The Brussels Post, 1958-04-02, Page 3CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING EMPLOYMENT WANTED MARRIED man wants work on Poultry Ftirni. Some esperience. aild.west ern Ontario preferred. It, Piper, Shell' Lake, Sask. •••••••••1•,... EXTRA INCOME EARTHWORMS EASILY .raised in !insentient and back- yard. Inferntation free. Booklet "There's Money In EarthworMS'• 050, A. Howl 3306 .(31encalrn Ave., Toronto 19. FARM .HANDBOOK • NOTHING. IS SO VALUABLE: as outh- entie and accurate information just when - you need It. The Macdonald Farm Handbook -'- result of three years' work by mon who Knew Can- adieu agriculture — is now ready. 300 pages of facts, formulas, ideas, and illustrations, $1.50 per copy postpaid ($1,00 in lots of five,) Box 237, Mac. donald College, Que. GO INTO BUSINESS for ,y,eirself. Sell our exciting house, wares, watches one ether products not found In stores. No competition. Prof. Its up to .500%. Write now for free colour catalogue and separate coral. • dentlal whoiesale price sheet, Murray Sales. 3822 St. Lawrence Montreal. ARTICLES FOR SALE EXCLCSIVE Dealer each 'Town City to sell exclusively our fuel all eon ditioner. Every home, Hardware Store awl Fuel Oil Dealer a prospect. sue, .clat prices 45 gallon drums for Wei. oil dealers, Our product is guaranteed to eliminate sludge and water in oil tanks. Prevents soot and carbon, Int. proves combustion. Saves on oil. No Sputtering or smoky fires. Reduces corrosion in fuel tank and lines, 12.16' fluid ounce .container to ease 611.75, 0reer now- Conrad Heating and Menefeettfring Company 19S Notre Dame West Montreal, P,que.. AGENTS. ALLIGATOR shears; magnets; 'cranes; scales; presses; butane tanks; demp. stesi dumpsters. Popular makes; sizes. Priced to sell. H. Greenberg, Murphys. bore IStM Co,, 194 Murphysboro, !Bluets, FOR SALE FOR Sale, Feed Mill and. General Store, Home. Modern, 3 bedrooms, hot water heat, double garage, 5 acres. Railway siding. Good business, Further details write N. Whitfield, Tliessalon, Ontario, LUNCHROOM, Ice Cream, Tobaccos, Sort Drinks, Confectionery on Highway 518. Good Tourist Section, Geo. Dem- berline, Sprueedale, Ont, A REVOLUTION HAS COME TO THE SUGAR BUSH which is taking most of the picturesqueness out of the collecting of maple sap while increasing the quantity and quality of sugar and syrup. Secret of the success of the revolution lies in running polythene tubing directly from the taps in the trees to the sugarhouse. The pressure of the flowing sap is enough to draw it along a polythene pipe if the line is sealed. Gravity helps when the lines run down- hill. Farmers claim sap production is increased as much as 75 per cent and labor costs are cut, more than 50 per cent with this method of collection, When oil burners replace wood bu'rners to boil the sap, back-breaking labor is cut even further. Some plastic companies'-are producing complete kits for tapping trees but many farmers are making their own, buying the polythene tubing from focal co-operatives, building-supply dealers„ or plastic companies. Some prefer the virgin white material. Others like it brightly colored so that it is easily seen against a snow background. COLLECTOR'S item, Canada's original handbook 'Lure of the Slits" $1. Opt- door Interests, Goodwood, Ontario, FIVE Ball Point Retractable Pens for only 88e. Refundable If unsatisfactory. We p a y postage. Sorry, no 0.0,0. Zimmerman, Box 225, Saxton, Pennsyl- vania, RETAIL and wholesale feed business in Eastern Ontario. Centrally located with rail and truck facilities, Folly equipped with machinery and trucks. Buildings and machinery in good re- pair. Vendor will take back one open long term mortgage. Reason for sell- ing — owner has other definite com- mitments, For further particulars write Box 167, 123 Eighteenth Street, Toronto 19, GENUINE Lion and Zebra Skin Belts $4. Matching Hat Bands $2. Lion Claw Badges $2. Cash with order. Jones, Box 205, Salisbury, Rhodesia, Africa. LADIES! — IT'S TRUE COTTON SUGAR SACKS (Bleached sparkling white and ironed) 4 FOR $1.00 ternoon, Sometimes you see a world-record holder like Brian Wilkinson (butterfly) thrashing his way through a hundred kids." Australian coaches Modify the American swimming technique by teaching bigger, longer, slow- er strokes. "Our leg work," Guthrie says, "is much smaller than that of the Americans, so our swimmers are not as leg- bound." Sam Herford, who developed Murray Rose, the Olympic 400- meter and 1,500-meter champion, expresses technique in terms