The Brussels Post, 1958-03-05, Page 7SEEDS
STEERS wanted to grass; choice pas-
ture; average gain last season 375 pounds, lint Carroll, Ornemee, Ontario,
STEAM traction or portable engine wanted. Also want catalogues on en-gines, threshers, wagons, and buggies.
State price, etc,, first letter.
Box 165
123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ontario,
WANTED - old colored :pictures pub-
lished by Currier and Ives, Send titles.
for offers. Also paintings. by the Cana-
dian • artists Krieghoff and Kane.
East Aurora N,Y.
51.10 10, Nutritional information 10e.
A, Taylor, 13.63, Killarney Man.
YORKSHIRES For Sate Boars from
cleansed parents; two second and fourth litter registered SOYA due April; five bred gilts. Wilfred Rhame, Route 1.
Moorefield, Ont,
'Hey, that gives me an idea t
-how about a. father-and-son
ISSUE 10 - 1958
11.ty,h..11tc11 Nearly ICWrazays
Very first use of soothing, cooling liquid
P. Prescriptionpositively relieves
raw red itch-caused by eczema, rashes,
scalp irritation, chafing—other itch troubles.
Greaseless. stainless. 39c trial bottle must
satisfy or money back. Don't suffer. Ask
sour druggist for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION
inside a tot tot telae-held it
there at these vast tempera-
turee ev:thoet it,melting its =-
tenter-bold it for relatively
long pencds. Thnt is our success. •
"We know how to do it.. That
is Bur breakthrough. When we
ge t up to higher tcMperatures,
as we will, we are bound to get
a thermonueledve reaettoe."
ZETA'S - particular - v al u e
seems to be in its scale. it is .
easier in a •big machine to be ep
. ring of star-fire flgring' for
useful periods, And ZETAA, is by
far the biggest piece of expert.,
mental Ii-power Itayfi,ware in•
the world,. •
It weighs about f50 tons. ..A
stands in its shelter looking like
the engines of .# ship, a. great
thick circular 'metal tube
threaded horizontally
two upright circular dleetrical
transformers. The diameter of
the„ Atebe. is one Ai meter. The
diaineter of the circle it makes
is 'three' meters, (The "bore-of
the tube of the Los Alamos
".perhapsatron"''is two inches;)
Inside that tube the heat of
the sun is reproduced in flashes
of a .few thousandths of a second
every ten seconds. The flash is
a whirling electric' circle of gas
and of fired and. fusing atoms,
30 centimeters thick, kept in
place and away from the walls
or the tube by the invisible
checkreins. and guiding rods of
various" magnetic fields..
The next stage is to keep
these short,, rapid `pulses going
for a full second. and to get them.
to a hundred million degrees.
"It requires the design of
electrical engineering equip-
inent which no one has yet
even•envieeger,1,? Dr.. Thonernann
deelare'd„ without batting an „, • eyelid.
' He seemed Eonfident. So did.
the reporters. They stage were.
not . sure who had done what
first, but this they. understood:
,H-power is, coming; nothing can
stop noW.
branded' is this telephone booth
in Tucumcari, N.M. What ap-
pears to be "Greek" lettering
on the glass of the booth is in
reality the cattle brands in, use
throughout the area. Every
pay phone booth in Tucumcari
is decorated with the brands to
let visitors know that they recil-
ly are in cattle country.
When kidneys fail to
end wastes, baelc,
remove excess acids __--nottlis'' ..,
follow, Dodd'e f KIDNEY
ache, tited feeling, disturbed rest often
Kidney Pills shun* ,:',, PiLL5 _---F,7 late kidneys to „t,
normal duty. You 1.-..,.1.,.1...t,,,"
— 7
' s'' feel better—sleep 4. better, work better. ::".....,Wtr•
Get Dodds at any -drag-store You can
depend on Dodd's. 50
To be happy and tranquil Instead of
nervous orfor a good night's sleep, take
Sedicin tablets, according to directions.
SEDICIN $1.00 -$4.9S
TABLETS Drug Rorer Only!
There may be some argument
es to whether or not there is
one distinct vice of Canedians.
