HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-04-16, Page 5'HERE' A WAY NEED FO PURE FRESH AIR — SO VENTILAT. IF YOV WANT YOUR SHARI tt 100 1\/ CLEARING AUCTION PALE nor() will be. t clearing Auction ,Salt# of llonsebIold GROS ineltitling a Geeliard Heinteman Piano at the resideeee or the late Wm, 7. Pirector, Saturday, April 261.11, at One p.m, CLEARING AUCTION SALE, Of Farm Stock and Machinery Lot 17, Com 9, Grey TvvP. 4 Mlles East of Brussels. on TUESDAY, 1 ri. m. 29thAY,RIL Horses, cattle and a, full line of Farm Machinery List will follow Terms Cash Prop. Weille, MicDonold Prop. WeIlle McDonald KIMBER LEGHORN *PULLETS FOR SALE March hatched 1C137 Klmbef Leghorn Pellets. $ to 20 weeks, 12 wks. May 29, June 12 20 wits. July 24, Aug. 7 Vaccinated Debeaked Delivered. R. J. Andrews & Son Poultry Farm R.R. 3 Seaforth, Ont. Phone 647r3 • TOP QUALITY FARM SEEDS OUR MOTTO: LEA,-;-- WEBER on the tag means QUALITY In the BAG. LEA — WEBER, LTD. KITCHENER, ONT. Your Local Representative . HENRY ST RY,K ER Po. WALTON ONT. Phone BRUSSELS, 90r4 FOR SALE —, Farm in Hay Township on 64 Highway. 125 acres of choice land. 9-room house, modern kitchen with butilt-in cupboards; rock well, 2 pressure systems with both. hard and soft water on tap, throughout btrilditsgs; double garage, hen house, and pig pen. Ninety five acres under cultivation, balance in bush and pasture, This farm is located three miles west of Hensel!, Urban Ducharme Phone 43r7 moimimMird•VD111•1.0m•••••4•4“,M....•••-• ••••••• telSEm-P-.A .7.ION INFORMATION "For artitielleJ iesemsnation infor- mation or service irom all breeds of cattle, pb.ane the' Waterloo Cattle F.ireeding A.ssoei....ion at; Clinton H v,% - 3441 b: Rai IneratOr 4Wi i.,,!rst"k•en 7.30 I and 9.34, A.. M. ?stf, ne.re ail breeds I rvallable -- quality st low cost.' FOR SALE — Good Howie in the 'Village of Brussels, bath, furnace, cupboards, garage attached to house, large , garden. Price $3500.00 150 Acre Farm, House, hydro, large barn, Price $7000.00- 100 Acre Farm, Red Brick House, hydro, large barn and strawshed, good cement stabling, drilled well, 3 miles , from 1 ergs town Price • $7800.00 half down. 100 .Acre Farm, On County Rost near store and school, 95 urea arable, Prattle Hodes. bath. 929 furnace, good bank barn, nevi steel roof. Price 99800.00 100 Acre Farm. near *Mr.! White Brick House,, flank Ears. Price $11,600 half down. 1. C. Long, itealtor, Brussels, Ont. ELMA FAttiViEltt FIRE iNktitAttet CO.. Eetiblished in „. Hood Office, Atwood, Oak tosora "aim Property, lOrtooti otootitioi and Centente le towns and VI** taboo* Churches inet Heft • OK an "INSURANCE AT COEitii bask tiOt0Miat Oct' CLAiiii doeitaat,yeitiii 'Nearest Dlread -MOM Ai: W (Oink), Whitfield rile Windstorm Insurahoe FOR SALE — Tool boxes, all sizes, Small ,trOughs for Salt :mineral, chicken feeders and' small pig troughs. Waxman Salvage Phone 107x or 13 ROOFING AND EAVETROUGHING All types of roofs. Free estimate given. Call Struthers and BateMala Phone 11.38 Brussells or contact C. & G. Krauter, Brussels. FOR SALE -4-e Chicks — special hybrids standard varaties broilers; pullets (some started) (Have Ames 'In-Cross and ether Nigh irkedticeiti) Bray Tlatoliety 120 John N, flamitten. of MS R. Barrett, P. B.. 5 Brussels, Phone 54-12 GOOD USED BARN AND STABLE EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Beaty anld Pedlar er.anchions and Stalls; Custom built :Steel Cattle Stalls With chain tie; Calf, cow, steer and bull Pens; Pressure and gravity Water Bowls; Steel Post for barn supports; Steel Litter Carrier Poles; Pipe and Stable Fittings. all sizes. apply to: L. H. Koenig and Co, Concrete and Steel Stable Builders P.O. Box 31 Mildway, Ont. Phone 50 WOOL The DefiCiehoey 1,0-• Merit apPliet - only PeOperly-i Graded WOOIS Secure the Utineet. by Patronizing Your own Organization jAtitgitilikt HOMES LTD:, •dOilioting• •*ritil. for 'tiratilit and sales (en the cooperative plan SHIPPERS. may obtain. sacks' and *tine NE of .eharge the above or 'theft,. LiCented Operators CANADIAN WOOL "d13OW046'Li 7E Ot :gay Street Toronto- DO IT WITH HYDRO FOR ONLY A FEW CENTS A DAY .4ii iho coif' per 'heir te. demeiffe eUfferosri In H a . MenlefeafIlhei. Oo Mop Sme :Fe .44 THE BRUSSELS NAST fWedn'oeder, i0K rr FQR .SAL E • 3 - tma idletdrie St.Oyoti $10.00 Mal up 1 used Kelvlaator Refrigerater $90.00 used 17" TeleVlsions at: .