HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-08-20, Page 5EI.UT FOLKS, YOtit.L, RE LOOKING IN THE RIGHT OMECTION IF YOU RIVERIIPE morox'5° WHEN YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A FINE USED CAR "S E E IM lir " 4 GEORGE AfcCUTCA1,60N 1955 Oldsmobile 4 Door with Heater and Fully Equipped 1954 Oldsmobile. Sedan with Heater and Automatic IM ,AFRAID 'NOR LOOKING iN THE WRONG DIRECTION, .) DEAR1E: :M/1171.:/4/.14. w. RivE-Va-s 4filf flfm_ACIIE -014741 .jr-; alwssus (0.0.14,5t" ISN'T THIS GAY? IT MAKES ME LOOK FORWARD TO MY EiRrHpAY. /•z(). Spring Tulip Festival "(luring May" Summer i ishing, Minting Fall— Carnival of Colors — Gatineau Hills i Q a Late September, Early October Within 4 Miles AT ANY SEASON TAKE- IN THE . . Parliament 13uilclings National Museum Experimental Farm National Art Gallery , Pisa Twiny otter places of interest Eli ELGIN ELVA, at LALIRIER AVE.; ...to OTTAWA, ONTARIO HOTEL Tour distil Only steps from the Parliament Buildings, leading stores, railway terminal, and theaters, 400 rooms wirh bath and shower. TV and Radio in all Guest Rooms, CAR PARK —supervised on premises (100 cars) Single from $6.00 Double from $9.00 FAMILY PLAN ;mire on Yr.:Atlas etranaed for School Greene. Write the manager for complete information And Club nbitb. Hive address in Ottawa. !If r. Ff W Canad4 Capital City eC14)?/ '441X414 G'o'ing Tuesday, August 19th to Saturday Eentember 6tH, ileturn Iliiiit--Sentember loth r. .For fares and train service .contact your leCal atjerli, HO W.g.R.S. FOR CLINTON @slog 41,44,- 14.4;4 Adelaide Johnston, Clinton, wise was married to ..Orant Ross MacLean, of Homan, this. month, was feted at werel pre, nuptial parties. The bride is the ,daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Harvey C. Johnston, of 'Clinton. Mrs. ,George Radfoptl. Cilintent entortatired, at a shower at her, hoMe, Attended by former residents of Walkers now residing at Clinton, guest of honor was presented' with a line .4 tAbleeloth, Mrs. Qeotorge Brussels, enlierto,ined. for thca, bride, who was presented with a pair of end tables. n:Matohl-ng coffee table; a nd a. magnAjne. nael,;, - Pars, Wm, Tn,rnbull„ Brussels, was hostess for a shower held in the basement of Walton iUnited.',Chnrch, at 'sill-loll Miss Johnston was pre- Isented with a rocker, card table, and lamp. 'file MIT of the Ontario St, United Church, .Clinton, entertained at a .shower and presented the bride with an engraved silver relish dish, and other gifts. , trstntstonsmetswerwattstews.......• ENTERTAINS. AT TROUSSEAU 'TEA Johnston entertalue at A trousseau tea ..ftn, her daughter, Meier„; at iier tome i.n Clinton Receiving with. the hostess 14at Mil's,,. Robert MacLean, mother of the .gnest of honor's fiance, Mrs, • Bert JObuston,Walton, aunt of the bride, was door attendant, and MISS. Marilyn. .101111Ston, Felton, cousin of the bird% was In 611187g0 of the guest book. POurirsg tea in. the afternoon were Mrs, Robert .McParlane of. Ees,forth. . Mrs, Wilson Broadroot of C-oderleh, and Mrs. .ahort, Wood of :Brussels. In. the evening tea wae served by ; Mfrs, James .Armstrong, Sr., and. • Mrs, Wm. Tunhall, both of Brufs.-. sels„ and Krfs. Lorne-HaY of Hem- salt, ,ScrvIng in the Alining room, were members of the • GMT group of Ontario Street Church, and assisting were MnL5 Martin. Mrs. Ed, (l3ryans, Mrs, Jack Bryans, Mrs, Flood, Mrs. Ken. McDonald, Mrs. James McDonald, and Mrs, William Humphries, .all of Walton, and Mrs. G. Bewley of Clinton. in charge of the trousseau were Mrs. James Arm. strong, Jr„ Brussels, and Miss Joan Johnston, Clinton, sister of the brid6 Mr% Oborge Wheeler, Miss Lois Dodds, and Miss. Isabelle, Spot', all of Brussels; Mrs. Merton HackWell, Walton; and. Kiss rune Manning, Londesboro. FOR SALE Cialentan