HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-04-23, Page 1DEAD STOCK REMOVERS $20.00 AND Ula PAID FOR OLD SICK, AND DISABLED HORSES AND COWS HIGHEST CASH VALUE PAID IN 0,SURROUNDING DISTRICT FOR: D DEAD STOCK Prompt Sanitary Disposal in Winch Equipped "Wait • Phone LEROY ACHESON Atwood 153 Or GEORGE HISLOP Wroxeter 2r15' BAKE SALE The Ladies Guild of St. John's Muriel are hiolding a Bake Sale 'on Saturday, Maly 10th. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT PEARSON - Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Pearson are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, (Janet Elizabeth) on Mionday, April 14, in Distowel Memorial Hospital. ,LLASHMAR DRIVEIN 'THEATRE LISTOWEL, ONT. Thursday and Friday April 24 - 25 MR. ROCK AND ROLL Alleett i=eeto, 1-coolcs, Lionel Hampton Orchestra 6.1•4.00, ...t.,0=••••••0000* Saturday Only April 260 Double Bill ROBBERS ROOST Color deCirde rVientgemeryj Richard Boone SOP d'it4L Judy 'Tyler. Bobby Troop Two Shows Nightly. Rain or Clear Box Office Opens at 8.00 °Week First Show Ludt Children tilde]. 12 IA COS trod dotbon Cit Each PerfOrniciried Furniture - Select from about 60 suites of furniture at the Mildmay Furniture Showroom, Visit the "Trade-In Der. Free delivery, G. E. Schuett tvtlidmay 00" 0. • • 'TENDERS FOR STEEL SCRAP totatett will be received by the iiiidektitiledi until i y , 10S8' tot gteet the Engel L4' 8ri t14E:Igo at Lot 16, Con& §§fnii 1344, ?township of trot.. tenidera to be accompanied by" Certified cheque tot' ttio '6itdiiiit of tender. rrigheet o, tiny tender itet ;Sadly ,accepted. Edythe M. Cardiff towtoliirt of Grey. 0 i ROG1I R .8. in YELLOW 'ROSE. OF TEXAb:ii ShOW FULL WEtk: Mon, AtiOf to. MAY. 3rd" Wait ololiefa it OLD YELLER passes Wilt Not; tiUACcepted Friday and Saturday Evenings! THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, April 23rd, 1958 -eeeeeeeeer Aathoriiceit as showy* oil n4,11. FoM cake Deescrtatent, Ottawa $2.00 per year Post Publishing House ••••••••••,..,".!.....••••••••••••••••!•"....0 PROCLAMATION. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME Village of Brussels HIGH SCHOOk, R E SULTS WINGHAM DISTRICT (Srussels and District Students) Standing; A - 75% Or over, B lid 74, C - GO '- 00. Pass -- 50 - 59, Grade IX =- A - Ada Excel Neil Turnbull Brussels ehangeti to Daylight Saying time at .12A Saturday Miduite, April 270, 1958. And Reverts. to Standard Time on Saturday WWI% October 20th, 1558. G. E. McCutcheon, Reeve 54c Rose Brand Sweet Mixed Pickles Kraft Cheese Whiz, 16 oz. Clark's Tomato Juice 48 oz. Red Breast Cohoe Salmon, 3 for Tip Top Bartlett Pears, 20 oz. ....... 30c $1.00 .. ... -27c • .0.00motawarmani*0000.0000140 4441•44141.44.. •••••• • . . • •1t. ......... 440. ••, 30c Douglas Thomas Donald Proeter Mary Fiseher HIGH SCHOOL VARIETY CONCERT The wiagnam District d igit Sellout Literary Soelety will present the enamel' Variety Concert in the school P,uditorurg at 8,15 en Thursday and Friday evenings (April 24th and 25th). ,There will be a, program of group singing, organ and piano mast°, girls' dancing and boys' gym- nastics, and as one-act play 'Three Pills in a Bottle' (Courtesy of Sam- uel French). ,The proceeds from this concert coo to the students' fund, for var, ious student activities. Come up to the school on Thursday or Friday evening ..at 8,15 ..for pleasant and lively entertainment. Tickets may be had „from any pupil, ,.or at door. “..Admission „50 „cents (no reserved seats). C BRUSSELS MAJESTIC W. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of Brussels Majestic Women's Institute was held in the Larary basement, The district president, *Mys. Glen Johnston of Gorrie paid her 'offtelal visit, Mrs. W. If, Bell, alreeldent, was in charge of the meeting. Roll call response was answered by an exdhlange of aSjunsitine * Sister'' gifts. Five new members were added to the fernier roll of 34; and there are two lire members. Announcement was made of a Wort course "Food makes the differanee," to be held on Thure, day, April 24th, from 1:30 to 4 o'olock p.m. open to community, A musical number was con- trthuted by a quintet ,composed of Mrs. R. W. Sterdeens, Mrs, John Rowland, Mrs. Kenneth Shurrie, Mrs. Florence Michel, and Mrs. Angus Brown. "Agriculture tin Pioneer Days and N!,ow" was the topic of Mrs. Glen Johnston's address to the branch. Reports of hhe yea'r's -Mork were given. Mrs. Kenneth Sharer° presented the report of the nominating committee and Mrs. Glen Johnston conducted the installation ceremony for the new officers who are: Past Pres. Mrs. W. H. Del President „.. Mrs. Evans. Vice Pres. Mrs, Kenneth Shuffle Mrs James Smith, Sec, Trdas. Mrs. .Tohn Speir Assistant Mfrs. Earl Cudmore Distilret Director• •.... Mrs. W. R. Bell Branch Directors Mes Douglas Hemingway, Mrs. Eldon Wilson Mrs. Lorne Nichol, Plainest Mrs. W. C. Kerr Assistant IVIirs. Wesley Kerr Press Reporter ..., Mrs. P, Michel Assistant Mrs. D. C. Matheson Anditiors Mrs. Cecil McFadden Mrs. J. RoWland. Cionveners of Standing Com- mittees Mrs. Carl Heroin Way. Mrs. Daniel Huether, Mrs. Mrs. W. A. Williams, Mrs. Robt Gemmel), Miss Addle Cardiff Mrs. L. W. J. Glasgow, Mrs. Ferg Connenly, Mrs. Bert Johnston,-1 Mrs. R. W. Stephens, Miss Beth ledover, Mrs. J. C. Long, Mrs. Kenneth Shurrie, Presentation of a gift to the retiring president, Mrs. Bell, was in 'charge of Mrs. Cuchnpre and Miss Beth Hoover. Mes. Glen Johnston was also plresented with a, gift ItY Mrs, Oudiniore. Mrs. R. B. Cousins presented the motto. Hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. Kenneth Shurrie, Mrs. Angus lenown, Mrs, Pere' Connelly, Mrs. Harold Speir, Mrs. L. G. Glasgow, and Mrs, John Wh eel er. Robert Davis Audrey Wtheeler Sandra Ireland Murray Garniss James Mair Pass - James Logan Jack Davidson Shirley Nicholson Rochelle Wineberg Joseph Wesesburg Below the Line Patsy Bryans Ross Nicholson Brian Rutledge Karen Coleman Tell Waxman Glenn, Plant Lewis, Cardiff James Smith David Smith Grade X A - Have You Had Your Income Tax Computed? OPEN ALL DAA EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY GENN M. RONNENBERG. Insurance and Income Tax Cornputea o•t., ...oa•••••••••••..•••••• On SALE • at GRANT SHOES and MEN'S WEAR 1. Men's Suits - Woollens and Worsted in Charcoal GreYs arid'` Black - Regular $49.95 'Now $39.55 2. Sport Coats - Latest colours Coat and Trousers do Match $35.014 3. Sport Shirts - A National Make, Regular ,... $4.95 and $5.5 To Clear • $3.95 4. Ladies Shoes - This Week Only - Any pair in the Window $5.091 They Will include Patents, Kid and Suede In high and illusion heels. Work Boots our specialty - $4.95 Deck Shoes at Great Reductions Come - Look and Be Convinced - Your Prices. 