HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-03-12, Page 1..s.sse!'s ** ”.• . ••!.* . R.,SSPrts”..".• BRUSSELS QouNCIF. MpRTINIG munieinal 'coundil of the I village of Brussels held its -ogular , meeting on, the 3rd of March, all members present. The minutes of January 27th meeting were irea4 and adep'led. on motion of 3, C, Kraiuter, seconded 'by W. A, Williamson. carried,. Mr. L. Machan and J. MieDonald were present representing the East Huron Agricultural Society .request- ing a, gnant frOm the village for 1958, - Carried, Moved by W. A, Williamson, see- ended by J. 1-1, Stretton, that a grant of $300.00 be elvers to the Has' Huron Agriculture Sociely for 1958. - Carried. Morris Twp. .Colanc;1. The Council met in the ,Town ship Hall on March the 3,rd. with all the members present`. The minutes of the last regular meeting and the special meeting of. February 6 were read and adont, ed oil and ,ion. Of Stewart Procter • and Walter Shortreed. Moved; by Stewart Procter, see. ended by Ross' Duncan that we request the Depar''iTeent of High- ways anProVe transfer'S of allotments on 1957 Road Appropriation By-Law • as follows - $3,000.00 fa..om new maeninery to Maintenance Roads. $1,000.00 from Maintenance Bridges 'e Maintenance Roads. $2150.00 fiom Cionstuction Bridges to ConstruCtion Roads. , - Carried. t Moved by 'Gordon Wilkinson, sec- , ended by -Ross Duncan that the tender of Geo,. Radford to supply • ;crush and deliver approximately 12,000 cubic yards of gravel a', 72 cents per yard be accepted sub- ject to the apinroxal of the District ,Municipal Engineer, ST E BRUSSELS Wednesday, March tah, 195.8 $2.00 per year - $2.50 U. elptitortse4 as asoond okra ?sal. Pont oUtos OsPastalent. Moira Post Publishing House Betide to the COnnail aid the Mein- hers fOund rthat they wore all in 'force, MPVed 1),y 3, H. P, Iretteu, BecOn idOd, by J. C Knaalter, that the meet, lag adjourn'lo meet again on March 31st or at the of. the Reeve H. A, Fischer, Clerk. Nature's Best Cream Style Corn hhh huurt 2 for • • • • 27c Universal Cohoe Salmon 3 for 95c 27c 26c 85c 2j2c A, S t. Patrick 's B AKE SALE In the Brussels Public Library SATURDAY, MARCH 15th. AT 3 P, M. Auspices - Ladies Division of The Agricultural Society POLLARD'S CHAIN SAW Agent for SCARFE'S THIX PAINT, This paint easy to apply wr:h either brush or roller. DeeSt3A. need stirring, doesn't drip, or run clown the handle. There is MP muss to clean up when finished painting and Thix is entirefir, washable. . • .. Gem Margarine, lb. Tip Top Strawberries 15 oz. Bissett's Ice Cream, 1/2 gal. Schneider's Lard,..1b. Duncan Brewer There passed. away in WinghaM Geneva Hosiiital on Friday, Marela 7t11, 1958, Duncan. Jolla Brewer, husband of the late Gladye. R.Owland in his 73rd. year. Born in Grey Townshib, he was SOU. of 'the late Wm, and CbriBt149, Brewer, He wasmarried JO 1916 041.4' aarmod on the Oh. coneesallen Of Grey Township until his wife's death in 192(T, He was a resident of the, Wessels. -district all his life, and took an 'acillive part in many social functions. He was a member of the 'Brussels LQ,O,P., The funeral service was held. from the D. A, Bann -funeral home Rev. Nimino of Winghain officiated. ;$1urvOing to mourn their lose are three sons, Tack of Blue/vale; Don ald of Preston, and Melvin of Brim- sels; three daughters, (Dorothy) Mrs. 