HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-03-12, Page 5CLASSiFzEb ADS. FOR SALE — (Timothy fend Alfalfa, Hay, baled, John Aleock Phone 42r18 FOR SALE ,ellaunke et pigs. Wellington Marks Phone 33r23 WANTED — , Cattle for pasture; good gra.ss and , lots of water, also 35 acres of crop land to rent, Joe Holmes Phone 15r5 WANTED — Buggy shafts in good condition; also Horses, mat or farm. - Wilford Nicholson. Phone 642r22 Mitchell. WANTED — To rent a 6 room house with bath and. Hydro, in town. Mr. mind Mrs,.-Walter Heist, 48 Royce Ave., Brampton, Ont. FOR SALE.— Good house in Brussels, heti).- room, hard and soft water, garage and hen house, large garden, an in good condition. Mrs, Wes. .Stelhensen, Brussels P, 0. Phone 111x2. FOR SALE — Chicks — standard varteties, wide choice. Special hybrids and broil- er chicks. Pullets, some started. Bray Hatchery, Hamilton er Mrs. R. Barrett, R.R. 5, Brussels, Phone 54-12 . 'FOR SALE — 1 kitchen range, coal or wood. 1 oil Kieft heater. 1 electric brooder stove, 600 chick capacity. 1 coal br'oode'r stove, 400 chick capacity. 4 ail drums, 1 oil pump. ..T. W. Fischer Phone 90x 0 • TRADES TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES R YOUNG MEN SII61VEE Do you want to earn while you learn a trade? Under the Canadian Airny SoldierApprentice Plan, start. lag 1st June, the Canadian Army will accept a limited number of young men for training in 19 differ- ent trades: The training course lasts far two years and then the Apprentice jersies three years Iwith a regular mit, Training ttarte Fn September. Under this plan the Apprentice eiceiveS— m Half pay to the age of 17 then full paY • 30 day; paid holidays a year • Medical and dental care • Travel and adventure • A healthy active' outdoor life TO be eligible eppliceeis must be 16, not yet 17, have a Oracle 8 edU,' talon, and be 'able to meet Army physical standards, As only a limited number of applic- =ants can be accepted make your application early. Moil the coupon beloW; telephone Cr visit your nearest recruiting station, Army Recruiting Station. 89 Albert Street; Ottawa, Ont.-- Tel 6-1887 Arra Ranking $tation, 164 W011600,814 Kingston, - Tel 4738 Army ilearnIting Station , 90 RictnOnd,St. W.; _Toronto, leti;EM. 6-8341 Loc,278. Iiinesonnel 604 Wolselny itarrethe, Oxford Elliabeth St1.; London, Ont.. TeL 4-1601 Loc. 135 Army Keerbitliit Station, 230 Main St. W. North Bay, Ont.— Tel 456 Army ildthettrie SWIM, *King St.. Fealties, Oct. Tel. 2-8708 onitk.4 14 .4 tif. hone I. ib1.;d" Nair* Address 611y/Town fte:Aii! 'Veen 'the booklet "The Wciy, re fine l' a o send Svithour eds. r 'Future., e .atrafeed Cemetery Mehlortatt., 38 AVOndale Ave., Phone 257W., Rey Meanie and newt Pretty, iiroarieteral For a memorial of hiking beauty tit a r.ea:Seriable tilde and gitettanteiel WerIttnatehie emitect our relniesent. Vrrt,nir itnuiP Et FIRE INSAIRAlkitt CO. Established 4 Inatireist Qttt Istotierty, Privets w in i9 and Contents In Towns and 14eri"1 Office AtWoo4, Churches and Halii 'INSURANCE At east,' heel; ORQM0TALIJA:ttU ia‘iii-MEWt or' ,o0oisrE a t your Nearest Dniester or Anent 'W: (Dick) Whitfield' iktridStorrii, Inattention' illitietteliti Onto. • Viking Electeic .0ream Separator Eleetrie Oat Roller (new) • 18 ft. Hey Rack Wheel Barrow 7annine, Mill Set of Scales Coleny House 12X14 ft. 13ronclor Slew e 1Ta nv Other Articles Hey and Grain 500 hales of mixed liav, some loose hay 300 bus. of ,oats 150 has. of Mixed grain. 