HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-05-21, Page 5VACUUMZi. •CLEAWS SPECIAL PRICE! OLOFJELD HARDWARE • IIRU,SSELS. Selline at the Hays Sales Arena on TUESDAY, MAY 29th at 7.09 p.m, (Twilight Sale) This ;is a Fully Accredited and 1.7)iceinated. herd owned .'bV. T. Thomas, Todmordett, Ontadio and Is One Of the .fhleSt _quality herds in the Pravince, In excellent breeding Con- dition .and. of ,01tolce bloodlines, Fob Angus cattle with the right kind of natural fleshing that top the markets t and fbring higher returns, this 50 head Dispersal is the place to ob. ' lain. them. (The farm has been sold for 'development and dvery animal sells. 'Write for catalogue to HAY FARMS LIMITED, Sale managers Box 470 Oakville Ontario. TENDikRS FOR THE SUPPLY OF COAL, COKE, FUEL OIL AND PROPANE GAS FOR THE FED- ERAL BUILDINGS THROUGH- OUT THE PROVINCE OF ON- TARIO sudiiion TENDERS addressed, to the undersigned and endorsed as above, will be received in • the office of the Secretary until 3,00 P. M, (E, D, S. T.), THURSDAY, JUNE L2, 1958, for the supply of coal, coke, fool oil and propane gas for Federal Buildings through- out the Province of Ontario. Forms of tenders with specifi- cations can he obtained from the Chief of Purrdha.sing sand Stores, Department of Public 'Works, Gar- land Builtdings, Ottawa, and the DIstricit Architect, Department at Public Works, 385 Young Street, Toronto, Onitiario. Tender's will not be considered unless made on the printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance wiIth the conditions set forth therein. The lowest or any tender not necesIsarily accepted. ROBERT FORTIER, CHIMP OF AEMINISTR.ATIVE SERVICES AND SECRETARY Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 1,4, 1958. ,NSEiv -A:. ICN .NFORMATtON "Foil astIMIal Insemination Infor- mation or service tram an breeds of cattle, phone the, Waterloo- Cattle Breecing Assoelaa011 at; Clinton 441 PahLerston VMS oetween 7.3e and 9.36 A, IV We have all breed. evallable ",- quality at low cost" CANADA FOR SALE An 8 room. brick house situated in the village of Brussels, modern 4-piece bath, hot and cold Water on taps. Apply at the Post FOR SALE — Chicks. Standiaird 'varities. Wide choice. Special hybrids, Broiler Chickg, Pullets. Contact Bray Hatchery 120 John N. Hamilton or idirs R. Barrett, R. R. 5 Brussels, Phone 54-12 SEED CORN If -you :haven't ordered your seed corn, you clan still buy Pioneer. More farmers are switching to Pioneer Hybrids Every Year because of their OUTSTANDING QUALITY and YIELDING ABILITY. Bert Johnston, Brussels, Phone 28r4 . :)101t1A1., oar 6leeauil,,.1 eilirt37-111 tvl-Yet THE SE-81 Along vssa, E.'xperi LieelgrArill aril eyorkmilner./0. ity20e4.4 Most R.silowLatilii e4trinelery bettertol s riv+essfiaxv F`-'C) c TON *elute kao.: tdiV 700 h owl • "kir— ELIVIA FARIVIEI6 MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established In 1854 - Head Office Atwood* Ont. Insures Farm Property, Private DWollinat and Militants In Toirirli and VINO* Schools, ChUrchie and Haile On an "INSURANCE AT COST" Milli PROMPT ADJUSTMENT 01! CLAIMS COntlet your Novak DireCtor or Agent R. W. (Dick) Villitfleht IMO WletIste* tneUrsittee *mental Ont. The Government Deficiencey Pay- ment applies only on Properly Graded Wools Secure the Utmost by Patronizing Your Own Organtiation JACKSON HOMES LTD., Seaforth is collecting wool for grading and sales on the co-operative plan. SHIPPERS may obtain sacks and twine free of charge from the above or their Licensed Operators CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street Toronto . VT.k r, 71. 1 1 1 • t !CU:. kiNONs • Nstb STORM Wit4O0Wo. Before Yen BUY let holden Home * fit give sou tin eking.* on ATTeniftiOin staring Oftittion, Phone itiiitolotb- not LI WE BRUSSELS MST ,!0.4 -et." 1111111.1111111 DON MILLS. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of REGISTERED ABERDEEN , ANGUS DISP ERSAL ,TIPTIPA: TO CREDITORS IN. THE' ESTATE QF ROBERT JOHN MAtER 41.44. PDR3ONS baying" claims agt4nat the estate of the Itbose illent)01100, late of the Towesitly of troy, la the County -of iltirea, Farmer, who died on or about the 14th day of Apt% 1958, are rognir*Otl to file proof of same with the 'undersigned op, or before the . '7th .day of June, 1958, After that _date the )3x suture will proceed to distribute the estate, laving regard only to the claitnp of which they thee have bad notice, Dated at 'Brussels this IZth day of May 1058'. Crawford and Hetherington Brussels, Ontario. .$0110itors for the Executors OlIarlall.1.1.••• .• r.,.,...... NOTICE Crop spraping or brush spraying, For further iparticulars contact Charles McLean R, R., 4 Brussels Phone 51r13 cLAssiF75.D ADS- FOR SALE 1951 .A.ustin Oax, Wm, smith, i3rttssels IIhpzre S5r4 .Full tine of Farm Machinery PI Lot 0, •C.e.fi,• 9, Grey Twp„ 1 mile East o r llrussolg SATURDAY, MAY 24th. at 2 04,111, Dion Threshing Muchino 2i' x 48' fully DquIppcd, on rubber and • 7 inch, 120 ft. belt Minneapolis Moline (Waterloo) Z Tractor, 7 years old Waterloo Disc. 9 ft. 5 ins. wide, IS inch Disc Tnternattonal 3 .Furrow Ace pet, torn PloW Internntional 814 ft, Stiff Tooth •Cultitrator Minneapolis Moline (Waterloo) Power Mower Miinneapolis Moline (Waterloo) Side Dellitery Rake, 4 bar, raked ahlout 40 acres Land Roller 6 Sections of Diamond Harrows and Double Trees 50 ft. Endless H.ammermUl Belt All the above implements are just like new and in excellent condition, 7 ft. Massey Harris Binder in good "BITTER ...._ ca:.......