'Carl Sehade of Listowel; (Verna), Mrs. Hugh Penner of Desboro and (Elizabeth) Mrs. Robt. Gower cif Brussels. and 2 broth- ers Reuben of Gederich and Wes- ley of Listowel, !The pallbearers were Frank Sellers-, Gordon Emery, Jack Thynne„ Jack Lowe. Duncan. Gordon.Workman and F FIELD CROP COMPETITION The Oast Huron Agricultural SOC• deity Is again sponsoring two. Field Crop Competitions in 19.58, namely Garry Oats and Grain corn. Anyone interested in entering these •oompotitlions please contact any of the. Directors or Secretary as ',Noon 'as Aossible• so that seed may be oh tained. Those who planted registered seed last year may use their own seed for 1958 but all others must sow registered seed this year. eau wit 'Ind other values Just cc great as thee. al GRANT SHOES and. MEN'S WEAR BRUSSELS, ONT. Work Boots and Rubber Boots We carry Deck and Scott MoHale Dress Shoes For the Well Dressed Man - Spring Sults and Top 'Coais in Greys and Charcoal A wide selection of the latest colors 'in Sport Coats and Jackets All Priced Right. ROBT. MoCUDE34N ADDRESSES LIBERAL RALLY HERE Moved by 3. C. Rranter, seconded by TT, R Pearson that a grant of $50.00 be given to the Brussels Horticullitre Society for 1958. - Carried. An• enthusiastic meeting in the interests of. Huron Liberal Candidate AVin. G. Cochrane was held in Brus- sels TOwn Hall Thursday evening of last week,. Robert MoCubbin, former parliamentary assistant to the mini- ster of agriculture, was the speaker. Mr. McCubbin Warn.ed of the damage that could result to markets for agricultural products if the Delfenbaker „government ;persisted in. reducing trade with the • United States' by 15%. me asked the. audi- ence consider the satiation that would exist to-day if the 13, S. re- fased entry to, genadian cattle.. ,Others. miho spoke included Mr. Cochrane, 13ev. Tuokey, Exeter, T-hugh Hawkins, Clinton, Wm. Elston, Cliff Dunhar,4 Grey, Cal Krauter, Brussels and McLean, Not just to-day or to-morrow, but Every Day of trao yew-, Mowed by 3. H. Stretton, sec- ended by J, C. •Icranter. 'that the amouril of $1567.87 shown in 'Pre-, • vious years as amount duo 'from. the Publie Library be written off. .to• surplus as of December 31, 1958. Carried. It was decided ;to ba.V-eCarried.. joint meoling With the Telephone. Com- mission and the Council on. Monday March 10th at 8pm, lb the Public Lihritry. After .considerable discussion mum i• diners 3. H. Siretton and J. C. Kranter were anpointed to inves, tignie the cost and plans of Man reipaT Offices, Fire ITall and Public , Res'. Rooms in the village. The clerk Was instructed to con- 'act B. M. Ross, , ConSultirfg Engin- eer at IGoderibh and arrange a meet- I ing - with the Council. By-Law NO. 2-1958 was introduced , aluthdrizing- expenditures on reads for Me year '1958. to the amount of $3500.00, which -was the limit set by the • Department of Higilmays• on wheeli a4i0rovell would be granted. • PI was mowed' by H. R. Pearson, ‘i seconded by J. H. Stretton. that Byi•Leav No. -2-1958 be read a first time. • _ - Carried. Moved by 'W. A. Willianison, sec-1 `onded by J. C. Kraiuilier that Dy,., Law No, 2 1958 as read a first time • he read a aeColid. time. - Carried. Moved bay J. H. Stretton, see-A onded by H. R. Pearson, that By- Law No. a, 1958 as read a first and second time be reed a third time and passed and the Corporation 1., Seal at:boiled and By-Law forward. ed to the Department of Highways , for f t)ror,95761. - Carried. Moved i,y H. R. Pearson, seconded ! by .T, T-T. Stretton. thht the amounts We Deliver 411101011116121101674•1•11.7111 Special Any Sport. Coat, regular $29.95 The Aar Dark Trousers, regular $ 3.95 p35,02 MUSIC EXAMINATIONS On Friday last, a winter Exam- ination .Centre for the Western Ontario Conservatory of Music (affiliated with the Western Mil- verslity,. and Music Teachetl ;College, London), was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Therepson, Brussels, Mr. George ZbAgler, of Hitchener, prominent teacher, organist, and bandmaster, was the examiner. Mr.