of percentages. "Our style is made up of 80 per cent arm action and 20 per cent leg work. With the Americans, it's about 65 per cent arms." In track, Australian national willingness to travel has had a great deal to do with the suc- cess of Herb Elliott, the only teenager ever to break the four- minute Mile. Elliott, a star sprinter in school in Western Australia, moved to Victoria in the east so that he. could join C training' camp run by Percy erutty; 63. Nineteen years • old, Elliott ran a mile in 3:59,9 in January. The next week, he won by 2 yards, in 3.58.7 against Mery Lin- coln (3:59), the, prize pupil of Franz Stampfl, the Hungarian track coach brought to Aus- tralia by the Victorian Athletic Association. A day later, Cerut- ty put Elliott through a session of weight-lifting, followed by a barefoot run over a sandy, un- dulating training track, Then. Elliott returned to camp and, with, two companions, packed haversacks for a 30-mile hike, The meal he took, atypical of Australia, incicded nuts, raisins, cabbage leaves, bread, and a pint of milk, Neither Cerutty nor his proteges, willing to try anything once, find the diet or the training routine strange. "Down here," Cerutty says, "you get beauty. Beauty of your soul, that can give you strength, You will not get that on a cinder track, with the noise of the city in. your ears and petrol fumes filling your nose." The answer is not, of course, in one man like Cerutty. It lies amid the roots of a vigorous young nation, which has em- braced sports nationally — not with the idea of mass enjoyment so much as with the idea of winning, If Americans consider them- selves intensely competitve, as they properly 'do, perhaps the current difference lies in the tender age level at which highly organized techniques first set that intensity in motion in Aus- tralia, HELP WANTED Men &'Women The state department,says it will press for an international conference in 1959, rather than 1960, on modernizipg sea-safety rules. Properly oriented to the fantastic Andrea Doria-Stock- holm collision, it should improve radar philosophy, use and check- up, and incidentally improve safety on the Mississippi river. That some such orientation has been arrived at is indicated by reports that radiotelephone com- munications b etween ship bridges, along with better radar training, will be recommended by the United States. Radar should have saved the Andrea Doria, prevented colli- sion Radar bearings supposedly obtained were fantastic. When two ships head toward each other, each has to be either on the port or the starboard bow of the other, as the case may be. One cannot be on the port of No. 2 while No. 2 is on the star- board of No. 1. But this latter rather manifest absurdity Was maintained as a "picture" to the last in the North Atlantic inves- tigation; and, as an assertion could have stemmed only from (1). faulty radar or (2) rather gross misreading on one vessel or (3) self-serving falsification by one vessel or (4) a uniquely weird parabolic "mirror-ghost" phenomenon affecting both ves- sels. Bridge-to-bridge checkings Of radar-sights could have clari- fied the situation and the proper courses. Most modern tow boats on the Mississippi have both radar and ship-telephone, and "meeting" consultations are automatic un- der certain conditions of visibil- ity, location, current, etc. These problems don't enter especially into open-sea meetings; nor 'have the problems of misread radar, etc.,' or reception phenemena, been noted in Mississippi river meetings. But one aggravating problem of the river boats is the scarcity of telephones On radar-equipped (or for 'that mat- ter unequipped) sea-going ships using the -river, Passing situa- tions can be very difficult or hazardous or time-consuming unless each vessel involved has, and uses, the complete equip- ment. So complete equipment of ocean vessels would be a help, too, on the Mississippi. — New Orleans Times-Picayune. Why Australia Wins In Sport Within a month, two Austra- ians, Hel) Elliott and Mery Lincoln, have each broken the four-minute mile; eight Austra- lian swimmers have broken world records, and countryman Lew load has been breaking rancho Gonzales's grin on the pro tennis championship. Here Jim Russel, an Australian news- man for 25 years, analyzes this phenomenon for NEWSWEEK. It was a foregone conclusion that the Soviet Union and the United States would dominate the 1956 Olympic Games at Mel- bourne, but in finishing third, Australia scored a moral victory on