HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-02-26, Page 4•
• v:Nspr:im
THE BRUSSELS POST • • Wedne.Way,. Fobettary .1055
:rife Feb., Meeting of the 8t.n cud.
19th was held at the hi)T40. ofi
• IINIirree1 s;.1,3;t: McDonald 4 14 i•QA
Mrs. Reale MOgall _4(14 Olarge or '
the ineetiii4g Which 'vas opened by
the singing of a hymn. and soriptwe
t: aeading' by 11Prs, McCall followed:
Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull, Mritultee
were yeast and ,a thank you letter
from Miry • :Thomas was read,. Mrs.
*alit then took charge of the
business patt, Many !items oaf basin..
ess were dealt with. Mrs, J, Bryans,
xpo, Trurnbqn, anti Mrs, John-
ston assisted by the hostess, served
Your 1957 driver's Been& and vehicle permit will expire Ot mid-
night, March 12.
After this date it will be illegal to drive with 1957 licence or plates.
Act now to avoid the last minute line-up. Heed this warning and
avoid iliconveniencOand possible prosecution.
'1)1w World Day ot:HersiorWaiS
held lit cittirelt. on Friday
,afternoon, Prayers wore. ordered' by
Miss 4, J. Forrest, Mrs., Qlea. 1-ttte,,
the, Pt S. IUMs Knight, MIS‘ Wilfred
iStrickler gold Mrs, John 'SchnOek,
'Mr. C. I. Thompson contributed
Ego, tg';aamplunying QA rile accord-
Pa0er on the %story of the
.4-vcroirid, Day of Prayer". was read by
Km, M40 Engel. The theme "The
Dread of Life" was given by Mrs.
Dad Dunn. The leaders were Mrs,
Silatlley. Fischer, vice-president of
the IV. 11x. S. acrd Mrs. Mamie
Carneron, president of the .Evening
Auxiliary, Miss Alico J. Forrest was
at the oe'gan for the hymns,
Mrs. H, W. Kirkpatriehe, Mount
Forrest, is visiting her son Fred and
Mrs, XirkpatriOt this week. •
Cranbrook W. L.
The Craithroolc W, I. twill meet
Tuesday. March 4th, eM sla pan ,
Mr, .vicLareu of Spit-trite Mill,
l.i stowel, will be guest speaker.
T7te =Ito: "Industry exists *for
Man, not man for industry". 'will be.
r,iven by Mrs. Murray Huether.
The roll call "A Canadian llaustry
I would Like To Visit and WhyV'
;Thorn will he special music and
tea cnA reading
Mrs.. Marlin McDonald is convenor
f the lunch •committee.
.neMil welcome to ail ladies Of
the .eaummulty.
Mrs. Allan Oameron had 'the nil's-
fortune to broa her arm at nee home
of son Morgan, London., • RENEW YOUR LICENCES NOW held in
with the
college Roy.gt.
Event of YOcir
.college Royal, the biggest single
.Vifent an the extra ellrricular life of
thg :students of the Ontario AgFi-
Collegei Ontario Vetertn-
• ory Q011ege and Macdonald:
• RAW, will: be .:held from Marelii,
March 7th,
.The Royal was initiated in 19'45
ti give students of the Ontario Ag—
egatural College practical train-
hi in livestock showmanship Dur-.
fug the intervening 34 years Col-
lee Royal has expanded to the
ciaer two Colleges on the campus .
and incrnased in duration from one
day to t present seven-daY pro-
2„Tam, This year's show will lea-
tine showmanship, over
nine' major exhibits, numerous
demonstrations. displays, a fashion
show, square ti tieing competition.
and a student-produced 'College
roy•al C!rtain Cad'.
"kM Saturday night. March 1. the
gerts underway with the
Training of the College • Royal •
• Queen 'tlth fitting*pomp and .ce're-
:irony et tlie lloyur Ball,' For the
'rest of thr week. the Queen
ages at the various shows. lunch-
fe2.:ms and the •Iptling ceremonias.
On Tuesday evening the Pup •
4...g'ow will be held in the new Arena
and wilt iVilowed immediately
rtri the sentite dance competition
and rooster crowing cimti“it.
'Wednesday. is College Royal Day,
Abe big day when 1.11,e three colleg-
es .S Ili rIpen ilk 7ir doors to sonic
.5,000 statleits and professional agri-
nulturists. At 1:30 p.m. Dr. C. P
rabarn Deputy Minister of Agri-
- -eitilture, will officiate at the open-
ing of the Royal in the Arena.
'hroughout the day the various de-
rartmental buildings will feature
exhibits in agronomy, agriculture,
borticulture, veterinary medicine, •
tome economies, poultry, bacteriol-
ogy, engineering, photography and
art. In the afternoon, the Mac-
.donald Institute Fashion Show takes
place in War Memorial Hall.
Finally, in the evening, the win-.
7-leis will be acclaimed at the
,Award Presentations, followed by
the Royal Curtain. Call, the student-
written: and produced musical sa-
tire, "The Ambassadors . Abroad."
'The curtain call will be featured
Int Wednesday, Thursday and Fri-
-oar idemarta.;+ :Yrca.rtmeeri rig
ea,r-ty-Flit: t-rgrm's woe
ill! BEST ‘AAN0T101
Along WI*
El/pert DesIgnIng and
pile,* Mainstei&les
lientekery Lettgaing • 111•11•11,
Whose St Winghani,
Important Reminder: Be sure to take
along your "Proof of Liability Insurance"
Certificate. It will save you paying an extra
$5.00 when you secure your plates. If you
do not have a certificate check with your
insurance agent today.
Mrs, Kate Farquharson
In Calgary, Alberta, on, Feb. 9th,
death came suddenly toMrs. Kate
Farquharson, of 2015-3rd Aim;, N. W,.
Born in 1886, near Walton, Oat„
she wars the youngest daughter
the late William and Mrs, Telfer,
and her early years In that locality.
In 1915 she was married to W. G.
Farquharson and went west to
Provosiii, Alberta where she - limed
milli the death of her husband in
1950, with the exception of one year
in Edmonton, she has since re-
sided in Calgary.
Surviving are one son, Steuart; one
,daughter, Helen: and one sister,
Mrs. Agnes Davidson, all of Cal-
Funeral -seiwiee was
Foster's garden Chapel
Rev. S, Reikie ,of
Vatted Church officiating.
Interment wars Made in the
Provost cemetery.
Miss {Ilene Dundas of Kitchener,
with Mr. and Mrs. T. Dundas.
Miss- Joyce 'Riley, )Stiatford, at
:the home of Miss Mary Dennis.-
Mists June Hackwell, Stratford, at
her Noble here.
Harold M,c00.11, Hamilton, with
.AVIr. and Mrs. Arthur McCall.
Wan Hendersbn, Seaforth, with
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Broadforcit,
Michael .Gulutzen, rrilIsoniburg,
'with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gulutzen
Mr. and Mrs. Don Gray anti
family, Stratford, with Joseph Hack-.
well and other friends.
At the morning ,sferf,*.te in Duff's
TTnited Church en Sunday, two new
elders. John Leemina and James
McDonald were inducted. MIAs Mar.
ilyn Johnston was the guest soloist.
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