• Ziegler is also princliipal of the Kitch -ener Conseakiatory of 1VInsic. Results will be annoranced later, Mrs. Sophia Sellers Mrs. Sophia 'Sellers died Sunday in Winigh;am General Hospital following a lengthy illness. She was the Widow 'of Joel Henry Sellers of 'Morris Township and was in her S8th year. She was the former 'Sophia, Hon- sten, daughter of the late James, Houston and Isabel Douglas, Mrs. Sellars spent all her married life in Morris Township. Surviving are four sons, Frank, Roy and Weird, --of ;Morris Township and Charles of Heidleberg; one , slister, Mrs. John (Fanny) of Walton; one brother; Samuel, of Grand View, Manitoba. ; Faneral seijrice was conducted at the D. A. Rann funeral home, Brussels, at 2 o'clock, by Rev. Menrig ,Thomas of Duff's United church, Walton. • - Burial was in Brussels cemetery. MP. FARMER! 510.00 AND UP PAID FOR SICK, DOWN, AND DISABLED COWS AND HORSES ALSO DEAD COWS AND HORSES AT CASH VALUE Please Phone Promptly ,Seaforth. BRUCE MARLATT SERVICE 24 HOUR CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks to my friends for the boxes of fruit, cigars, cards, and plants, while I was a patient in. LICtowel Special thanks to the neighbours for their help. Glen 1-Inether PHONE 56r7 Brussefe 11 A.M. LIKE TO LOSE '5 POUNDS IN 2 DAYSZ_ TRY THIS LIGHTNING DIET This 5-in.-2 co Itage cheese ,diet takes off the pounds quickly while keeptag you supplied with plent(y of proteins. minerals ana energy for sustained pep and vitality. For each meal; breakfast, lunch and dinner, eat S ounces of Cousins Cottage Cheese WI' h 2 or 3 pieces of your favourite fruit, unsweetened. 1.00 P. M. CARD OF THANKS Our sincere thanks to all those who were so kind b our father, Duncan Brewer, during his illness, - Carried, .- There are three entries to prayer Yes! No! Wait, Attend Church i'his Sunday Moved by Ross Duncan, seconded by Stewarl Procter that the appli cations of ,Clarence White as truck -driver, Gordon Michelson as helper and Melvin Bradburn as Warble Fly inspector be accepted. .- Carried. Moved by Stewart Procter, secon, i ' ded by Ross Duncan that the tender of Howard Smith to supply 800 iba. of Warble Fly pinvder at 44% belitS per lb. be acieepted. far their flowers and gifts while he Was in besPital; for the many expressions* of sympathy and deeds o'f kindness at the time of his death. Special dhainks to,Dr. R. W. Steph- ens ,and Mr. D A. Ram The Brewer Family CARD OF THANKS I Wish to thank all MY friends and neighbours for their beattifill cards and treats while I was a patient in St, Josephs, London, and since may return honie, SpeCial thanks to the neighbours for their kindness shown to Mrs. Whittard. They Will long be remem- as presented for narr.ent be nail - Carried. With each meal you may also eat 2 pieces of .1.10.1and P.psk sprerA with a little bu Iter. Drink cal Ithe coffee or like. Drink black and sweeten it with only Sacharin or Sucaryi. COUSINS COTTAGE CHEESg, YOUR BEST PROTEIN FOOD BUY.1, R. B. -C OUSINS LTD. Brussels Phone 22 - Carried. Moved by Walter Shortreed., sec- onded by rGbrden Wilkinson that the road accounts as presented• by the Road Sanierintendent be Paid. -- Carried i. WALTON COMMUNITY HALL ItAiltledge Grocery, grocerieS 11.65 1 bored. Dept. of Highways, licenses $ 4.00 A, Higgins, .snowlplowing 275.00 A. Higgins, remotvimig- snow 270.50 A. Hilggins, removling snow 57.00 Bridge Motors, truck rental 143,50 Hyde Bros., gas NOTICE HAVING INCOME TAX TROUBLE 2 Let me compute your Tax at a reasonable rate. Brussels Office Open Tuesdays and Fridays, PHONE 1 9 X All other days Phone Mitchell 663-41 Collect, GLEN m., FitiRNARBEATie INSURANCE' ABCpcy Ti ottronoo or Atrittfidet. EUCHRE PARTY Sponsored' By The Walton Women's Institute , MOved, by Wallter Shertreed, Set- Ben Whittard onded by Gordon Wilkinson that FRIDAY, MARCH 