HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-04-23, Page 5I ., 4 .• C/ ;'• PUS' IN HildPLUIvWg RIGHTAWAY- REPLACE THE OLD • IT'S HAD ITS DAY lAUTER -co:— biNGL HEATING AL 4+ R,ht A • ilsa 14,sa 4 7 X 41).0 you need a, .PERSONAit WANT Sur Persoual Loan servipe offers loans for personal needed epaynient by monthly installments, detail0) inquire at our nearest brancli—,—Nir# I1aye P10170 775 tO sgrvP Y,ou. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. BRUSSELS BRANCH L, W. J, GLASGOW _ MANAGER 14-218 Tfic BRussas POST votinerm, irfm, to RAILWAY TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective Sunday April 27th, 1958 CLEARING AUCTION SALE: # To he h eld iii Bru ssels • on ,North Main Str e et SATURDAY, APRIL 26th For the ga:talteP,'O'fi\lt.be• Wm. froctor squoo ,dinin g room, table ellairs CI; 11.4frigorater Drealdast •table, 4 .matching chairs Upholstered arm chair, antique Washing machine, got pitate. Pock stove, Electric stove Oenbard Hdlntlrnall Plano eendlition. Organ stool, Show case Drop Leaf Table Full Information from agents .P19(1ge. Coupe!. Car 40Elell04„D1941.944 1.4.trQw Arlon1p. Saver SclAfflig• VP.Anixhg MI1i Hay Lo.a4or Yiltilrg Cream $9.pairAtor gay' Tfork ',Rope Set 2,Q00 lb, .S.Celeli $6 ft, F,x,tension Ladder thew) 300 bus. Beaver Oats suitable for seed: 1 100. Bales Good .11.ay Cedar Posts Anobor Posts Blacksmith Attyil. 1.50 lbs. on Stml Emery Power Grinder 2 'Wheels VOx Pens and S..114do Renee 2 Colony gettSeS Qaantity Lumber Sugar little • Slush Scraper Galvanized Wate r Tank 2 Clamp Chains. 10 ft, long Number otbor'Chains . moo Coverings Benie Fuse Furnilt,are Forks Shovels Other .articles too 17. erouF, to mention, 9loiding ironing board, Copper ▪ boiler Large nuMber of chairs Medicine cabinet Bedroom Toilet sets Hanging lamps, coal )1.1 lainp$ and lanter ns 2 floor lamps. ,Table Lamp. Small, Tables (1 anitiq ue) 3 High Stools Anti q ue Kitchen Clock CLASSIFIED ADS. 'Terms Cast Prop. Wellie McWonald Auctioneer — riaroia Jackson Clerk -- E. P. Chesney -- • — FOR SALE -- 2 Rain shelters, in good condition. Les. Oliver Phone 2$r1i WANTED small .Trieyele fpr small boy, in. good 'condition. Phone 29. Side Rbard 'Conical a Wooden Beds 2 Stands Pair of Pillows. Rug Floor Covering Extension Ladder 0 Rocking chairs, Step ladder Set of Dinner Dishes Large Quantity of other Dishes and. Jars. Large quantity 'of Silverware Tools Pictures Buffalto Rabe Other articiles too numaripuus to mention. WANTED — Housekeeper for 2 adults, on We'nutsid e clipres. Phone 304—W3 Wingham farm. 1 Terms Cash as property ha s been sold Lulu Kerr — Executrix Lew Row)land Auctionee R. Johnston — Clerk AUCTION SALE OF DAIRY CATTLE Outstanding Sale of Choice. Holstein Cows and Heifers FRIDAY NIGHT APRIL 25th at 8:99 O'clock at the HENSALL SALES BARN 12 Choice Highigrade Holstein Cows, fresh 3 1-Tollstc1in Cows, springing 9 — 2 year old Holstein Heifers, springi ng 2 year old Purebred Holstein Bull with palpers. New style De Laval Milking Machine (2 sin gle units like new) TERMS CASH' HERD OF' REG McQUIGGEN Auctsepeer — Hayek! JacKson Clerk — E. P. Chesnly ,NFORMATrON "For artifit.:414 tesemmation „Juror outtion or service tram oil breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Assam.. .Ion : Clinton tl VA - 3441 a.orstou von iJerwr-en 7.30 and 9.36 A. .:vr vVe nave all breeds ,:verifiable rtualltv ;ova cost,. WANTED -- 1,5 Yearling Cattl e to .pagure for the season. Wm. J. Grant, Brussels Phone 25r5 AUCTION SALE FOR SALE 1950 Ford tudor in .ditIon. Boy's Bicycle. -COver. Quantity of Stan. Meander excellent con- 4 bushel Red Timothy Seed Phone 85-13 TOR SALE 2 Hereford Steers. A quantity 'cedar posts and anchors. Don. Fraser Phone 17r19 • 3 'furrow Plow of ROOFING AND 'EAVETROUGHING All types of roofs, Free estimate Call Struthers and Bateman Phone 11J8 Brusseils or contact C. •& G. Krauter, Brussels. `FOR SALE Chicks — special hybrids -- standard varatiep• brolleis ; pullets (some 'suited) (Have Ames In-Ones and other high pi.odttcers) Bray Hatchery 120 John N. Hamilton or Mrs R. Barrett, 7.i. R. 5 Brussels, Phone 54-12 FOR SALE — ..Good House in the Village of Brussels, bath, furnace, cupiboards, garage attached to house, large garden. Price $3500.00 150 Acre Farm, House, hydro, large barn, Price $7000.00 100 Acre Farm, Red Brick House, hydro, large barn and strawshed, good cement stabling, „, drilled well, 3 miles from 1 arse town. Price $7800.00 half down. 100 Acre Farm, on County Road. near store and school* 96 acres arable, Frame House, bath, and furnace, good bank barn, new steer roof. Price $9801.00 100 Acre Farm, near highws, White ErIck House, Bank Barn. Price $11,500 half down. J. C. Long, Realtor. Brussels, Ont. 'KliVIBER LEGHORN PULLETS FOR SALE March hatblied K17 Kimbot Leghorn Pallets, $ to 20 weeks. wits. May 29, June 12 20 wks. Silly 24, Ai g. Vaccinated,' . Debeaked Delivered. R. J. Andrews & on Poultry Farm R.R. 3 Seaforth, Ont. Phone 647r3 Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Machinery and Household Effects 2y2 miles South of Walton on the Nel-th Road. SATURDAY, MAY 3rd, at 1 P.M. Machinery Allis Chalmers W. D. Tractor Powerovi al‘w sl•soeye)r Allis Chalmers Baler 6 ft. Allis Chalmers Combine Ford Tractor and Plow 15 run Cockshat • Seed Drill 4 stietion Harrows Oultipacker 4 bar john Deere Side Rake Set Heavy •Cockshut Die c' Wagon Heavy Grain. Trailer and, Box Wo,ods Oat Roller Woods Grinder Power Lawn Mower Household Effects Moffatt Dleotric Stave Westinghouse 9 ft. Tefridgerator F,104:tric Washing Machine 17 inch Westinghouse TV Radio Chesterfield and hairs gad orvistla 2 Gate Lea' Table and 4 Chairs 2 Beds. Springs and Mattress Kitelie n Table and 4 Chairs Quantity of Dishes, Kitchen intate • sets, other les too numer ou t to mention, Terns Cash Prop. — Fr'ed Sinclair Auctioneer naroiq JackSen Clerk — E. P. Chesney ELMA eAkiVIEFO.: FIRE E NSORANCE CO. Established In 1884 TOP QUALITY FARM SEEDS OUR 1VIItY11'0.: LTA WEBER on the tag means QUALITY in the BAG. LEA — Viti§Ett, KlitHENE.R, ONT.. Toth* Lebal .1tepresentaltiVe 1-I EN RY STRYKeft WALTON ONT. Fhorie BRUSSELS; 90r4 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Machinery Lot 17, Con. 9. Grey Twp, 4 Mlles East of Brussels on TUESDAY, APRIL 29th atI p.m. Head Office Atwood,. Ont. Insures Farm Property, Private DWellInfa• and Contents In Towns and VIlia000, Schools, Churches and Halts on an "INSURANCE AT COST" basis PROMPT ADJUSTMENT OP CLAIMS Contact your Nearist Director or Agent R. W. (Dick) Whitfield also Windstorm* insurance Brussels, Ont. ,p4mt The Government Deficienoey Pay- menu appiled only` on Property- Graded Wools Seetire the UtinOlit by Patronizing Your Own Organization REED STORM VVINDOWni Before You Buy let nation tient*, tied. give you On. -eititato b® Alunllaatri 061k.staring' w1i do ►e. loo Obllgatjofi. Phode Seafortb .8* Horses '1 Clyde Mare BaY; 1 Clyde mare Brown ; 1 Clyde Horse Bay. Cattle Hereford Cow, 5 yrs. old with calf at foot. Hereford 'cf::•:W, 5 yirs, old, duo' time. Of Roan Coiv, duo in Sept, gereOrd Cow, due lit Oct. flerotIOrd Coin, due in August Itereford tpdtiy beet ON, 1 York Sow, due in ivtdy York EoW, bred in ttlti.reh g Vont*, York dONIrd, about 296 1158, not bred York Veg, 16 1116fitilie Old Machinery • .Sniiencier 2 tTdOtkii Tidy tacit kniftoN9 i,4010 1 riniit* Wang Pio* tienry Walking 'Plow 8 ft. ttartiV ft. Pro§t ktItood: fltniVdt 6 ft.. ‘gWdaint' ft.. bninv, 11;40 • dart JACKSON jIONIES Seaford) Is collecting wool for grading' and flees on the Co-operative idan. SHIPPERS may obtain sacks and timne free: of Charge from the'' aied~e or dicer Ltoehtieci bANAblAU CO'-OPERATIVE WOOt.1 GROWERS LIMITED Tidy Street 'Toronto.. WiNGIVAI4 „ _tilottatitt010 40/117 ..bmittia* tin -fills Test!. TOE islet Aim* bietiolloo 014 mr•romumsmii 'Mae* Mont teitterine Otani** A AL 10611014 mioa reo,.. *insole*, *4,.4t: