HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-08-13, Page 8Free bottle of Egg Creme Shampoo with the purchase of their "Quick" Home .L.A4z4 Permanent $2.00 Save 75c For Sunburn— Noxzetna, Get their Special 2 Regular 65c jars for 99c Pickling Time — We have powdered Saccharine, Pickling Oils, Lump Alum, Acetic Acid for Vinegar, Powd. Alum, Whole and Ground Spices, Parke's Pickle Mixture. SMITH'S RECALL DRUG STORE Phone 62 • e • Brussels fillIMMIVAVAVAIVUOIVAIVOICAtRile BRUSSELS, ONT. A.GENTS recall red MEN OR WOMEN (full or part-time) mho desire to lassoolalto with a n'ew business which would give them an annual renewable facome with the only requireinents being a; 1. $25.00 . refundable deposit and a willingness to present our Picture Tube Replacement Plan to th e owners of IT. V. sets on com- nOssion. INTEGRITY NOT AGE OF PRIMARY IMPORTANQE ALL APPLICANTS WILL BE INTERVIEWED BY ONE OF OUR REPRESENTATIVES. WRITE TO: SEECOST ELECTRONICS LIMITED 173 Roxborough St. W., Toronto, 5 Ontario .THE ONLY GLASSES WE WANT ARE THOSE FILLED WITH MILK FROM COUSINS DAIRY How well do you know ONTARIO? Check your knowledge by identifying. this map However well you know Ontario, you'll enjoy getting to know it better. Make a point this year of exploring its highways and byways, visiting its lovely lakes and vacationing at one of its modern resort areas .. like that surrounding Port William and Port Arthur shown above. Take the first step now, by filling out and mailing the coupon below: KNOW ONTARIO BETTER iValker FUneTal Home OW sir NW Callaffellapiiie Pa Ire. amino hie file Liksimmi P Mi Ailsaiir int ittipi`ill 1277 Moe Ofintria L. W60/1 $49.3r- ugust 1.411, Ina THE BRUSSELS POot P*."*4.•••-lo, • g e Tip Top Tailors Ag411,55.5§1405 51911 Olti.55;g1k'i 41, FOO 1••••••••,...•••••••••••••••••r!.1.......•....11..."'! t.. ... ”111,•••••.!..! (.147.)01) Volt ALL 'KINDS BAKING Phone Suntmer le APO Itit{PM#1.60•41%...lo ....... woa ... • . owe. . 1111•0.1 DRESSES - 10 — 20 — 25% Off Reza11 Corn Solvent 45c Scholl's Corn Pads, Callous Pads. Bunion Pads 50c pkg. Moleskin 50c pkg. Callous Salve 50c Scholl's Foot Balm 50c Saniped Foot Powder 75c Buy your Western Fair Tickets NOW! ••••••••• COATS Children's Misses, Men's tackets 20%O Only Advance. Sale ticket holders, are eligible to draw on these free cars. Tickets must be in by 9:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept, 13, to be eligible for draw. Draw will bo made at 10;30 gem. In front of grandstand 41.....••••••••••• Hudnut Special FOR BETTER CAKES sou) IN situ MELS AT W L. l3aeker ik Son SPORTSWEAR - Misses T. Shirts — Kiddies Sun Suits Kiddies. Sun Dresses 20 % OFF Each Ticket admits I adult or 2 children • PONTIAC - four door Strato-Chiel a RAMBLER - lour door deluxe sedan a METEOR - Niagara 300 1.4.44..." Transitional Dresses Now Coming In 121,11;64W. Pareeselenniver• MR. FARMER! HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR SICK, DOWN, AND DISABLED COWS AND HORSES 41 --S ALSO DEAD COWS AND HORSES AT CASH VALUE. OLD HORSES 5c PER POUND (PHONE COLLECT) • BRUCE MARLATT 24 HOUR SERVICE PHONE 511,/, Brueseril OR Percy Stephenson Eth el Phone 85r12 1011.1111111."......*••••••••••.4.-••••••-•• •=0••••••••••••.e•••••••••e••••••....•••L•"•• Get Your Advance Sale Tickets At The Brussels Post Voissmormanarsomessasmonwaffm.mn SEALED TENDERS FOR HEATING Tenders for the supply of coal for the Huron County Jail, Goderlch, will be received by the undersigned until Wednesday, August 27,, 1958. Tenders are to be sealed and clearly marked as to contents. Lowest or any tender CAV'IL'LER, McINTOSH and WARD Chartered Accountants <c"-:;; Ilftei TelePhoes Spay Walkerton, Ontario DEAD STOCK REMOVERS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR OLD SICK ANL) DISABLED HORSES AND COW* HIGHEST CASH VALUE PAID not necessarily accepted. J. G. BERRY Clerk-Treasurer County of Huron Court House Ooderich, Ont. A totSL.LoinitAtiOn. hiptaLL piazstuaL, tog 'MILL PRTROULUII FROMM, 'Ed i7= "OW TIRE, .161' gAge *Arlo and ileteeeseelee. Austin Sales and Serviat IN SURROUNDING oftvrtucT FOR DEAD STOCK Prompt Sanitary Disposal In Winch Equipped 'Treellti OLD HORSES FOR SLAUGHTER AT 50 PER POUND 24 HOUR SERVICE ,......r.