HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-05-21, Page 1# • v • ** sr, r • ...rpm ,nor • • I, • 0.••te• • •.••,...41.1.1•Mr CARD OF THANKS My 'sincere thanks to all those who with kind thoughtfulness sent I white I was in Stratford General Hospital and since my return me cards, and treats and ivisited me ' home. It was all deeply appreciated. George Pollard CARD DF THANKS I would like to express my thanks to all those who sent Garde, gifts and flowers while I was en the Listowel. Hospital and also to those who came and helped so willingly after I returned 'home to 'prepare for our sale. It was (very much appreaiated, Laura Alcock CARD DF THANKS I wish 'to !,hank my many friends who remembered me with gifts. cards, and flowers while I Was a 1?etient In St, Mary's Hespial, Xitchener. Your kindness .and thoughtful- ness was very much appreciated, Mrs. Florence Smith CARD OF THANKS r wash to express my sincere thanks to those who visited, me while I was la patient in the hos- pital and at home. !Special thanks to hose who sent treats and flow- eds and Cards. Special thanks to the doctors and nurses in ehe \\Ingham Hospital. Mary Bone ENGAGEMEN•r The engagement its announced of Donna Jean McBride, Reg. N., 'Toronto, only daughter of Mel. Alvin 1Vicriride, Exeter, and the late Mr. McBride, to Kenneth South Wood D. C., Toronto, son of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Wood, Brussels. The wedding to take• pleto at 3 p.m, June 14th, in James Street United 'Church,:Ontario, LS BRUSS 4-11thorleel Reeoud aRTA utlka, Poo omoo Pe‘staz-:,4, octavo Wednesday, May 21st, 1958 Post Publishing Nous* $2.00 per year $ Utat, ANNUAL FLOWER SERVICE will be held LEGION CORNER (by Ray Bronson) Grey COuncil • Meeting -was held on May add Moved by Alex Johnston ,secund- ed by Kenneth Bray that the min. utes of last meeting be adopted as read Carried Moved by Kenneth Bray, Wend- ed by Alex Johnston that we accept the tender or Ttobt, Cunningham for 2100 bags ,of cement, more or less, at 07c per bag - Carried Moved by Archie Mann seconded by Glenn Huether that we accept the tender of Kenneth Baler for the scrap steel on the Engel Bridge at $163.00 -- Carried in Brussels United Church on SUNDAY, JUNE 8th AT 11.15 A, M. THEME; "STEP BY STEP TO 7HE GROSS" Visitors Are Welcome To View The Display Bering The Afternoon Also, t•r ••• • 95c Red Brea4t Cohoe Salmon 3 for The Fourteenth Conference of tito British Biantre SeevIce Ideague was +held recently in. Canberra, Australia. it was opened by Queen Pilizabelit the Queen Mother, who le also the Patrons of AN Ladles Auxiliaries" Tbla Conference is befd every three years and has representatives from Orery country in the Empire, At this conference itiome very import. 'ant subjects are discussed and some change* were made by the 38 dele- gates from 22 Commonwealth countries, colonies or protector- ates, Canada being represented by its Dominion President, !David L. Burgess and Doneltipne Secretary, L, D. Anderson. The most important change was in the present name, British Dire Service League, This Was con, Mdered inadequate in that. many of the previous "Col'on'ies" are now Commonwealth Countries, Th e new name as adopted is 13ritish CommOnwealth Ex-Serviices League, which will mean a change in only one letter in, the title, now instead of B, E, S. L, it will be B. C. S. L. This will mean that all badges and crests will bear this insignia in the future, and no doubt will be one of ; the discus'stlions that will .have to be made at the National Convention to