1 Scotch opine. dog. • Household Effects Chesterfield and Chafes. Chest of Drawers Bedroom Furniture Diningroo.m. Cheers and odd Chairs. Extension Table .2 Coal and Wood Stoves Bedroom China Floor Covering Many oTher Articles Terms Cash ' Harold Jackson Carl Procter . • Auctioneer. • Proprietor. FOR SALE. — Registered Boxer Puppies, three months old. James C. McNeil Phone 76 Brussels INSENce-Al ION .NWORIVIATtON "For artificial toseronation tutor- unatt on or servtee arum 5” tweeds of cattle, phone the' waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at; Clinton H 17,5 - 8441 e. Palmerston 49tt between 7,70 and 9.34 A, M. We here ail breees available --- iitalitv et low cost" 1 ,PM FOR SALE '— Good House in the 'Village of Brussels, bath, furnace, cupiboarde, garage attached to house, large elirden. Price $3500.00 150 Acre Farm, House, hydro, large barn, Price $7000.00 100 Acre Farm, Red Brick House, hydro, large barn and 8trawsheci, good cement stabling, drilled well, 3 miles from 1 arge town. Price $7800,00 half down. 100 Acre Farm, on County Road, near store and school, 95 acres arable, Frame House, bath, and furnace, good bank barn, new steel roof. Price $9800..00 100 Acre Farm., near highway White Brick House, Bank Barn, Price $11,500 half down, S. C. Long, Realtor, Brussels, Ont. The nurse is_saving regularly for a vacation trip 441M110WArleCIIMVIMMINIFIMINKIIW e ......... eoeisies-0 The father is saving for the things a growing child will need Highest Dead Horses 'pick-up torompt service witri .equIpped trucks. PHONE Leroy Acheson Atwood 153 collect or George Hyslop Wroxeter 2r15 Cash Prices Paid for NOTICE TO CREDITORS JO the Estelle of Floc,enee Isabella Billeintean ALT. PERSONS t chirps Sick or Disabled „ per ng , ix; miles gest of Belergye 0446016 Pigs aq Yrrir Sow with Litter at fora Poultry i 50 Hybree Hens 1 year old, • Machinery Allis. Chalmere model B Tractor, I recently elverhaelecl, 2-furrow Plow, 2-section Spring Tooth Harrows., 2 set of .Dianeond Harrows. M.H. Disc Fertilizer Drill, NUT, Binder. • Manure Spreader All siteel 'libber tired Wagon. ,M,I-T., Side Rake . Hay Loader TlArmn. Ttake 111.1-I. 6 ft. Mower CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, /Machinery and Household Effects at Lot 6, Con, 4, Morris Towrtobip against ale Eelfete ef, the above , FR,10„Ay e MARCI-t 14t,h --, 1 P.M, or Cows. Free 1 mentienedes iete of the village of ,;., Cattle,- on smaller animals. 1 1,1rueSele, in. the County Of Herchl, 1 3 Duel:min Cum due to freshen in 1 vonen retired, eciseoletencher, who died ee March. or about the 15th .clay of February, 2 Durham Coves due ie Jeep, I UM. are required to file proof of 1 Durham Cow due to freshen in fall. 1. isalee with the undersigned on er 2 young farrow Cows. before the 8th day of March, 1958. 3 Durham Heifers rising 2 yetis ASter which date the Executors; will ' old. ,le: proceed to disteibuto the &kat() . 1 Derbam Steer 2 year old. having regard only 10 the claims of e Durham Steers and heifers 1 yor which they :shall then have had old, notice. DATED at Brussels, this 20th day of February 1058. Crawford and Hetherington Solicitors for the 'Executore . e TIBRUSSELS E POST WINTERS' COZY; NAVE YOU .MASSED 'EM? MOOERNIZE YOUR , HEATING SYSTEM ! C G KRAUTER P1.0-13INGI,HEATING `1-tv'. 