4.4.4••••=4044440•4 ATTENTION FARMERS The new BRUSSELS LIVESTOCK SALES BARN will open for Its first weekly livestock sale ••• '*u wit Ind other value* Net as greet as thess et THE RUTLEDGE GROCERY • AGRICULTURALSOCIETY PLAN RUMMAGE SALE The East Huron Agricultural Society are' planning a Rummage Sale to be held early in May. Sale proceeds to provide funds to build: a new office and wash- rooms at the fair grounds. They are asking you, the people of this community to assist them in this project by donating articles suitable for sale. Not just to-day or to-morrow, but Every Day of the year. We Deliver. Phone 7 BRUSSELS SCHOOL BOARD MEETING TENDERS FOR CEMENT Tenders will be received by the undersigned. until 1 p. xn., Satur, day, May 3rd, 1953, for 2100 bags Of eMent, more or less, for 'the ToWn- "Alp of Grey. Lowest or any tender not neces- eerily accepted. Edythe M. Uardiff, • Many of us, have a number of good things we don't use, and therefore don't need. Why don't we donate these to this, Rummage Sale. The need for the Proposecd build- ing is apparent to everyone so why not do what you can by donating as many suitable articles as you can as soon. as possible. Contact the" MACHAN HARD, WARE now to have your donations picked up, Thelma Cowing Pamela Porter Cliffjord Brewer April 7, 1958 The i'egular meeting of the Brus. sels School Board was held on the above date with one member absent. The minutes of the last regular xreeting were read and adopted on motion by Rev, Brown, seconded by Jack McWhirtee. W - Uarried The following acefounts were pre_ seated - $58.20 Workman & MeWhirter Meehan Hardware 13.08 McDonald Lumber 24.00 Jack Hood,' school 'supplies 17.95 Mowed ,by Roy Kennedy and Rev. Brown that the above bills be paid. - Carried Moved by Rev.- Brown, seconded by Jack I4Wiiirter that, any repairs to the school or 'supplies amounting to over $2.00, he presented to the Property Committee for their a,p. proval. . -- Carried The Secretary was towrite Mr. Mr Kincaid re 1958 grants for Elementary Schools. loved by Rev. Brown, seconded by .raek McWhirter time we pay the required fee to the Nyorkman'e Com. pensation Board to insure the four teachers and caretaker, - Carried All business being concluded the meeting adjourned on motion ' of key Kennedy, seconded by Jack McWhirter, to Meet again on the regular date or at the call of the Chairntn. B 1 • Marie Johnston Clerk, Township of Grey. C - r James McNeil Donald Sm1ith Maxine :Meehan June Warwick Pass Edith Daivis Sharon Hemingway Fired G. Stephenson Elllizabeth Stephenson Below the Line - Grace MacLean Ronald Howard Joyce Alcock Dorothy Marks Joan Davidson Ross Peacock 'Joyce Harmon Fred W. Stephenson John Cousins Wayne Johnston Lamy Wesenbung Raelialeen Deitner John. Pipe Grade XI C - vtratson Pass - Joanne Deaner Blayne Wood Berifice Smith Below the Line - Jean McFarlane Marlene Waxman Jean Cardiff Grade XII C Brenda Breelcenridge David Kennedy Arnold Dc4viSon Murray Dawlison Peter Hemingway Dale Cardiff Marion Hoover Helen Ellacott Murray Johnston Below the Line Lester Meehan Lairry Snell Grade XII Special ComMercial Pass - ` M1ny 11arn1011 Grade XIII Below the Line - Donglen toot). 