Slat no one will deny that, we
have a distinct climate. In fact,
we have several climates all
Canadian. For that reason the
flower and vegetable seeds we
sow and the nursery stock we
plant must be specially selected
for Canada, Something that may
give wonderful results in Eng-
k land or Virginia or the south seas
could be a terrible flop here,
When one selects seed from a Ca-
nadian seed catalogue, one can
be sure that that seed is suited to
Canada, that, in most cases, it
has been field tested under ac-
tual Canadian conditions and is
especially bred for our short
but quick growing climate.
The new gardener is too much
inclined to rush the season and
get out digging hardly before
the last snow drifts have melt-
ed. Much more harm than good
results from this haste with
most garden jobs, But there is
one we can hardly start too
soon. That is repairing, rebuild-
ing the lawn or starting a brand
new one.
Grass grows best when the
weather is cool and moist and
the sooner the seed is planted
in -the spring the better, Of
course, we can't or shouldn't
start to make or dig while the
soil is the least bit muddy. But
even before the last snow goes
we can put up a wire around
the lawn to protect it from
wandering children and adults
who should know better. Then
a little later we can smooth out
any bumps and fill any holes
and re-seed. With the new
lawn to-be, too, we should start
raking and levelling just as
soon as the soil is dry enough.
Grass, it should be remembered,
is a plant just like a flower or
vegetable, and if we want it to
do well, we plant the best seed
available and in good fine soil.
About this time in the cooler
parts of Canada or where the
real spring seems to have been
unduly delayed, one, can get a
head start by sowing some seeds
of the tenderer sorts of flowers
and vegetable in shallow trays
oresflower pots and , putting in a
sunny window. With a bit of
luck and if we fellow directions,
we can get a substantial supply e
of started plants, such as zin-
nias, marigolds and such things
in the flowers and tomatoes,
peppers and even a few extra
early melons in the vegetable
line. These boxes should be
watered frequently and turned
• around frequently 'so that the
plants do not get .spindly.
One of the commonest mis-
takesi of the new gardener is to
plarl far too 'deep. Little seeds
like ',that of aster, zinnias, por-
tulce; alyssum, lettuce; carrots,
and So on, isemerely pressed in
the ground With perhaps a tiny
bit of the fairest soil Oi‘ sand
sifted lightly over, Bigger seeds
like :those of peas, beans and
nasturtiums should be planted
about half an inch deep, corn
and beans an itch deep, and
potatoes, gladiolus, dahlias six
to eight Melees 'deep.
"It's useless sowing seeds two
feet deep," FOthers advised his
neighbour over the garden fence.
"I know,' was the reply, ''but
annoys the birds."
BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles.
Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you, Itching, sealing and burning ecze-
ma; acne, ringworm, pimples And foot
eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless
of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price
2865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO
emit) TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe personal requirements. Latest cata-
logue included. The Medico Agency, Box 22 Terminal "Q" Toronto, Ont,
CANARY Breeding and Care, ques.
lions ausn'ered, for 3 dimes, self ad-cfressed envelope, How to sex birds,
$1,00, Iva Thomas, P.O. Box 349, Dan-ville, lilinois.
EARN morel Bookkeeping Salesman-
ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les.
sorts 50¢. Ash for free circular. No, 33, , canadian Correspondence Course* 1290 Bay Street, Toronto
SAVE $$ on expensive ring job! Vermi. pulite "Compression.Seal" seals rings
pistons. Gives new motor performance, Proven product guaranteed. $3,95,
Burman's Enterprizes, Dept, G. Camp bell's Bay, Quebec.
FOR Bryce, Caterpillar, Ford, C.A.V„ American Bosch, etc, Derns Ltd., Thornhill, Ont.
$1.25 Express Collect
BUY wholesale $27.95, retails $79.95,
men's 30 jewel Swiss automatic self-
winding calendar watch. 2 year war-ranty, money back guarantee. Write
for free catalogue.
DAMAR IMPORTERS 21 Westmount Ave., Toronto,
CANADIAN Patent on Animal Trap _ for sale or trade. Make offer! Best
offer takes. Ketch'em Trap Co., 2904 Raccoon, Des Moines, Iowa. —
FLORIDA) Complete Sunday papers
from Tampa, St. Petersburg, Braden-ton, $1.00 each, all three $2.00 postpaid.
Pasadena Press, 3130-22nd Avenue, St.
