The Brussels Post, 1958-04-16, Page 418.42
TWO YEARS AGO, in April 1956 the Firemen's Union demanded wage increases and other benefits involving
substantial increased costs.
AT THE SAME TIME Canadian Pacific proposed that, as firemen were not necessary, they should no longer be carried
on diesel locomotives in freight and yard service.
CANADIAN PACIFIC also proposed dropping both arbitrary wage payments for which no service was rendered
and differential wage rates in mountain territory.
IN DECEMBER 1956 a Federal Board of Conciliation recommended substantial wage increases and other benefits:
At the same time, it found that firemen were not required on diesel locomotives in freight and yard service and
made provision for protection of their employment. It also found that payment of arbitraries and mountain differen-
tial should be modified.
CANADIAN PACIFIC accepted the Conciliation BOard's report.
THE FIREMEN'S UNION rejected the report and called a strike on January 2, 1957.
THE STRIKE WAS ENDED on January 11, 1957 on the following basis:-
1. Canadian Pacific agreed to pay the substantial wage increases retroactive to April 1 of the preyious year and
other benefits recommended by the Conciliation Board.
2. -The Union and Canadian Pacific agreed to refer the DIESEL ISSUE as well as payment of arbitraries and mountain
differential to a ROYAL COMMISSION.
3. The Union and Canadian Pacific agreed to negotiate these issues in the light of and immediately following the
publication of the ROYAL COMMISSION'S Report.
THE KELLOCK ROYAL COMMISSION of three senior judges devoted ten months to hearing 119 witnesses and, at
the request of the Firemen's Union, made on-the-ground investigations across Canada and also made observations
on four major European railway systems. It was the most extensive and thorough investigation in the history of
labour relations in Canada.
IN ITS UNANIMOUS REPORT published February 4, 1958 the ROYAL COMMISSION found that:-
1. Firemen are not required on diesel locomotives in freight and yard service on Canadian Pacific either for safety
or any other reason.
2. The proposal of Canadian Pacific for protecting firemen from loss of employment and seniority is fair and generous.
3. Arbitraries have become unrealistic and should be dropped and payment made on the basis of service rendered.
4. Mountain differential payments should be dropped and replaced by valley differential.
CANADIAN PACIFIC accepted the report of the KELLOCK ROYAL COMMISSION as it had undertaken to do
when the Commission was appointed.
THE UNION rejected the report, stating that nothing in it was acceptable to them. They did so knowing that not
one fireman would suffer loss of railway employment who was hired before the proposal to discontinue firemen
on freight and yard diesels was made in April, 1956. All across Canada there are less than 100 firemen hired
after that date, and now working who face possible lay-off.
ALL EFFORTS of Canadian Pacific to settle the dispute through negotiations with the Firemen's Union have failed.
FOR TWO YEARS firemen have enjoyed substantial wage increases: During these two years action on the diesel
issue has been postponed While the Union had every contention it could advance investigated by two enquiries.
CANADIAN PACIFIC has a duty to the public to operate the railway efficiently and economically.
CANADIAN PACIFIC, to fulfill this duty, has given notice to the Firemen's Union that the findings of the KELLOCK
ROYAL COMMISSION wiii take effect On May 11, 1058.
THIS ACTION is in accordance with Federal labour law:
TUE BRUSSELS POST Wedu.00kly,y, 41)41 14th, 105$.
on 0: I ,,r."7,7".-••••••
AW-THA-rs Nor $0;
AND oF couR 5e THe
MAR1EL-0145 WAY in/R,V6" A..•. • • ur•
I . ;.c:
WORK -n=4.4
moro;q9. • „
ISAlptariutendant 'be paid
Moved by Waltler ;$nortreed, sec-
onded Borden wilcbson that
we ckhnrge 13 cents per hog for
spraying cati kle and 15 cents ,per
pound for powder for binalting
- Carried
Moved by Stewant Procter See,
onded by dardou Wilkinson that
iche Auditor's report shoaling a $11r-
plus of $17.5891. for 1657 be accelied,
Moved by Stewart PrOcter • see-,
%muted by Ross Dunan that the
meeting adjourn to meet again on
May 5, at 1 P.M.
