HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-07-30, Page 111. CONVALESCENT HOME OFFICIAL-LY OPENED A. good, representation of Hie roil- (lents of this eeminutniAy witnessed tho ceremony marking 111,10 offi c ial Opening of the ,13akOr geneillieseeat 1-Ionte O here n Sunday .afternieelle Reeve 'Gearee. McCut.cheOn of 13ruesels, Teem Mena, M,LA for leurianeBrueb and. Rev, H, L. Jenninge' of St, Peter'e Anglican Church, Lucknow, participated in. the ceremony. Wesley Toynt, Luck now, 'eeawarden of Bruce was also present on ;the speakers' platform. Pipelre Fivrirecei;IniaNn,,egetleie Wiford and entertained as the crowd ejsZanek7,1311°ewd '. George Mcelutelmon, as chairman, welcomed Mr. an leers, Baker and family to Brussels. described their opening of their home as a great achievement for this village, a, 'step in ,advancement that fulfils a need , in Brus'sells. nee. H. L. Jennings, in referring to the leafier Convalescent Home at Teleitnow, 'befor e coming here, (highly commended their work and fine co-opeeation with tithe clergy, He termerd their service a blessing 'to a ,community. ,He described the personal touch as a major pert of healing. He wished Mr. and Mrs. Baker, and family "God Speed" and ,concluded with a Dedicatory Prayer, John Hanna, on, behalf of the Ontario Welfare Department expressed satisfaction in the effort to give good care, cheer, and comfort to the disabled and needy citizens. He felt it ,was particularly fitting that a home 'that had dispensed so ,muoll. friendly hospitality during the lives of the previous owners should continue to bring- cheer to the lives of people of the community, 'Miss Gertrude RoSs, a daughter- of the former owners, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Roes, cut the satin. ribbon., across the door and Mr. Hanna declared the home open. Memfbers of the au'dience were invited on a tour of inspection of the newly renovated land modernized home which can accomodate 15 patients and will fill a long felt need In the community. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE PICNIC' !The members of the Majestic Wometes Institute are holding their picnic at Stratford on Aug. 7tfir. Blue to leave the library at 9.80 A, M. • CARD OF THANKS I wish to, thank the voter's of Morris iTownehip for their support, rand the Morris Federation Pet their help in: the election of last Friday. AR) Bacon Your Hog Director CARD OF THANKS The &Intl,/ of the late Stuart ,EvaaiS wtiSh to II:Press their ein_ edre thanks to 'relatives, friends and netighhours for theft kindness. sympathy and cards during their recent bereavement. It will alwayt be remembered. Orville Pachlichei 01117111u (One) MeM011101 ilia suddenly on Sunday, July 27t14, to his 49Db, year, l‘ir, MeNjcbel had I had a ^heart condition for some lie Is survived by two 00ns, Lewis and 'Belie, at fhernoi one sister, Anna at home; and mix 1)rothers, Ross, Brueeflielde Cfeerge, London, Andy Seaforth, and 'Lome, Stratford; also ;11.16 mother, Mrs. ,mamas MeNiehol, who, made her home with, him. The funeral service Yeas held from the Rann funerel home, Brnseela at 2.30 m Tueeday. Interment was made in Brussels cemetery, - Stuart W. Evans , Mlle IlassfIng of the elate Stuart Watson Evans oecured in. Toronto. 