HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-02-26, Page 5MEET BILL ochrane >nt Your Liberal Candidate in H N I ...lit TWO dCLOCIV: 'ajar IT , ABOUT TIME OU;s ,..41.3OHTER'..1 BOY FRIENL:, ,:,....,.; . . .,ME a. .';'?"h7j..: ' ..."-'7'...'•: ..,.-1. • • . ' ' ;,.:: 1 ..r.. i 4. a IF YOU WANT Ir. ..,OP THAT oUT4sOir4c..1 Mr/NE.1! pNyour:z ALIT° !: C 4S is MCOTOR IS THE, Pi !:'5.::4.0!. 51I OPA,. TRAM MM.% be/per I farmer erei had. PIONEER Hear Bill Cochrane on CKNX Wingham Tuesday March 4th, at 12.10 noon See and hear Hon. James Sinclair in Seaforth Saturday evening March 8th. VOTE LIBERAL Elect — (Published by Huron Liberal Association) ELMA iARMERSe MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE- CO, Eitiblished in 1884 Head tlttkei AtutotA, Onto Imo* Parra Preeertyi Private OvAiiiniie and Contente In TOW-ni and Villa Schoote, "Churches and Hint on ab iiiN8URANOn AT COST" bull PROMPT ADJUSTMENT Contpct your Nearest DINiatar or A8404 (pick) Whittieid ilia Windstorm' Inaitraneie • BRUSSELS iron' N.vpdp.04a 4 y.., roppoo 4;po.i., tots EON WANTED., NOTICE " .TQ P,FIEDITO.B.S. Iii the Ristare .0,g • Florenc e b,,nibe.1.10, Ditelatnap f9r i ALL PAlfiSONS having claims or ,Disabled - I •ogalpst klie Eento f the above, C9‘4!-' Free a Mentioned WO ni the village of smaller attimalq, 7 ' 13 usaels . in the .County" of Huron retired' seltoolAteaeber. who 4104 DD _ I 19,58,, are reguired t(yllie proof o 91' about the kith (lay of February, f !same with ,the •uode'r*Signed on' or before the 8th day of March, 1958. . • After- which date, the Executers will proeeed to distribute the estate haying regard only ' in, the claims .of • which they Shan . thea have had • . notipe. DATED at Brussels, this 20th day .0, February 1958, Crawford and IdetheringtOP Solicitors for the EXeentars hr/ 111311EMO 'Highest. Gash Prices. Paid peep! Sick Horses or lialck•up on rompt service AW, PAW. RemeMeeia HOW we ueeat ra saoota wow CA4,wL5P eie pt4.t tdp?ja • THAT OUT rah 4pp.s! IF HEATING IS INADEQUATE CALL US AT ONCE.- poNir HESITATE witn vying!): equipped trucks, PHONE Leroy Ache on Atwood 153 collect or George 111.31op Wroxeter 2r15 57 Chev. Sedan 54, Chev. Power Glide Deluxe 2 52 Plymouths WITP • • 271i , F, f• CL A. C G KRAUTER UM131NG HEATING /4C ,A 01 L HU N F P -` Fie oPk.x:04 res4sta. owerion000tacaawaaat000mosaaar...aaaa FOR 4, Coliie pups, anon; lis old. Phone 15r18 Clare Van p 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 41 4 4 4 4 4 -4 .4 4 4 4 • 4 4 4 4 4 GREY TWP., SCHOOL BOARD ArgrrING • Tlra regultkz4 ti...ceting of the I Grey Two. Schaal Board was held an Feb, 4, at o rpi,, with all I members present, also inspector : L.I. Kincaid, • The minutes of the Jae. meeting. (''vf f e.,leic i lf7er adan4dad flofix "1„opted on motion 1 ) NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MAITTER OF THE ESTATE OF r;10T-IN ELMER RiNN. late of the (PowashiP of Morris in the County of Huron, Laborer, DOCeriaod, NOTICE IS EDILEBY GIVEN pursuali ; to the Trustees Act, that all creditors and others haying claims against 'the Estate of the late Sohn :Elmer Rinn, are required to 'head Eplalrticnlars of their claims, duly verified, to j, W; 13,1JSI1FIELD, Q. C., Soho! Ior for the Administrator of the Elittate, on Or before the 15th clay of March, A, D. 1958, and that after such date the Administrator will proceed' to dialfribute the assets of the said Estate, haying regard 'only to' the claims of which he shall then have had .notice. DATED at Wingham, ,Ontari9, this 19th day Of February, A. D. 1958.. J. AV.- BUSHIFIELD, WaNGHAM, • Ondarica Solicitor for the Administrator A message from yoOr O. P P. OFFICES • A great many people will be killed in automobile accidents in rural areas this year. But, with the co-operation of every motorist, we could cut down that number drastically. Start doing your part by driving sensibly, safely and within the law. February 24-28 is Rural Safe Driving Week. Observe it—then make it last all year! d'OR GALE 1 large White Emboli Gander. Phone 68x2 Daa McKinnon FOR SALE, — Registered ilq.,xer Puppies, three • moaths old, James O. SLGNefl Phone 76 Brussels LOST — A. feathod. blan.ke•I between Brussels. and Wal ba 'Sunday at -Noon. Finder please contact - Joe Ryan, 'Walton. , carried, reported that Douglas Fraser would taka, the caretaking at No S am. $350, per year. He also Stated .