HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-04-23, Page 4Wed stilt April 441. 1058
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AcJr,*6177 cOuRfe.'Tiqa WAY -11.-14 r"-. Nor co s PRETTY 6iRL'e ooN-r
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BRUSSELS sji.o.K, 5 b
The 3rd meeting of the Ethel.
Cautious Careys was held at the
Arne. of 'Margaret and Barbara
:Smith on April 171Oh. The meeting.
opened with the 44-1 pledge.
Minutes were read. Roll call was;
A Beek I would hike to own.
Next meeting to be at the home •1 of Beatrice Alexander on April 24 '
Altariztott.-- -avte, DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA
409 Huron Street, Toronto
Free! Marie Fraser's new Milk recipes. Write today
...so both are borrowing irom a bank
.I.7•:,•?}V..!' •
He had family
medical bills
to clean up
He needed
cash to modernize
his kitchen
fellowship, week after
.year after year.. Back
the longing for this
week,. and
in civil life
became very evident, and all kinds
of clubs and groups were formed
by them. "Battalion Asgociations
War Veterans Clubs" sprung up
across Canada, each with its own
seperate .organization, even to con ,
Meting in' ideas and aims. After 5
or years •it. was found that in
order to be, a voice for Veterans an
amalgamation was necessary, and
spokesmen from the various
"Chubs" decided to meet to work
out a solution. _This meeting de,
sided to affiliate with the "British
Einpirr, Serivice League" and de.
.cieded on the nalr,e, "Canadian
Legion of the "British Empire Set,
Wice Leagrie" and officers Were
elected for its Organization. From
its inception the Canadian Legion '
;grew ;very rapidly and soon became
One of the foremost Assotiations
in 'Canada, with a Yoke to be
Muted' with, in all trallve of life
power to be considered in Industry
anti national well being, The three
fundatheritaie Were that the Can-
adian. Legion as an Association
Should be ahaoluteIy neutral in 1
Politics. abeam haVe no bang en.
Collor, Race Or iteigloo, and to be i
loyal Subjets to the reigning 'hi*,
etign, of our country; et all times
i-ejecting oarnintirtialli and othe0 1.
Lerim .b.t overthrow of geVeriirrient,
the Canadian Legion hag; its Nat-
tonal, 'doritiband wlith its ti.esident,
arid 'officers, elected' yeaity Nat''
tonal "Corilteritlerla. atS6 PIrOvitl4-1
vial Commands with Its own officers f
Each Rrovini06. is divided. 'into l
into blab:lets and Zeted, alaci
tithed by elected effieefil and e'ac'h
Dieltket Canaists of a Certain
her 1Looll Bit/rang *Melt Ofier,,
I. ate Individually under the rides an
the ruling body,
and regtiatioria as laid down by /
Vex!: Week: Arh.O Aihig And, Ohhiefe br? dealt with,
On $40.0.py Toorni4g. April 27th
the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
will be observed at 4 o'cloctc, in
Knox. Pres. Much. 11ev, W. A.
11 i11tniirs, brussels, 14terimaneder,
ater will he iii .eliarge of ser-
Mrs. Dan HueOher spent 4 tet
days last week with Mr. anti Mrs
Murray Ittlether,
Francis ,Gertrude. daughter .of
Mr; and Mrs, Chris J. Newman of
Wingham, became the bride of
Krum McLeod Edgar of Hamilton;
sea of Mrs. Murdie 4Igar of
Brussels and the late Mr; 44gar„
on Saturday, April 12th. The
double-ring ,ceremony took place at
ten.thirty o'clock in the. morning
at Sacred heart Roman Catholic
Church, Wiuglam, with Father K.
Durand singbig the ,.nuptial mass.
The altar and sanctuary were
beautifully decorated with mums ;
and sasPdrations, Miss. Patricia
Brophy of London, plresided at the
organ and Misses Mary and Christ-I
ine Ruustedtler Sang a duet. They
also sang solos, Mary singing "Ave
Maria" and Christine, "Mother, a,t ,
Your Feet We're Kneeling",
Glvert in marriage by her father, I
the bride's gown was of imported ,
silk °Valve,. (Arift.00. over taffeta',
with alencon lace appliques em-
broidered with sequins and mock
pearls, a long embroidered bodice.,
with outstanding skirt and lily-
point sleeves. Her elbow length,
veil fell from a circlet of braided.
Mohair siiUi pearls, She carried a
cascade boquet of white carnations
centred with an orchid, and trailing
Miss Marykae Newman was her
.sister's maid of honor, and. Miss
Marlene Stainton of London Was
bridesmaid. They were gowned
alike in cocktail length drosses of
nylon chiffon, beautifully en-
hanced with a shirred „panel down
1954 Chev. Deluxe. Coach
with Automatic Transmission.
