HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-03-26, Page 1Majestic Women's Institute , AAKE" SALE. In the Brussels Public Library SATURDAY APRIL 5; -"r At 3;00 P. HURON COUNTY BEEF PRODUCERS:, ANNUAL MEETING AGRICULTURAL BOARD ROOMS cri.01701s', TAE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, April 2nd AT 8.30 P. M. MR. FRED CAMPBELL, MANAGER OF ONTARIO tri STOCK YARDS, TORONTO, — GUEST SPEAKER: (fire program. was arranged by the committee of Home Economics and Health. :The •conirenor, Mrs. Douglas Heirlingway, introdurod 4 the numbers, Mvs, W. A. Williams -dealt with the motto, "A merry heart kills more germs than much ' medicine." 1,Ans-, Calmare gave I an interesting demonstration of a -(•1 supper • dish "Mock Chicken Cass- erole," which she, baked and later; served fat' lunch. A musical number was contributed by Mrs. Florence( Mlichel, Mrs. Angus Brown, Mrs, W Stephens, Mrs. John Row- land and Mrs. Kenneth. •Shurrie. l\l;r:A Lloyd Maack, Total leaderl for the girls' project "Working with, wool," demonstrated how to lint • -a, clipper into a skirt and also how to make a •corded piping for a trinnning, Annonn.c.einent was made . of a. bake sale by the women's div- Won of the Brussels Fall Fair Board. A nominating committee for of- fivers for the new year commenc- ing in May includes Mrs.- Harold Spdir, Mrs. Kenneth. Shurrie and Mrs. John Rowland."C-Onsideration- ,given the- Institute competitions -- the'',.:Vestern Fair al: London in, August and•imembers asked to decide what assistance j they could give to a group entry. Lunch was served by Mrs. Wesley Kerr, Mrs. Bert Johnston, Mrs, Earl. Oudniore, Mrs. Robert Coch• alio, and Mrs. William Evans. 4 Knox Churn, CRANBROOK Minister: Mr. G. Thompson Worship Service 11 A.M. God does, not love us because Christ-, ;died Dior us; Christ died for us becaluee God loved Os. a 1 Insurance and Income Tax Computrid rrattttottrrol, leartana_ ,r..atitfttormt.tormr,utr Knox c!,. It; 1-1 EL Minister; Mi. C. L. Thompson 1,00 P. M. 00 P. 14, God is not He is ',Wks Mar:Ewan Was an active member of Knox .PresbYttririati Church, BliteVale, anti was especially 1.1404'0.9teCt 1n lektgallary wloirk and was a life member .of the W. M, S. t MIr and Mak James Yeoman of Detirloit Mr, and Ml's ,Thbroas Sire than and Mr. Nelson Cardiff. all of Illruistsels were relatisies attending f :the funeral-,of the late Mrs. MicEitat, BL VOTE AS YOU LIKE — BUT VOTE Polls Open From 8 To JELLED ALKYD s paint easy to apply Wtth tilttiee brdsh roller. Ooh Yield atierintb down t• drip, run dolAin the handle, 'Thor& )10 Sik muss to clean up When iltilShed 'painting' arid Thbr eider** - Washable, Good; 0•h ay itoo A. et .David's Church. Heinfrion Uti 1,, M, iiVensdng Ejlandnti *heel Praneed, •§teeet, WIN-611AM ONTARIO Pii.„ Sat shows tile* dthehia§d'OPe Chaiidle Idoes to court to .save ' anti triend,a i Seine crippled ohildrelt in,ti'st !have '• ;the support of brac6S, on thole legs i Of atin'e to help thew. tlitlit, about and be self-sufficient. itlid Ontario . i .Society for CiriPPled Chililitii and: 1 the 20 IlOoter Seal :eiOee, 'tat§ in the preVtiide go Ito' the V.:dill° I 'annually asking, koh= tliek tiippOtt i to thelillt Mead liandlicaPlietl 'ycitillit I' 1 Sters, The Cavilliaigt, Which rtint, WAIN Altli: aiiiii, hp.., ii, ltjtVlithieli • diiiddfi*0 of '$.150 00., Agent tor S CARF P.; '1'1=11 ti A Nit -4, i PLAN TO ATTEND C Church OF CANADA it OA if. ~Nt1Ne eihsreti; *kabala r. PALM SUNDAY t 11 Ai M Miattitia Sunday Mot Sunday School Divine Worhip Bible, Class 'Sunday School Worship Service Rev. 'Eric Larsen lin view of a call 4. The United Church OF CANADA Minkter: Rev. L. Brown B.Ai Organist: Mrs." A. E. Martin PALM SUNDAY 11 a. nit "Whither Ratiiid, Lord?" 12 noon Ohurch School 7.20 p. m, "Losing Oneself — the GateNVADY to Itheyfrimnp4al A. fireside will- follow the evening Sqnvice feJaftittIling 'the film "The' Beginning of the Rainbow", Meiville Church Organist — Donald Dunbar 10 A. U A. VAL'S BEAUTY SHOPP.E ,Cutting Styling Cold Waving A Specialty Phone 40X Brussels Post Publishing House. A *is :emit Pout OM, Doutaiimet, to 7 E Pist. -try I h. AO { • e' CA,,ADA twotttfttlt t•t•tt? ttt er• Dale's Pineapple' and Grapefruit Juice, 48 oz. tt V r t • 35c Pillsbury Angel Food Cake. Mix r t t t .$1c Maple Leaf Sockeye. Salmon 7oz. 2 for 95c Red Rose Instant Coffee, ,2 oz. 45c Easter Chocolates, (Elegante), box 85c .. .. indother valuer just es grort es thews at THE RUTLEDGE GROCERY Phone 7 Lladies Auxtiliary (to the Canadian Legion was 'held in their rooms with a good attendance. Me meeting opened with the nresentaltion of flags with president Mrs. Kay -Duncanin the chair. The secretary's 'and treasure "s renorts were read mid adopted, It :was decided to hold a card party in the rooms on March 12th, • - with- Jean Alcock -convener of lunch and Mrs. Wineberg to qiurchase • • -ft was decided to canvas for the Red Cr;oss froM MArch 17th .to 22nd, Accounts were presented and ..cor- respondance' was, read. It was dec- ided to tag for the Navy League in the month of Sep(tember. Mrs. Luella Hall, Zone Commander Zone 0-1 will be --present at the .2.00 P. M. April meeting, It was decided to a Problem to be solved; hold a social evening on April 17th. ( a inviting Seaforth,- Wingtham and Lohlini Friend to be served. Howick • Auxiliaries. Mrs, Ethel Brewer and Mrs.. Betty Bronson to arnainge for the Tirogramine. Tickets for blanket to drawn at thiS meeting, The bus win be hired . to take com- rades to the card tournament at UNITED CHURCH ,W. A. Clinton on March 17th with the -Not Just to-day or to-morrow, but Every Day of the yew, AT EASTER. H URC H Regent Theatre SEAFORTH . * Thursday Saturday FORT' b011iES Clint Walketi, TV's star In "Cheyenne" , I 44,iii 'Merl.. Wed, 4,SLANtik,tt ,,' 4 Van Johnston Ann Blyth ' „„ Et.1.0.1.ng 4ontialk, %Wail th ere L. Jeff M6111. *in", 31 Apitrii Thursday *gay Saturday 2 tAttEiiEd DRESS''' ' °R di' and Jean 6"16 it1 Lewis Flower will Ire one mow tightly 8 P.M,. . Blyth Auxilkth'y going also, The recess Per dues was held, Sunsbine Collection was taken, .Cairrilte Oakley holding the blocky 'ticket. • Arrangements were made to get the electric stove installed and the hot Water installed. A -discussion followed regarding iibe 0pr-chase of new card tables (This was left to'be decilided at tilext meet- tut All business; being con,hklded'', the meeting Was closed in the itsnal manner followed' by the (Wet& PJX GB RB VI3 • JACK THY.NNE C ONCERT and D'ANC BRUSSELS TOWN HALL WEDNESDAY APRIL 9th. Modern & Old Tyme Dance Sponsored By The. I. 0. 