'General Hlospital on Monday, July 21st. In failing health for the past two years hi's condition gradually becam e mope serious. Stuart Evans ,veae born on Nov. 8 1913 on the 14th concession of Grey Township where Ihe lived his entire life. He attended Cranbrook Pmf,)37- 'torten °bunch. Stuart was the only son 'of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn, Evan91, Ceanbrook. He married in 1936 th e former Grace Perdue of Walton Besides his wife the leaves to mourn three sons, Douglas, Gary and Bniane three daughters, Beverley . 13arbara acid eatsy and his Mother i Send father Mr. and Mrs. Lynn : Evlans of Clennbrook. Vile funeral was held, on Wed., July 23, from the D. A. Rann :funeral hotme, Brussels, the Rev. ' W. A. Williams and Mr, C. L. I Thompson officiated The pallbearers ware Stuart , McNair, Gra,eme McDonald, Ken- neth McDonald, Mate McIntosh, Murray Huether and Calvin Camer- on. Plowerbearers were Alex Steiss Glenn Itiether, Jack Knight, and , Osdar Ducharine, !Glendon Fingel, Louis Blake. Floral tributes were many and beautiful. Interment was in Brussels Ceme_ fiery. Relateve's attending from a dist- ance came froin London; Thorndale, Toronto, Milverton, Ooderioh, Detroit Listowel, Clinton. and Atwood. WINS SILVER MEDAL i Miss Joan Patrick is being con- gratulated on being awarded the silver medal, by the Western Ont- ;ario Conservatory of Music, London for obtaining the highest marks for the year In her grade 2 piano examlitattri, , I, Jean was given 92 marks. She is : a pupil of Mr. Louis D. Thompson, ' and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs Roy Patrick of Walton. 1 ! I PEOPLE WE KNOW I Douglas Buettner spn of Mr. and Mrs. Tit: Huether, is in Sick Obidrens Hospital, Toronto, undergodng treatment. t Mr. and Mrs. Garvin Smith, South , Porcupine, -visited I t week with relatitves in this cpmmunit3', follewing a trip to Npva Scotia.. Mrs. J. D. Elliott of ,Toronto and dealghter, Mrs. Rena Gialbraith, were i vsitors ever the tweek-end i wth Mir. and MTS. Louis D. Thompson. I Tip T op Tomato Juice 48 oz. Aylmer Pork and Beans 20 oz. 2 for Blue Bonnet Color Quick Margarine • • • 2 for Paramount Cohoe Salmon 7 Oz. 000000 100,,,••••••••••••Ne.40,0004 ............. • . 04 foil wt. 'Ind other valise 00 es greet as these at THE RUTLEDGE GROCERY ," 29c .37c. ‘69c 37c Thursday and Friday July 31 and Aug. 1 ST. LOUIS BLUES VistaVIsion Nat King Cole, Eartha Kitt, CO Calloway, Pearl Bailey Saturday Oilly I. August 2 _ THE WHITE FEATHER 1 Ceder Ci , nemaScope Robert Wagner, Debra Paget I 411 4 BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN Clinton, Ontario HELD OVER THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY An Absolute Must. Share It With Your Whole Family Will Not Play Within 100 Miles This Year THE GREATEST EVENT IN MOTION PICTURE HISTORY! CEOLILDEMILLEt THE TEN COMMANDMENTS A NAAMOUNit OICTORE IN ViitAvitioi4 AND ittitiNitotolt, Sunday 'Mid_Nite and Monday AUgolet 3 and 4 it bauble IMO JET ATTACK John moo, Audrey Totter BATTALION John Ashleyf Tench Conners tueedey and Wednesday ' Ae-beit, 5...itut el. • 4464R. OF FORTUNE` Color einem-Atener • tiooice 6664 Susan Noyi.44aki t. THE BRUSSELS PAST $2.00 per yearr - $U* it .04 Wednesday, July 30th 1958 antleortsett se them" elms mai. Fest °Moo DeFsetscioat, Ottawa ' Post Publishing House LISTOWEL, ONT. Cutting A . Regent Theatre slAFORTH / Thursday Friday - Saturday July 31 Aug. 1 and 2. July 31 Aug. 1 and 2. HAPPY ROAD :Theatre Closed From Aug. 4th to 13th For 'Holidays • 111 August 14 15 116 Double 'Bill 1, HOT ROD GIRLS - GIRLS IN PRISON r ROW 10110111 AS A. M. u_NION SERVICE IN MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH DURING AUGUST 9 The United Church f7' OF CANADA - 1 !Libman