HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-06-04, Page 5CLASSIFIED ADS. LOST — Puree with sum Of money. phone 1.89j. 4•••••,,".. WANTED -- Boy's tricycle. Good condition. Hank Exel, Brussels. COWS FOR SALE — Fresh and Springing; Holstein. Jersey!, and. Ayrshire Cows. Good supply at all times. Phone 67113 F. J. Sillicli Teeswater FOR SALE 10 cows, 6 Holsteins. 2 Hereford, sad 2 AYrshire: also 2 Yea:11111 Hams sad 12 holstein Heifer Calves; 5 SoWa and 1 ilog. rred Meting, IR. R. 2 Brussels Phone 1,0 J 13 FOR SALE 2 good 'Second hand Good-Year AtWw Tares 7.10x15. ,with Life Guard. Tubec‘. Inquire at The Brussels Post -FOR SALE Wide ajhoice clalchs. Special hybrids. Brdiler chicks. Pullets (some started) Complete list. Bray Hatchery, Hamilton, Ont. or local agent Mrs. R. Barrett, R. R. 5, Brussels, Phone 64 • 12 SEED CORN I can still furnish you with the best seed corn you can, buy — PIONEER a While there is still a supply weaalable, call me for the extra bushels you still need to template your planting require- ments this spring. Bert Johnston, Brussels, Phone 28r4 TENDERS WANTED "Sealed Tenders, for the purchase of the northerly portion of a brick building centrally located in the Village of Atwood, known as the IvlcBain Dwelling, will roe received up to 5 P. M., Jane 12, 1958. A marked chequ e for $300, must ac_ company each tender. Highest or any tender not necessarily accept- ed. For further particulars apply to Elma Farmers' Mutual Fire In- surance Co., Head Office, At- wood,, Ont .151i7V4-"' icor ifecaorta arancame Vim fhirty.lrive Team Always isles THIJIEST %MI/twinge Along Mg Expert Designing and glerlunanshig Priam Most "Limitable Seinetery Lotteries a Sewage R. A. SPOTTON !hone MK WINN" Dwirer • ammo, Onto ELMA FARMERS' WilITUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established in 111114 Head Office Atwood. Ont. Insure, Farm Property, Private Dwelling" and Contents In Towns And Village*, Schools, Churches and Hoge on an "INSURANCE AT COST" bags PROMPT ADJUSTMENT OE CLAIMS Contact your Nearest Director or Agent R. W. (Dick) WhltriNd via Windstorm • Insurance FREEZER SALE BY EEN!TH 15 and 20 Ctit Ft. Chest Type CHECK OUR PRICE BEFORE YOU BUY -- • .--,---7,-,74-sa, ,,,ei4tegtzva uriELE) HARDWARE 40 .111 010$111,0 lk040:64Pot•:1, youl.t. BE GLADDER. EVERY HOUR, YOU INSTALLED. AN,EXTRA 5HOWER YOU BET NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF MARGARET McARTHUR ALL PERSON'S having &time against the estate Of the • above mentioned, late of the Village of BrUssels, in the COunty of Huron, widow, who died on the 8th day of May 1958, are required to file area of same with the undersigned on or before the 7th day of June 1958. malado cicada After that date the Executors Net Dreaded to distribute the estate having 'regard only to the claim of which they then have had notice. Dated at Brussels this'15th day of May 1958. Crawford and Hetherington Bitieeele, Ontario. Sielleitafre for the Executors NEED STORM witivoOWoi before teti Buy tot Jib-kik* Heine§ Ltd. give .tole' an eetitiialsi±te on Attiiiiiiihm sec! storing *tada101: NO bbitiatiniii, PM*, go06:th Give gifts that say: Live better •.41A• •-• ELECTRICAL 11,,e4a-aaa'ijaa-a- ' Express your go.od wishes the modern way." Give the wonderful electrical gifts that 'promise happier, easier living for years to come. Whatever your budget, there are electrical gifts to make a bride's heart sing . . . an electric fry pan . . • a handy automatic pop-up toaster . . . a mixer or a steam iron. For the future man of the house there are,electric shavers and• a wonder array of time saving power tools . . and what couple would • n't be delighted with one or two handsonl modern electric lamps. They'll be proud of their electric and happy too because they're so eeonomila.1.'' • 14:;.::K-1-7.7::7. TIE BRUSSELS POT Wedneday, June 4th, i.e day of June, 1958. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then have had notice. Dated at Brussels this 16th day of May 1958. Crawford and Hetherington . Brussels, Wart*. aolieltcirs for the ggeetiters TENDERS FOR THE SUPPLY OF, COAL, COKE, FUEL OIL AND PROPANE GAS FOR THE FED-I ERAL BUILDINGS THROUGH- OUT THE PROVINCE OF ON- TARIO NOTICE TO TO CREDITORS IN THE' ESTATE OF ROBERT JOHN MAIER ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who 'died on or about the 14th day of Apial 1958, are required. I to file proof of same with the uudersigned on or before the 7th NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTAiTE OF DUNCAN NEIIL ,McDONALD, late of the Village of Brussels, Ontario, Re- tired *reliant. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required • to send full •particulars of such claims to the undersigned ExecUter en or before the Ninth day of June, 1958, after which date the estate's I.• assets will be distributed hawing regard only to claims ahat have then, been recetved. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY, London, Onto's, Executor by Crawford & ,Hetherington, Brussels, Ontario.. •••••••••• =FM 0.11 ak.....010.0.11•11 CANADA , NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOANNA HENDERSON ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Brusgels, in the County of Huron, widow who died . on or about the 24th day of April 1958 are requir- ed to file proof of same with the undersigned on or, before the 7th day of June 1958. After that date the Executor will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which he then has had notice. fvety rite Dated at Brussels of May 1958. Crawford and Brussels, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ANNIE CARNOCHAN ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, widow who died on or about the 1st day of 'May 1958, are required I to file proof of same with the under- signed on or hefore the 7th day of June 1958. After that date the Executors I will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the I claims of which they then have had notice. 1 Dated at Brussels this 15th day I of May 1958. Crawford and Hetherington Brussels, Ontario. Solicitous for the . Executors CMG KRAUTER C O.•••••••"---- • PLUMBINGLHEATING si,u r,if( mt. 4- olL GuRt,,,,, A BRUSSELS N.:444 4 7 x Solicitors for the Executor •••••••••=m1a0 ,1•41•4.004-1•3•••••• Hetherington Ontario. this 15th day L I 4 4 4 ow% ST. AMBROSE ALTAR 4QPI,ETY Tirteen members were preSent The 'United Church W. A. wss held for the raoathlY meeting or the la the Church. Parlours on 'I'hurfe ,Altar Society at the hoarse. 0,4 N-fa• day, evening, May ,29th,, Special ,Tohn Wake, posts being time Ethel 7,r, A, e Meeting open with The meeting opened with Prof& ,K Thaaaea. a( followed by the rnitanten of Beat Mrs. J. Bryana in t3ie, e441.4,,,1",t440,PAst 115,eeitng given by the sec hymn was eupg, after which Mrs, 14127, Mrs. Tao Kernagban. Th(:. $, Daivisori led in prayer, Mrs, treasarer gave tile financial retort. Davison read tronl the story of, Mrs. 14, aaynor and Mrs, L. ICero Rah, During tire basinees session naghaa Semi a *Mpg Mrs. 'Cecil McFadden spoke briefly • cananitte0 for the coming menth, en the Dominion Council of the W. j The Attar committee, will ;be Household Effects A. which_ Met in Toronto the week Mrs, C, Steffier. and Mt-p, F, Rkillsol, Frigiaaare Refrigerator, ft. previous land which she attended, I A short progeam followed with (3 yrs, old) i Mrs. n. Cousins gave a report on 'members contributing some worth,: Maixwell Electric Washing Machine the Huron Presbytery meetinh- 'while thoughts for the month McClary Rangette with oven eantrol r which she and Mrs. McFadden inch:ging this life 'Story of St, I Mrs. Cordon. Blake read ft Business being completed the pre chapter hill A Group" ' Iricir ofer Of4'uarblotrhde. 17th' at the DaYeeiffge. 