1954 Chev. Deluxe Sedan
1956 Buick Hardtop 4 door
Radio and Automatic,
Cranbroek Club
Second Meeting
Was held on April Stir, at school.
We decided our name was to be
Craa(brook Community (Curettes.
Subject matter was:
Club Cinl Keeps Fit Mentally.
also Leisure Time and Quali-
fications og a Good First
The meeting closed with God•
Save the Queen.
Third Meeting
Was held on Arpil Stir, at Cran-
brook sohool, ,The meeting was
openod with 0 Canada,
The subject natter was:'
The Club Girl Keeps Fit Phy-
also - other topqcs such
true, Exercising, and
of the. Foot,
iNtS S. ll‘,Intbea, e1 and Miss. Addlie Cardiff
s erved.
Next meeting will ge held Tues-
day evening May 30th. ASI, the
ladies- of the congregatifm are
welcome.jneth u Comes. andt .hiabre a good
as Pos
at 8 p.
Discussions included; ,The 04,4
Girl Keeps Fit Physically, Posture,.
Plays Its Part, and mfore pointerif
on. First Aid.
Group work included a demion-
stratipn on Posture and First A.ti.
The W. A. of the United Gliurch
met in the /church otrOur on Tues-
day evening of last week
There was quite a nice atteir.
dance at the meeting.
After the business s es sion
social was enjoyed.
Wales was honored at this time, as
"$t. David's Day"i fell on March,
Guest for the evening was Mrs.
W. A. Williams, who gave a most
inspiring talk on Wales.
Mrs. Apwilland spoke of her last
trip to her native land and out-
lined the most interesting places
she visited while she was there.
Two contests were held. The
*inners were, Mrs. Downing, Mrs..
J. Liowe as one team, end Mrs. D.
A. Bann, and Mrs. J. Bryans for
the other. Mrs. Florence, Mrs.
Your chtirch, in co-operation with
local safety officials, will urge each
motorist to observe the rules of safe
It will be pointed out that every
driver is morally responsible for the
safety of everyone with whom he
shares our streets and highways.
Remember—this week and every week
—it is the duty of everyone to
Easter Thankoffering ETHEI;
Third Meeting
Mr, and Mrs. L. D. 1 Thomipseit
spent the week end in Ooderich. ,
* .* I A,
Mrs. Carnochan is in WinglitiA
lipspital after a stroke. We Her)
she will have a speedy recovery.
the front and falling softly from.1
I the waist on either side,forming
8005 I a redingote effect. They wore tiny
I plateau hats with rhinestone and I
pearl trimming and mittens. 1VIhis
Newman's gown, hat and mittens
were cornflower blue, while Miss
,Stainton Acts attired in pale blue
1000 bushels
suitable for seed
Joseph Smith,
Brussels LEGION
The Master ,Thank'offering meet-
ing of the Evening Auxiliary of
Knox Church; Cranbrpok, was held
on Thursday, April 10th, at 8.30
p.m. in the church hinditorium.
Guests for the meeting were the
W. M. S. organizations from
UnAon United Church. Ethel Pres,
byterilan Church.
The guest speaker for the even-
ing was Mrs. (Rev.) F. Sewell of
St. John's Anglican Church,
Brussels, Mrs. Jewell spoke of the
work of the W. A on Indian Reser-
Mrs. Maurice Cameron had charge
of the meeting and introduced the
guest speaker. Mrs. Murray Camer-
on thanked Mrs. Jewell and pre-
sented her with a gift,
of Garry Oats,
9th Con, of grey
Phone 2414 '44'1"}
fThe regular meeting of the Grey
Twp. Schaal Board was held Apri
1st, at 8,30 p. m. with all members
The minutes of the March meet-
ing were read and adopted on mot-
Ion of Belger and Conley.
— Carried
(by Ray Bronson)
Their case d bo u t r /ink ace gesttereo What 4s the "Canadian Legion"?
How did it come into effect?
What are its aims and objects? '
These, and many [other questions
that may still be frequently asked
even by many Mx-Servicemen. will
be dealt with as space permits
riuring the following weeks,
When Armistice came to end the
First World War on November
11th, 1918. thousands of service men
had one thought in mind and that
was to get back biome, back into
'civil life, and normal hiding once
again, But it was not just as easy as
rimy thought it would be, Ater up to
four years in the Army a change had
taken place, many had been mere.
boys when they enlisted and now
were men. Years of war service,
grim, sordid, and at times ghastly
had led them to rely on their com-
rades for •companionship and
'carnations .centred with mums,
and trailing tvli.
Donald Edgar. of Toronto, bro•
ther of the groom, was best man
and the u.sheest were Jim Edgar,
•al0 a brother of the groom, and Jim
Newman, 'brother of the bride.