Petersburg 12, Florida.
LADIES ask for free literature about
our Nylon special. Write. Edwards. Dept. A4, Box 178, Station "33", Hamil-
ton, Ontario.
Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing
Pleasant, dignified ,profession; good
wages, Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates. America's Greatest System
Illustrated Catalogue Free
Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W. Toronto
44 Xing St. W„ 'Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa
Patent MtorneYs, tstwanshed' 1890.
00 University Ave., Toronto Patents all countries.
BATTERY operated electrical portable
crane on 'rubber wheels, swing turn,
table, 20-foot boom, 4-wheel drive Gatchell Auto, Sudbury, Ont.
FOIl sale all makes and models of rebuilt chain saws from $50.00 and up. Write for our latest.listing to: Miller Power Tools 539 Simpson St„ Fort
William, Ont.
Olivetti Surnma 15
•S:s 1.7' r.:6ir :woa waa ,A2,11
‘,Catiada) Ltd*,
Yangit Street4el.t ENtriteti !147.81
Branches Ott
IHIAMILTON-,398 Main Street East. 61,:i JA, 9,3370
1(11tHENER,-93 Ontario Street-Siiiitty401.± ta.S.,413 t
Olweltl deeleni in all act nefiiit '66644 Wilts cal' the *Whit .410
iotie itandini Oct., lei, YOKO':
_ r
for yourself. Soli our exciting house' Wares, watches and other prodtiots not
Sound in store. No .competition, Prof.
Its up ie. fAn',. Write now for free
coteio' catalogue and separate
denUtil wholesale Price sheet, Murray Wes. 3535 Si, Lawrence Montreal,
.105 Razor •Blades only 138.0 Double
edged, fine surgicn1 steel, Uncondition- allY No. C.O.D. We pay postage. Zimmerman, Box 235, Saetee Pennsylvania,
WHOLESALE! Hollow ground double edge Razor Blades, TOP Quality! 100-
51.00 200-41.75, 500-43,75, OOstPaid, Refundable! John P. Martin, Waterford
WOrit,$ 12, New aerseY,
How Can I?
By Anne Ashley
Q. How can I avoid removing
the gilt when washing gilt china?
A. By not using too much
soap, as soap will eventually re-
move the gilt.
Q. How can I use less sugar
for sweetening any sour fruit
when ,stewing?
A. By adding a half a teaspoon-
ful of baking soda when the
cooking is nearly finished.
Q. How can I keep parsley
&Meg the winter months?
A. If a good-sized flower pot
is kept filled with growing
parsley in the kitchen during
the winter months, it will always
be ready and convenient for
seasoning andegernishing.
Q. How can I whiten and puri-
fy sponges?
A. _Soak in milk, then rinse
thoroughly in warm water with
a little carbolic acid.
Q. How canl remove oil stains
from leather?
A. By. dabbing the spots care-
fully with spirits of sal ammo-
niac. After allowing it to remain
awhile, wash with clean water.
If 'necessary, repeat the treat-
ment, but be careful not to' injure
the color of the leather.
teee 7
Trapped - By Ghost
_Among :the .gruesome ruses
employed by, detectiVes to trap
a criminal' Was one employed in
the United States about a hun-
dred years ago.
The trashier of a bank in Mis-
sissipi was found murdered and
over 130,000 dollars were miss-
ing. The authorities suspected a
man named Drysdale who ap-
peared worried and nervous. A
detective bearing a very striking
resemblance to the murdered
man was ordered to follow Drys-
dale about, and ,,show himself
suddenly at intervals.
Meanwhile, another detective
moved into Drysdale's hotel and
became friendly with him. Then
the haunting of Drysdale began
in earnest.
Several times the "ghost" ap-
peared to Drysdale, and when,
white-faced, he pointed it out
to his new friend, the latter in-
fasted that he saw nothing and
that it must be Drysdale's nerves.
Once, Drysdale found blood
smeared on his pillow, and look-
ing up, he caught' a horrid
glimpse of a blood-smeared face
at his window.
Even at work he had no rest,
for officials' of the bank, care-
fully instructed by detectives,
declared that they saw nothing
when Drysdale pointed a shaking
hand at the figure which was
haunting him,,
Then Drysdae began to wall;
in his sleep and, one night,
shadowed by detectives, he got
cut of bed and. led the way to
a certain creek. After a time he
returned to his lodgings and got
into bed. The police searched the
creek near where he had stood
and found the stolen money
under a stone.