be held this year in Edmonton, One of the highlights of the of the conference in Canbereta was the great interest 'shown in. Cana- da's War Veterans Allowance Act' the only 'one of its kind so far in the Commonwealth, and delegates from the other countries+ decided to bring the tact befote their own individual governments. The Canada War Veterans Allow- ances Act was successfully pressed for by the Canadian Legion, and was instituted to take 'care of aging veterans whose disability" pension was not -sufficient to allow them to carry on. Under this act a I pensioner reagheng the age of III sixty, or a veteran of two wars 1 reaching 'that age, if it is found that he tis no longer able to carry on his former occupation is entitled to a pension of .$90.00 a month if single with an "additional allowance• if married, so long as he is un- , able to earn a steady wage up to a, certain amount. Wages for part work .or odd jobs do not vomit, thus many thousands of aging Veterans ere able to live in compar alive comfort for a few years be-1 fore 'they would be entitled to the l means test, told age pension, The next Commonwealth Con- Terence is to be held, in Canada in 1961. L a 43c 53c • • • • • • 24c g for Libby's Deep Brown Beans 20 oz. j2 for Kraft Cheese Whiz 16 oz. Tip Top Sweet Cherries, 15 oz. PUBLIC MEETING Will, be held at the BRUSS'EL$ PUBLIC SCHOOL MONDAY, MAY 26th ,AT 8.3Q P. M. ism wit- 'Ind other values Just as great as these at THE .RUTLEDGfGFOCERy To discuss the possibility of Building A New BRUSSELS PUBLIC SCHOOL Holly Peas, 20 oz, .. • 37c WEEKLY REPORT Brussels ,I,IYeetock. Sales Yards MAY 15th, Prier's were steady on a lighter - run ,t)f .cattle, priees were firm on a heavier run of nogL Cattle sold at a top of $24,30 for steers and a top of .312240. for feta. Geed cows brOUght, 19,50; Stockers and feeders were fibril with the medium grades showing e gain of $1,00. Hogs broteght. from $13,80 to $10,00 for suckers and $17,00 to $21,00 eor weanere While chunks $23.00 to $4.1,00 Sows sold strong from $69.00 to $138.00 'Beare $39 tee $92 A good selection of calves were offered at steady prices, Guest Speaker RUMMAGE SALE The Rummage Sale sponsored by the Pell Fair Board Is to he held in the Brussels Arena on Saturday 'afternoon, May 31st at 2.114n. with Mr. Cordon Grant as auctioneer, Donations of saleable material gratefully. adeepted. ! Numerous articles halve already been promised, including a weanling pig from Wm. Turnbull. Mr, Grant has generously offered his servilees free of charge. The Ladies Division of the Fair Board will have a Table 'of Home Made Baking for sale, Everybody Plan to attend this Rummage Sale at the Arena Saturday May 31st, H, Kinkead - Inspector Not just today or to-morrow, but Every Day or tn* yipay, Phone 7 !Ail Those Interested Are Urged To Attend. Everybody Welcome Moved by Glen. Huether, seconded by Alex ,liohnston that we °lose ,Court of Revision oh Holland-And- eraton Drain - Carried Moved by Alex Johnston second- ed 'by Archie Mann that we adopt the report on the Centre Branch -of thetiel:orthwest Drain and instruct the, clerk to prepare the and serve the by-laws - Carried Moved by Glen Huether, seconded seconded ,by Archie Mann that all applioved accounts he paid - Carried Mcived by Kenneth Bray, second- ed by Alex Johnston that we now adjourned to meet again June '7th, or at the call of the Reeve We Deliver 4.110110.1111110/11111111•01•11111 Moncrieff United Cherch. GARDEN PARTY THURSDAY, JUNE 12th Supper 6 - 8 VARIETY PROGRAMME1 Admission 85c and 40c rs. THE PREaieee reer,ae•t. i.r4tr ;1181 IN CANADA paiti The First Showing and Operators' School of I H C Hay Harvesting Machinery WEDNESDAY, MAY 28th AT 7,30 P. M. BRIDGE MOTORS BRUSSELS, ONT. 5.00 13,00 1.00 $ Come and see the NEW MOWERS, trailer type with new power lift. RAKES, No. 15 with parallel bar. BALERS, model 46, "The Baler With the Big Capacity! 