$85,00 each 1160d. 21:.".relevision $80.00. used l4lectrie Ironer. $30.00 used Boy's Bicycle W„00 Machau 'Hardware 4 ;Do you need PERSONAL. 'WANT Effective Sunday April 27th, 1958 Full information from agents RAILWAY TIME TABLE CHANGES 4 4 4 4 4 UTER Pt 'MBING is HEATING, Shi.11"11417AL ELS .,. 7 X clUr Personal Loan service offers loans for personal needs, Repayment by monthly installments. 01 dotalls, fluAtifre at our. nearest 15rancii-- dig haft morg n 775 .0 Rprn you. I THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. BRUSSELS BRANCH — L. W. J. GLASGOW . MANAGER T-11-19 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 FOR SALE Good house in 'mussels, "r atth room, hard and soft water, garage and hen bouse, large garden, all in good condition, Mrs. Wes: Stephenson, Brussels P. 0, Phone 111x2. own.......mr ,rom vo.s.,••••manosomwo*a.4.4,.....,....00.. WANTED •—• Cattle to pasture for the season; good grass and river 'goes thrOugh the fields. Phone Brussels 17.15 Oran Russell, R.R. 4 Brussels TENDERS WANTED Tondere will be received by the undersigned for a frame building je •x 29 ft., .consisting of double door; top deck; suitable for hen house, Building, millet be removed by May 10th. Tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned by April 20th, 1955. W, S. Scott, Manager, Brussels, Morris and Grey Telephone System Brussels, Ont. AUCTION SALE Of Household Furnishings will be held in the Village of Ethel SATURDAY, APRIL 19th at. One O'clock Sharp- 1 3,-pieice Chesterfield Suite 3 Walnut Occasional Chairs 3 Occpionail Chairs End (cable Wool Rug, 9ft.x 101/2 ft. 2 Scatter Rugs 2 Floor Lamps .T,able Lamp 3 Dresser Lamps Hassock Round Oak Dining Room ;Table with 6 Chairs China Oabinet Buffet Square Dining Room Table with 6 Chairs Sidethciarcl 2 Couches Crosley Refrigerator 9 cub. ft. Drop Leaf Table 4 Kitchen Ohairs Kliedhen Range (coal or wood) Hot Plate Beatty Washing Meebine with Rinsing Tub and Stand 3 Beds .with Springs and spring Mattresses 3 'Dressers 3 Wash Stands Vactmen Cleaner with, all attachments 3 Wall Mirrors Hall (Tree Mantle Radio Odd Tables Wheel Barrow Step Ladder 2 Ladders Dog House Garden +Tools Bedding Fruit Jars Pots and Pans 3 Coal Scuttles Dishes and Other Articles too numerous to mention. Terms Cash Prop. Dorothy Coiquhoun Elizabeth Elliott Executors Auctioneer -- Gordon Jackson 4-H CLUBS MEE'r. The first meeting of 1958 was held on April 9th in .fihe Brussels Library liar the 441 eltths consist- ing of Beef, Dairy and SIwine. The meeting 'started at 8:30 and was evened by 'two Mr. Bolton was in attendance and showed how to use and fill, out the shee's and books that were given, ,The election of ,ziffiscers was as follows for the Brassels Beef Club President Jean Smith Vice Pr es. Herningtay Sec: Treas, Donna Stain Press Rolloroler Morris Hem,. Way 41 CLAS.5.117 2E41) ADS. . _ 'FOR SALE — Good qualfty 'potatoes, •Tolltn Perrie shone 75r15 'FOR SALE — White Enamel Cook 'Steve: coal or wood, deep reservetr. 5 yrs. old .Ross Cunningham PhOw .91115 "."1..,•,•••••••. 