Receiving the guests at the
Legion Home (following the cere-
mony, .the bride's mother wore .a
hyacinth blue French crepe dregs.
with scalloped neckline edged with
blue lace over pale rose and blue
acccessories and a pink rose cor-
sage. She was assisted by the
groom's mother. who was dressed in
navy French 'crepe with navy and
white accessories and a corsage of
pink roses.
Guests were present from Tor-
onto, Georgetown, Port Colborne,
London, Windser, Melton, Kitchen-
er, Hanover, Teeswater
'Walkerton and Wingilem
For a wedding trip to the 'United
States Mrs. Edgar wore a navy
sult of wool 'faille fashloneid with
a handkerchief beek. Her 'aeeess.„
()ries were white and she wore an
orchid eorSage.
Nil', and Mrs, Edgar will make
their home iii Hamilton.
Mrs. Ross Knight read an
Easter story.
Griest sofoists were Miss
Margaret Penile and Miss Cath-
erine Jacklin accompanied by
Miss Alice Forrest at the organ.
At the .close of the meeting, the
,guests and members were invited
to , tire basement of the church
where a delightful lunch was ser_
red under the convenership of ,
Mrs. Fred Kirkpatrick and 1Wirs,
cron Huether. •
Motion of Conley and Smith that
the Boatird order 24 new desks, 13
each of size No. 1 and, No, 2, from
imperial .School Desks Ltd., to be
delivered to No. 8 ,school between
August 15 and 80
— Carried
Motion of Conley and Smith that.,
dut to extra heavy enrollment at
U. S. S. No. 4 in September, teach-
er's salary for next ,school year be.
incireased $100 ,oveti 1)1v:wrens*
— Carried
vam••••aifolii -twaversesannz7;;•••,. Motion of Cox an,t1 Tkiiger that
the Board enquire about Miss Camp"
bell's pilau° with a view to purobra,s-
ing it for No, S school,
— Carried
Motion of Conley 4tnd Bolger that
the following bills be paid:
Harry Bolger, mileage to
Fergus with Pressure
Wm. Smith, mileage to
Stratford Teachers'
Jack Hood School Supplies,
ed:'oational suppilies
/lWanald Lumber,,,Ce,
Se G. Krauter, furnace
Troperial .School Desks Ltd.,
new desks
Beatty Bros. Ltd., ref/al/Tr
to pressnte pump!
nollance Petroleum Ltd.
furnace oil
$ 10,00
44. 45
32,95 ,
13,65 •
""t trison & Son, cafe-
Mh1chan Hardware,
Mrsf. Wesley Moore.
earetakers SttprieS
Ortylal Harrison, zvliiing
refdairs 20.50
Morray 'Hoover, ropairinian 9.05
EVerett Perdue, Werod 162.50
TQie Meeting on *Cotten,
of Bolgor to meet again oil May
at 8.36 part
Nornlan UttaVer, Sedy,
Twenty-one 'Members of the/
Young Women's 'Guild assembled in
the church parlour for their Easter
Meeting under the leadership of
Margaret Sweeney. A rioter ded-
erated .croat- realised our atten-.
tion as Mrs. Sweeney read an
opening ploem entitled "The Cross"
followed by the singing of "The
Old Rugged areas" in two-part
Plrayer has Offe'4red liyr Betty
Bronson and the scripture read 'in
unison . 'We are indebted to Miss
Bessie MOOS fOr an inspirational
Message entitled "The Lotve Of
Grid"; read by Wilma, Homing-way.
The devotional part of the Meet,:
ink closed with "My Easter
ery Margai'et SteeneY..
Tile IntellieSS siciSaloti was 'bid
:aided OVer by Whinlfted Edgar;
The teeretary'S and tretiatiteriii
roperta Were gitith and tte roll eat
ansWered by °Ono t ant
going to do when f fitiligeadde;
Jessie tittle reedit,* three
points for bringing, a member
and We Were tite64§0d With the
large rilitriber are:diet§ handed in -
for the aSaar, Adontes t VAS err
jeyed and reftegliiileitta Sent* by
the ebbitinitted,
igtiret SWeelleY; Wiltna
and Betty Bronson,
loan, The manager welcomes opportunities
to Make- •loans, . repayable out of earnings
irr conveliient iiistalmciits
And at a el-ladefed bailky you can .always,
count on ptivacy and courteous dOnsidera,, tiOn, Whether .yeti are arranging a loan or
using other valuable SerideeS the bank
proVi es,
Paced with unforeseen household exOefises
Want to make seine' special major put.,
chase? Need 'thotie), tor taxeg—Ot to ineet a
family emergency? Personal loans to help
people iteet, just such situations are being
made by the Chattered banks every- day,
You're not asking it faVcitit Wheil yott Visit
a chartered bank to arrange a perkinal
Hama Fiirnishfcige .-,.•
including litiolent4 'Oh/110'44in
broadloom Carpet. .Also new' and
tekrigetaterS, ranged, ptittiloe
fti't AT
tarlittifto Store