HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-03-26, Page 8Business eards DR. R. W. STEPHENS Clitaiste IAN omato ivesslig A/T POITSPCIAN and SURGEON irdighom • Brunets, Qat., D. A, RANN & Co. A GOOD RULE IS TO DRINK PLENTY OF HEALTH-BUILDING COUSINg DAIRY MILK! i. ex If • s -71 le,Nr CRLA I RV- , 'r EP't 2.2 INSEPCNATION ifsirORMATION "Far artificial insemIltation infor- mation or ksenvice from all breeds od ,. caltTe, phone the liVaterloo Cattle Breeding 'Association at: i Clinton H V.;,, - 8441 zi:' Palmerston 491 between 7.84 1 and 9.34 A. M We have all breeds available -- tin quality et law coot., STRATFORD TEACHERS' COLLEGE MR. FARMER! $10.00 AND UP PAID FOR SICK, DOWN, AND DISABLED COWS AND HORSES ALSO DEAD COWS AND HORSES AT CASH VALUE Please Phone Promptly BRUCE MARL.ATT 24 HOUR SERVICE PHONE 56r7 Brussole ONE-YEAR AND TWO-YEAR COURSES are offered leading to an Interim Elementary-School Teacher's Certificate, valid in the elementary schools of Ontario. TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 9, 1958. Descriptive book- let "Teaching in the Elementary Schools of Ontario," free on request. ACADEMIC REQUIREMENT FOR AIDMISSIONI: ONE-YEAR COURSE: Standing in eight Grade 13 papers, one of which shall be English Composition or English Literature. TWO-YEAR COURSE: Secondary School Graduation Diploma of the General Course. INTERVIEWS WITH APPLICANTS are conducted by the Committee of Selection. Secondary school students interested in entering Teachers' College should apply for interview through the principal of their secondary school. Other applicants should write to: THE PRINCIPAL, STRATFORD TEACHERS' COLLEGE WATER STREET WANTED • Old Scrap Iron, Cars. Bags, Batteries! Feathers. and Scrap of Any Kind. Will bick up all orders, big or small. Highest Cash Prices Paid — Waxman Salvage Phone 100X or 13 Sammy Waxman THE BRUSSEL", POST , ',..."^"r•ArT.,".„7 ,00s#,Pa • Wednesday, lNijarCh 26th, 195g *ow..41*•••••etg.,,,,,0,,,,,Prlarr".11."1" SUPPORT GOOD GOVERNMENT • • FOR A GREATER .CANADA . Phone AgeL, 2A WOOD'S Tapp ap s .en d an EASTER CARDS of All the Special Seasonal Cards they are the Most Beautiful. Our Display Contains Colorful Spring ilesigns with Easter Messages priced at 5c, 10c 15 and 25c each. See them. Also a good assortment of Birthday Cards to the sick, congratulations and other occasion cards. Robin s Return Makes For Speing Finery DIEFENBAKER'S DYNAMIC PROGRAM GUARANTEES. A BETTER LIFE FOR ALL OF CANADA'S PEOPLE SOLID PERFORMANCE7NOT EMPTY PROMISES Racks of Lovely Dresses in Plains or Prints for Baby to Grandma Coat Sets for Children Ladies Coats in Fine Wool or Casuals •Old Age Pensions and other Social Security Payments increased to help the many who need state assistance. A revised system. of Social Security under study. • Tight Money Eased to aid business and industry; $300 million in new money to aid housing. Car Coats — Jackets — etc. • A healthy agriculture based on guaranteed annual prices set in advance of the crop season; an end to dumping foreign farm products in Canada's home markets. 1•0•41.6.41 Yardley's April Violets Cologne $1.85 Slim Jims in Latest Trends Hudnut's Sp eclat Egg Creme Shampoo regular $1.25 size for 98c Yardley's Red Roses Soap 50c Cake "1 Scream Kids" • A vast program of Public Works to provide needed facilities and to ease unemployment. • A new deal giving added funds to . the Provinces, in turn aiding the municipalities and helping the farmer and the home owner. WALL PAPERS REXALL Super Plenamins Canada's largest selling Vitamin formula tablet Sot. of 36 day treatment $2.59 A fine assortment of patterns to choose from In' Sunworthy and Washable SMITH'S REXALL DRUG STORE Phone 62 Brussels owm,,,,,owowmmmewowawowcow, • A huge program of natural resources development launched to develop new industries and to create scores of thousands of new jobs. GAVILLER, McINTOSH and WARD Chartered Accountants r a Boll Telephone BMWs. Walkerton, Ontario .