a statistical basis, in the eyes of ,local rooters. Russia won 4.9 medals for every 10 million peo- ple in its population; the U,S won, 4,6 for each 10 million. Australia, with a population of 9,5 million (far less than New York State's 15 'million), 'won 35 individual medals. We were clear winners by more than 7 to 1, the way we put it. Australia has won, the Davis Cup, symbol of world domin- ance in tennis, seven times in eight years, the latest triumph being the work of Mervyn Rose, 28, Mal Anderson, 23, and Ash- ley Cooper, only 21. Australia's cricket team has just defeated South Africa. Its professional Rugby football team went through last year's world round robin. without a loss. The coun- try's swimmers and track stars — many of them teen-agers — .have kept the record-book edi- tors busy. Tennis, swimming, and track are the cheapest sports in Aus- tralia, and the best organized, A visit to a• municipal swimming pool costs sixpence; a weekend of tennis with free balls costs less than' $1. It is a common sight on a Saturday morning to see hundreds of boys and girls leaving their homes for an hour of mass coaching under local tennis pros. The cost is 35 cents. (The actual teaching is not novel. Australian coaches have merely adopted the Califonia "big game.”) Darkness does not stop tennis in Australia; public courts are equipped with flood- light systems. In the suburbs of Sydney, children come on a court in batches of 30 and practice strok- ing. After an hour, another group is ready. From 8 a,im till noon, every hour on the hour, there is a fresh squad, Junior Clubs are formed, and regular weekend competitions are orga- nized. Before long the players who Show special promise are selected for interdistrict teams. The standouts here are chosen for. More adVanced coaching by state tennis associations. The best of these are then sent around the country with a man- ager and all expenses paid. When the silting process has evolved .further, the outstand- ing players are finally chosen for state teams and play against the best from other states. Out of the rigors of this com- petition come stars like Ken Rosewall; Lew Hoad, arid Mal Anderson, Each is put tinder a permanent Manager-coach, such as Harry Hopman, and sent around the world at the dt- perise of the Lawn Tennis Asso, elation of Australia. Australian amateurs, unlike 'those ill the U.S., are permitted to work for tennis-equipment companies, but what Makes the whole early program possible is the tremeri- dottS national enthusiasm for terms,. This pattern of organization and coaching extends, into sWim- Ming. "My kids'," says Frank Citithrie, one of:Aatralia's best Slirirrinaingcoaches„ "came front as far as. 10 miles away'twice day. They Work out from 6 ea*, to 8 a.m., then return a second titne between. 3 arid 'd in the af- Radar On The River London Bag Co„ 943 South St. London, Ont, POSITIONS as asst, agents, telegra- phers await you when trained by us, Union pay. Can. Pac, Rly, will employ all, graduates. SPEEDHAND. A.B.C. System qualifies for Stenographer in ten weeks, home study Big Demand. Free Folder either course, Write Cassan Systems, 7 Super. for Ave., Toronto 14, BABY, CHICKS CONFUSED. We can imagine that there are many Poultrymen a little be- wildered by what they see and hear these days from those attempting to sell chicks. Which strain or breed will you select for your 1958-59 income? If you haven't already received our 1958 catalogue, send for it. It gives you a lot of information about the right breeds and strains to buy for eggs, broilers, eggs and meat, turkey poults. K-137 Kimberchiks rate first in ability to do well in different environments, no matter what breed or how high a price paid for chicks. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO INSTRUCTION EARN morel Bookkeeping Salesman. ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc, Les- sons 500. Ask for free circular. No. 