master plan for the invasion of
Sergeant-Major Eugene Emile
Couture had been supervising
the cleaning of the room at the
Chateau Frontenac, in Quebec,
Canada, after an important
meeting between Roosevelt and
Churchill in 1943
Hustling the cleaners out of
the office, Coulture, already in
a sweat and with the vital file
tucked under his arm, hurried
to the military headquarters at
"I have to see the Distract
Officer at once," he told a staff
officer, "and I cannot tell you
what my business is except that
it is top secret,"
The officer grinned. "Sorry,
Couture, no one can see the bri-
gadier without telling me what
he wants,"
"I cannot tell you, sir," Cou-
ture snapped.
"Then you can't see the Dis-
trict Officer," the captain re-
Frustrated, and with the top
secret file still under his arm,
Couture hung about headquar-
ters for several days in 'a futile
attempt to see the brigadier.
On the^ fifth 'day, Couture
spotted Major Edouard Gerneay
entering 'headquarters, He knew
Gerneay very well and talked
him into letting him see the bri-
Brigadier Edmond Blais took
the fire from Couture with little
show of interest.
But as he read the first page,
his face blanched and he looked
up quickly at Couture.
"Have you read this, Sergeant-
Major?" he demanded,
"Great Scott! Do you realize
what this is?"
"Yes, sir, those are the final
plans for the Normandy inva-
eion discussed and decided by
by Mr. Churchill and Mr. Roose-
"Call the guard!" the briga-
dier snapped and, while Couture
fumbled nervously, two soldier.%
accompanied by a lieutenant,
marched into the office.
"This man," the brigadier
snapped, "is to be kept Under
arrest and no one—understand,
no one at all, except Myself—
is permitted to see him."
In an office where .he was
A941411 WANTED,
GO, INTO BUSINESS. for yourself, seri .exciting hens,"
wares, watches and ether products not stores,.
found in eemaetition,
its- up to 500%, Write ,now tor Tree
colour catalgeue,.anci, separate conO' deittiel wholesale wire sheet, Murray!
Sales, '3822. St, Lawrence, Montreal,
MADE in 8 sections, Mack, Brown,
Navy, Red, Beige, Coffee, Powder,
Sand, Dior, Mint ,Coral , oral, ,Orange, Tan-
gerine, Turquoise, White, Pink Yel-
low, Grey, Royal, Gold, Purple, Bottle Wheat, Wine, Head sizes, 211/2, 22, 22V2 Inches, $2.00 each. Money Order, Post. paid, F, & B. Hat Manufacturing Com.
party, 48 u8IA . Et, Lawrence Blvd., Mon-
treal, Qe
BRAY Dual Purpose pullets, 6.7 weeks old, prompt shipment; dayolds to or-der. Antes dayold and started avail-able Prompt shipment (low overhead, for high production). Ask for prieelist. Order November-December broilers.
See local agent or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton,
BIG Savings on five and six week old started pullets. Rhode Island Red X White Leghorn, Rhode Island Red. X
Barred Rock, Light Sussex X Rhode Island Red, Rhode Island Red X Light Sussex, California Grey X Whilte Leg-horn," Barred Rock and Rhode Island
Red — 538,95 per hundred; four week old $37.95, three week old $35,95, Kim-ber pullets one week old $49.00 per hundred, Also 2 to 6 week old Kim.
ber pullets add $4.00 per week to one week old price. Immediate delivery. 'MEDDLE chicle HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS, ONTARIO.
AVAILABLE 20 weeks old through September and October. Also DeKalbs, 12% fewer replacements chicks hatch. ed this year means higher egg prices ahead, Large numbers excellent birds
available every month, vaccinated and debeaked as babies, Inquire now —
BEAGLES, 5 months, registered. Black blanketed, good bone, bred to hunt. Have temporary distemper shots. Copies of pedigrees and pictures on request, Stan Smith, JaR. 4, Meaford, Ont.
TRAILER House, nineteen foot, insul.
ated. Electric brakes, electric refrig-erator, bed spring mattress, also davenport. Tile floor, wardrobes, cup-boards, space heater, gas cooking stove, table, chairs, sink and tap, drain
and water hoses. Complete awning. New truck tires with spare. Demount-able rims. Furnished. Half price — twelve hundred dollars. Bank Bldg., Port McNicoll, Ont.
VACUUM parts all makes. Complete stock motor parts, bags, hose $6.95. Lowest prices. MeHardy's, 998 Dundas, London,
SAVE money - Save Time - Save Work with a Kemac range oil burner.
You can install ft yourself and burn coal and wood or garbage too. For fur-ther information and prices: Kemp Manufacturing Co. Limited, Box 276, Guelph, Ontario.
100 ACRES tillable, choice clay loam, 2 miles Seaforth. Excellent water supply, well drained, pond, 8-room brick house, barn, new steel implement shed. Mrs.
A, Harrison, Seaforth, Ontario.
New "COLORPIX" screen filter in-stantly changes dreary black and white pictures to wonderful color tones of blue, amber and green, etc, Just place outside your T.V. screen. Enjoy color on your T.V. now for only $1 98 pre-paid or C.O.D. charges extra.
Send today! State whether for 17" or 21" screen, HURLBERT AGENCIES, Rockville, Yarmouth, N.S.
STENOGRAPHERS in great demand. Our ABC System is easiest to learn and read. Train in 10 weeks at home.
Free lesson. Write Cassan Systems, 10 Eastbourne Crest, Toronto 14.
CAN. PAC. & C.N. RYS, employ gradu-ates as Agt.-Telegraphers. Train at home with code machine we loan Union pay, Free travel, Pension in-sures practical future. Free book des-cribes. Cassan Systems, 10 Eastbourne Crest, Toronto 14.
EARN morel Bookkeeping, Salesman- ship Shorthand, Typewriting, etc, Les- sons 505. Ask for free circular No. 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street, Toronto
ONE 3-year old registered Suffolk ram
for sale. Also Suffolk ewe lambs and rams. Norman McLeod, It. No. 3, Pal-merston, Ont.
10TH Annual Pony and Saddle Horse consignment ,side Saturday,. September 27th at 12 O'clock. Bervie highway 9.
A good place to buy or sell your Pony. Everyone. welconte. Dinner available. Elton McLelland & Sons, Route 4, Kin. cardine, Ont.
SERVICEABLE age — TantWorth boars $60.00. Also young Jersey cows and
heifers, Stanley Taylor, Btirketon, On-tario,
IF you have holsteins or dairy rows and heifers for sale or want to, buy, get in tenth with Elton MeLellarid, Route 4, Kincardine, Ont,
Scrambled eggs to serve every-
A, For each two eggs soak a
half Slice of bread in milk,
mashing it with a fork, and add-
ing it to the eggs. Beat the
bread pulp together with the
eggs arid scramble in usual Man-
plumy To,moRRowl
To be happy and tranquil instead of
nervous or for o geod night's sieeP, take
Secilcin tablets according to direetIons.
tAbLtts Prop Storoi onty1