••• am raw .....••••••••=m. IN HURON VOTE McNEIL'S SHELL SERV ICA Billitt.l..a181111OATION, arifULL NODIallitaCti.111 Attkl DHELL PIETROLIDJle PV OMIM0 110V1111.10. TUBS Poem and AANNINAMP*3.. Austin &ties and Servico ropona co on nano* ot tiarta INVP TariPatte mcnia nva SWAM" EiNT, rimmowaramr Limmuld,,Pumand DIvaciar and Easbailases MOSS er MI MILISIBILS. *Ma. Walker Funeral Home Dor sr Mahe Ciliciriagliatiell 114maull Mom Ithaissaa Passrall Dereast sad Woo rasostrisur sow slisaidestoo R. S. Hetherington, K. C. IM111211111111ati INIUMMIA inr1111111111111L8 Pew iltopenser s• & fl>r6 or resePar ages wasp es, ru JOHN E LONGSTAFF, Optometrist. twos rigueimpa mass INA !IWO 791 Seaton& sow M OM& Noce Mossito MUM a. wad. 116131.211, !hi II iamb is 60. ALl ,11LLIAMS, OptoMetris 41.1 ovli,IC4Lowit FRIENPSHIP CIRCLE The Friendship- Circle meeting was held in the chulnch parlour with 22 members present. The president, Mary Lowe opened with the theme hymn "Blest be the tie that binds'" followed by the • Lord's Prayer. Business was idislcussed after which • Sarah. Stephenson took the chair A hynin was sung followed with Prayer by Beat= McCutcheon, Mrs. Brown read the sVriptuire taken from 11 Xings. rrhe topic was given by Jean Bridge. The closing hymn followed by the benediction. Betty Campbell led in a sting song which was el*V05 by all. A tasty lunch was served .by Edna Budnark and Luella Mitchell. FOR SALE — Farm, in Hay !Township on 84 Highway. 125 acres of choice land. 9-room house, modem kitchen with ll bu It-in cupboandt; ;rock well, pressure 'systems with both hard and soft water on tap throughout , bullidilgs; double garage, hen house, and pig pen. Ninety five acres *Tiler cultivation, balance in bush /and pasture., !This farm is located three miles west of Hensall. AUTHORIZED BY THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE PARTY OF CANADA 4.44.11 1 • Unemployment insurance benefits extended, especially to ease seasonal unemployment problems. • income Tax reductions benefit `4 1/2 million taxpayers; 100,000 Canadians in lower tax brackets taken off the tax rolls. MONDAY, MARCH 31 VOTE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE Your Money Will Caul 41/2% while invested safely and wisely .10'f 1 to 5 gears in a MortgOge certificatd. To invest — just send hi your etioquei ' and all de Will be looked after. iiVOrWittion WAN, Ai as triveittneht PM* British Mortgage and Trust rounded It WA Stoilfmkj, FOR SALE Good House in the 'Village of Brussels, bath, furnace, cupboards, garage attached to house, large garden. Price $3500.00 150 Acre Farm, House, hydro, large barn, Price $7000.00 100 Acre Mairm, Red Brick House, hydro, large barn and strawshed, good cement atabling, drilled well, 3 miles from 1 urge "Let me tell you, that as long as lead the Government of this country no one will suffer., I know the needs of the humble, the average Canadian, T know their ambitions, their hopes, and their feelings".. Prime Minister Diefenbaker toNg RriAe §3.490..00. h4if 100 Acre Farm, on. Cogiuty, Read, near store and school, 2.4 UM arable, Frame House, bath, OS furnaee, good bank barn, new MO roof. Price $9800.00 100 Acre Farm, near hismor White ArIcIE Hogs% Bank Iliret • Prilce $11,500 half dqm. J. C. Long, Realtor, Tirusseis, Ont.