Nsv. L. Orme Ball; OA. Or,snit: Mr.. A. S. Naas j IS A.M. Church &hoot Xt A. M,. Divine Warship" UNION SERVICE IN MELVILLE, Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson No Services Till August 3rd. Only Christ coullt be man, and be the kind of main that God intended ldell to be. tSESSYTERIAN CHURCH *- OM Church, CRANBROOK Phone 7 Net. Duet to-day or to-morrow, but Every Day of the year. • • S. • ,Brussels Livestock Sales Yards July 25th Trading wa'a, taettire •at the sale -With Choice 'steers gainiing about 5"0c. Choice 'steers ;23 'to $23,60 Good $21.50 to 1212250; Good heifers 'brought 120.10, mednim ,119; Cows 'bro'ught up to 416.40, medium. $15; btills $17.60 to $19.50; Good light stockers up to $23.80, •medium: and flair down 'to '$20. 'The hog market was indifferent 'due to Itheelection over the selling of fat hogs, Good suckers 'brought $15.59 down to $11; Weeners $1,6, $19; and chunks nip to $26; sows sold from $66 to $100 for choice young sows; boars were up to $50. It was agreed to draw up a 'family Our line cannot tell how much we tree and a committee was appointed Miss het. to make the arrangements. An tin. Our hearts Cannot teal what to my. animous decision was made tlo hold God alone knows (how we miss her the picnic in the same place next yea in a home that is lonesome today. Results of the games, races and = Lovingly ,remembered by husband ether events are as tolloars; Pre- and family, school race, Ray. HeniingwaY, Neil Hemingway, Karen Hemingway; 10 years and under, /4anrel Hemingway; girls; 14 years, Susan Theantingwel LLASHMAR and neon Abbott (led); peanut DRIVE-IN THEATRE • mace, Ross HenglInglaY; clothes peg ;race, Marion nerningwaY; bowling game, Bertram Hemingway, Markin Hemingway; gumdrop race, Mrs, D. Hemtrigvayi Da* liemingvial needle and thteald race, Mrs. S. Bentfing-way, Don Heiningtedy; art coritel, Mrs. Willina HemingwaY; eldest woman In attendance, litre. Oliver TfemingWay, Sri:sects.; eldest Man in attendance, Pigertert Oorwiellt; iyiOnnteat childpritSerg, RAMO Reid, tendon,: farthest Of triode to the Mr', and Mrs. Dattiald Henangivek, Detroit. " ---........0,.....m. Melia: .14 *hi iMpitai wilt .,.. .. . , ... „ Opiim Thirirlitiy,, freak, Sattie., day Maieteee and Saturday iiiiiii.j ,,..„, only ..., , ,.,, ,, .,.....,.....,, Int UnEI Ileptombec „ii244 4.4444' 4;. WEEKLY REPORT We Deliver 44t4•4404, I ••••••••••••••• phone 40X Smolt Styling Cold Wavy Specialty PR9cLAMATION - . .H.g8g.py PROCLAIM MONDAY AVOVAT 4., 1958 • . . A. Public. Civic lioliday Village of Brussels. t Hereby Call Upon All Good Citizens To Observe The .8AlatAl . E,,.../Ifccutcheon, Reeve WEEKLY SALE Brussels Livestock Sales Yards.; EVERY FRIDAY 1 P. M. Tour home marled where you are welcome as Visitor, Catikitsmor or )210Yer. PHONE 46 BRUSSELS', ONT.- HOT WEATHER TREAT ! • LEMON CHIFFON ICE CREAM In Cones, Bricks and „Half (Gallons Available Now at your favourite Dealers or at the Brussels Creamery CHERRIES • 22 POUND PAILS Red $4.25 — Black $5.25 Raspberries 28 lbs. $8.50 R. B. COUSINS LTD. BRUSSELS, OM. 3 BIG NIGHTS 23rd Annual Seaforth Lion's club , Summer Carnival LIONS PARK SEAFORTif WED.THUR.FRI.-AUG.6-7 Bands — Games — Bingo DIFFERENT PROGRAMME EACH NIGHT Admission 25c Children Free Parking Free THE. ifvicraN DS CAN BE EXCHANGED FOR • -CONVERSION.. BONDS WITH A HIGHER INTEREST RATE AND AN IMMEDIATE CASH ADJUSTMENT " (5th V. L.) 3% due Jan. 1, 1959 (r6th V. L.) 3% clue June 1, 1960 X7th V. L.) 3% clue Feb. 1, 1962 `(8th V. L.) 3% due Oct. • 1, 1963 (9th V. L.) 3% Clue Sept. 1, 1966 For Details Of This Conversion coniciet. SELWYN BAKE( FT' ma, .sils o,m••• Imm••••• ..