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street Toronto MEDICAL BIG 880 page Medical self help book. Explains Diseases, symptoms and treat- ment. Profusely illustrated, Sooner. Sales, 3621 S.W. 38th, Oklahoma City 19, Okla. WIDE choice in chicks. Prompt ship- ment. Pullets, dayold, started. (Order May-June broilers now). Heavy cocker- els, For maximum profits, get premium chicks, Bray Hatchery, 120 John N,, Hamilton, or local agent, IT'S PROVEN — EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Collect BABCOCK, Honegger, DeKalb, Ey•Line, Ii & N, Ames In-Cross, Kimberchiks. The 1956.57 returns are in and K-137 Kimberchiks ranked them all in net Income. K-137 Kimberchiks were en- tered in five Random Sample Tests last year that report income figures. Cali. fornia, Tennessee and Utah on basis ,of income over feed cost. Missouri B and New York Central on income over feed and chick cost. Among nationally sold chicks entered In at least three out of five contests K-137 Kimberehlks not only ranked first but placed more consistently than any of the others. For full details about these contests and Kimberehiks send for Kimber cata- logue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO SCOTT POULTRY FARMS SEAFORTH ONTARIO POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint yOu. Itching, scaling and burning ecze- ma; acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN MERRY MENAGERIE FLORIDA! Complete Sunday papers from Tampa, St. Petersburg, Braden. ton, $1.00 each, all three $2.00 postpaid, Pasadena Press, 3130- 22nd Avenue, St. Petersburg 12, Florida. Y vas & ••••• Y•••••• FREE Gifts. and more can be earned by showing the Laurentian Line of Everyday & Religious box assort- ments in English and French. Write for details. Laurentian Greeting Cards, 6971 St, Denis, Suite 5W, Montreal Que. SLEEP TO-NIGHT AND RELIEVE NERVOUSNESS 41,1011Y TO-MORROW! To be happy and tranquil instead of nervous or for a good night's sleep, take, Sedicin tablets according to slirections4 SEWCIN® $1.00-$4.95: TABLETS Drug Siam Only! , IT PAYS TO USE OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS - — "Oops, sorry! Didn't know this Wand was inhabited!" IVERNIA SAXONIA SYLVANIA CARINTHIA Money talks all right but in these days a dollar doesn't have enough cents to say anything. THE HALLMARK OF OCEAN TRAVEL LEARN TO S from this new and complete; fully illustrated 100 page book. 32 illustrations and 10 'full colour designs with full instructions for each. Now you too ,cats Bloke babies' clothes, girls' dresses, blouses, skirts and nighties for yourself, Send Only 3.98 by. Money order, cheque; with exchange added or cash,Parcel •will be post paid, With each order YOU receive free 2 sheets of smocking dots. Grace L itricitt 589 Church Street Dept C TORONTO 5 ONTO tiiiilotir Lora e5n6 Can tee. Cunard `iirit PATRON t ANT ThIS poet-. ftlif, by Matter Cirtia- bue, IS Of St, 'Clore of mttt.r:. %to Clare 'weiSfitirited .tbo. patrOn mint of feleVition by Pope Pius 88. According fo tradition, in 1252 the' saint AK,Citehed'k ti- *nts being telobeOtod, ilhOrth-teVereil mites frOni her sick bed, qualifying her as iiiediatrbefor all persons cony Blotted 'With the: •Ioduitty.i, 'iotd;'00 16 the kartitin Catholic' thuttk Corner Bay 5. Wellington Stteetet 'Toronto; Ont , Tel iMple6 2-2911 1,,•11....• • OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN PLORIDAI Work, wages, weather!. What you should know. Questions an- swered. Send$1.00, self-addressed and. stamped envelope. Box 06, Arlpelia, Florida, BUY wholesale age,ea, rotans $70,95,, men's 30 jewel Swiss autoinatte self. winding. 'ealendar watch,year war, ranty, money hack guarantee. *Wit for free catalogue. PAMAR IMPORTERS 21 Westmount Ave., Toroato, LEARN old time Fiddle. Playing quick. ly, easily, Play for Square Dnnces, Complete Course $2,98, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Old Time Fiddle, Mt. Marion 2, New York, BE A HAIRDRESSER. JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates, America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Tree Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St.. W. 'Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W„ Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS FETHERSTOIVHAUGH & Company Patent Attorneys, Established 1890.. 600 University Ave., Toronto Patents all conntries. PERSONAL $1.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe Personal requirements. Latest cata- logue included, The Medico Agency, Box 22 Terminal "Q" Toronto, Ont. UNWANTED HAIR VANISHED away with Saca-Pelo. Saco. Pelo is different. ft does not dissolve or remove hair from the surface, but penetrates and retards growth of un- wanted hair, Ler-Beer Lab. Ltd., Ste. 5, 679 Granville St., Vancouver 2 B.C. SERVICES OFFERED HAVE spray-gun, will travel. House- facings applied. Home Cast Stone, Stouffville, Ontario, SWINE ANOTHER importation Just received including in this shipment Chartwell Suzette 2nd and in-pig sow purchased from Sir Winston Churchill and the Champion at the 10th Show, IVIaryfield Raga 10th bred