HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-09-10, Page 1t14 .4444,4444m4.4444.444414.441114,114p. RECEPTION and 'DANCE fgr Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether in Walton Community Hall on FRIDAY, SEPT. 12th IAN WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Ladles Please Bring Lunch ,4741b* • • '....!..r•,...,!"••••411.• #41!,r, Pr, •!....44.4•....1.."4.4•" 1 ATTENTION Veterans Ex-Service men and women and dependents are notified that The Canadian Legion Service Bureau, Officer, Mr. A, M. ,Forbes, London, Ont. will be visiting Branch 1218, Brussels, on Sept. 23rd., from 1 p.m. Any one wishing information, advice or assistance, regairding War Disability Pensions, Treat- ment, Allowances, etc., is request- ed to contact the Service Officer, or Seclretary of the local Branch, C. IA. Workman, to arrange an interview. CAPITOL INENTREI LISTOWEL, ONT. ' A . • • •••.. .. . . Mon. - Tues. Sept.,15 - 16 "HANDLE WITH CARE" Thos. Mitchell, Dean Jones i VAL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE 1 A . Speclalty 11: Cutting Styling Cold Waving v... PHONE 140 BRUSSELS i • 41 Thurs. - Fri. Sept. 11 12 Double Bill "LET'S ROCK" Adios Lalkosa, Phyllis Newman "GUNS 00 FORT PETTICOAT" Audle Murphy, Kathy Grant Color Cartoon Sat. Matt, Sept, 13 .15, Doable- MD YOUfil4- ;DON'T] Ct1Y6 • tat Witte, James *filthier* "'THE TALL Randolph Scott, Maureen it0StIlliVan" 'Coke 'Cartoon. LS `Post Publishing House ,44,stkerlisoll 110001114 040111 Flan. iltPt 9%000, by .at,Ott4411111 Wednesday, ERI).8K14 .P.QUI4 P14 MEETING. • It, Kennedy, tax notices, adv. 20.00 Couuty of. Iluron, itot mix 375,00 I Gco, ltadford, truelf, rental 159.5Q The Municipal Council of the Co. Of hirer, ,indigent patient 65.25 'Village 01311463as met on the above ;Pollard Chain Saw, laboun 6,00 age, Conniellior J, II, Stretton being nee, Gen. of Can,, curront tax 2.50 ebsent, 13russep 1lydr'0,. W.W. power 67.05 The minutes of July 25th meeting A 1Vieller ltd„ W.W. materiel 4,80 were read and adopted on motion of . Igueller 1144„ W.W, material 61.20 J. 0, Kreuter, seconded. by W. A, A.Hem'y, labour, Williarasork I A. Higgins, digging ditch ,-- Carried N. Carnochan, digging ditch 89c Premium Sockeye Salmon 2 for '' ' Van Camps Beans with Pork 15 oz. 2 for ' 29c 79c MITCHELL FALL FAIR Tues. and Wed., Sept. 23 and 24: $6,000.09 In Prizes HORSE RACE$' 2.22 and 2.28 CLASSES -- Carried A. Fischer, Clerk 29c Nabob Coffee 1 lb. Carnation Milk, tall tin 2 for 21.25 10.50 77.00 Moved Vy J, ItrautAr, second- Mowed by W, A. Willltaineon, sec* eel ;by H. Ti, Pearson that building ended by H, Ti. Peal4son that the Permits be issued to John A, Wit- meeting adjourn. son and William Stratychuk for th construction of buildings as sped Tied on the applications - Carried The. village assessor returned the 1958 asseesinelat roll• to the clerk and stated that the total assessment for the Village of Brusaels is $635,025.00 an increase of $7225.00 over the 1957 g!ssessment, The population of the -village for 1958 is 808 an inoredse of 20 over the 1957 population. Moved W, A. 'Williamson, see ond,ed by J. C. Kreuter that the court of revision on the 11958 assess- tnent roll be held on Friday, October 17th, 1958 at 8 o,clock in the Public 2abra7 -- Carried Moved e)3' H. It. Pearson, seconded by J. C. Kreuter that the Clerk Treas, apply to the Department of Highweys tor the interim pay ment of Subsidy on the road .expen- ditures for 1958 "The Biggest Little Fair In Ontario" 4 .4 4.- .