0. F. LEGION AUXILIARY The business meeting of the We 1.),Iiver — • CAPIT-L THEATRE BOWEL,,'ONT. • On March 18th, an evening meet- ing' was held in, the basement of the- United Church by the kitties of the Ttr. A. • The meeting 'was well attended. A . slaccessful business session wan held, after which slides were shown (by Mrs... D. A. Roam of their recent California New Mexico trip, This ,was -very interesting and enjoyable. Mrs. Dean Davidson favoured: with two delightful songs, "Galway Bay" said '5911111111 Thro". She vlas acdompanied on - the piano by Mrs, Edward Martha, They then, led in a few Trish songs. After the Program forty eight ladle... sat down to a 'very pleasant repast. The tables were decorated In. au'Eijilsih theme, the colors being green and yellaslr. Next° W. A, meeting will be held April 120, evening. Please make a note of this rInd plan to attend ft Veit encloYeible time its planned and We hope it; nee yeti there then. •,1)4A,i,g4TIG. W. stil3turt."671°10-11'0, 1‘4"61V-eeVtlIkg-I-Nr=t1111%141g' -9141PI Thursday, the library basement With ((be president, Mrs, W. H, Bell, • .conductirig the ses.qien, Many 'visit, ors were present and received an invitation to 'become ramabrs, The roll call ireSPOnSe wa.$ way to relax," Announcement, was. made of the new Canadianoffice En' Ottawa and a bulletin was read by Mrs. John Spoir; the secretary- treasnner, listing as number of now I rulings, A donation of ¶5,00 was voted to flood relief in Ceylon, In response to a letter from Tjtii tall= Services Committee for i layettes for Arab babies, the In- stitute had a shower of articles brought to the meeting, There were 14 nightles, three dozen diaperS, nine pairs of bootees, two slips, two crib blankets, a. OW three sweaters, shirts, towels; safety lins, baby soap and money to buy other needed articles. Thurs. PIiO tat.- Mar. 2'k ..29 O Robert Wagner and Joan Collins CinernaScope and Orilcie Piiiinert in Japan where the PtaSeltitia of the East meet the lint of the West • Elizabeth iStrachan, widow al' the late Peter S. MIcE,wan, died in Win- .gham General Hospital on- March 12itb, in her 87th year, She was born in Grey Township, the da,i4hter .or the late Mr. and Mrs. James • Strachani, pioneers of that township. After her marriage she' lived in Turnbeity until she and her husband retied to Bluevale in 1936, Surviiving "afro two sisters and two brothers, -• Mrs, Andrew .Larnont (Elsie) of Bluevale, Mrs. Isabel. Yeomans, of Detroit, Dr. James, of Fort William andtlugaid of . Blue- wane, also one neppow, one grand nephew OW one grand niece. • (-• . (The "funeral service was held in ifte Currie Funeral BAYED.% I on -Mtirch 14th. Rov. W. 3. S. Me-'1' ,Lure; of Moleswerth conducted the Service. TemporaY entombment was in the ,Winatbair, Chapel. Final 1' burial Ito Ap Wroxeter cemetey. •7lile pallbearers were: Burns Moffatt, A. D. Smith, Fleming Black James Moses, Thomas Strachan, and I William King. LOCAL RESIDENT ATTEND Si', LOUIS CONFERENCE, Kr, and l\TVL R. 13, 00usiMs, Mr, and Mrs, Johns Wheeler and Alex Peagson attended a "Dealer-Feeder" Conference of the Ralston Purina Company at their Experimental Farm alb St, Louis, No, last week. (Phis ehnferenne, a yearly event, is both Interesting and informative, It Included a tour of the farm, coil ferenoes on yelled subjects of in- terest to those attending as well as a banqudt, An evening of splenidid enitertainm,ent provlided by members Of the Ralston Purina staff and sightseeing tow, On their irptilIrtt journey they Spent,- a day in Chicago where Mr. Wheeler eau Pearson visited the Stock Yards an Tuesday morning and witnessed the dale of a carload of black steers 'at 390 a lb., top maArket, price since 1352. They were iaeoompanied on the trip by Mr. Fred Long of Newry. All farnNarsare welcomed at these conferences,. Remember your family, friends, shut-ins, with Easter Flowers the living gift that truly expresses the signifia caned of the day. ChoosefroMeueeotntitete selection of corsages, long blooming plants and Springi choicest cut flo*ers. We lend Easter