'Wont*. , i N trostua:m:iiotoried. ,The asnIddenMtr'sc,aWlle.d Co.111.61%.'tachrs., tDoea:sningDridus7 t i Mrs, short Steffler. subject entitled "How To after which lunch was seared and ' rAN:IlallaacicinhLg.,wMaTwas ehoafane:nue7aesvetbslaY wdeerleighhtefludi i and A meornst.es;:rmaseramr3hadatiethtede ,tioi.iadiporiales. ; a • earl hind it social hour enjoyed as the' Lunch and a social half MET Wee groups mingled and exchanged news enjoyed and a tatty Irma a was Weif meeting wall be held Aida i,; ttn,. 11 ilxes.,,, hostess ithd:tit,0 swats I 'and 'views ete. : ':. "'-` Tma given aflie loch eattizeteli, Mira .-„ii, - 1 'Writ Blake ,and Mee Lodi Whim EUREKAvCitgulli: SPECIAL PRI.CE OLDFIELD HARDWARE BRUSSELS SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed as above, will be received in the office of the Secretary until 3.00 P. M. (E. D. S. T.), THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1953, for the supply of coal, coke, fuel oil and propane gas for Federal Buildings through- out the Province of Ontario. Forms of tenders with specifi- cations can be obtained from the Chief of Purchasing and Stores, Department of Public Works', Gar- land Buildings, Ottawa, and the Dlatriet Architect, Department at Public Works, 385 Young Street, Toronto, Ontario'. Tenders will not be considered unless made •on the printed forms sumplied by the Department and in accordance willh the conditions set forth therein. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ROBERT FORTIER, CHIIEF OF ADMINISTRATIVE! SERVICES AND SECRETARY Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May '14, 1958. TENDERS FOR PLUMBING Morris School Board will receive tehders until Juno 9. for the follow ing .contracts' at . S. S. No. 1 and S. S. No. 4. For Installing pressure systems and toilets an these schools• — a shallow well or jet pump aBeatty), septic tanks and 'niece- asary drainage. one sink and one, 'drinking fountain. Contact to inclu- de insulation, carpenter work and wiring suitabl e for heat bulb. Work to be completed during the summer aracatiorn. For information contact Carmen Haines No: 1 and Reg. Watson No. 4. No tender necessarily accepted. It. S. Shaw. Blualvale, Oat. INSEMilTATION iN'FORMATiON 'Tor artlfIcial booms/lotion haw- nutlike, or service tea& ail breeds of cattle. phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding. Association at: • Clinton. II V.2 $1441 or Palmerston 498 between tie and fib A. It We bare all breeds e*:e finality` at law east." CLEARING AUCTION f$At..g Ot Farm atecia, Implement! and Household affects: Lot 10. Con. Grey TWR, M,IIee East of prvszolp WEDNESDAY! JUNE 11th At 1 P. M. (P, S. T,) Horses Matched. TOala ROallS, 3200 lbs. Cows Hereford Cow, fresh, 7 yrs. Holstein Cowa mU llng, 8 yrS. Registered Durham Cow, 4 yrs, With calf at foot. Red Cow, 6 yrs., due is July Jersey Cow, fresh, 6 yrs. Durham Cow, 4 yrs. old. 2 year old Heifer 4 yearling Heifers 3 Spring Calves Implements John Deere. Tractor, model B, standard. 2;furrow John Deere Plow Massey Hartle Binder IvLoCoratich Deering Fertilizet Prin., nearly new, 13 disc Fieley Bissell Me, 28 ditto McCormick, Deering Cultivate?' John Deere Manure Spreader; on rubiier re* Massey Harris Hay Loader (new) Massey Harris Side Delivery in good condition. 4-section DiaWad. Xrart074 .Deening Mower: ; loot 1 Ralbber Tired Wage% and Hay Rack i Wagon Box Ifor ;Tedder ,Set of Sleighs. .and Rack et. 2-wheel Trailer with .toelr .-11,aelrmi Set Doable Ilarness (Bratehen) 3 Ballo Shelters' 2 Sets 7Iorse Drawn Disc Quantity of Lumber Wheel Darrow. UNITED CHURCH. W. A. S Cu, 'Square Exteneloa Table Round Extension Table and Chairs , Chesterfield Suite (3-Plece) 3 Beds Chest of Drawers Buffett Itachen Cabanet Linolettim Rugi 11 ft. x 15 ft. Maven°,-!;-1'1;'.17;41-4417.6 Terme Cash No Seserve As Farm Is Sold proprtetoi — A. Mcguarrle Auctioneer Harold Jackson. Clerk — E. P. CHESNEY MeClary gook Stove attended et laringhain. Mordea by 1\7rs, J. Nolazi.