HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-04-16, Page 7George' 14.etree Teeth, who beearne'kno'wn to millions Of 'baseball fans as l3abe Ruth, was horn Jr. Buliimere, l\lch, in 1093, When he wall seven years old his parents placed him in St, :Mary's Industrial School in Bal- timore, an institution for under- privileged boys, His days at St. M:try's 'were spent in learning the tailor's trade and in playing baseball in his spare time. He began to play semi-profes- sional ball in Pennsylvania and 'was signed to pitch and play as an outfielder by the Baltimore Orioles (International League) in 1914. That same year he was sold to the Boston Red Sox of the American League. The left-hander proved to be (1914-19) a formidable hurler for the Red Sox — winning 87 and losing 44 games and winning three world series (one in 1916, two in 1918) — but in 1919, because of his hitting prowess, Ruth was shifted to the outfield. In 1920 Ruth was sold to the New York Yankees and by his batting feats he greatly helped to salvage the popularity of base- ball after the Black Sox scandal. He hit the most home runs per season for several years (1919-21, 1923-24, 1926-30), tied for -the home run lead in 1918 and 1931, and set the existing 60 home runs for one season in 1927. In ell, he hit 714 home runs m major-league play. He led the Yankees to seven pennants (1921-23, 1926-28, 1932), and the Yankee Stadium, built in 1923, came to be known as "the house that Ruth built." He was the highest-paid player of his era, but took several salary tuts befOre he was traded by the YOnkees to the Boston Braves (National League) in 1935. He played with the Braves while serving as assistant man- ager, but in June, 1935, was re- leased. He served as coach for the Brooklyn Dodgers for ono season (1938). He died in 1948. LIPSTICK HAZARD When Mrs. Reva Cullen, of Denver, recently flew through the sound barrier she was warn- ed to remove her lipstick before making the attempt. Engineers warned her that the minute quantity of,. grease contained in 'a lipstick' may burst into flames whene coming in contact with pure ,Oxygen. JAPANESE ISSUES "-L- These are two of the cororful commemor- ative stamps to be issued by the Japanese post service on the occasion of th'e opening of the Asian Gaines in Tokyo in May of this year. PATENTS rWridgetsT0NHA unit .& .0 e. M. Pan Patent Attorneys Established Establishe lase 600. einieepany Ave., Taming Patents all oonotrieo, PERSONAL $t.00 TRIAL Offer. Twenty.five deltute personal requirements. Latest cats, rogue included, The idediCO Agency, Box 22 Terminal "Q" 'remit°, Ont. SWINE OUR string of Chartwell sows and boars, all bred and imported from Sir Winston Churchill, are certainly out- standing, Those that have seen them tell us that we have tee best herd of Landrace they have ever looked at, Chartwell Lava 5th. the sow and litter- costing us over $6,500 is by far the best sow we have ever imPerted. Many other blood lines to choose from. For the best it is Fergus Landrace Stock. Weanlings, four months, six month old gilts and boars, guaranteed in pig gilts and sows and serviceable boars. Send for list of pedigrees of the latest impertations. Catalogue. FERGUS LANDRACE SWINE FARM FERGUS ONTARIO WANTED CASH ,for store stocks, hardware, fire- arms ammunition, etc. DRAKE, 136A Wollner Road, Toronto Phone WA. 1-4045. WANTED — steam traction engine, give details as to make and condition, Box 166, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto. $12.50 - $25 each up for children's OLD and other money banks in any condition. Special prices for bell-ring toys, old guns, metal gunpowder flasks. Describe, Willing to pay In ad- vance. RAYMOND LONG, Pearl, Illinois, U.S.A. WANTED TO PURCHASE SEVERAL cords of Dry Poplar and Basswood Cordwood, peeled if pos- sible — less than 20% moisture con- tent. Apply P.O. Box 392, Guelph, Oti- tario, or phone TA. 4-1391. AGENTS. WANTED EXCLUSIVE Dealer each Town City to Sell exclusively our fuel oil con. ditioner, Every home, Hardware Store and Vuej Oil Dopler a prospect, Eye- dal prices 45 gallon drums for fuel oil dealers, Our product is gaaranteed tanks.inato sludge ran water to ell Prevents soot and Carbon, im. proves combustion, Saves on en. No sputtering or smoky fires, Reduces. corrosion to Nei tank and lines,. 12.10 fluid ounce container' to case g11,75, Order now. Conrad Heating and Manufacturing CompanY 995 Notre Dame West Montreal, P.Que. GO INTO BUSINESS for yourself, Sell our exciting house- wares, watches and other products not found in stores. No competition. Prof. its up to 500%. Write now for free colour catalogue and separate con5 dential wholesale price sheet, Murray Sales. 