7,'HE PRE•ias IN CANADA Knox Church, CRANBROOK MInIstel.: Mr. C. Thompson Sunday School 10 A. M, Sacrament of Communion 11 A. M. (Rev, W. A. Williams) .1. Knox C.P..trcli, Li-MEL Minister: Mt C. L. Thompson Friday, May 2nd Ve. mile East of Brussels on the County road. O Large Offering of Pigs 150 Head of Cattle varying in weight, 500 to 1100 Iles. The sales,will commence Every Friday at 1 p.m. CARD OF THANKS I wlish to 'express my , sincere, thanks to an my friends for their IIovely cards, treats and visits while was in the Hospital and since , coming hoMe. Your kindness wit' he remembered. Luella, Kerr. CARD OF THANKS r wish to express nip siricere appreefation to neighhoure, friends and relatives, for flowers, clarets and other gifts during my stay in, Victoria Hospital, London. Also. to the nurses and doctors, and Many thanks for the benefit dance Mirs, Viola .Black, Got-Jeri:ch. RATE': - All Cattle $2.00 per head. Calves and hogs 3% up to $500.00 2% over that amount 1.00 P. M. Bible Class wig For A new set of Fairbanks-Morse scales with stamped tickets be installed and government inspected by the opening day. further information contact Sunday School 1,00 P. M. (Sacrament of Communion 2 P.M. 1Rev. W. A. Williams) P. S, ServiCes Will Conlvene On Fast Time PLAN TO ATTEND CHURCH THIS SUNDAY n Safe Managers Hugh Pearson, Bruszels 'Phone 60x Jack Bryans, Bruse.e'e 'Phone 18J4 Auctioneer - Harold Jackson 4 MODERN a n d OLD TYMF_' DANCE BRUSSELS TOWN HALL FRIDAY EVE. MAY 2nd. The BrUnettes THYNNE and ALCOCK NICHOL and the •DIEHL Ste'ters Last Dance of the Season Admission -- 50c BEILGRAVE MUSIC FESITVAL Will be held In the Forrester's Hall, Belgrave MAY 1st and MAY 2nd Admission afternoon Adults 15c FINAL NIGHT WINGHAM DISTRICT H. S. MAY 2nd at 7.30 p. tn. Ahnisston adults 35c - • • .. • ..........-•••••••••• CAPITOL 1HEATRE LISTOWEL, ONT. 4144441. Melville Church BEAUTY SHOPPE Styling Cold Waving A Specialty Phone 40X Buissels •,.14 VAL'S Cutting 10 A. U. 11 A. N. Organist - Donald Dunbar m Sunday School Mine WarhIP Maly 4ith and 11th Service Condulcted by - Rey. A. C. Aitken with a view to a call • 1 Pass • 4 S' The United Church OF CANADA POLLARD'S CHAIN SAW. Regent Theatre SEAFORTH Rev: L. Brown B.A; B.D. ihnitteri Organitti Mrs. A. E. Martin * * 6.46- A. M. Olittith School 11 A, M. Morning Worship 1 Thursday - "Or1tia9 = Saturday April 24 - 25 -26 ; ! A betible Bill for oho 'Whole Family 1 MA & PA KETTLE 1 ON -VAPATIO 11 iVierforle Main, Pooy Kiln •-... isittd=-= i ‹i• • ,r* 1,,,"?.43:4••• Thursday -Friday . Saturday • bauble Bill NIGHTOALL, Aldo Ray Anne Bancroft WHITE: SQUAW Payiti Brien May Wynn '4C Mon Toes. Wed, NIGHT RUNNER Adult Ray Denton' Oieeti Mills WodiieSitasc. 30th ONLY on' Starjc IN PERSON( THE TOMB '60' TERROR withi•tottyikceticN, ,teeiiketietietli all starlet* 2 Shows 7 ahit To.lti 31 Anglican Cht:rch or CANADA J E Lt. C ALK7 D his paint easy to apply wr:ti either brush di fiCitiiict fitted stirring doesn't drip, the handle, There '110 that' to 61"e'ati. up When libldliett WaShatiltdi jainati, L S. Riots? I 11 A. M. David's Church; Flenfry+t M, ticet0Ottt $4. • H'1 PAiN T Agent for S't Alt V 'E' a zi