-.444.1.. HOME AND SCHOOL CLUt3 TO MEET SEPT. 15 It is! hoped to have Mrs, Fellow, London, '11. and S, Ghee organizer, as guest speaker, at the meeting at the Brussels Home and School Club to be held Monday evening at the school at 8.30 Those who are Interested in better relations between home and school are urged to attend, CCUTCHEON GROCERY DANCE To The Music Of Ken Wilbee's Orchestra At Parkview Gardens, Listowel Sponsored by the Listowel Branch of the CarlacPlan Lee1104 Every Saturday Night Everybody welcome Formerly The Rutledge Grocery Phone 293 We Deliver ADDITION TO BRUSSELS FALL FAIR PRIZE LIST GROUP DISPLAY Th e Man In My Life 1. Shirt, work, home-made 2. Socks, dreSs 3. Pyjamas, (broadcloth 4, Wool gloves 5 Pie Cake WEEKLY SAL,E Brussels Livestock Sales Yards EVERY FRIDAY 1 P. M. Tour home marliet whei you Are weicools as Visitor, Cosidkmor or Sayer. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES will be held in Knox Presbyterian Church, Cranbrook Sunday September 14th,.. 11:00 A. M. and 8:00 P, M. REV. R. T. A. MARSHALL, WHITECHURCW , will be Guest Speaker at these services.. Special Music By The Choir BRUSSELS, ONT. PHONE 46 r. 6, 7. Favourite boqu,et Prizes 1st 2nd 3rd $2,00 $2.00 1.00 $4:00 will be paid to every entry No. rm. ••••••••• -r ,r . CLUB GIRLS COMPETITION , Working With Wool Junior 1st 2nd 3rd 2.00 1.00 15. Senior 1st and 3rd 2.00 1.00 75. Club Girl Stands On GUard est 2nd 3rd 2.00 1.00 75. 50c for all non-winning entries INCREASE UN 'SCHOOL ATTENDANCE 'HERE In common 'with most other cen- tres, at is noted, there is an 'increase In public stotool attendance here this term. There are now 13'7 . b, pupils attending 'while there were .124 laSt year, SAFE CRACKERSESCAPE; WITH 1,300 An estimated $1,850 to 151,300 was lost in the 'Friday night robbery at, the F.rport Packers plea Mere. 'Pile thief, or thieves, broke into the Export Packeem plant late. Friday night or early Saturday morning, plant is located on the 11161.11 street of Brussele- The thieves gained entrance to the building through a window which is approximately 12" wide and,15" high, a tight squeeze, for anybody, The widow is located at the rear of the plant and is. used as an obser- vation window to check the boiler Which is partially, enclosed behind the plant. The safe Was moved from the office to the. adjoining egg-room where it was opened. The door of the safe vats forced open end com- pletely ruined, Gordon Stcipthensen, manager of the plant, Who discovered the theft, said the thieves escaped, with one ,cheque ` and it, consider- able amount of cash totalling 'be- tween $1,250 and $1,300, It Wee reported that at epprox- imately 1.10 a. m. a dog, owned by a main Street resident near the scene, raised a considerable com- motion. At the Saxe° time, another nearby resident reported hearing quite a noise, both were probably the result of noise made by the robbers while gaining entrance to the building or safe. The 1)14,0104 !wee ,disdovered. Saturday moening when the place was opened for bnalness. It seemed appairent that the crime was not committed by ama- teurs. The manager told this reporter that the thieves, must have known the lay-out of the plant Ontario Peovincial Constables Lewis and, Erskine in-vestigated the crime. The .,conetables kept tchoemymv,ents on the crime to a mini- mum but one overheard commenting "They're getting- Sinhrt aren't The McDonald Lumber Company was also entered through a rear window, the same night, but no apparent attempt was made to open the safe. ENGAGEMENTS Mr„ and Mrs. John Conley.Ethel, Ont. Wish, to announce the engage- ment of their dauighter, Margaret !Louise, to Mr, Harvey Ray Clarke, son of Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Clarke, Ethel, Ont. Marriage to take place the latter pert of September. ENGAGEMENT and Mrs. Lawrence Clueran- gesser, R, R. No. 5, Stratford, wish ^ • - FRESH PEACH • ICE CREAM' NoW On Sale At Your Favourite Dealers,. - I, In CONES BRICKS and HALF GALLONS, Manufactured' By FIRST DANCE OF THE SEASON iliV'ROXETER COMMUNITY HALL FRIDAY' SEPT'. 