• THR PRESBYTItill'At4 (441A014 •% IN CANADA Knox Church. VTHII. r Minister: Mi. C. L. Thomp000 No Services Till Aulitila 3rd. Do for God, what you should, and there will be no time for doing what you should not. L i' r Melville. Church Sainister: Rev. Jonathan Orem* Organist Donald Ounhar srillP ad) SH HEMINGWAY — FIDLIN A new slate of officers for 1959 was elected at the Reminwayg-Fidlin reunion, held in Queens Park, Strat- ford. The executive is as follows: president, Carl Hemingway, Brussels atice•Pdeeident, Mrs. Grace Lossing, Norwhich; secretary-treasurer, Miss M. lVfcCutdheon, Scotland. They re place Wilfred Bridles, AY'r as pros!- ' dent; Douglas Hemingway, Brussels ah vice-President; Mrs. W. Pottruff, Paris, as seeretiarv-treasurer. .4444444444.4444;4.4:..... 44'44444 4i.4.4.14i CAPITOL 1:41EATRE: •LittOWEL,ONtr Thursday - Situodey tiAt•tgle tatreit Pantatitliotie fun Plini ANDREW"' A aitet4due Ropmp With Dewey lel TOP Form At A Ciraiii Fish, e McFarlane Madonna liliee, glaelloli and deb- , pliitniume graced. 04,1Vbigly of Leurd- ee RC Church, 'Waterlog, Saturday, July 19th. for the wedding, of Mary Leweila Meleanlane, 101 William St,' West, Wet00100, and Mr. John William Fish of Guelph. Rev, T. J. Hartleib ge the eiburell of Our Lady, Ghiei.ph, officiated, Organist Mr. Louis Thompsen of acecompanfed solaiists Mr, Mettle Skowalski of leillsortburg and Mrs. Irvin Plonteke of Waterloo. Me, and Mrs. Manes T. McFarlane of Brussels are the bride's parent's, ;The bridegroom is a son Mr. and. Imported lacel tendered elee be, Mrs. J. Phillip. Fish of Tilisenburg, teau 'neckline of the brides erganza aver tallfeta gown. An organza boW marked the waistline of the bouffant skirt Mittel. featured a front flare 'accented with lace and a chapel train, A shell of net and sequins held her lace appliqued fingertip veil of 11 lusion. She carried a prayer book With a white orchid and stephanotis. Miss Jean. Mellarla.n'e of Brussels was meld of honour in a waltz gown of white nylon eyelet over lilac 'taffeta. It was sti1e,c1 with puffed sleeves end a scooped neckline, A Elea taffeta sash set off the bout- faht skirt. Sue carried a semircas_ 'code of vilolet asters and ivy., 'leers, Victor Walden of Hanover and Mrs. Alison Weeks of Listawel were brildesmaids in similar gowns over strawberry Pink taffeta. Thee' carried pink aster's' and ivy. Mr. Donald Fish, of Tillsonburg was best man, Ushers were Mr. Rosa Milne and Mr. Ceorge phaertell, both of Guelph. Receiving at the Doon Valley Golf Club the bride's Mother war e a beig lace over taffeta sheath with a cor- sage of rose eweet-heart roses Pale pink sweet-heart roses and, stephane otis accented tho,blue lace over taf- feta dress chosen by the bridergoOms mother. For their wedding trip to the north part of 'Ontario the bride wore an iverY silk sheath and three-quarter coat ensemble-with beige andlatent accessories and a corsage of flame sweetheart roses. They will live at 117 Surrey St. Guelph. .The bridegrooM is a graduate of 'Ontario Ageetaultural ,College, 'Guelph, IN MEMORIAM DUNCAN — In loving memory of a dear wife, mother, and grand! mother, Mrs. Francis Duncan, who died 3 yeiars ago, VAL'S AilEAUTY- SHOPPI t DURING AUGUST r Anglican Church 00. cailaba prrr pirie* N Willis L r L S. T. Heitio gilt: A. 144 Mott a SoSOOI 4. bloke. Otiureiko Hereto I 046 A. A M, *Whit tfi &tidos sow°,