'FOR SALE — Purebred .Shorthorn Buill 13 year old. Can be registered. Farmers Price. Richard 'Carter Phone 431-16 FOR SALE .2000 bushels choice mixed grain (Moncalm, Barley and Ajax Oats) suitable for seed. Price 85c a bus. also 2500 bales choke Alfalfa and and Timothy Hay. Apply to Urban Dneharrae R.R. 2 Brwsels, Phone 43er 110 • l•••••••••••• 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I 4 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 4 4 n 41 A k AL, .rl%s11,1*.*A4i' ,FOR SALE — Lange Rouen Duck Eggs, $1.00 'per setting. Dan. 111,cKinnon Phone 68x2 FOR SALE -- 100 bales of ,gdod mixed Clover "Hay, • Carl Procter Phone 72r9 FOR SALE — 2 Hereford Steers. A quantity of cedar posts and anchors. Don. Fraser Phone 17r19 AUCTION SALE UNDER B4 VIRTUE of the power contained in a certain Mortgage which will be produced at the :time of the sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction on :Tuesday. April 22, 1958,...at the hour of 1:00 o'clock in the aftermlon at the premises which is being sold, the following Valuable real estate being: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel 'or tract of land beinIg coin- ploseh of the East half of the South half of Lot Number 2, and the Southerly three-quarters of Lot number 3, all in the 1st cioncession of the Township of Grey in the County of tfu(ron, containing 125 acres more or less. Upton the premises 'there is said to be' situated a good water supply, mostly good workable 'land, :TERMS; 10% fof the sale price shall bo Platid as a deposit at the time of the sale, and th.e balance in 90 days when possession shall be given. Property is subject to a reserve bid. Gordon. Grant Brussels, Ontario. Aucltioneor. Crawford and Hetherington Solicitors for the Mortgagee 4 'FOR SALE — Baby Budgies, all colors. Guam*. 'teed talking strain. Mrs. Carl .Tacklin, Ethel. Phone Brussels 2.1r9 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 41 I Would You Like More Oonvenienee and Leisure? 'FOUND -- License plate No. 64379-T fast- ened to tailboard. Owner can have same by paying for this .adv, Apply at The Brussels Pest. 4 FOR SALE ,.- 1950 Ford budor in excellent con- •dition, Boy's Bicycle, 4 buSbel Red •Clitieer, Quantity of Timothy Seed 'Stan. Atlexander Phone 8543 Would you like to have more time each day to devote to your children, to recreation, to gardening, or some other summertime pursuit? 41 4 4 4 4 4 4 Labour saving electrical appliances can give you this extra time; at the flick of a switch they whittle down to minutes time-consuming chores. 4 ETHEL 4 I 4 ,41 4 4 4 I .4 4 4 4 I 411 4 I 4 4 1 I 41 4 4 4 '41 for O you WA, For Ono' teisi you can- 4141 electrit ironer for, uu 6n electric fleet 97 minutes, , polisher far El heart. Fee OAS Clint you tint us. an electric Votiiiiet Steiner ifilUitu United Church W. M. S. The 'United Match Women's Missionary SoeleV met at the twine Of Mrs, Leslie Earl With 19' ladies PreSent, Mrs, Jim PeatSieri, led the Wer- Shit: service, Alt Easter hyniti was sting Scripture, COr.. 12, was read by ciiest Debabn, An Eileer inedSage Was' Avon, by airs, Coot 41:lateittatt, Mes: ROY Hall, Mfg., Chester part end - Ala* Peerebie. Plans were made for a Spring Tea Bake to held on April 2 tOtie Sunday So ia~ol .rooms n. at Meted. by Mrs, Joe PeitteOn sec= ,ended by MOS, Percy it60116(160ii that OA to tient on, Bally oiinnito§- t4notlf. Dobson and kit!, tnoton• ga'v'e an itiftereiiting report' 'Of cite'' ;Pt -6.41*(404 in.004,1ng. that WOe 11.616 itt diiiiton on Mardi 27. The 14iay mooting 14 to he held Vi the IMMO. 1)t)Liitaitilcie'b' Was ..(jel'Ved .by 1110 NEED STORM WiNDOWoi Before You tiny iet Yeekeeti Reditets Ltd. gi a yo` an deafen-to On Aiuuilnnin '99lf atering Wintlenre;, No Oblitittiot •ritib&o; sentoitii 3V 4 4 4 4 4 *01(4041 MOROI 01‘..** Tease„iFilliersi Wilt' THIE star &mil** Meal Will toy* bietwee iliAtinistahte, -6:4644; Mont !teilientiedii' &Sieletidir tetferfalli 0 A. ajiti -l'Olkt *took to* 4 4 41 1 1 ern ve etter Electrically I 4 4 4