Confronted with this evidence,
Drysdale confessed, He said that
ha had got into debt and was
pressed for money, He smashed
his friend's head with a ham-
mer, burned •his blood-spattered
clothes, and hid the gold and
notes where the police found
them, After Signing the confes-
Sion he made an excuse to go
into another tooth, seised a gun.
Britt Shot Iiinitelf.
-1 1
Use ',milt - 'Snare tithe to• build an
iiitereating and Prtifltablti business
Career. • „. .„ Underline course that Interests yeeee,
• sEh000ttkkheaennaint •
• • Stationary Erigineering
S-AShttbortit hSttiotiestit Ititerrifedlitte, Higher
• Bilaineas Eitgliall and'
Write for free .Patelitigho today.
IffaitY othertoPoeuhedatieteefreinf ,
- • „.. . Bed` & Charles Stkeetif Totankei
Dept.. Nal HI-13
is rliyic
'YOUR -14est. Market eggs, broilers, meat elate? we neve file right ellicks
for them. Eggs- - Pullets including.
Ames In•Cross, bred .fOr maximum pro-duction. ()Omer choices, Broilers?
(Order March-April:. See. LoCal agent or vont:let Bray Hatchery, 120 John
PERSONAL . . „. Locli st,ov nest tiome. Work, Folks, Convalescents;• :44.netir ,nerstm .care. Difficult cases Oat
Write I.9ck Sioy, )Ninon, Opt.
VANISHED away with S.aca-Pela. •Sava. pelt) Is different.. It does 1.19t dissolve or remove hair even the surface, but
penetrates and retards growth of ttik, wanted hair: Lor•Begr Lab, Ltd„ Ste,
5, 579 CP:ovine St., vanooaver
COME DANCE WITH ME - Apparently forgetting about the
game, Togo Palazzi rocks 'n' a private jive session in
Madison Square Garden. Actually, Palazzi was trying to
wrestle the ball away from Charlie Tyra, In the background
are the Dolph Schayes (4) and the. Willie Naulls (6),
ZETA Bedazzles Watching Reporters
when neutrons were thrown out
of deuterium gas heated by.
Zeta fb temperatures' between:
2,000,000 and 5,000,000 degrees.
Had H-power been produced
by Zeta? No, said the research-
ers, no power at all, H or non-
What had been done? Let's
have the facts, said the news-
men, Let's pin it down. The
natural scientists on the plat-
_form of. Cockcroft;,Hall-includ-
ing Sir John Coccroft himself,
who 25 years' ago discovered
atomic fusion - smiled and
sighed and tried again.
Well, asked the reporters one
after other, phrasing it first this '
way and then that, was it the
first time a controlled thermo-
nuclear reaction had been ob-
tained in a laboratory?
Well, no, not exactly, said the
natul'al scientists. They would
not claim even that. They were
not sure yet, "
Sir. John said -he, was 90 per
cent Certain. But no man work-
in on Zeta would, on the record,
go as far as that.
Problem Remains
"Well, if none of 'your re-
searchers will say they have
done it, Sir John," one corre-
spondent asked plaintively,
"will your press officer perhaps
say it?"
Tension dissolved in a great
pulse of H-laughter.
But the problem remained,
What then was the "remarkable
British scientific achievement?"
to use Sir John Cockcroft's own
After all, there are other ma-.
chines, as we now have learned,
in Britain and in the United
States which have produced
temperatures of 4,000,000, 5,000,-
000, and 6,000,000,0 degrees and
may also have produced a fu-
sion reaction e writes John Allen
May in The Christian Science
"Look" at last said the head
of the Zeta program, Dr. Peter
Clive Thonemann. He has a
deep, confident, patient, and
amused Australian voice. "Look,"
he said, "this ove.gen, have
we produced .ikreled H-
epoWer reaction? It's really irre-
"We have held a ring of gas
Immoral Jeans
Outside there was snow. The
roads were covered with a sheet
of ice. Traffic, cut adrift from
time, gingerly felt its delayed
and, darkening way across Berk-
Inside Harwell, in a concrete
shelter in a onetime aircraft
hangar, Britain's H-power ma-
chine ZETA lit in perfect safety
a whirling nuclear fire that
flared for a fraction of a second
at temperatures a thousand
tieeee as hot. ,as the surface of
t1-, sun.
ileporters 4 more ,;reporters
then the HarWell Atomic Energy
E::search Establishment had
seen before at' one time-
r' e the flash in a mirror, dark-
le. They groped for under-
st -nding and the words to' core-
r it. •
The clock said it. was 4:15
p.m. The calendar 'said it was
.Ten. 23, 1958. These were but
p etial facts.