12th Elliott Carruther's Orchestra 3 Door Prizes - Booth in Hail Admission 75c • - Carried The By-Law 'enforcing Officer was instructed to notify Mr. L. Waxman that he has not purchased his Bus- iness Liceniee for 1058 Moved by J. C. Kreuter, seconded by W. A. Williamson that the ernount of $60.00 he forwarded to the Reglistrea, M. C. F. 0. A. Tc Train- ing Course, for the Cl-erleTreasurere The Council to be reimbursed by the Clerlellreasurer , should he not bliss the course. . - Carried Molved hy H. R. Pearson, secon- ded. by J. C. Krauter that the Council request the. Hydro Com- mission to, install twelve new mer- cury vapour 450 watt lights on Turn- berry street in the village of Bees- sele. x Dancing 10 to 7 Sponsored by the Hell Board to announce the • engagement of Moved by H. R. Pearson. seconded their daughter, Mildred Elizabeth, by W. A. Williamson that, the 00- to Keith Wayne Blanobard, of counts as presented be paid. Stratford, son of Mr. Hiram Blan- chard, Walton, zind the late Mrs. Blanchard, The, marriage will take place in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Stratford, Friday, September 19th, at 7 D. in. R. B. COUSINS LT Brussels Ont. Pulblic School, lean $3000.00 Public iLibelary, 4rant 750.00 Brussels Hydro. power 104,62 Bell, labour 40.00 I • B. Kitchen, cutting grass 180,00 G, Workman, labour 10.00 Phone 2a st: Thursday . Friday • Saturday Sept. 11 - 12 - 13 THE LAW and JAKE WADE r Cinemascope Color Robert Taylor, Patricia Owens Monday - Tuesday Regent Theatre SBAFORTH • * * Thursday Friday - Saturday "SNOW -WHITE and. THE SEVEN DWARFS" A Walt Disney Fantasy * * • Coming • MISSOURI TRAVELLER 5 ....Waal.. a. ••••••••••,.. Melville Chundi Minister: Rev. Jonathan Green* Organist Donald Ounbar Okada &tool 10 A. IL DEAD STOCK SERVICE, Highest Cash Prices Paid for Sick, Down, or Disabled, Cows and Horesie Also DEAD COWS and HORSES AT' CASH VALUE old' Horses Sc per , iPound Phone Collect BRUCE MARLATT 24 Hour Service PHONE 133 BRUSSELS ..,. PERCY STEPHENSON PHONE 85r12 ETHEL 4114444emenatuntemrpf4untploommonmeirCra44=r-m41411441.10111#4.471, Ir..44a1 11 A. M. Divine Worship LLASHIWAR $7,200 P 1 SEAFO ;T: • • 4, )4 The United Church DRIVE-IN THEATRE k OF CANA.DA LISTOWEL, ONT. Offered At FALL. F THURSDAY, FRIDAY, M ER 12, 19 FEATURING *Hereford arid Perth-Huren Jersey Regional 'She4i *Six 4-H competitIons and 3 championah'p ShoWis. largest 4-H display in Huron LARGE LIVESTOCK EXHIBIT Parade of 15 tobbels, floats end beads, FridaY at Thursday eVening prograinnte at p. 11/LtItCHAIITS' DISPLAYS IN ARENA Minister: Rev. L. drown ILA; ILL Organist: Mrs. A. t.,Marlio 10 A. M. Church School 11.15 A. M,. "According to your Faith". Anglican Church re"" Or oANAo* 1M/wish rat ihtiwr is Rector: Rev, W. k. Jaggs, domrouniori 11.16 A,• 11.: itait'hist Sunday livery jtohttii ohoOeit, Heiverrit *014 ' 4114,, 4•4444.4.4444.4 41.4644 44444.44.444444.144444.4.44.......414i:444 4,4;....4.4w1444444•4•1s.t4 Square Dance Competition $60 - 05 - Sis Open To Any: Groop - Still Time To enter (Ott tOkNWALL, ONT„ 8Etit, 5 - UNVEILIN6 The St. LciWebtiCe POWer Project. was Offici011y opened iii brit., today. The, pteleCt hos adioining powerhouses the Robert H. Sounders - SL Lawrence Getietating Station, tin the Canadian side', and - the Robert Moses 'POVver• Darn, art the Anietitati side, Left to tight in this pic4ure are: s,' F'teniler Frost of Ontario; Mrs; Robert Falconer,dOughtet of the tote Mr. Sounders, 10 1955; 5. ChAittiloin and of t Jcinie he H tjoton ydro,Eleciild i Pproof thatitari. of OYiet CoMtniSSIOn ot O the nt dotiiiiiiSSIOn atia frOth 1045 unfit his death , • •• ••• • (CP Wiretshoto) 1958 (Cintdrittrfriydr:) Tues. - Wed, Sept 14 . it 44 A 'WOMAN'S Lauren Racal', June AllYscin and 60644'Witte" O01:60: ' boricion , Athtittd 50o bideet, and LitedeA Oalt 1411rOit#"6-. O1itiPt4Olt PItOt„.4.1,41141 ',W.011gei : • • . • ee.. 4 '4444/44J1.t.11411501::4: