HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-06-04, Page 1Wed.uesday, June 4th 4.44,4 Autism1004 aa mond Ow Ins% Peat Mos Palrastotnent ottwire, Post Publishing House Nmosvue. Melville Ladiee Aid BAKE SALE In the Brussels Public Library SATURDAY, JUNE 7th 14.1.14 Of+ P 0.# ** . fP,4')••••14 •.•!.., The 50th anetivereary oe the 41c AT 3„ P1 M. Brussels. Morris and Grey Tele- phone System was a red letter day in he history, At 12 p0011 Monday the cutever putting into operation their eeNy sysiem, was Merle, The achievement of the needed modernizing has -been accomplished by long range plane tie and the co- operation of all concerned. Everybody Welcome York Peanut Butter, 16 oz. Aylmer Dew Drop. Peas 20 oz. 2 for Holly Cream Style Corn ' 20 oz. 2 for Hunts Tomato Juice, 48 oz. 43c WE CLOSE SATURDAY 12 NOON The Department of Labour Bequiremente Force Us. To Close At 12 Noon On Saturday '35c 28c ,s. 1. M. McDonald Builders Supplie& BRUSSELS, ONT. fib ...1...1.15./11.1t1.....• feu wit' ?Ind other values just as great as these at ROCERY THE RUTLEDGE Not just to-day or to-morrow, but Every Day of the year. We Deliver Phone 7 • 444 GARDEN PARTY • At Walton Community Hall GARDEN PARTY • k Moncrieff United. Church ; 11 THURSDAY, JUNE 12th THURSDAY, JUNE 26th Sponsored by Walton Women's Institute C t Supper 6 — 8 VARIETY PROGRAMME Admission 85c and 40c Sports. Concert, Dancing L Keep. This Date Open PHONE 122 ,THE PRESEv r Ui i letl'UFECH IN CAHADS. Knox Church, II1HEL Minister; MI C. L. rhompsen Morning Worship 9.45 A.M. Bible Class 11 A. M. Sunday Bello& 11 A. M. If we are to be TREES in God's garden we cannot plant our lives in spiritual flower-pots. Operated by:George juizi BAND TATTOO Brussels Victoria Park FRIDAY, JUNE 27th Dance After In Brussels Town Hall Sponsored By The Brussels Legion -Pipe Band Keep This Date Open I LIBRARY NOTES Librady Hours during Jane, July and August. Tuesday 3 to 5 -p.m. 7.30 to 9 p.m Saturday 2 to 5 p.m. 7,30 to 9 lem. ;The Huron County bookmobile will call at Brussels library on Wed- nesday; June 11th, at 9 nen. • CARD OF THANKS I wish to omopiress my sincere thanks to all of my many friends who so kindly remembered me with cards, letters and gifts. Each were very much appreciat- ••., SCHOOL FOR RETARDED CHILDREN Representatives from Lions Clubs from Blyth, Wingham. How- eick and Brussels met in the Bruner 'whack Hotel, Wingham, May 30th, for the perpose of ,or'ganizing School for Retarded Children in this area.; Permision has been request- ed ta do so from the Retarded Children's Association. A -preliminary meeting will take place in Whigham, June 10th. Any- one interested in this work are in- vited to attend. Knox Church, CRANBROOK Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson Sunday 'School 10.15 A. M. Morning Worship 11.15 A, M. If we cannot get true religion from. life, let's got true life from religion. ed. Sharon Warwick. CARD OF THANKS I wish to extend my 'sincere thanks and appltectation, for the many kindnesses, and beautiful floral tributes front my many rel•at lees and friends tendered Upton the death of a dear titter Margaret. Mary Work. GRANTS LIENS WEAR Melville Church Organist -- Donald Dunbar IhUlday School POW 375rrhi4. 10 A. $, 4.• TENDERS WANTED Tenders for cutting grass in the Villifge of Brussels' Tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned by June 10th, 1958. State hourly W e. H. A. Pleolver. Clerk •••••••••••*•”,,.......mr,,•••••• Li MELVILLE CALLS MINISTER CAPITOL 11-IEATRE TO ATTEND CHURCH SERVICE The United Church OF CANADA MinNtsr: Rev. L. Brown LA; D.D. Organist: Mrs. A. E. Martin The Ladies Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion have set Sunday, June 16th, for Church Parade to St. John's Anglican, Church. A LISTOWEL, ONT. ,, At a joint meeting of members and adherents elf KnoX Presby- . (tartan Churn Belgrave, and Mel- Wednesday • Thursday ' tine Church; trUssele, held in .une 4 - 5 Melvlille, Mauch on Tuesday night, "OUR VINES HAVE a unanimous elalt was extended to TENDER GRAPES" Rev, Yonaithan Greene of Asstd. Edward G. Robinson and bola, Sack. Margaret O'Brien ..-- Starring LLASHMAR DRIVEIN THEATRE LISTOWEL, ONT.. 40 A.M. Church School ,1145 A, 4. Flower Sunday ;Memo "Step by Step" J.80 P. M. Young people's Service Speaker Mr. Ron. Steepe of Clinton Friday - Saturday. Atidle Murphy, James Stewart "NIGHT PASSAGE° CinemaScope Color Thursday a Friday Juno 5a "CHECKPOINT' Color Anthony Steel, Odiie Verso's June :Who '9 10 it 12' la. 14, Men., Tired', wed: Thdoii:, Satoday. Lane Turner' In ' .00evtot4 .PLACE'S ChiemaS4epe Color ,Adnitteten:: All teatii 756 for. thin' 21a .Hour ShaVrh .thoWd. and 9,30 p.M~• i. '•.." CARD OF THANKS COUSINS STRAWBERRY RIPPLE IC oczhiiktG DialOris Etileks cones Get Sortie From Your FavoUritd Cousin's toe Cream Dealer 00,0, '00i; That kktoa Treat at Meal tsarty thee, 8r XnYtili** Tuesday Wedrietiin .itine 16. if ""TIME Melt itiehitict 'tittidenatk; daiehaet COUSINS, ICE CREAM Regent Theatre st.Aroiroi Thursday - Friday 4 Saturday Double MO HE LAUGHED LAST Frankie Lane, Ludy Marc*. And UTAH BLAINE Rory Calhoun Utah Ctinnening S .COMING TIN STAU AblAittAiiret R ESTRICTED TO pr ONS ie Mils Of A% 01 OVER - tot) grws: tiltUd§dLg, .6nt. MADE' BY• _. The aft-eaters end members of'East Fuson Fall Pair thank all thae ' whose dourttiblitions and help made i„ theillr ittinitnagd Sale a etiodote. I ,'., ! Thanks alad to anatietieor ‘utif, deit Grant, who denated bid cap-1, r:able Service free of charge. HAS NARROW ESCAPE Alvin Logan had a olose brush with death on Monday evening, While making some repairs at the, mill he fell into the race and tangled with the wheel. He was fortunete to.epeape death. He (received a gash on his arm, but on his head, both requiring stitches, .and a couple -ef broken ribs, While very bruised and core Al was able to be out the next day. 'Po add ins(ult to injury a roll of money was snatched from his pocket by the water and the watch was torn -groin his wrist, The money was partially recovered. ATTEND W. A. SPRING DEANERY MEETING Mee Spring meeting of the Ang- lican W. A., Huron Deanery, was held in Gerrie last Thursday. Of 'special interest Was the illu- strated talk given by the Rey. R. N, Savalry, missionary at 'Tokushima. Japan. Those attending from Brussels and Henfryn were: Mrs. Ferd :Jewell_ Mrs. Geo. Davis, Mrs. B. Mitchell, Met, H. Bryan, Mrs. Beg. Watson, Mrs. Jim Smith, Ma's. Thos. Kerr and Mrs. Blaerld Kerr. Rev, Fred Jewell attended the clerical meeting at the 'same time. RALPH SHAW SUFFERS SERPPOS. INJURIES. • The many friends of Ralph Sbavl Were Perry • to learn that he was. seriously injured while engaged In cutting down trees, Wednesday of last week. He was struck by' a falling Itm.b. He was realled to Wingham 11 0SPI• MI where it was disclosed. he had sustained a fractured right hip back (Injury and several broke') 'ribs, While -reported. In satisfact- factory condition it is expected he will be confined to hospital for several months. yAL,s BEAUTY SHOPPE Cutting Styling Cold Wavinil • A Sp 6 1 a ity Phone 40X Brussels 4.G.Telephone.50thAnniversary: Marked .by0pening.ofNewExchange, Among those attending the cere- mony on. Monday were Reeves Geo- Zge 11-T,cCettcheon. Brussels, Bailie Parrott, Morris and George Hutchin- son of Grey; representatives of surrounding telephone systems who attended were Watson Brown, of the Molesworth manicenal sys- tem; . Eldred. Cathers and William., Dietman of the Wroxeter company and Archie Young of Blyth. John Kelly, Seaforth and W. F. Smith of I Listowel represented the Bell coin- pany. . George Michie. commissioners' chairman, spoke briefly expreSsing satirtfaction for the fine new build- ing and system, lie extended thanks to the operators 'for their work in arranging for. and conduct- in the "Open House" held the pre' Tiolls Wednesday and Thursday. At the, iconeluseen -of the cere- mony a turkey dinner was served to roh,E; )commissionets, visiting officials operators and telephone crew, —at the New American Hatel. "Open Houte" "OpenHoUst" was held at the new exchange last Wednesday and Thurs- day, afternoon and evening, When . seine 500 interested guests toured the building and Inspected the land-, ern -telephone equintneett. They Were 1 served refreshments O'y ; peesent i and foriter operators. The B. M, and G. 'Telephone Company waS Mended it 1008 ' dee largely to the efforts of li'..f S, W. S. Scott, who has. served the B, M. and G. Company far the past 22 years, had the honor of offic- , eating at the ribbon cutting ceremony and declaring the new building officially open. He escorted the operators in, and with Miss Cassie Thompson, who has been a member of the operator staff for 30 years. and Miss Addle Cardiff at the board he completed the first call on the new system. The modern telephon e equipment is housed in . new imildin;g on Mill .street, The structure 28x5G feet • finished in, rug britek, is fitted with -up-to-date office fixtures. The main) floor comprises a 'large room come taining the sw14tchboard and dis- tributing hanks; repair room. plant mo,interAanhe ,office; kitchen and waeheoones as well as the spec- acions office of the secretary- teasurer and manager, Walter S. Scott, The lower floor contains the modern heating plant and garage. The building was done by Thome Construction of Brussels, Saturday' • Monday jtine 7- 9 • at THE NicootsiniELL, STORM"' Color aietnaseope Alan Ladd, June Allyson i SCall, father of the preeent mall. chairnvm of the first commisPion. Uger, S. Brett, who was the Other -onatnies•ienere at that time were Dr. J. 13, Warwick, Cameron. (Ca-.a;nhroOlt). Procter '03elgreve). Malcolm, Black was seerei,ary•treasurer. All are now deceased,. The building just vacated on ..sin street housed the firelt B. M. & G. telephone exchange. Fitted at first with only one switchboard, later another was added to serve the additional subscribers as the system expended; it served Brussels and surrounding rural communities for 50 years, The & G, has grown into one of the largest surviving indepen, dent telephone companies in Ontario. Brussels residences and business -.places have new 'phones installed an. -Places have new 'phones installed and all in the system will be replaced pearled of ltime. inetallation of the system and entover was accomplished by lilaniti 'superintendent Lloyd Work- Men, Mollie Willis