16.00 Knox -e-sirecti, ILTHEL Minister: Mr . " I_. Thompson Morning Worship 9.45 A.M. Bible Class 11 A, M. Sunday School 11 A. M. "Shine through my life. that every friend of mine, Shall find It easier t be a friend of Thine." Everybody Welcome 8.75 j 600,30 i The gollowing account Were Melvin Hanna, fox bounty, Nelson Hanna fox bounty, Lawrence Jacklin fox bounty, Wm J. I-Toy fox bounty, Fe M. Cardiff, Clerk's fees fox bounty, Chipman Chemicals Ltd. warble !fly powder Fred Smalldon, Inspector and thin to Clinton The Municipal World, supplies Stratford Beacon-Herald adv, Drains Huron Co. Mon, Officers Association membe- ship fee Robt, Cunningham, stove oil, clerk's office Layton - Sint% labour clerk's office Dudley E. Holmes, com- pensation Insurance Wm, L. Campbell, refund dog tax Andrew McLennan, refund dog tax Bert Hebein, refund, dog tax Sam Sweeney, dog tax Fred Hayden, dog tax Me Drainage .6Mairmiaririalrimatnriutrritt*Ionlrralfarnerriel•N7. •••••Merporirilipmar.drsarmeramtienrfultra•pareirr• • 44,444.•••••rearl.f.11•14 Mrs. Peter A. McArthur Margaret MeArter, wilehow of the late Peter A. McArthur, died at her home in 'Brussels, on May 8th. She was in her 81st year and had been in failing health for the past few months. Mrs. MeArthur yeas a daughter • of the late James and Mrs. Mc- Arter of Morris Township. After her marriage she lived On the 'sixth ooncession of Grey Town- ship. until the death of Mr, Mc- • Arter in 1938. .Since then her home has been. in Brussels. Mrs. McArter wataele member of Brussels ,United Church, a Life Member of the W. M. S., and is willing worker in the W, A. as Ong as her health per- mitted. Many friends will rem- ember the Sunday School held in S. S. No, 9• Grey. where Mr. Mc- Arthur was superintendent for many years, ably assisted by Mrs, • MeArthur as primary teacher. She is -survirved by one sister, Mrs. R. R. (Mary) Work of Toronto. Funeral services were conducted by IIev. J. L. Brown of Brussels United Church. Many relatives and friende showed their; resPect by r8 ttondfug the services and call- ing at the home. • Pallbeaters were Ja1nes Tern- hull, Mack Shaw' Stanley Wheeler Harvey Robertson, Millee Richmond and George Backer. Flowers Welt elarried by Mar Baeketl„ Briiee IlOklimond, Billy Robeetson and Bruce Robertson, Interment 'was in Brussels etery, The Commissioners and Employees. of 249.00 ; 41, 35,36 7.92 V -, Brussels, Morris, and Telephone Comparr ,* Knox Church, CRANBROOK allninter!, Mr. C. L. Thompson Sunday School 10 A. M, invite the Subscribers of the System to 20.00 13.72 Morning Worship 11.15 A. M. "But the path of the just Is as the• shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day." OPEN HOUSE AT THE New Telephone O'fee MAY 28th and `7-'9th 2.00 112.00 , 2.00 t 2,00 2.00 2.00 2.00 400.00 1,174.24 1-72.80 16.25 2.45 3.10 2,00 1.75 15.00 12.00 3-75 2,00 5.00 195.06 2.00• 50 60 I 110.66 Chnich * Refreshments will be served from 8 to 5 and 7 to ik bath days. Organist - Donald Dunbar Sunday School 10 A. M. DITIne Worhip 1.1 A. K. Service Sunday, May 25th, Will be conducted by Rev, Lotfi with view to a call ,•-••• r7.