14th . (relief) ;, we giVe a want of $75 00 to the Winton, Hall Beard. I Elliett Moll& Sales, fire 55.44 li ' truck repairs 500 8:30 P.M. Sharp . ( Admiesion 506 *tick repairs " 8.20 Institute " LadieS• Please B ... ri - ng Lunch BritSSeld }Naito, street & hall'ilghtii , 32,3-8 ), Thistle Printing Ltd., office 38.88 supplies. COttil4 of Miran, indigiiiiit I Hose. 3.3:00 traseets '000' Yard, oil` 42.74 ... „.. .... . Miithildipal World Ltd., office EL Elliott Mater Sales; Allage 1 -- Carried. ATWOOD MENS CHORUS In ETHEL COMMIUNITY CENTRE I on WED. MARCH 28th at 8.00 P.M. Sponsored by United Church Choir Admission: Adults 60c All children 'pay at door ' Tickets got from Choir Members or i at the door. Moved by Ross Duncan, seconded by W. Shortreed that the meeting i adjourn to meet again on April 7th, 1 1958 at 1 p. in. 1. The following .accounts were paid Geo. Marlin, hydro for hall and shed $9.31 Ross Ai-Melton, Belgrave Street lights 18.20 Icti, Ronnenberg; Bonlds on Treas. 3.48 , VAL08, BEAUTY SHOP:it• Brings Yo'' -Annual COLD WAVE ‘P•BCIAL CAPITOL LIST° THEATRE Wedffesday ,'„Thtifbilay - TridaY - Saturday 'Moron 12 t4 4 B e Debbie totioito In ITAMMY ANC THE i3ACHOLOrt": • CirininrieCOpe and COO' $6.00 Perms . 24.16 39,39 3,90 I supplies H. A. FiSther, 1957 reVa- tratioris Prolvinclai Treasures, insulin Pearson, Ditwarda and Co, Postage It. W. Iteibiedy, ii,tiVertiataig Parrett, Geed Roads 20.00 Fermi - $6.75 suoo Ferias ,- $8.75 02.50 PerMs 29.76 Rhone 40X for Your Appointment Dept. of Health, insulin, YO sER E 1Gfarner Nicholson, fox bounty 1.00 \ and Tax Collector 40m , tww.asasSis Menday Tuesday March 11 A I( Jayne Mansfield 'WAVIMA tUt ettlatiih6oak toroi, 2:22 1 7,59 .! totiVenlieit 25.00 ''Ross :finnan, Good' Roads _ ConiVentiOn :00 Bert ityleetoeit viatiiitttorg fees 4 1.75 • blinri. Caniphell, hone, 'killed 12.65. it-041a, stainne And' Tllural iVtantatrOdItteW' (1011,VetiltrOu 436.00 Rtvirlef ;40.01111.ig' • 0 „:'1' '1;5%00 Bailie T4rrcdt. Gee. `C,' 1lartif Regent Theatre mtd-wegterg Oat Develop- stAFolktk Thursday's Friday A Saturday BLACK George Montgomery, 6106 troUtter 0.erribig ROCK and ROLL Marohi A it' •wtt BY GRIN Wednesday - 'Thursday *A t 'YOUNG AND bAnicitiktit Mark Daniell, Lilt ddiitte Juv.enilet vs Pardo-is lEititgot the Hinialayas Assoc.,anent 1.958 feeS+ 8,SWeeiiy, teinOVIiig atiet fill's Garage, gas D. ITasitun+gs Jr., labour, b. Rat labour' W. Ptoott. fat boiiii£y t' i,iktisr fob tobinty Carl .trieldilL. fek. liouny 1.00 •The„Cletlf •,preSeurecl' titp. Ffdolity . • • • ,.. 50.00 48.40 10.05 4.25 ].7.40.1. 1,09 2,00 Worship Service IWINi104111. Meiville Church Organist- Donald Dunbar Sunday School 10 A. M. Divine Woolly 11 A. M. Rev. W. L. Elder with view to 011. The V ;ailed C hatch 1 OF CANADA ,MInktar: Soy. L. Brown B.A; B.D. Organlitl Mrs. A. E. Martin e. iit. "Hatrs Faith in ctodt.'P 12 Noon Church School • 7.09 E. in. ''When Life's Hopes e, gig Shattered then what'l l' Anglican Churc or Gamma parish et IMAM* 4111% Fred IL .1~4 L. S. T. Redo 4116 JsI I Cilstiret6 Bruin! 11 A: M, Mattina Sunday School WeciPefsdaY 8.60 P, NOTICE -- -•t• Due to the change in income taA. • for 1927 allowing $100.00 automatic ;deduction for charitable donation the Brussels Lions Club has not palled out ,offielial receipts. Any One wishing to get one may do so by getting in tench with Lion Pres, Robt. Walker or Lionirreas. Roy In living for GOD man discOvers; . his TRUE MANHOOD. ' Knox Claire), !ETHEL Minister: C. L. Thompson Bible Class Sunday School Worship Service 7 HE PRENEs'l OrlUitCH 1,N3 eAt:AD114 Knox Church, CRANBROOK Minister: Mr. C. L. Thompson THE Phone 7 ULEDGEG OCERY 1,00 P. M. 2.90 P. 1W. Illiktheit„Churek ,HtfOrYii .tiVeneong „, aye. School. 11‘