3822 St, Lawrence Montreal, AGENTS MAKE YOUR SALES THE EASY WAY with TENDERAL, the only Instant Liquid Meat Tenderizer on the market. No competition. Tenderal is a sure fire seller in popular demand and a steady repeater. Money back guaran- tee. DO IT NOW — while some good districts still open. Write for free bot- tle of Tenderal with literatUre and full particulars for exclusive agency in your district. TENDERAL LABORATORIES LIMITED EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY OILS, GREASES, PAINTS Sell the best. Dealers wanted. Write WARCO GREASE & OIL LIMITED, Toronto 3, Ont. ARTICLES FOR SALE ALLIGATOR shears; magnets; cranes; scales; presses; butane tanks; demp- ster dumpsters. Popular makes; sizes, Priced to sell. H. Greenberg, Murphys- boro I&M Co., 194 Murphysboro, Illinois. GENERAL Merchandise, save money! Discounts on appliances, tools, dishes, others. Satisfaction guaranteed. Elec- tric Frying Skillet $15.95. Hirshberg Co., 421 N.W. 3rd St., Miami 36, Florida. LADIES! — IT'S TRUE COTTON SUGAR SACKS (Bleached sparkling white and ironed) 4 FOR $1.00 London Bag Co., 443 South St. London, Ont. ARTIOI-Es FOR SALE BABY ;Hicks PULLETS, wide choice, dayold, started, prompt shipment. (nave Ames In-Cross and other hybrids). Broilers, order now for May-June, Heavy cockerels, Mixed chicks, all breeds. Complete list, Bray Hatchery, 120 John N., Hamilton, or local agent, THE chicken business has changed. The demand for white shelled good quality eggs is increasing by leaps and bounds. The best by far is K-137 Kim- berchiks. They live well during the growing and laying period, lay large sized eggs early and have relatively good resistence to Leucosis. Try them and you won't be disappointed. Our best for brown eggs Warren Rhode Island Red also White Leghorn X Rhode Island lied and California Grey X White Leghorn, dual purpose breeds, broiler breeds, turkey poults. Cata- logue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO EXTRA INCOME $ EARTHWORMS $ EASILY raised in basement and back- yard. Information free. Booklet "There's Money in Earthworms" 35C. A. Howl 1106 Glencairn Ave., Toronto 19. FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE SILO Building Outfit. Three sets heavy steel rings, 48 ft. derrick, complete with cables and pulleys. John Scott, 884 Elias St., London, Ont. FOR SALE DAIRY Farm. Good house, barns, Hydro, near highway, school, church. Erwin. Fretwell, Prescott 2, Ontario. FOR Sale, Feed Mill and General Store, Home. Modern. 3 bedrooms,, hot water heat, double garage, 5 acres. Railway siding. Good business. Further details write N. Whitfield, Thessalon, Ontario. HELP WANTED Men & Women POSITIONS as asst. agents, telegra— phers await you when trained by us. Union pay. Can. Pac. Rly. will employ all graduates. SPEEDHAND. A.B.C. System qualifies for Stenographer in ten weeks, home study Big Demand. Free Folder either course. Write Casson Systems, 7 Super.. for Ave., Toronto 14. INSTRUCTION EARN morel ,.Bookkeeping Salesinati- ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les- sons 50C. Ask for free circular. No. 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street Toronto MEDICAL SATISFY YOURSELF — EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling and burning ecze- ma; acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN FREE Gifts. $25 and' more can be earned by showing the Laurentian Line of Everyday & Religious box assort. ments in English and French. Write for details, Laurentian Greeting Cards, 6971 St. Denis, Suite 5W, Montreal Que. LEARN old time Fiddle Playing quick- ly, easily. Play for Square Dances. Complete Course $2.98. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Old Time Fiddle, Mt. Marion 2, New York. RETAIL stores! New Sign Service windows, and coiinters. Two or three. colors, Bttainess Bobsters. Send fOr Price List, I4OW/ Swanson AtiVertithig,. • GloudeSter, Mass., U.S. 112 Practical ways to save money! Household hints, things to make, ways to decorate. Send $1. to: Mildred Blood, Box 7, Chester, West Virginia. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates. America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or 'Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloom St. W. Toronto Branches: 44 King st. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau"-Street, Ottawa GENUINE Lion and. Zebra Skin Belts 14, Matching Hat Bands $2, Lion Claw Badges $2. Cash with order. Jones, Box 205, SalisbUrY, Rhodesia, Africa. vICEGRIP Wrench — jaws open up to JaV, length 10", $3.50. Push Drill and Rachel Screw Driver Set — 7 different bits in "Clearvae" handle, dependable service, $4.95, Remit $1, Balance C.O.D. CONSUMERS saQP-PING SERVICE, 58 Jones Ave., Toronto. LUNCHROOM, Ice Cream, Tobaccos, Soft Drinks, Confectionery on Highway 518. Good Tourist Section. Geo. Eem• berline, Sprucedale, Ont. RETAIL and wholesale feed business in Eastern Ontario. Centrally located with rail and truck facilities. Fully equipped with machinery and trucks. Buildings and machinery in good re- pair. Vendor will take back one open long term mortgage. Reason for sell- ing — owner has other definite com- mitments. For further particulars write Box 167, 123 Eighteenth Street, Toronto 14. home, Harpo (Arthur), the silent one with the fright wig, is now 64 and in the grapefruit business. "There's always room for come- dy," he said in his gentle, per- fectly modulated voice which has never been heard on the screen, "but I think we got out at the right time. The kind of comedy we made isn't around any more. Nobody takes the kind of care we took. We worked with the writers six months, then the writers worked alone for six months. It just isn't done that way any more." Chico (Leonard), now 66, was playing pinochle at the Players Club in Beverly Hills. "I don't live in Palm Springs," he said, "because I am not an Arab and I don't like the desert. "It's too bad there aro no theaters any more. Twenty years ago all performers had ideas and developed them on the vaude- ville circuits. But without the- atres, there's no place for comics to develop. They have no chance these days. TV is a monster. You can do an act three times and the whole world knows it and you're dead. Before. TV you could do an act for twenty years, developing it as you went along. I'm sure people 'would go to see pictures like ours. Take 'Duck Soup.' We're in a room discussing war and the bullets begin coming in. "I'll put a stop to this," says Groucho, and he goes over to the window and pulls down the shade. You can't beat that." —From NEWSWEEK Hangman's Job Goes Begging Israel's inability to recruit an official hangman is the only thing' saving three captured Egyptians from death, accord- ing to a report from Jerusalem. The three prisoners are 'sui- cide commandos" who were members of a gang that mas- sacred a group of Israeli school- 'children and their teacher last year. Since then they have been. under sentence of death. How- ever, the army refuses to de- tail soldiers for the job and no civilian executioner has been found. There have been numerous volunteers for the task of hang- ing the 'prisoners, but all offers have come from relatives or friends of the Egyptians' vic- tims, and the authorities have refused their services. They say that they need a hangman who will perform the execution as just another job — not as revenge. LIFE INSURANCE FOR FOLKS UNDER 75 YEARS OF AGE Are you under 75? if so, then you may get $1,000 Life Insurance to help re lieve the money strain on loved ones In paying final burial and other ex- penses. For free information please write: R. M. BEDOLFE AGENCIES 150 Albert Street Ottawa, Ontario. PELLET FIRING "45" Cal. Automatic. Magazine Loading Ammunition Clip. Automatic slide action. Fires 8 bullet- like pellets. Comes with full supply of pellets and man - sized silhouette target. Inventory Recession sale price $3. or 2 Pistols for $5. (check or •money order). Postpaid. Bonus: German Hunt- ing Knife, 4" long highly tempered steel blade, very sharp, attractive handle. Order from: WILLIAM FLACKER 7606 Brous Avenue Philadelphia 15, Pa., U.S.A. iT-VIrD YOUR WAY TO. BIGGER PAY! Use your spare time to build an interesting and profitable business career. Underline course that interests you— • Bookkeeping • Cost Accounting • Shorthand • Typewriting • Stationary Engineering • Short Story Writing • Junior, Intermediate. Higher Accounting • Chartered Secretary (A.C.1.S.) • Business English and Correspondence Write for free catalogue today. Many other courses from whicb to choose. Bay & Charles Streets, Toronto, Dept. No. H-13 1 1 PTA I Z-iel 1.111 q IN "Get lost!" ISSUE 14 — 1958 Marx Brothers vs. Modern Comedy The matchless nonsense of the Marx brothers — Groucho, Har- p°, and Chico — has been not- ably absent from movie screens for nearly a decade. Their de- mise as one of Hollywood's best comedy acts is, in the minds of many observers, characteristic of the demise of all show-business comedy, from vaude to video. Recently, Hollywood planned a movie of their lives — the twial tribute to famous enter- tainment figures now out of fa- shion — the best-nown Marx brothers were separately inter- viewed and sounded out on the state of comedy today. "I no longer have any interest in the movies," flatly said 62- year-old Grouch() (born Julius) during lunch and a cigar at Romanoff's in Hollywood. "Even "The Life of The Marx Brothers," which M-G-M wants to film, won't have us in it, ex- cept briefly. "Comedy is tough, the totegh- est of all, a very delicate and difficult business. There aren't 25 first-class comedians or writ- ing