- that Leslie Oliver would supply 10 cords re, and for No. 8 school at, $6:50 per cord and that Frank Cardiff would supply wood, PIP K00. Per cord as follows; No. 1 la cords; No., 7 — 10 cords; No. 6 i — 15 cords, Motion de Smith and, Conley that the Board accept the above 'enders — Carried • • RURAL SAFE DRIVING WEEK-FEB.24-28 SPONSORED BY THE ONTARIO FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF HON. A. KELSO ROBERTS, ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR ONTARIO WANTED — Housekeeper, light work and short hours. One who can sleep at home, Apply stating age and salary ex- pected to P. 0. Box 50 Bruesels. FOR SALE — Chicks - standatd verities in wide choice. Special hybrids and broiler chicks. Pullets. Bray Hatchery. Hamilton, or Mrs. R, Barrett. R. R. 5, Brussels, Phone '54-12 Born in Exeter 43. years ago. Attended Exeter S ch o 0 1 s; graduated University Western Ontario 1938, and Os- goode Hall 1941. Practises Law in Exe- ter. - Wide municipal experi- ence as member Exe- ter .Council; Deputy .Reeve one year; Mayor two years. . Member 'Presbyterian ChurCh and Superin- tendent • of Sunday School. Member of Masonic Lodge,. I.O.O.F., Cana- dian Legion .and Lions Served in Army, World War II at home and overseas. Married, with three. daughters. Raised in a rural com- munity ; is familiar with both .4111. ai and urban problems,. ,..1.4ane.,X4r-41111111111111414` , • - DEKALB STARTED PULLETS 's FOR SALE — A number of Dekalb started pullets, vaccinated for Newcastle and bronchitis, ready for immediate delivery alt 16 and 18 weeks of age. Price list on request, Discount on large orders. Moore's Poultry Farm R.R.8 Seaforth, Ont. Phone 64r31 Mr. Hugh Jonnsten was prasent and asked iieranlission to use the 'tacheols in the area for Farmers' Union meetings. After further indidrY a letter will be forwarded -stating 'he Board's decision on this request. A letter fn regard to payment of tuition, fees for certain pupils from U. S. No. 3, Eltna, Wallace and Grey was read and discussed. Motion of Smith and Bolger that the secrednry reply tto this letter and refer U. S. S. No. 3 Elma, Wallace and Grey to the Public School's' Act — Sec. 90 (5) — which states .clearly...why toiltion fees may he charged, — Carried The following bills were present- ed and ordered paid` on motion of Conley and Bolger Carried Harry Bolger' telephone tolls $ 3.20 2.60 • • • TOP ' QUALITY FARM SEEDS 0,UR MIOTITO: LEA — WEBER on the tag means ' QUALITY in the BAG. FOR SALE — Good House in the Village of Brussels, bath, furnace, cupboards, garage attached to house, large, -garden. Price $8500.00 159 Acre Farma House, hydro, ?large barn, Price $7000.00 100 Acre Farm, Red Brick House, hydro, large barn and strawshed, good cement stabling, drilled well, 3 miles from 1 arge town., Price $7800,00 half down. 100 Acre Farm, on County Road, near store and school, 96 acres arable, Frame House, bath, ' and furnace, good bank barn, new steel roof. Price $9800,00 100 Acre Farm, near highway White Brick House, Bank Barn, Price $11,500 half down. J. C. Long, Realtor, Brussels, Ont. LEA — WEBER, LTD. KITCHENER, ONT. Your Local Representaltive HENRY STRYKER John `Mrs. Tack Conley, veleplione tolls S. Humphries, dinners for Board Hoed School Supplies supplies Reliance Petroleum, oil 'Cecil Eckinier„ labour Geo, T. Peansion, reprrs Humphries and go, care- . taker shipaillea Orval Harrison, • wiring and reppirs - Swift's General Stare, ,school hitch suipplies ' ,C. laud G. Kraluter, repairs Po, WALTON ONT. Phone BRUSSELS, 90r4 10.00 50.19 46.30 42,00 213,00 0.90 4111‘&1_,Arr PIONEER Repairing everything from fences to farm buildings, clear- ing new acreage, cutting winter firewood . . these are just a few of the time-saving, money-making ways farmers across the country are using light-weight, easy-to-service Pioneer chain saws. Let us show you how a Pioneer saw can help you to more profitable farming! TRADES, TRAINING OPPORTEMIIT.IES FOR YOUNG MEN OF SIXTEEN NEED STORM WINDOWa. Before 'You Buy ,let Jackson Home's Ltd. give you an estimate on Aluminum self storing windows. No Obligation. Phone Seaforth 3W 1 ^ - • • - NOTICE — Waal : Papering and Painting., 10% Off on 19,58 Wallpaper until February 1st: Douglas Dalton, 13rustiels Phone 48r9 36.75 39.19 20,30 Sold by: BUDNARK WELDING & SUPPLY Brussels, Ontario. NEW LOW PRICES RA 16" $226.50 HC 16" 199.50 Bridget terms available as low as $40.00 down — balance over 12 months. The Matter 'of Supply (Teachers *as discussed, ninon of Conley and Badger that in bite Ware if A, teacher is absent the trastee is to, .be notified and if there is reason to believe that au-eh obsenee be for adore than 2 days the BOard Will Pull in a supply teacher, — Carried • Motion of Smith and Bolger that Cox look atter adjustments to totters - and tapS at No. 9 and Iiiranrker at No. 10 Carried Fot tenders ;for Maintenatee Mail were oPeiled and discussed, It Was finally -,decided by ',ballot to ta eat the tender Of Murray Heaver at a salary of 15e Pier' hear fait adlual wonkiri, time -1c per Mlle for tadOelling eknenSeS, The iiieeting adjourned on inotien, of beton,. te,•nieet bit Mara 4th at Norintin S. TrotiVer, Sect', WANTED ' Highest cash prices paid for sick dowit or disabled cows and horses Dead •CovoIs and horSes plaited' itp for rentoval promptly. Also *anted to buy, boar hogs. Call collect, Bruce ' Marlatt, Bruasele, Phone 5611 You)* Money. WM Elm 41/2 % While invested safely and fzgt171 fort To 5 yeas hi a Brit,:z!i, Mortgage eertificate; To InVist hest fend In one ;Wm!: 11 Id an &tat; RN be Welted 0184V, zer:Unify istokatiga writs So on we*** mit* nit EM OkIALt. ,...3teaford Cemet ery Memorials; Avondale Ave,. Piione 257W,Nay Shanty and ear! OA*, Fora memorial of -.lasting beim* at a rediStaitible Pried and giittraitteeti torictrianshiai contact "our relireseiclt r. iittbre, 'tank tv,kiimp Britith Mortgage 6 8 gunned lu 13 ,4:11rotoC '6000,4 itkita' -Alio tv ,oroRmArroN. "is or arttrictki tmitesrittlatiOri infer. rent-ton or sertiee ;ram oil ta-aemis of i4,Aftira ehrifie tho '*riterlrio Cattle ttres(iltiz Assott, ton 0.(,. DItiltoti H V.1 - 8441 *1' hshilieraton 40 betwoeri 'i.o, end 9.3t, A, M. We have all breed 4 -Title:Me — ftit, ottiti,Iltr t+ low r6et::" r. •i Do you want to earn while you learn a trade? Under the Canadian Army Soldier Apprentice Plan, start- lag 1St June, the Canadian Army will accept a limited number of` young men for training in 19 differ- ent trades. , . • The training course lasts for two years and then the Apprentice nerves three years with a regular lath. Training starts in September. tinder this plan the Apprentice teCehres— * Half pay to the age of 17 then full pay 4 30 days paid holidays a year AI Medical and dental tare ,e Travel and adventure • A healthy active outdoor life 'To be eligible applicants must be 16, not yet 17, have a Grade 8 edu- cation, and be able to meet Army ohysicol standards. i As only a limited number of applie. anti can be accepted Make yoOr application early. Mail the coupon below, telephone Or visit your nearest recruiting station. t Army Recruiting Station 59 Albert Street owes, ed.—Yet 6-18tg Army Reciuiting Etition, la4 Wejaggton, St, Kingston, ant — tel. 4zan .Antisf bearottIntr Sthtlint. 90 BleirpindStW., Toronto, Ont. — rel. EM.5-83411109.276 'No. 7 Personnel Neat, Watson), Barracks; & Elizabeth Sts., London, Oat: : Tel. 44601 Inc. 135 fierily Recruiting Station, bci Mein St. W., North Bay, Ont. -Tel. 456 Army Recruiting Station, 1a4 Rag St. E., Hamilton, Oct. — lel. 2.8708 otiaint.ci 1s ...... i- i•i ii 4Ft i Please send rid .,,,,itilisyt.ost or otattja• I t Hon the booklet "The Way to d Fine I 1 Futeie".• 1 Miele ,.1 Addroa 1 .4, diyiroiart P Brow:, reiiiptono