Space Heater (1 year old), good as new; Kitchen stove, good as new Earl Somers Phone 253J FOR SALE Ready to Ay K. 127 Kitober Pullets. Vaocinated, Deliesdo. Delivered, • J, Andrews and Sone R, R. 3, Sea.forth, Phone 647rt CLASSIFIED ADS, STRAY ED — Beagle hound strayed to the premises of Wm. EL Bishop, on or -about the 3rd of August. I.411......111.1.1•1111.011111.1 FOR SALE — 300, yetair_old, Hy_Line, laying 50% GG Exel, R. R. 3, Brussels, Ont Phone 23r12 FOR SALE Stack of shredded oat straw Apply to Harvey MeCutcheon Prone 274 FOR SALE 1956 Nash Rambler, Sedan. one owner car, ,condition. C. McNeil Phone 76 hen house 60x20x14 ft. In good shape wired for hydro and -water piped priced reasonable 'to Apply to Ross M. Cardiff, Phone 51-4 Brussels FOR SALE -- Peaches, Red Hoover, now ready jubilee and Qdette to follow bring .containers and pick your own. Priced right, Gov}earlock orchard 1/4 , lune north of Forest. 0•••••••,.. ••• • INANTSID Capable girl Dor restaurant. Apply for futhe;r Particulars to Coleman's ,Restaurant, Brussels. .111111,••••=•=m•••• FOR SALE Westinghouse Frigidaire with Freezer on top, 11 cu. feet, in. good condttion. .Four-burner General Electric Stove, in good condition. Low priced for quick sale. Apply to The Arcade Store •••••• .111. FOR SALE Started pallets and dayolds - wide choicie (lnIcki,dting Ames). Order fall bucklers now. Wide choice clayold chicks. Complete List. Bray Hatchery, Hamilton, or local agent. Mira. R. Barrett, R. R. 5 Brussels, Phone 54-12 FOR SALE OR RENT — A six room house, vAlilite brick hardwood floors, 4-piece bath, tile floor, and large sun porch. Small barn. Fasy terms. J. A. Wilson, Box 179 Brussels, Out. INSidi.'::NA1 ION sAllrlifaSATkON 'Iry artificial ineeminatIon War- niation ar service Ire& all breeds ai cattle, phone t‘e Weteeloo Cattle Breeding Aasociadon at: Palmerstce 498 between Tie Clinton A V.1 - 1144a or and /.R; A. AL. We hare all breeds I avaDablis — Am unlit law east." EWA. FARIVIER.v. illUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established In 111111. Head Office Abram% Oat insures Fawn Property. Prlyeto Illwernmet and Celibate In Tin* ERE Mom SOK% relliisehee and IS AT WWI sEri POMO *" 4 custom 4 door in perfect Brussels FOR SALE A two storey r. ;r• r f. 1;1%. 3rs ,• " '''tithe young man at the bank explableytthat thole new 'bonds paid more interest. Well! I know a good thing FARE AND -,i0i,"-PrAPR/ t POR SALE Gaol Hasse la the Oka at Itends•is, bath, • !tragic* fleilboreil• t. garage attached to hoe" lames garden. Price $111011.611 toe Acre Farm Bol* hYdre, large barn, Price VitiOAS 160 Acre ram Rd ISta Reese. bYErn, lane bare sad ittirm.11awl, good eon* ktaldba drilled Welli I miter trent1 age town. Price 07100.00 ?SW dews: 100 Acre Feral, on *linty East near store and tichaol,. OE wild arable, *ante Boma bath. egg rind Seat barn, Wig Asti roof, Mee 0111011.00 100 .Acre Term, near highsv tense. tank White Thick !lank Brice halt dew*, J. C. !Atilt, 1 Brunei, Otto , Gracious! What next? .A body, can hardly keep np with things these days. What with dogs spinning around in the sky and all. And now all this excitement about changing over your Victory Bonds. I was sorry to see mine go. Had it so long you know. But when when I see it. And besides, he gave me a nice cash adjustment—which I straightaway spent on a new bonnet. Like it? Offer applies only to ivaOirue Victory Bonds. FOR EXAMPLE: a $500 8th series Victory Bond ckOhanged .fora $500 Conversion Bond paying 4/2 % will give you $8.75 , in shall. immediately. The higher interest will yield $22.50 per year instead. of the ,present $15. Sec your investittent dealer, stockbroker, bank, trust Or loon company today, Convert your 3% Victory Bonds. Earn up to 41/2% on the new CANADA CONVERSION .BONDS