HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-08-20, Page 4CRAN,BROOK gnu0 Polget, T114 110U10 all' anti "%Vs, Irarry 1iingL,V, Walton., was the setting it'attudait ovoniag, dug, Oth, at 7 p. tor the wNidlag of their dan gide?. Marilyn 'Harriet Bolger, and kiortlott 'Malcolm Engel, ;on pf ,Mr. green taffeta, styled P444 the siiwe the bride's Site wore a MaicliktiAi bar's, and Carried A bp qnst •of bronco eitrysanthennuns And. gold natlrt etreituters, „ Groomsman VAS (=Menlo ?IQ' lton;lld o.f Cranbrook. Mr. F. Jewel of Brussels, played_ traditional wed- ding music, Mrs, Jack Wilson, Rosetown, Sask. spent a few days, Last week at the I home of her nephew. M. Earl Dunn .1114( tgimme.— ni WINT E RS COVY; 1.4AsX stt.'N MISSE'D s'E3<1.? t./1007.:RINIME 1 /4(01JR. SYS'remi r. **4•99A* 444444k 1." st,'OFt SALE — ';as f ey aarris lace :Maker Tractor with. pulley and very good tires, Price $200 or best offer. ...George Hielnstra, R. R, 3, Brussels Puone Brussels 50,r4 mean. M t( Wa 47 Conklin's AII,canadian Midway plus Kiddialand SPECTARANIA4 FOUR EYE-MI.111G PRODUCTION NUMBERS And TEN. Sp e ctacular Now Ads Absolutely tho Top. Ads from CIRCUS, VAUDEVILLE, TELEVISION At 0;00 ovary evening In the Now Oronchlond Reserved OCHS — $2.00, $1.50, $1.0 0 'ESV,1,2L SHOW-HOUSE did19 Over 1300 sq, ft. - 2 bedrooms - den - IlvIngroom - dining area -• 2-ear carport — Completely furnished and equipped — installed on lot In Oahridgo Acres. Every defy something different: • LIVESTOCK SHOW • AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS • POULTRY SHOW • FRUIT • HOBBIES • HANDICRAFTS • FINE ARTS • JUNIOR DEPARTMENT See Canada's finest show horses In action. A glittering, fast-moving spectacle that the whole family will enioy. Nightly Tuesday thru Saturday. Every year BIGGER BETTER Western Fair ... the Showcase of Western Ontario Every afternoon something different at the Grandstand. Monday afternoon Children's Day with Junior Olympic, ToesdtY, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon — Hornets Rating; Friday afternoon and Saturday morning - Wild • Animal Exhibition with Jangle Rating; Satuj-day after- noon — Warrior's Day with Armed Fortes Displays ale i Plitt NEW CAB ws cets ith Advance „.0 PONTIAC METEOR RAMBLER In the heart of Western Ontario Get Your Advance Sale Tickets At The Brussels Post SEALED TENDERS FOR HEATING Tenders for the supply of coal for the Huron County Jail, Godorlohe will be received by the undersigned until Wednesday, August 27, 1968. Tenders are to be sealed and clearly marked as to y contents. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. SQUARE DANCE OLD TIME FIDDLING CONTEST • TI:e.• , ALL RESIDENTS OF' ONTARIO ARE ELIGIBLE Enrolment is open to every resident-of Ontario-re- gardless of age or physical condition-eithn through a group, or individually on a.Pay-Direct basis. Non-residents of Ontario are riot eligible. PR E5I IUMS The low prerniumS of $2.10 a month for a single person and $4.20 a month for the family (husband, wife and children under age 19) are made possible through extensive financial contributions by the Federal and Provincial Governments. `V,ite•*.,„ WHICH OF THESE CLASSIFICATIONS ARE YOU IN?J•I‘ 'ekrt,!%. Illamew••• • •Lit• '1,••1 I•ti.:1;• lommt-t',!„‘„„4 tqz 811mott - 07 '12 er, ' 0.111•11. !"':.:,...,I41Y.,••• • erarlIfIn Sliereer Pis -PtIsSr404 'Thompson ,ronilly Il large congregation Attended ibe 'regular ,mernfag .service i11 -,Ktio Prca).'terian Clutreit on SundaY last. Mr. C. I. tilitomPSOU WeaChed Ziii farewell sermon 4141 also, sang a .solo At the close of the service women of the church presented And Mre, Mac Engel, Oranbrook. Following the ceremony. a reel Mr,s, Thompson with a Television Tit We, Frederick Jewell, of St. tion wa.., held, Mrs. Bolger receir- 1.4ml, too table centre in I:einem-- John's Ait.;liciat Church, Brussels, Mg in a navy blue linen dress with I branee of her association with the performed flw actable-ring CerentonY white ,accossori4 and a corsage of 4t ernoon and41,mtlig on the lawn und'r an arch of ever- white carnations. The groOm's mot- groups, green boughs, roses, anti wait anti her, Mrs, Engel, wore a dress of white bells. French blue Swine embroidered with 1 On Monday afternQOP friends and, (liven in Mai,riage by her father red carnations as a, corsage, Misses , Plarlfates of Cecilia Thompson Donna Porterfield, Dorothy ZeY's, gathered at the school and present, the bride chose a white waltz,length aud Arlene and June - Richmond,, ed her with a Oft in remembrance ,ulwn of chantilly lace over white satin, It was. styled with a scooped Act."' as waitresses, ot her friends In Cralib I ook, idunoh neckline and a cummerbund from For travelling to Ottawa, North -was served and a time of play am the side front extending to the back, Bay, the Sault, and points around 30Yed by the elaidren, forming a bustle effect, Her tiarra of Saginaw the bride wore a figured dress with a, brown duster and green, Mies, jean. McGale and son Martin, white nylon roses was trimmed goronto, wished at the home of Mr. ao ttending f Guest q accessories. u a rm with simulated pearls, and she I and Mrs. gurray Huether, distance were from Stratford, Paris +llcarried a cascade of red. roses and Blyth, Listowel, and Bras. Dianne Errington enjoyed hell. day spent with her grandparents Strat- Mr. and Mrs, Jack McGee, • Miss Rose Marie Bolger wan m bridesaid for her sister, is A ballerina length gown of mint ONTARIO ARE YOU REGISTERED? be& m ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE se • ' effective January 1, 1959 white chrysanthemums with white satin streamers and rosebuds fall- ing from it, :sr Sea,fot 1, sell, fOrd Teacher's college. The couple will reside in Crau- b000k, The. bride .7. a graduate of PEOPLE WE KNOW 4 Avg, H. IL Parker 'returned to her 'ham() in, Fergus on, SkintitiY after baying spent the past mouth with Mr, And Mps, W. Perrie and vier .p.tenqin art 13rasse1g,. tit , "Mp. Herman Morrison of Swift , Current, Sssici,. spent a two week holiday at the nome of )1',r, and Mrs. Ross Cardiff. Mr. -Morrison is A broillger .of Mrs, J,.4 Cardiff, Don liemingway. left ..Saturday by motor ter N. to .attend the National Y. P, ,Council oT the , United Cituroli as a delegate from Huron Presbytery, s • s• ,iRgy, and Mrs. M. T,. Oldham, of Clayton, Ont. spent a few days this, week at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Louis .p. Thompson, MATURED *PULLE,Tf.: FOR SALE — Dekaib pullets for bale -' any quantity. Hatched Aprii 3rd. Vaccinated for Newcastle and bron- chitis. Willie for particulars. Moore's Poultry Farm, R. R., 3 Seaforth, or call 64741 allanwe.• On and. after January" 1, 1959, the Ontario Hospital Services Commission will be the only agency offering standard ward hospital insurance in Ontario. No private insurance company or prepayment plan will offer benefits covering standard ward 'hospital services after December 31, 1958. guessee. 1111111erw ape 2, Are you eniployeiV4 re are 6 to 1/ you are not eligible under 1, 2, or 3, you , • 4A, 14 including the employer? may enrol as an individual and pay pre- or more including the employer? If so, you are subject to compulsory enrol- 'ment through your place of employment. :Your employer must enrol you by,August 31, 1958, and beginstaymentkin ember: with your organization to determine if it is NoiNarib. 1958. Your employetwill reg§teF 1. Are you employed where there are 15 3. Are you a member of a professional association, medical co-operative, craft union, credit union, retail federation, or like group? If number 1 or 2 doesnot apply to you, check acting as a collector for its members. Group A applications must be in by August 31, 1958. .;t ..‘'.f*.4 • iPtit J. G., BERRY Clerk-Treasurer County of .Hurerk ' , Court 'mugs f „,, • ;14; `1 ” . SWUM." directly to the Commission. India- If so, you May, be enrolled as one, of a group,. Itt duals applying for ray-Direct enrolment IN IS 31, 1958, ; -' 4.Augobt .k........ , 0 04:1E 4t • op in ` Nit ' Jig, our to T w: Group application-1ms N minsity.i Do not de-T . .,,, . . ; 'r- • ,. ...• -',0' GROUP PREMIUMS wiir-44i -)ari‘1:1\ttoit!hly in - . one remittance to the Commission beginning in December, 1958. INDIVIDUALS remitting to the Commission on a Pay-Direct basis will pay as follOwk. One month's premium at the time of application on or before September 50;' 1958' --, and after that payable on a quarterly premium basis begin- ning in January, 1959. PREPAID- 'CUSHION' — The first payment of one month's premium by groups and individuals iz registered prior to the closing dates stated above, will cover a benefit period of three months from ifs,s itt st. VOU MUST BE REGISTERED TO BENEFIT ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION t-tOdtlitAt, lit4tUftANCE, titVisiON 1 cirittit4ito 7;i, ONTARIO Telephone WAinLit 4,33011 if the employer applies:, for approval as a tot . MOH make application by September 30, -.,,-"'Sfitadatory qrpull7.014:4 f11„, .19.58„ APplices!ios, ACM. are nom actlikiblo ischidisg the 'figtit.i1Ste• ol'isaatic o#92als-ofii &Niko (or Ott Poet • January 1 to,March 81.1959. This will set up "prepaid" period to maintain benefits during times when a person may be laid off, changing jobs, or IF temporarily out of the province. IV LATE REGISTRATION MAY PROVE COSTLY Groups and individuals not registered by the closing dates stated abovb under given classifications will not only fail to qualify for the two months' free coverage but will be required to Wait three months following application before benefits become avail- able. For example, a group; or resident, applying in February will not have protection effective until May 1. Visit our Information Centre in the . Queen Elizabeth Building CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION' es' 4 4 43 Tendert ter tau wilt be. A1111.11111•UPIIIMIMOMMISMINON•111 .1•••••1 TELEVISION and RADIO REPAIRS TO ALL SlAkti WAAANttiti *WW1 tiiitiotoit Wiring Coliteleto 'LeViest Or any tender not necessarily accepted: Menders are to be, sealed and clearly mig:icid at to *intents. 'No. 5 oil, vlscOSIty between 400 end 000 'Bilybolt Units. Connell, specifications to be supplied- with' each tender." Specification for'lliell oil is as followei:a. J. G. BERRY Clerk-Treasurer County of Huron Court House Gederlch, Ont. HEATING • 4#15elifio Huron Cosa* MON M ugON ttiiW HARRISON ' PHONE MUSSELS 4 rx