HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-08-13, Page 1RUSSELS POST Wednesday, August 13th, 1958 s, as peeeeed efiseewlztai i, taut inlet DehertegeOit, Oita!** Post Publishing House RECEPTION and DANCE EAST HURON PRODUCE SOLD TO TORONTO FIRM 3-Way '100,009 Transaction Concluded An old ii,tabli ,lhed business in I ibis 'village was sold when a series of real estate and business fremeured, to involve $100,000, were closed on Tuesday of this week, GREY TWP. BARN DESTROYED BY FIRE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. FLOWER SHOW HERE AUG, 23rd, The 13ruktiole and Diet:tick. 1Tor- tieultueel Soelety are sponsoring a Plower Show and irsa l-Jrueeeis Public leilerery on Saturday, Aug. 23rd at '1 /22.80 p, in. to 5 p. on, and 8 h. The large learn on the farm of Sam. Sweeney, Con, 7, lets 4 and 5 with '100 tons of hay and " nuuebur of small far* ;Iniplennente, was completely razed by fire on There. , day morning of last week. Me. and Mrs. Sweeney were awake. ned at 6 p.m, to find 'the barn lu , flames, ;They summoned the Grey. Township fire brigade but the blaze had. gained so much headway that their efforts were concentrated. on saving the near by Meuse and buildings. There was no livestock in the. .barn and the season's crop was in the fields. Some large farm Metclo inery, standing near the barn was damaged. The loss was partially covered by insurance and will be re-built, and Mrs. Merton Hackwell For Mr. in Walton Community Hall on FRIDAY, AUGUST 15th IAN WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Lunch Booth in the Hall. . * .... . 0”••• Monarch Margarine, lb. Pillsbury Angel. Food Cake Mix Carnation. Milk 2 for Miracle Whip Salad Dressing 16 oz.. 29c to 10 Pa, P. There will be a table of letalha, plants and flowers for sale. A cordial invitation is 'extended, to the public. Deer prizes teeth eiternoon and evening. !SAVO. Collection at the door, 55c The Nast Huron Paeduce was dieposed of in the transaction, The. business and property ..downtown was bought by Export Wood Pro. ducts of 'Toronto; the orchard and • property of Mrs, Robert Thomsen was sold to William Stretycehult of Brussels while .George Jutzi, who operates the Brussels Transport purchased. the Stratycheic residence. 'Stratychult will begin im. mediate construction of (Todd sturege facilities, on his newly acquired property, for the produce of his orchard. 'Export Food Products are am- alg,amated with Export Packers who have conducted a business here for some years. The 3-way 'transaction was con- .. ducted through. L. Michel, local real estate and business broker, and was probably one of the largest to • take place in this village. 0.0 ..... ...... Mem. ....... Everybody Welcome 29c 11100 .. • .. 001 ......... 1100. BRUSSELS TRANSPO 43c .141,4 • o• •••••µ,,, •••••••••• PHONE 122 OPERATEb BY GEORGE JLITZI Local and Long ;Distance Hauling ALL LOADS FULLY INSURED P. C. V. C. D. F. F. S. May We Have The Pleasure Of Serving You tWu wit- Ind other value, lust u ai.eat as the at NEW OWNERS TAKE POSSESSION ROCERY THE RUTLEDCE Ur, and Mrs, Jack McCutcheon take poseseion of the Rutledge Grocery, which they recently purchased teem Ned Rutledge, on Monday of next week. Mr. rand Mrs. .Mcienteheon, for- merly of Ingersoll, have arrived in inicadse.a Brussels with their 16 year old sea David. Mr. Rutledge will be engaged in the cilia= business which he purchased several months ago from R. S. Warwick.. Mr, and Mrs. Rutledge have conclucted {the .grocery for the past five years having taken possession on the ° 4th, of Aug. from R. A. Bennett. r SHOWER FOR BRIDE ELECT but Every Day of the year. Not Just to-day or to-morrow, A eery pleasant evening was spent. on Friday, Aug. 1st, when Mete Carl Hemingway and. her datiebter Ruth opened their home for a shower for Lena Killer who wals to he married in the early part • We Deliver Phone 7 or. 11—_, E Regent Theatre SEAFORTH WESTERN FAIR TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE HERE • Western Fain Advance Sale :.Admission Tickets can now lie pur- chased in Brussels and adjoining towns and villages In strips of two for one dollar. Only holders of 'these (advance sale tickets are entitled to participate in the draw Saturday night, September 13, for three beautiful 1058 four door sedans -Meteor, Pontiac, and Nash Ram, bier. . This purchase of a strip of two tickets for a dollar gives the holder six chances to win a car truly a bergain. You don't have to be ere- sent to win one elf these sedan's. Western Fair, September 8 to 13 at Queens Palle, London, is the Magic show ot Western Ontario, with a thousand and one atteactiong for the entire family. Don't forget 'the dates, September 8 to 13, and don't forget to buy Advance' Admiselion Tickets felr the entire family. You may win a car. One adult ticket will Nimit two children up to the age of eweive. of August, • The house orated with. flowerfe. use ESS C LLEGE ere t was, beautifully dec- baguets of summer Practical Instruction in ail commercial subjets. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends and neighbourts far their many acts of kindness to me, and my parents during my recent accident. Every- thing was appreciated. Oscar Du charm e About fifty guests, were present, one of the honoured ones being the hrideetofrbe's grandmother, Mm's. Wm. Millen, who ist ninety-one years of age. Entertainment cothisisted of corn. I /nullity singin.g Ted by Mrs. Douglas 1 Hemingway; a Solo by Yvonne Connelly; a humorous reading by 1Vere. Ferg Connelly and a number of I very fitting contests. Lena was given a 'seat' of honeur decorated with pink and white streamers and wedding bells . Ruth Hemingway, a Jong standing friend of Lena's, read: a poetical. ;address which remlowed the high- lights of Lena's life encL-expressed wishes of the 'community for a happ y and p'rosp'erous married life. Little Rose Marie Blake, Doreen. Stoney, Laurel Hemingway, and Ray T4emingway presented Lena with many beautiful and useful gifts, In a few well chosen, words Lena thlanleed the guests for their gener. *lefty and invited them fo come and visit her in her new home in .Rrampton. A sumpillous lunch, was served by the ladies and fall returned to their homes wishing Lone and Ron ithe hest in their life together. Saturday 16 Thursday Friday - August 14 15 Double Bill HOT ROD GIRLS. GIRLS 'IN PRISON Qualified Teachers -- - Madam Equipment Examinations set, marked; and. Diplomas issued by` THE BUSINESS EDUCATOR'S' ASSOCIATION OF CANADA For several years every seat has been filled. Register now — Tuition $20 — Telephone 428 Grey Twp. Council Meeting was held on August 2nd Moved 'by Alex Johnston, second- ed by Glenn let:ether that the min- utes of the last meeting lie adopted as read. - Carried. Moved by Kenneth Bray, seconded by Ginn Iluelher that we accept the tender of John Inglis, for the Holland--Anderson Drain for the sum of $1,047.00 — Carried. Moved by Alex Johnston, second- fekl by Archie Mann, that the Muni. cipal Occuricil of the iTownship of Gray approve of the inclusion in the Howlett Tewetehip School Area of that past of this Township ivitioh is now a past - of the Howiek West Towniship School. Area, — Carried. Moved by Archie Mann, seconded 'by Kenneth Bray, that all approved accounts be paid. - Carried. Moved her Kenneth Bray, seconded by Glfenn Maher that we now adjourn until Sept. 6th, or at the call of the reeve. — Carried. ;The following accounts were Paid. Stratford Beacon-Harald adv. 'Holliand-Andeison Murray, Jacklin, fox bounty Geo. W, Hoy fot bounty Clarence Clark, Rol bounty' Halyard Savage, fox bounty E. M,. Cardiff, clerk's fox bounty Geo. Rowland. gas, fire truck r sm. CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks to those who were -So kind, to me at rthe time of my accident and ,remembered me `with visits, cards, and gifts while I was a patient hi the hospital. Your kincinee's twee oppireciated. Kenneth Stephenson .1166iplamilono, ' THE PRESBY rEnticf4 (JHURCH CANADA c"-- Knox Church, OTHEL Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson WEEKLY SALE Brussels. Livestock Sales Yard EVERY FRIDAY 1 P. M. Your home marlibt wheat YOU *e -weicordle as Visitor, Coffer or !layer. BRUSSELS, our. 9.45 A. K. 10.45 A. M. 10.45 A. N. Morning Worship Sunday School Bible. Glass CARD OF THANKS Sindere lithanIcts is here extended to my neighoure for their helpfulness in harvesting my crop while I 'was fn Wingthani General Hospital. Also to all those who 'sent cards and *drones. Your thoughtful consideration Will always be remembered. Norman Young. PHONE 46 Calvary is the only Door to eternity. ed;th God., ...... YOD must .eutart SIR •••••••••••sar monsorao mem AN IMPORTANT MESSAGE From Your Get pour Adviencle Sale Tickets of The Brussels Post. KnoxChurai, OHANIIROOK Minister: Mr. C. i... Thompson 10.15 A. M. 11.15 A. M. Huron Co-operative Medical Services CARD OF THANKS Our sincere and grateful thanks is given to Grey Twp. Fire Brigade friends and neighbours, who cattle to our assistance at the time our barn lit IS destroyed by fire, and all those who have helped in any way. Your kind consideretion has been appreciated. Sam and Margaret Sweeney. I We wish to announce to our members that they or*, registered with the Ontario Hospital Services