humorists in the whole world.'The humorists of the '20s and '30s like Robert Benchley are all gone. I'm sure people would sit still long enough. to- day to watch old Marx brothers movies, if only' because nobody's making that kind of thing any more. It takes months of prepa- ration and •years, of experience. Also, you must have exactly the right writer stncl,a producer, who has faith — it's risky, to spend money on comedy. "People, laugh at completely different things. There's' nothing universal t h a t guarantees a laugh. If you're making a come- dy, you're risking a million bucks on what' people don't 'agree on. How many people are there now who can make a lot of people laugh? Sid Caesar, Bob Hope, Jackie Gleason — they should be knighted. The reason why there are se few comedians is' that they're shoved on TV and get the hell flogged out of thern every week until they disappear over the border, "There are no more Marx brothers movies," Grducho con- tinued, "because we did satire, and Satire is verboten today. The restrictions — political, reli- gious, and every other kind -- have killed satire. If Will Rogers were to come back tpday, he couldn't make a living. They'd throw hini in the clink for being subversive." At his Palm Springs, Calif. Science For Peace! The possibility of using the thermonuclear fusion reaction for peaceful power purposes is one of the most exciting scienti- fic deVeloprnents of the future. The major breakthrough is prob- ably 10 or 15 years ahead. But when it comes it will be possible to convert water into power with the reaction which pro- duces a hydrogen bomb. The United States, Britain and Russia all are doing impor- tant basic research in this field. The Americans and British ex-; change information. But the United States keeps this non- military research wrapped up in the tightest kind of security regulations. The British claim that the United States has de- layed disclosure of what they believe to be important British advances. Many American scientists be-' lieve research in this field should be free and open—that Ameri- can secrecy is, in fact, harmful to our own progress. One of these is Dr. M. Stanley Living- ston, professor of physics at Massachusetts Institute of, Tech- nology and an expert in high energy nuclear physics.. Dr. Livingston proposes that President Eisenhower implement his "science for peace" idea with 'an offer to free thermonuclear power research of security re- strictions and with a suggestion that the Soviets and the. West cooperate on this peaceful nu- clear work. This project has no military application. And Dr. Livingston says that if the United States is behind either Britain or.-Rus- sia, it is because American sci- entists are severely handicapped by Atomic Energy Commission security rules. What is worse, according to the MIT physicist, institutions - such as his are unable to teach and train young' physicists in a field which, 10 years from now, may be all-important Physicists now doing graduate work, he says,, should be allowed to grow up' with the research in such a field. the President's new science adviser, Dr, Killian, will get around soon to ekaminitig this problem and persuading the President of its potential, as a "work of peace."—Birmieg- ham (Ala.) Post-l-lerald, Cleverest propaganda stroke of the decade occurred in the State Of Connecticut where VVOtil‘ en can now get fishing licenses cheaper than Inert; SLEEP TO-NIGHT YOU CAN If You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Everybody gets a bit run-down now and then, tired-out, heavy-headed, and maybe bothered by backaches, Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, just a temporary toxic condition caused by excess acids and wastes. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys, and so help restore their normal action of removing excess acids and wastes. Then you feel better, sleep better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for, the blue box with the red band it all druggists. You can depend on. Dodd's. 52 ACTS INSTANTLY! TIEINIDERAL LIQUID MEAT TENDERIZER NEVER SALTY No waiting , fussing Meat Coact in half the own! time ti Retains the natural rnetit . fitiVOUr; Tenderizes pounds of meat for 'alit a. feuir rents Best by Tait. TENDERAL is Guaranteed Absolutely Pure; No lifeteektikiet Or Artificial TENDERAL makes all Meat Cuts Tender and Tastier. Reduces Shrinkage of Meat. and Aids Digettion, Satisfaction Guaranteed or VOW. Money Back. Mit YOUR Ditititlit FOR TENDERAL TODAY, • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Babe Ruth. Left This Record PLANE JANE—Don't let that smile fool you, Aye Aye San knows how to handle the automatic weapon she's toting while on guard at an airfield in Rangoon, Burma. The 25-year-old beauty scored