and ',Wilier Mc- After, They were assisted in install- ation work by Jack Keller of Sea- fOrih, While all "kinks" have not yet been,ptreightened ant this will be accomplished shortly. First B. M. & G. Operator. Miss Mildred ,Grewar, who is still a resident -of BruSsels„ handled the first call on the original switch board. Mliss Grewar had returned to Brussels from Brandon. Man., where she had spent some time working on a -switchboard, and was ,familiar with the work. For some years, she and Miss Mary McDon- ald, who lived above the office. ran the switchboard, giving day and night service. Both spent the nigh in. the office. Miss McDonald took charge in the morning, and. Miss Grewar hi. the afternoon. Milss Mc- Donald, N(rho later married John. Ctera-r, is now deceased, Miss Grewar spent about ten years in the employ of the system. Miss Margaret -Robinson., also a TrusSels resident, spent 40 years as an -operator with the company before retiring, CHOIR LEADER RECEIVES GIFT OF APPRECIATION Donald Dunbar, organist and choir. leader of Meletille Presbyterian Church, was ptreeented with .a leather billfold inscribed wdth his name by members of th e choir. The presentation was made by Bill King who expressed the apPrec- iation at the members for his work. It took piiace at the close of choir prattle° on Thured0, which was. Donald's birthday. A eocial hour was enjoyed. Lunch wets served by Mrs. W. Edgar and Mrs. J. Brewer. over a The PS".....PLE WE KNOW , 5 My. and lelre Roy Cousins and mr. and Mira. Alex MeDenalci spent the Week and vistitiing in Niagara Palls, St. Catharines, traintford and St. Mary's. • e ;1111 Robert Smith, of R. R. 4; 13ruS• SOM, had the misfortthie to break hie , letit wrist in a fill from a step• ladder, 1958 — -'41:‘,44a pac,p. CARD OF THANKS, The Commissioners of the Brussels, Morris and Grey Teleo Company wish to take this opportunity to thank all the pespiTtr- who helped our seeltehboazil operators make Open House O success that.it was. We were very pleased with the way the operators- planned ftlee event and. we are very grateful for the co-operation of fonamLf— operators and many of the local women. - There were almost 500 people Went through the now .r."Iffice der we were quite happy that so many people showed their interest "bv: visiting vs, Latest In Sport Shirts $3.95 to *LOP Sparkling Smart Ties and Tie Sets $1.00 to as.* Stetsons in Straws and Fedoras $2.95 to. igtAilfg: Perry Como Sweaters 11611P. Also Pullover and Button Styled We are Exclusive Dealers for the — SISMAN WORK BOOT Always in stock are DACK. and SCOTT McHALE thd a furl Tine of SAVAGE for children rA You Are Always 'Welcome At Grants Shoe &. Mens Weirio- Again Featuring THIS is FRESH STRAWBERRY — ICE CREAM SEA SO. ANNUAL FLOWER sERvicE: , will be held in Brussels United Church .ors SUNDAY, JUNE 8th , AT 11:15 A.M. THEME: "STEP B Y S T E.P Evening Service AT 7:30 P.M. In Charge Of Young Peoples' Society Speaker: Mr, Ron Steepe of Clinton C 41 U 6'1 N S. STRAWBERRY FRUIT tdttfitAt# : : .N, Remember Dad op Father's Dew HE WILL APPRECIATE A QUALITY GIFT FRGRO Legal and Long Distance Hauling ALL LOADS • FULLY INSURED P. C. Y. CLASS C. F. F. S. Formerly Bryars Transport. $2.00 per year, George MIchle (Chairman of CommisSionerek Anglican Church • OF CANADA Parish It Sitsseis tow Frei L..1414,411, L L T. Nadir altbtirrt 1. et John'sChtirah, Briisiisla 11.I.5 A. Ar. Matting Sunday giehoot ▪ Dawiche 9.60 A, A. math* 00May School'