BRUSSELS (T60,..(,5b
1954 Chev. Deluxe Coach
with Automatic Transmission.
1954 Chev. Deluxe Sedan
1956 Buick Hardtop 4 door.
Radio and Automatic.
..NY A,.
presided gat the meet
lug held in the 'church, hall on Thurs.,
'AVIrob 271h. The meeting opened
with A h,yakti,, the Wily from the
Itaroh. -"Living MQS*Age" and
Missionary prayers..
Scripture lesson by Mrs. G. DaVla.
Minutes iof previous meeting and,
pqrs'esposiassiss, by .tihe secretary, .'
And treasurer's repoo: was given,
Correspondence included an MAW,
in to ladies of St, John's to
meeting of Wel on W. M, S,. „on
April 14th, IThe work of the Chancel
Guild was discussed, Mrs, Jewell
and Mrs. Davis were named deleg-
ates to the W, A. Annual to be held
in Windsor, April 22-23-24.
The net.' meeting on April 15th,
Members are asked to bring
Thankoffering -11111191.11,
Furniture - Home Furnishings -- FOR SALE '41
45.00 of Garry Oats, Select from about 60 suites of' 1000 'bushels
furniture at the Mildmay Furniture suitable for seed.
Showroom Visit the "Trade-lni Joseph Smith, 9th Con, of Grey
Dept". Free delivery.
Including linolenin, wallpaper
broadloom darpet. Also new rit:4
used refrigeratons, ranges. platiog
Brussels Phone 24r4 BTJ 4' AT
Schuett's ilildrnay Furniture Store
Study period by. airs, Stephens
on the diocese of Kobe, Japan, and
the girls' Ochool rd'' Osaka, which is
maintained by bursaries from the.
NV.. A. 71791
This brought an interesting mee'-
lug to a close,
Tea was served by Mrs. G. E. Schtiett Mildmay
- Carried.
The following accounts were paid:
13lyth, Standard, advertising $ 3.22
1 Bernard Hall, Liability
Insurance 194,34
, Advance .Times, advertising 6.66
1 Munileikpall Wetrfllb, applies( 45.92
Niagara, Brand Chemicals
Warble Fly Powder 362.31
Relief AcuTunt
1 A. Fraser, verifying'inx
i arrears and attending con-
1 vention 39.50
Wm. Brydges, part salary 200.00
Bailie Parrott Geo. C. Martin
Reeve Clerk
Your church, in co-operation with
local safety officials, will urge each
motorist to observe the rules of safe
It will be pointed out that every
driver is morally responsible for the
safety of everyone with whom he
shares our streets and highways.
Remember--this week and every week
-it is the duty of everyone to
005 1
Grey Twp. Council
Grey Township Council meeting
was held on April 5th.
Moved by '<sundial Bray second-
ed by Archie Mann that the minutes
of the lac;, meeting be adopted as
- Carried.
Moved by Glenn ',nether '4,:cericl-
ed by Alex Johnston that contract
be awarded o H. N. young for th
construction of the Engel. Bridge
alt $10,670.00, subjelet to approval
of District Municipal Engineer
- Carried
1V4oved by Arehie Mann seconded
by Glenn Huether that we accept
the tender of Ross Hanna for the
Funon Drain at $770 .00
- Carried
Moved by Kenneth Bray second-
ed by Alex .TohnsOn that we accept
the tender of Ross Hanna for the
Balfour Drain at; $595.00
- Carried
Moved by Kenneth Bray second-
ed by Glenn Huether that we request
the Dept of Highways to approve
1-1,Pnsfer of $2.700.00 from constru,
otion to maintenance of brid-
ges and culverts for 1957
fire debit.