Com- mission. Sunday School Morning Worship ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. George Atkinson of Inntiefaile Alberta, ;announce the engagement of 'their eldest daughter Donna Mae to Ma-. John Douglas 'Stile's, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stiles of Brussels Ontario. ;The wedding to take place Salto- dray, September 6th. .1958, at the (United Chair& Innisfail, at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon, with Rev., icilgour Officiating. :When God loved, He loved a wordl; When He gave, He have His only Son. II — That we wish the pink reply cards sent to each. Houten-- holder, be returned to us as soon as possible. Ili — After January 1, 1959, in order to remain a member of Huron County Co-operative Medical Senile-0e it will be neosv- sary to have the MAJOR MEDICAL PLAN, which pays: (a) 80% tip to $5,000.00 of Physician's (and S'urgeon's pram,— eionad services, eig recommended by Ontarrio gedrent Association tariff; (b) Services performed by a registered nurse when ordered: by a physician; (c) Ambulance service, specialI drugs, appliances, *Orkin when ordered ,by a physfician, over the $500.00 depa able clause. • LIBRARY NOTES', 1 The Library will be closed the last two weeks in August while the !librarian Ile, on `vacatfone Take enough hoo).0 this week !to last Yon I till Sept. )2. Melville Church - Minister: Rev. Jonathan Orson. Organist — Donald Dunbar gamut School 1IP A. X. 11 A. M,. Divan() Worship UNION SERVICE IN MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH DURING AUGUST CARD OF THANKS I would like to say "thank you" to friends who visited me and for letters and cards wfhile I was a Patient in Victoria Hespital London, and for kind deeds from neighbours and friends educe T (Wine home. Thanks again. WM. 0, Stevenson 1 Dr. $ 11.64 1,00 1.00 BORN .Leddy To Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Leddy (nee Aileen Danner), a daughter, Deborah Ann, on July 29th, at Ste Mary's Hospital, Kitch- ener. 41 4 IV — We are also offel-Ing an Improyaed Sirgical Contract V — We are the official collectors for the Ontario Hospital, Commlsion for OUR MEMBERS, who! wish us to de so, 1.00 1.00 PEOPLE WE KNOW * * Pte.' Ted Elliott of Winnipeg, IS on holiday lealre with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Elliott. Miss Oatherine Leacti, Thronto, who has been ill at her honle here, Is now holidaying et Cornwall and Ottawa. fees ' 1.00, & The United Church OF CANADA 11111nlatsr:, Rev. L. drown ILA; 11.1L Organist: Mrs. A. IL AMMO 10 A.M. Shur& School , LLASHMAR HOT WEATHER TREAT! 2.70 THEATRE . Brown's Hardware supplies fire dept. meanen Gordon Murray, plow weeds DRIVE-IN . 3.60 25.550 LISTOWEL, ONT. 66.66 Thursday FrIdaY TEACHER'S PET poinedy • VintaVISIon Doris Day, Clark Gable Tile Drainage Loans GeoWegenberg, asseseor, part salary Relief, Rondo 1,500.00 UNION SERVICE IN MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH DURING AUGUST MPS.. S. RappapOrt, and daughter and Mothet, 11111re. Yelleek, Tor- onto, called on BreAeler, friends of, tailliteelttY of. hied Week, in York Otte* tittendithg the: inter' Mise Helen spent t*b Weeks national blivine Will .ASSeinhlY of Tenn vnh's WittieSSeS. Site Was One Of the more than eneArtietteit million detegatoe present at this deileteitien. "0 I.*, and Mil, Ie. w dtoAglitr Sens returned' tattirdu'Y front a efx I *eel( vacation trip to Ireland. whets they visited" relatives in Len. dereieritt. They retIttned on C. P. Etireite,est d,f Piritein !belting tt iqoiltrefil, ,They report Perfect *of-Alter NIA a delighttrit ofOgattig, 150.00 '60.00 '9,611.02 LEMON CHIFFON' ICE CREAM - in Cones, delaito and Holt Gallant Available New at your favourite Dellerit Or . at tits gittgge18; Crearilerr C H ARIES •I22 pouNto.PAiLS Red $4.25 131ad•k tgo2g' kat.ptioleritet $8.80 8' it N. 8 L T D 6. llRUesE'LB; EM ONE WEEK Sat. Thee.= Wed.." Tillie-. OH; ettitid0 ON THE RIVER KWAIU Color eineinaSeepe 'Milton; Holden, Mee delinAte, $11,441.06 Edythe M. Cardiff. Clerk. Gen, HutChinson, Reeve, AnglicafiCiatlteh. r Or CANADA Noll& Ibrionialli T.; 11,16 A. M. Mattiae .Mn Frank Hallett, *tat president of the Efeithet4i4eikt Of Anglican Chtirehtfietti b.t0 A. M. lilt: Frank tiatiett' CAPITOL 1HEAtRF: urroitirt., • 3oak 4oviiktna • Bait, Picture of The SeeO0 Winner of Seven: Academy TWO. SHOWS. Nightly thursday 'Oriday' 6atiirtlaY THE APE MAW, JOHNNY Rind " IttigNEY-LANitiif Gino Slivi fe responsible fit' the arrangements of breath Street, fl OfiC rndlo program' tor gtOnnier ,tetterneeng., tneatit flride for this ihow• entki. tg. ▪ 01406n. .014&-r .aora, .free COO' • • Rr