top honors in the first training course, of women members of the Burma Air Force. MERRY MENAGERIE IT PAYS TO USE OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS For at /east half the year, in most parts of this country, there is little excuse for not having every vase in the house full of fresh flowers, We can start with home grown daffodils and tulips in April or May and end up with salvia, chrysanthemums, petunias, asters and a dozen more in Oc- tober or November, With a little planning and plenty of variety there is no reason why our garden should not be producing a wealth of bloom right through the whole growing season. Where one wants lots of cut flowers, it is a good idea to grow an extra supply in straight rows in the vegetable garden. They will be less trouble to grow in this way as it is so much easier to cultivate,, and there will be no gaps in the regular beds when we go out and cut an armful. In some cases, too, flowers that are excellent for cutting and bouquets are not particularly or- namental as plants and the veg- etable garden is the proper place to grow them. Sweet peas are an example and gladiolus and some of the lilies. SPREAD THEM OUT First flowers to go in when soil is ready will be some extra early, things like cosmos, mari- golds, zinnias, alyssum or other hardy annuals among the flowers and a few rows of lettuce, radish, beets, carrots and spinach in the vegetable patch. No matter how soon we can start to plant,-'however, it is a mistake to do so on the same day. When one does that all the bloom and all the vegetables come at the same time. We have a wealth of bloom or a feast of veget- ables, then a famine. The experienced gardener never plants everything at once. He spreads out and thus his gar- den harvest of flowers and fresh vegetables is spread out. Careful- ly planned and planted there is no reason why we should not have something coming on from the first crocusses, rhubarb and asparagus in 'the spring right through until after the first snow fall in the autumn. . The' secret is planning, based on number of days to maturity or blooming as listed in the seed catalogue, the use of early, medium and late varieties if available, and making several plantings a couple of weeks of more apart from the seed in each packet instead of sowing the whole thing at once. GARDEN FRUITS If the garden is just an ordin- ary city lot, one is strongly ad- vised not to plant more than one or two fruit trees at most, and to get special dwarf types which come into bearing sooner than the standard type and take up much less room. And one must be prepared to spray regularly each year, otherwise it will be mostly bugs that we are growing. Better suited to the small gar- den are bush fruits like rasp- berries, currants, gooseberries, blueberries and the still smaller strawberry, and along the walls Or fence lines one can grow a grape Or two. Then there'are the Ornamental fruits, some of which like certain flowering crab ap- ples are edible enough to make beautiful jelly. The main purpose of these ornamental fruit trees and shrubs, like the quince, apple and cherry however is to provide beauty after the flowering sea- son and also to attract the birds. Most trees, shrubs and vines are planted in the spring while their buds are still dormant. The roots Should be spread out in a generous sized hole and firmly covered with fine damp soil. Keep well watered and if neces- sary staked for protection against the wind until thoroughly estab- lished. How Can I? Dy Anne Ashley Q.HOW can i remove ,yellow Spots ftent white enamel?' A. By rubbing with a flannel cloth "that has been dipped in garden inold. Q. How CAN I dean eitierdOWIll A. An eiderdown gall/lent can be cleaned by tubbing it thot. oughly With cornmeal,. allowing it to stand' ior few days, arid theft sheking thoroughly. Q., tie* can I iiiipart Serest flavor to Steak? A. SenideSe 'the :idled' of: a lesion over .tha Steak and onions 'jug before serving, and it will add a delicious flavor; Q HOW"ean I keep egg YolkS- it they are net needed for mediate tise? A. Plebe thetit lit Cold water And 'keep in a dark, cool plade, and 'they can he' kept fresh for several 'days. 0.:` /IOW can I prepare liege. tables that are a little old,. to' Make them More tender? By Adding 0: little baking: soda. to the Water 'used for AND . tfitt 104011101,11 To' be hopOf Oki instead' et nervous' or for a eiseit Fights steep, take Saila fribleti- accardint fa, SEDICIN® $1.00,44,91 TABLETS CiStOt e :Zr: • • PRO WRESTLING: champion Anderson, right, hurls his' giotiOrinenti Ben across the:ring', Anderson, weighing' 140 pauiidsr made his pro Weoilind teaming' With Saii Francisco. 49'er. Leo ,,,tjalfiellirif fora log team agairilf teoilieek ti rid NOnt6itiiii, won: - *