Mrs. John ManTamish, print
Hollan&Anderlen Drain
By-laws 14.00
E. M. Cardiff' Holland-Ander-
son Drain Bylaws 16,00
Fred Kirkpatrippc, groceries
for relief 19.43
Ger0. Wesenburg, tax arrears
notices, and to Arthur
meeting 7.00
Anchie Mann, to Arthur
meeting 2.00
Kenneth. Bray, to Arthur
meeting 2.00
Glenn Another, tic. Arthur
meeting 2.00
Geo. Hutchinson, to Arthur
and Toronto 7.00
Geo. RoWland, gas, fire
track 3.75
Assoc. May )ors and ReeveS
membership fee 10.00
Huron Country Soil and
Crop Iran., grant 15.00
B. M. and G. Telephone,
rent office phone 28.20
Brewer Drain, grant 386.76
Pollard Drain, grant 241.23,,. 1
Robt. Ounnjgham, stove
oil, office 11,55
Listowel 13annner, ad's. 8.00
Meads $2,285.08 I
Geo. W. Hutchirison
Edythe M. Cardiff
Morris Twp. Council
Conned met in the Township Hall
on Mril 7th with nil members
The minutes Of the las regular
Meeting and the speolal Meeting
of March 74th, were read and
adopted On inetin of , Stewart
Procter and Gordon Wliikinson.
Moved by Warier 8bortreed, sec-
onded by ft(oss Duncan that Donald
McKenzie of Blyth he Warble Fly
inspector gor 1958
-- Carried.
Mais.-ed by Artie Mann seconded
by Glenn Huskier that we give a,
gran; of $15.00 to Huron filo. Soil
and Crop Inip, Asepcoration.
- Carried,
Aloyed. by Glenn 'Huether second-
ed by Alax Johnston that we tender
for sale of cid bridge. at Engel's..
- Carried.
're :d by Archie Mann seconded
by Konnetill Pray that we adver'ase
for tenders for 2100 bags, more or
less, of eetnent. Tenders to he In
by one o'clock May 3rd:
Moved by Arable Mann seconded
by Glenn Huether that we buy a
or' r• from C. M. Ilenni-
-- Carried
n tt T uaturr second-
ed .r..;•• Alex Jeling!On that all
approved aCCOttlita 'lid Paid
- Carried.
.moved by Glenn Another' eaCeild-
Or' by it enrieth Brag that We do
tioW adjourn; to. meet May 3M or at
'the can ,f 'the tet.
the fellowirt aeCOtirits Were
Cecil Payne. fox bounty $ 1.00
Carman trhith, bounty IA6
l'aSit A. tierrie, 1.66
;tack fok betray 4.06
Lloyd itan, fat bolitOY 1.06
Wm, fox bonfitY 0.60
bilffawit Roegy, ro:t
E. M. Cardiff; fees,
fox bounty 4.511
Glees' P:arlio and Electric
anntilles fire deg. ..„ 4:64
lrixilrnafiiorial Harvester
StiptilieS fire dent, .61.81
kratter, strillinoS
Moved by toga Dtindail f seconded.
by ,Stewart Picoeter"thet )fdie Muni-
cipal Liability Matra-0'4e,, the
Atiratiee on the graders; idle Nat'
Owned Atittititiritie and the
tpraOlig '64tirane fie renewed
With Bernard Haitt thrOugh the
Prank 'CoWait Nan-ranee
' Carrie&
Moved by Warier' .Shortreed; tee=
oiided by Stewart that *e
give 'grant of .$166'., to the
Fair for 088
- darried
Seedifided by Ittosa: did; we
iiiirethato 'the beritelit tar- the Cirriti6•
toil bridge fteffi the Belgrate
(5tetiAAve at 07 corm 1 per hat
Moved by ROSS Duncan, ,Seconded` •
by 'Walter 81bortrced that tits road I
Aedionnite ii.e preSehted by the Road