To the reporters it was just
Et...ether day, yet also obviously
sew hour in a new age, Which
\ is confusing. Swimming in an
etruse sea, they clung to the
tew hard facts they had grasped.
Within a year ZETA will far
su:pass the temperature not on
the surface but at the way cen-
ter of the sun. The sun burns
there at 15,000,000 degrees cen-
ilerade. ZETA may go' to 25,-
0C-5,000 degrees.
A new British H-power ma-
cl :ne is about to be built which
13 to touch between 100,000,000
ar. 1 300,000,000 degrees.
The next step after that will
Le to design a practical thermo-
ruClear power station. This may
La built. in 20 years' time.
• This station may directly pro-
duce electricity,. cutting out. al-
together the costly and cumber-e
some heat exchanger and steam
turbine gear of today's A-power
The fuel will be sea water,
Supplies of coal may last-I00
Years, eupplide of uranium 300,
but supplies Of deitterium (from
sea water) will be available for
at least 1,000,000,000 years,
But the newspapermen 'Want-
ed more, They wanted to freeze
a moment of 'history, too.
,lust what kind of a mark was
.set on the night of Aug. 30, 1057,
between 10 and 3 a.m.
The Sunntia 16 OtIritS an esy.t•4eati
perrtianent record of 411 'addiebfilstitio
daidelattonS required In an ettiee. This
hand operated niechIne, adds
end subtracts, is fitted' with &Mee for
an gives Credit pain
andet. the Sunnite ig t 16.141:
i4yhoied,and ft 'steeple' SwItati control
With:tont iMaitietit tor tatalt, fittlIttOf6til.
iiMtraotton. and nontadd.
Girls wearing jeans in the
streets of Indonesia recently had
a shook, Police and troops sud-
denly swooped on them, rounded
them up and told them that
trousers for women were "int-
The bewildered girls ware
taken to cells at police stations:
"debagged" and then locked in
suntil their parents arrived with
"decent" dress for them.
Why did the policeban jeans?
"Because they give the ' wearers a
devil-may-care feeling which is
likely to lead to immorality and
crime," say the police, And when
an American psychologist who
was touring Indonesia at the
time was asked his opinion, tie
replied: rrhe police are right.
A girl hi jeans loses the serf-
respect she possesses in a tkirt."
Counties thousands of women.,
and girls who regularly wear
jeans will laugh at 'the ban.
Sales of jeans have been booming
for several years. One British
firm is turning out 50,000 Pelt's
a Week. Said a London store
buyek: "They are figUre-defite-
Rig and much better than. sloppy
slacks foe girls. Tight jeers have
tip and flair."
Researchers show that whert4.
ever women have donned ttOLIA
SETS of any kind all down the
ages, some critics Piave raised
their hernia in hertor arid cried;
"How ehrockingl" or' Weeds , to
'that effect.. It Wee the worteri of
'ancient Persia Who first aped
men's R611111,5 ywearing:
English statistics' show that the
Meet' agngern§ tge lot riding
bicycles is betefeen 11 arid 14.
OitIS have obiy° ofte,cinattet as.
fiiany aeCideritS sis r13624
...e. eeeeetVe 4
STICKING todEtHEIt 4,4, HoYiii§. a high' ball in West'berliti, th e IStc4joiii: brothers bounce ctioUrid .., .,. ..„., .. ,„.. ,,
in ffiert- p000 itiikii tieterrifect Willi earttiart characters: The' Italia -it =clowns were an act in
the once traditional 'Wet, Beasts arid Sensations eireets ilieW resumed foe the first time in
15 year; at tit;'rebuilt beijigilitaniiiiiiik,