47 X HURON COUNTY FEDERATION NEWS (J. Carl Hemingway) The Ontario Wheat Producers annual meeting was held in the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, last Wednesday, Leg. Myers was re- turned as President. and Russell Bolton was. returned as zone direc- tor fee lieree, Pertn, Bruce and Grey counties. Edgar Lemon. .was elected director-at-large for this area. The. elleeetioe Celegate.s, for the present, is on the number of acres sown, but as soon as sta- tistics'are available on the number 01 M a will be ! b..,. two elsees Mr. Mecre, in his addree.., stat- .ed that unless something is done • within the next two years, agricul- ture in the United States will be controlled by large corporations, We, in Canada, will soon be in the same position if we fail to 'make use of the marketing legislation which the Provincial and Federal Governments have made evaileele to us. • Aceordihe to Ms es.sers. the percentage ol the consumers' food dollar that the producer receives.. has dropped from 56 per cent 'to 40 per cent in the 'past five years. Any increase in efficiency that has been gained by the farmer has resulted in a reduced price to the consumer, rather than an increase in income to the farmer, Mr. Myers also suggested that , there was need for improved grad- ing regulations at the producer level, Compensation should be ar- ranged so that storage casts can ' pe added, whether the grain .is stored on the farm or in an eleva-' tor. One thing urgently needed is producer-owner cr, at least, pro- ducer-controlled storage. Freight subsidies er: western grain are working a reel hardship ‘,n Ontarii produesre of wheat, but perhaps the greatest weakness of the past has been the lack of ac- curate statistics on production and sale of this product, As soon as the Marketing Board becins open ating this information will become available and will prove very valu- able when the Board negotiates a price. Both have a bank account- and :..opUrpose for saving WANTED 4." NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN ELMER RINN, late of the Teevnellipi of Morrie in the County of Huron, Laborer, Deceaeed, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the. Trustees Act, that all ,creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late. John Elmer Rime are required to -send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. W, RUST-IMF:MD, Q. C, Solid :or for the Administrator of. the .E.elate, on or before the 15th slay of March, A. D, 1958, and that after such date the Administrator will 'proceed to dieltibute the assets of the Said . Estate, having regard Only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, 'Ontario, this 19th day Of February; A. D. 1958. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Q. 0,, WINGTIAM,• Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator FOR SALE — ;2000 ibuishels 'choice mixed grain (Moncalm. Barley and Ajax Oats) suitable for seed. Price 85c a bus. also 2500 bales: ohoice Alfalfa and and Timothy Hay. Apply to AlTrban Ducharme Brussels, Phone 43r) DEKALB STARTED PULLETS FOR SALE' — A number of Deitalb started pullets, vaccinated for Newcastle and bronchitis, ready for immediate delivery at 16 and 18 weeks of age. Price list on request Discount on large orders. Moore's Poultry Farm R.11,3 Sdaferth, Ont. Phone 64r31 GOOD. USED BARN AND STABLE EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Bealty rand Pedlax Stanchions and Stalls; Cusecs.m. built ,Steel Cattle Stalls with. ehain tie; Calf, cow, steer and bull Pens; Pressure and gravity Water BowlS; Steel Past for been supports; Steel Litter Cartier Pelee: Pipe and Stable' Fittings, all sizes. apply tot H. Keenig and Co. Concrete and Steel Stable Builders P.O. Box 31 Mildway, Ont, Phone 