•:•••••••,••••••• t SEALED TENDERS FOR HEATING Tenders for the supply of fuel oil for the Huron County Horns Clinton, will be received by the undersigned, until Monday morning, August 25, 1958. Tenders are to be sealed and clearly marked as to, contents. Specification for fuel oil Is as follows: "No. 5 oil, viscosity between 400 and 600 Saybolt Units. Complete specifications ,to be supplied with each tender.", Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. G. BERRY Clerk-Treasurer County of Huron Court House Goderich, Ont, I" repairs >t Of leeks et sere stew feeds WW1 MI SRN, LO. WI( (PHONE COLLECT) Phone WM. MORSE Brussels 15J6 Phone LEROY ACHESON Atwood 153 Or GEORGE HISLOP Wroxeter 2r15 • Business eards DR. R. W. STEPHENS gmt-747. r Ousiudi el Tieselko PI TICIAN awe MURG11011 Iffiebm • 1. orands, ika, WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION 'D. A. RANN gar-, ruirsam. AID miruimicz wawa tte laisemsdl lassalbse sal sir nit= IN or — — ..••••••• SEALED TENDERS FOR HEATING Tenders for the supply of fuel oil foe the Huron County CoUrt House, GoderIch, and the Huron CoUnty Registery Office, Goder- ich, will be received by the unders2gned until Wednesday, S. Hetherington) K. C. IRSIIGMOUR aT Sri 'NW* let tatiogitiet, hi L, MI t Viiiissorr RitiltdeY a1i a4 Mat r of Wit, yr r. JOHN E LONGSTAFF1 Optometrist. u. era 011immire hlii. w lei ral aRilik P. ,.'''/its itaksassivay mobil? wet .61..1.314, sat, • some is ,,,, • v• I I' .1 .j.•••••••••••••••••=m.••••••••••.• August 27th, 1958. Tenders ore to be sealed and clearly marked as to content& Tenders May b.: for Oach of the above,' or they May be combined: into one tender. SpecifiCation for fuel oil is as follows: "No. 2 light industrial fele' oil" Lowest or any tender net. necessarily accepted. J. G. BE1661/ Clerk-Treasitrer County of Huron Court House goderteh, Ont. "Where Better Bulls Are Used" ". We express appreciation for the fins co-operation received on our new weekend •schedule for calling in, for service Which is On a trial basis. The cows an heat on Saturday afternoon avid evening are Inseminated early Sunday morning, butt you rnutit phone for s'erv'ice Mr thesis on SATURDAY between 6 and 3 p.m. We have bad a treMendetis response frOm both old and new , inetillYers which has resUlted in an increase in Mr nutuber Of Maetninatilona that has Weyer been ern:tailed duaing any yent With one 'exception, 195i Thete are still many cattle owners mating their cows` and lreitors with scrub MRS with the featilting calves"' being of Poor duality Why not call us for SerVide, the result will be BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING (Wade dairy Or beef',. Of errors-breeder,, We can eve you Serviee from any *steed You *Wt. r Oikivanro TRAVEL, 852 PARLIAMENT Eit.blaS.* ....SaaRilite:S6011111111111e . ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist; TORONTO, ONTARIO' seriftOREE Litekdtarc and Roar! Map. I TELEVISiON and RADIO. .REPAID TD ALL, MAKES' ==OUASANtEED Eleatrient eciAiiaeteti 6AVAL. HARRISON. A7 .1, , *IONS ihOittLi. For service or more information, phone collect to Clinton tIV2 3441 or Palmerston 498 .• 40' , Between' 6 -t30' Mi week 'diva' ykt i„ • #et*eiiii, t and 8 on Saturdayevening A ddreie ... .... . ... • oo . ... • ..... I Past ..... ..... ........ 1$6066iiiiihf o f. TtOel iikliktik Hob, Bryan L can; con, hunroce Illiewribes Moss ivies Towallat. hoick St., WING114,1 nisit Whithist- 'tit" t Si