•• refund Last year the BruSsels Legion donated a sum of money toward the purchase of a piece of land on the Miller property, near the river, on which to construct a wading pool and bowling geeen. iThIs year the Bramble has again pledged an- other sum and all the support they can give' towardthe completion of this project, refund Loan USSELS 0 TRANS Town of Seaforth, deben- ture payment, Seaflorth High School N. S, Bauman Ltd., tile Lloyd Jacklin, 'fill in dump Geo E. Pearson, bulbs, Ethel Village Geo E. Pearson, supplies fire hall Geo E. Pearson, Fire Chief Elwooft MeTaggat, put in bulbs, Ethel Village Elwood. MaTaggart, service fire truck Fliremen `Wesley Moore, make hose racks', fire hall Geo, W, Hutchinson, license fire track to Toronto Cooper's Office Supply, -chairs If, 17. Cardiff, freight bit chairs Gee. Weeenherg, assentor; tart salary Relief Roads Geo' , Hilttehilienii? ,Reefe. Edythe. ttrdtte, Operated by George jutzi Local and Long Distance Haufing ALL LOADS FULLY INSURED P. C. V. CLASS C. F. F. O. r'orrnerty Bryars Transport. DESERVED HONOR.. The United Church OF CANADA ligIntstar: Rev. L. Brown B.A; ELD. Organist: Tdra. A. E. Martin Mlle many friends of Mrs. Charles, Datels were '.happy that she was chosen CXNX "Woman of the week". A mark Of recognition she richly deserves. ••• CARD OF THANKS STRATFORD TEACHERS' COLLEGE LLASHMAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE LISTOWEL, ONT. Thursday t. Friday May 22 - 23 "THE JOKER IS WILD" Frank Sinatra Jetine Crain Mitzi Gaynor VistaVlsion Saturday - Monday May 24 - 26' "ALEXANDER THE GREAT" Color CinetilaScape I wish to ekpress my thanks and lapprediation to the Majestic Nett- 'ate for Seleciting me as "Woman of the Week" otter C. K, N. X. I wise wish to thank 0. X. N. X. for three pair of nyleei hose of Deees Circle, elnd the ten dollstht credit at the Arcade Store jn BritaSele, 'TM, Mrs. Charlee Davis CAPITOL 1 HEATRE • - LisTow.EL ONT 6tFtLiK = Frt. • May 22 - 23 Double Bill Car Crazy, Speed draiY, Boy 'Crazy, Thrill Crazy Youth In itlAd§tk1is GIRL Pius the Platters In ALL Mat Saturday Oriiy Ma,,' 24 Spender trady In "NORTHWEST' PASSAGE" Color 4,1 10 A.M. OhurCh School 11.15 A:M: "Redigging Old Wells" Angliettn.Chtarch OP CANADA Pielah. Of. *611ft:tit- /tier. Fried Le S. T. thioter WkitiiNbAY Jahn'$ it kstilos Oddfeilows and The tiebeltaile in attendaiCe-,. Sunday Seliebl. Malady ee, A, V, 15•;. A: At. Dsvld"a. Chtirch. Iierilryw -= 2,36 LP,'M Evensong Stinti4Y'School ONE-YEAR AND TWO-YEAR COURSES are offered leading to an Interim Elementary-School Teacher's Certificate, valid in the elementary schools of Ontario. TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 9, 1958. Descriptive book- let "Teaching in the Elementary Schools of Ontario," free on, request. AttAFittAiVit REQUIREMENT FOR ADMI6SIONI: ONE-YEAR COURSE: Standing in eight Grade 13 Rapers, one of which shall be English Composition' or English Literatuie. TYVO-,YEAR COURSE:, Secondary School Graduation Diploma of the General Course, INtERVI2WS WITH APPLICANTS are conducted by the Ooininittee of Selection. Secondarsr_ 'school students interestod in entering Teachers' College should apply for interview through the principal of their secondary school. Other applicants should write to: May 26 s 27 JOhnny .SektOrti, Judith Meredith in '"SUMMER LOVE" FrOni•the crazy beginning to the. INitig end. THE PRINCIPAL, STRATFORD TEACHERS' COLLEGE WATER STREET VAL,S BEAtJTS SHOPPE buitifitt .Stytind A 0.".6•.-c- y Phone 46k. Tuesday Wednesday May 27 - 28 '"HEAR ME GOOD" Richard BultonF Clare BlooiA Hal March, Mary Atittert 5540.50 $8,806.9