50 SCOTTS CHICKS, SEAFORTH TIMBER, K137, LEGT-TORN clay olds at 48c Started KIMT3ERS 750 5 weeks old at 67c 1300 3.4 weeks old at 6.3c Also ,Scott's Reds 330 Reds x Rocks 30c Reds x Sussex 30e. Sussex x Reds 30o Mixed Chicks 16c All Chicks Delivered Agent J. DAVIS BRUSSELS PHONE 51r23 ) QUALITY 'FARM SEEDS 01141, LEA WEBER on the tag 'Meanie, QUALITY In the BAG. LEA WEBER,LTD. KITCHENER, Your Local RePreaentieltiVe HE NRY tttiVktit WALt6N. Phone BRUSSELS, 9044 lietote, . Itou t3uy let Jacksbt> glue yoio ail .estimate' on Aiuminuin. 'self 'storing: avindotva.. - "go Phone. ~etitorth 3W Mrs, Annie L. Pierce .40.* Nr3,4404(41/..4-404 IN HURON, VOTE FOR Ill Cochran who supports the Nurse and father both agree that some things ate too important to leave to chance. So. like most Canadians, each Uses a chartered bank for planned saving, making regular deposits to accomplish a definite purpose. Your own savings plan May be a short-term, modest one—maybe a vacation trip, or new drapes for the living room.• Or your goal may be long-range, like providing more security, greater comfort arid independence for you and your family. But whatever use you find for the Money yo* save; ,you'll always be glad you saved it! Save' at a 6aak * millions do! Mrs. H. Y. !Petrick • V. .Patrick Passed, away Feb, 26th, 1903, 4n Nora.-rands 1Tendereon Hammon. • to re phe former sor,i Left to mere is her beeeleni, ten.d. dasesliter, 0, 'Gibbs (irene),. two grandsons and two sisters, .Nirq • E. F, Betoken (Priseilln), iSiprineforth. Out, formerly Illensilton) end Mrs.. L. 14'. Sterheneon. MAO, Tilleee- .• burg. Mrs. Annie Lorena Pierce, a former resident of Brussels, passed awey :ii a Victoria Ti. C. Hospital. en Feb. 20th. Born at LeadltrY, McKillop Town- ship, en July 1st, 1876, she moved, when e child, with her parents, the , -bee Mr. and Mrs. T-Tegh Wm. McKay. ( to the Brussels district, where she , lived for over 30 years, In 1918 she mm-ed to 'Saskatche- wan. near Graven. Toter she made her home in 011iver, B. C. for 20 I rears, the last three years she re. fi -sided in VencouW:er B. C. ( Her husband Hiram Pierce died i in 1962. - • Survivini' are one .eister Nes Marion AlleLean of Winnipeg, Man. roe brother Angus McKay of New Westrrenster ' B. C. two nirrop,p. M,"s. Emma, Dale of 'Win ninee lane Seise D. McLean of Beeina, Sack. and one nephew A. ,., • Pole at Winnipeg • Funeral services • in Hayward's' !' Chapel ,ree Feb. 25th, with Rev. Wm, Allan affleiating.Interment was in Cotwoed Burial Park. WALTON LIBERAL TEAM Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Achilles who attended. the Taylor-Achilles wedding on Sat- urday, aftermloon were: Mrs. Mar- garet :Turner and son Fredy of Hurst, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ziegler. Guelph, and Mr. and Mr. Robert Cole, Min- ton. -r•-1 ee:1-1,* Mrs. Belle Boyd, elf McKillop, is visitf~ra g her sister-inlaw, Mrs. Maud Learning. Miss Jean Mills, of Lonelion. spent the weekend with her parents, kr. encISMrs. Berl Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Broadfeet Melted with Mr. and Mrs. John Hen- Iderson, .3:ea:teeth over the week-; e.,. end Mr. ,Herb Kirkby, Toronto, was a week-end visitor with his phrente Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ndrkhy. headed by LESTER B. PEARSON See and hear Bill Cochrane CFPL-TV — Thursday, March 20th at 6:20 p.m. CKNX-TV — Friday, March 21st at 7:00 p.m. (Published by Huron Liberal Association) IWIPM1111116. fiat CHARTERED BANKS YOUR COMM,