__ Pt 14P4NOIHPATIN„ gHEE7A1t V. ' C t• .i. -. RROS'tELS • ; \ WE ONLY SELL AND PLEASE. TAKE. HEED, T kt 44r -102S 01% GUARANTEED PITPEday srAcLEO rendition VIM new aleigle- moto: and 0 nearly new PAW% Mt-creational 13 run :Vertili2er prm In good condition. TI,(Ityy. Duty Wagon on good rUbber 18, ft. Hay ltacic Massey . Harris. FLAY Loader -Clinton ranninp; 11.111 will ulliov 2000 lb, Scales Stock Or Weighing Orate 21 inc'. Pulver LaWn Mower ;NOM, 4 cycle motor Loging Main, Pig Trouglis, Lawn Mower, Scuffles; Barbed Wire,. Thugs, a Small ;Timbers, 2 Ropa, Heavy- Block ..and Tackle. Pulleys. Other Articles Too 'Nam:Growl Tea Mention LOST License Plate No. F 464312 Lloyd Hall, Phone 5546 Brul*els •••••••••••••••• Terms Cash -up .,to $50.00, Ov)er that amount, 6 months credit on iiank- able joint notes except on thrall- log machine and tractor, which is one third down time of sale and balance In 18 months (3 equal pay: ments), No Reserve As Farm Is SiTa Proprietor -- Elmer Eliacott Auctioneer Harold Jackson Clerk — E. P. CHESNEY NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE DIP DUNCAN NIPILMcDONALD, late of the • Village , of Brusseils, Ontario, Re- tired 1Ni,ereliant. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned Executor on or befvre the Ninth day of June. 1958, after which date the estate!s assets will be distributed hariing regard only to claims that have then been receited. THE CANADA (TRUST COMPANY, London, Ontario, Executor by Crawford & .Hetherington, Solicitors, Brussels; Ontario. apply to Phone 11r8 FOR SALE 3 Range Sheitiers. l\1e1. Craig, FOR SALE — '3 Rain Shelters. -John Blake Phone 42r17 FOR SALE Funks Hybrid Seed Corn; Sebago 'Seed and Table Potatoes. :Stan Alexander Phone 85-13 WANTED — Reliable teenage girl wants baby efitting jobs. • Call 64r10 ••••••••••••1 .0.,.//1/1/4 Give gifts that say: Live better ELECTRICALLY Holstein . COWS FOR SALE — Fresh and Springing; Jersey'', and Ayrshilre Cows. Geed supply At all times. Phone 67R3 F. J. Sillick Teeswater dectkittitodemt F•••••&•••••••. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF JOANNA. HENDERSON ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Huron, Nvadow who died on or about the 24th day of A;prIll 1958 are requir- ed to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 7th. day of June 1958. After that date the Executor will proceed to distrlibute the estate having regard only • to the claim 'of which he then has had notice. fvety rfw Dated at Brussels this 15th day of May 1958. Crawford and. Hetherington Brussels, Ontario, .Solicitors for the Executor Regent Theatre SEAFORTH NOTICE T'O CREDITORS Thursday - Friday - Saturday Double Bill BATTLE OF ROGUE RIVER George Montgomery, Martha Hyer and JUNGLE MAN EATERS Johnny Weismueller, Karien Booth IN THE ESTATE OF ANNIE CARNOCHAN ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Hilton, widow who died on or about the 1st day of May 1958, are required to rile praor of same with the under- signed an -or before the 7th. day of June 1958. After, that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they then have had notice. Dated. at Brussels this 15th day of May 1958. Crawford and Hetherington Brussels, Ontario. • SoliclItars for the Executors Coming JOE DAKOTA Jack Maloney Luana Patten 3 nights a week, Thurs. Fri. and Sat. — 1 show nightly, starting at at 8 p.m. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF 'MARGARET McARTHUR ALL . PERSONS having claim!, against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village 'of Bruseels, in the COtinty of Huron, widow, who tied on the 8th day of May 1658, are required to file proof of same with tlhe undersigned on or before the 7th day of June 1958. m.'d.'do cmcfd After that' date the llIxecuters will proceed to distribute the estate havting regard only to the claInin of which they then hate. had Dated at Brusseid this 15th day of May 1958; drawford and itetheringtOn trnaseis, Ontario, iSoticliiters for the Exectitors FREEZER SALE Express your good wishes the modern way. Give the wonderful electrical gifts that promise happier, easier living for years to come. Whatever your budget, there are electrical gifts to make a bride's heart sing . . . an electric fry pan . . . a handy automatic pop-up toaster . . a mixer or a steam iron, For the future man of the house there are electric shavers and a wonderful array of time saving, power tools . and what couple wouldn't be delighted with one or two handsome, modern electric lamps. They'll be proud of their electric gift. and happy too because they're so economical to ma BY ZENITH 15 and 20 Cu. Ft. Chest Type CHECK 'OUR PRICE BEFORE YOU BUY ALDFIILD. HARDWARE • 11111117$111(Li