to Morris Hall Tostarp and other outstanding animals. If you want the best in Land- race you will get them at the Fergus Landrace Swine Farm. Weanlings, four months, six month old sows and boars, guaranteed in-pig gilts and sows and serviceable boars. We have more champions and more high priced im- ported Landrace on our Farm. than any other breeder in Canada. Cata- logue. FERGUS LANDBAcE SWINE FARM FERGUS ONTARIO WANTED CASH for store stocks, hardware, fire- arms, ammunition, etc. DRAKE, 136A Weimer Road, Toronto Phone WA. 1.4045, STEAM traction or portable engine wanted. Also want catalogues on en- gines, threshers, wagons, and buggies. State price, etc., first letter. Box 165 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ontario, WANTED — steam traction engine, give details as to make and condition, Box 166, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto. ISSUE 13 — 1958 DEEN THUMB ebreA' Smith. Vegetables divide themselves into several main groups. There are those that are heady like ilettuce, radish, the first potatoes, Carrots, beets, cabbage, peas and zilch things, These can he plant- ed almost as soon as the soil is fit to work. They will not mind a touch of frost. Then there are the semi-ten- der things like the main planting of potatoes, beans, corn and so on. These should not be planted •nntil danger of frost is over and the soil and air are beginning to warm out. At the end are the really ten- der tomatoes, melons, wawa- bers, peppers, etc. Frost will kill these instantly and they will not thrive until both soil and sun are really warm. From all of this the beginner siliOuld not decide to plant all a his vegetables in the order mentionwl. These directions are only for the first of each group. In order to spread out the gar- den, both for flowers and• vege- tables,, it is vidtal to spread out the seeding dates. Something Will Grow There is a lot more interest and iatisfaction in gardening if one plans to make plants fit. No two vegetables, flowers of shrubs are exactly the same. There are, of course, the familiar differences in height or colour or season, But there are just as definite dif- ferences that are not nearly so obvious. Some plants, for example, pre- fer full sun, many do not and quite a few indeed actually like a fair" amount of shade at least for part of the day. There are similar individual preferences in the way of sell, some liking it rich, some poorer, some heavy and some light. If we want to get the best out of our garden then We should' Cater to these likes and dislikes. No matter how 'unfavourable the.location seems, there is certainly something that will like it and do well. For Special -Locations Ter steep slopes, preferably rocky — even though we may have to put the rocks there our- selves — there are a score Or so of special plants, mostly tiny that thrive in such a location. These are listed under the gen- eral heading of "Rock Garden" plants. They need very little roil or moisture and they will Add colour and cover to any bit of steep ground. Then there are other flowers that literally pine for shade, things like begonias, violets, pansies, lily of the valley and so on. These are just the right sort for planting on the north side of house or wall, or other places where the ground ' is heavily (shaded. Here too is the right place for the wild flower garddn. There is even special grass for shady locations. At the opposite end of the scale are those flowers which will not do well unless they get lots oaf tun, things like poppies, nastur- liums, portulaca a n d many others. Most of them are not very particular about soil or moisture 'but they do love the hot sun. .•••"Zse, `."::,••-K.4. • 4S.' I ; tiN(111t1 1 ILLM J111101\11 1146 1001;1'6 Enjoy the the inkiiry of .crossing to :.Europe' In one of these .`2,1,000-ton Cutiatderst Equipped' with stabilieeta for smooth gaging; these magnificent liners Were especially designed for the St. Iituvrette&Itiver route-and forth part of the ettatest nitaseoeer fleet on the Atlantic beaded by the world's largest liners; tLIZAlltfirlt" and "QUEEN MARV' . CO ,Ctinard and Arrive'kola:tea and refreshed fir your business or vaea, ilea, Pit:IItient sailingfi from New York and lIalifai in Winter find 'Montreal and Qiielied hi Siiiiiittertiltutern tietettintOileitiort—traditirinitl Service anti duisine.a‘roiiiitt.the,cleek sports dint .6 titerialtiiiient—all the good tlaista of life for your enjoyment. . , "hen you go. Cuiiaord;,„„Cktiog. theta IN tialt The 'iiti,,,,,i