HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-03-12, Page 4,....'...."49TOWNP=WWCPM17XfiT.,7n1r21=iNWiii770 '" y,,. 4r."".. "'"" 57 Chev: Sedan 54 Chev., Power Glide Deluxe 2 — $2 Plyni0ut14 •.1 ..e — Free! Merle Fraser's new Cheese Casserole Recipes. Send todayl DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron Street, Toronto • veulairmeeiabries inee—• MONTREAL CANADIAN PACIFIC AIRLINES PROPOSED ROUTES Winnipeg, Ottawa, Montreal sr ' Edmonton, Regina, Toronto ).,fr.,4, • • Vancouver, Calgary,..Saskatoon, Ottawa, Montreal Vancouver, Edmonton, Montreal yancouver, Winnipeg, Toronto, Montreal ;eq.: -1411k IR johnDiefenbaker has given you an ggricultural Prices' Support Program Based on Cost f Production committee of practical Support prices ,.determined by a farmers. Floor prices related to production posts on FiroddaS. • * Support prices period. ALL. farm announced • well in 'advance of production • "Carry On john Pabilahed BY llutliiiritty of 'HiittitiProgreiliVe ContleitVatIVe:.Asscclalfori .111101,..1,11" 0,kt THE BRUSSELS POST AVodileadV"',. AP:V.01)404 1901 . • " .,......... STRATFORD TEACHERS' .COUEBE Franic Rutledge, After, 4!, contest on f4nir-L$ of. hie Bible refreSbinen4ts were Served I?7 the committee in ollgTge. *1),,CINE-TSARvz AND ,151y04,EArk- CcIMRSEk are offered, lead:frig to An Interim ElementaU-Sohool Teacher's Certifieate, valid in the elementary schools of Ontario. 'TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 9, 1958. Descriptive book- let "Teaching in the Elementary Schools of Ontario," free on request. ACADEMIC REQUIREMENT FOR ADMISSION: ONE-YEAR COURSE: Standing in, eight Grade 13 Papers, one of which shall be English Composition or English Literature, TWO-YNAR COURSE: Secondary School Graduation Diploma of the General Course. INTERVIEWS WITH APPLICANTS are conducted by the Committee of Selection. Secondary school students interested in entering Teachers' College should apply for interview' through, the principal of their secondary school. Other applicants should write to: THE PRINCIPAL, STRATFORD TEACHERS' COLLEGE WATER STREET 0•23,10000.10.0000meK,b....,00:00,,fte.voloasmar,t Rev, W. A, Williams, interimt 149del'ator, eonductedl tale service in. Kiii)X ;church nn..Smiday morning Xr C, L, Thenhison WAS OOLLOLLGtill4 SQl!nceEi. TIOA001.. and hips, Cotton, Thainesford, have Inoved to the :former littether farm which they Intrchased from. Mr+ Qeorige Menzies. Mrs, Cl; Stealer circa Mrs. Murray Buether are in Winghani Monday and Tuesday of this week attending the Training School for leaders for the 4,Ff project "The club (lid Stands on ,Guard", Any ,girls who are Interested in taking this pro- ject please get in touch with either Mrs Steffler or Mrs. Duether as soon as possible, rPhe La d les' Aid of Knox Pree. 01turcb, held a quilting last week at the home .Of Mrs. Allister Bird with an, attendance of :iS ladies. Jim Knight has returned home from a incr or trip to California, and otiher points. Miss Khte McNabb was a recent visitor at home here. The Library Board plan on baying another bake sale in the near , future. ST. 4p 'W:t The monthly 'inee In of St. 'NV. A. Was ;held in tate Ohnreh Hall a'ltli the 'president, Ws. Jewell in, 'he chair, Mho nv.eting opened with a, hymn 'aurd Litany from the February Message,' ALILL 11..AW0114,17 prayer. Scrip';ure. lesSOn was read by BryanS. Minutes and correspon- 4ence by the secretary, Mrs. INIViS) and treasurer's repovi by Mrs. Somers, An invitation .from' St, Paul's, Winaltam W. A..le meet with them on Tbrursday, March 5.01. was read and Erieeetle d. Mrs. E. Somers gave a reaching The Always. Faithful Few, — which was very aPPropritve. Mrs, Keffer reported the quilt top was ready iror quilting and Mrs. Thynne and Mrs, Keffer were assig- ned. to look after 'same. :The quilt to 'be sent "o Mohawk Institute wilien finiShed, Mrs. Stephens eductional .:secretary, took us on an imaginary WO through mid Japan, r‘rophasi7ing our missionaries and their different laSks. Our prayers. are greatly desired for the splendid work they do. Three sick or -shut-in visits locallly, were reported by ) the committee. This irt'erestteg meeting' closed with maser. tTen, was served .by Mrs. Stephens assisted by Mrs. Davis, CANADIAN PACIFIC PROPOSES AIR ROUTES: peg; Ottawa — Saskatoon; Regina — Edmonton; and the first service 1Saskatoon arjl Vancoinvet via. Calgary. routes, providing for the first time non-stop service between the follow; ink citiesl: Montreal — Edmonton: Toronto — Regina; Ottawa — from improved air services if an aprification by Cianadian Pacific Air- lines now before the Air Transport, :The above drawing ishows how nine Board 'is ap)prWed. Daily service is major Canadian cities will benefit proposed on five east-west'mainline Theirs is a mission of mercy PLEASE EL M March is Red Cross month in Canada. Sometime during this period volunteer canvassers of the Canadian Red Cross will come to your door. They come to ask for your financial support—support for the work of mercy that never ends. So much depends on your, re- sponse—for only through your generosity can this great work go on, You who are confident, strong, secure, please help in this mission of filmy please give generously. support - the CR SS I you are not at home when the, canvassers call, please send your Contribution direct to: COLLE6TICNS WILL Itt, MADE BY tHt LAD; 'S' AUXILIARY TO TFI dANAblA41.`,t..0164 44" IViELVIi LE GUILD The Young Women's Melville cibruroh held their February meeting with nineteen members present. The meeting was in t.ithrp,o of Isabel Adams, Kate Wilson and Sean Ireland, Mrs. Adams took the chair and opened the meeting with a poem followed by a hymn. Prayer was offered by (Gate and we read in unison verses 1-16 from ithe gospel according to St, John, chapter 10. Mrs. Ireland continued with the study 'Women of the Bible deal: lug with `Wary *and Martha,' those 'Sriends of Jesus who served' In twO sudh different ways.. After a, hymln the IMizpalt Bene dictimCwas pronoUnced and Mrs. Edgar took ,charge of the ibUshiess. portion. The secretary's report was by Jessie littIe and the treasurer's' relfort by Leona Armstrong. Marguerite .itziaiuter and Isabel Gibson marked the attendance of their itwo sides, bitd 1 new Member was. 'reported five former members joined again this year., Letters of appreciation were read, from Mrs. Orri.e Elliott, and Mrs. George Elliott. The report of the Sunshine Comittee. was given by