FlOweis-by-WIN) tinywherite• • Mrs. peter MoEwan MeiVin P. Shiels -Rows. a natiVe Ut Grey ToW'nship, 4!ie41 a•t his real. donee, Lemay Ave., Detroit, (1187117:17'wOM:1')CeIlldia3ttht.irurrerat he 'Copper Brothers Mortuary, . O.c't- i tr'oit, oil 1)(1.01104Y, M'ArCh• 17th. with Interment in. Forest Lawn ccairre tee, te 1 • ;Shiels was born iri Grey trownehip, whore he grew tIAP, on I I January 8th, 1897, the son of Robert ar ti,d Annie Shiels. He enlisted here in 1916 with the 161st Battalion I and served overseas for 3 years, .Fer ( the past 30 yearn he had been a resident of Detroit where he was an (' employee of the J, L, Hudson Co. ! He is surviihred by his wife Edith ' Mary; daughter, Shirley; sister, Mrs, George (Elizabeth) Johnston, of Winglia•ni and one brother, Nor- man -of Bluevale. BRUSSELS SCHOOL BOARD R e.•••:e 1 a r monthly m na" of ussiqs 5,,1uco1 Board March leth• with all members present. The ntitoV es at the previoni Inver- in:: were, rood and adr.id-c•-d on motion of Roy Kennedy and Ray Bronson-. — Carried The secretary reported all scho.1 fees still not paid. Moved by Ray Brionson, seconded by Louis Mel, the offender's be sent T., registered letter and if no response the children be sent home. — Carried. 1T-he information reg.irl-dirt.r a Kindergarten for Brussels was .examined, the Beard decided to contact .Blyth School Board with rdgard their newly opened Kinder gairten and retluirod eqnipment selpiplies for stare since it is- difficult- to know what are the -very- necessary requireinents. Regarding the ato•rementioned School and -Biome Asslo•ciation, a. letter is to be sent to, all interested parties in order to ascertain to f eeli ng of the people. The following account▪ s were presented. Hydro -if 36,07 2 Ins. Pr-eras. 230,00 Envelopes • 7.50 Spill-11.1P% for February 31240.80 Monied bv. Rev, Brown and se" Gilded by •Jaelc.- McWhirter. these accounts be paid. Moved by Louis. Ebel seconded by Ray Bronson the supplies reanested be purchased, Moved by Roy Kennedy and- secOnded by Louis Ebel the secretary write John W. Hanna, M. P. P. for appointment in discuss building grants for Public Schools — Carried business bet* concluded ,the. Meeting adjourned motion of Jack M,c;Whirter and Roy Kennedy: Elizabeth Elliott, Secretary. PEOPLE WE KNOW We are pleased to report that Mrs. Iderain ;Pipe is Mine from Wingltam Hospital where She underwent an lappOde,otemy, * - Mrs. G, Chidlow, HesIpleler, and Mr, E. Chapman, Bright were week ;end :visitors with. their sister, 1Virs. ,T, W. Pitcher and Mr. PlScher, and. latit•ooded the funeral 'of that brother, /kith& Gharlydapo Gerrie, t en Monday, Mrs. Chester Watt:nil, Galt, spent the week end visiting her parents, Mt'. and Mrs. E.Pollard, also her , sister, gra. Mi Pipe Who tVaS in Wittglutin 1-toSpitel, HELP CRIPPLED CHILDREN SOY EASTER SEALS DEAD STOCI(, REPV.v.DIVER$ $20.00 AND UP PAID FOR OLD SICK- AND DISABLED HORS'ES AND COWS HIGHEST CASH VAL: PAt,p, IN SURROUNDING DIST.7ICT FOR' DEAD ST'OCK Prompt Sanitary Disposal In W Truckar Phone LEROY ACHESON Atwood 153 Or GEORGE HISLO P Vinr,meter, 2r15 TELEVISION and RADIO REPAIRS • T'0 ALL MAKES -- GUARANTEED SERVICE Electrical Wiring Contractor Vanilla Ice Creafri ONLY 79c • R. B . COUSINS L -TD. Brussels Phone ORVAL HARRISON POLLARD'S CHAIN SAW, NOTICE MY OFFICE WILL BE OPEN THURSDAY APRIL 3rd. Instead of Friday (Holiday) April 4th, Tnis Week Only GENN M. RONNENBERG One Half Gallon FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY SPEC .r PHONE BRUSSELS tea,g3 •4.4.-41117,tattrasttraat.T.1411715 I z.