HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-02-12, Page 7PRIDE OF MOOSEHEART—Casting a bovine glance at her birthday cake is Mooseheart Princess Star (cow at left), holder of a world's record for milk production. She is presented with the cake by members of the Moose Child City Drum and Bugle Corps on her 10th birthday. Princess Star has produced more than 145,000 pounds of milk and 6,700 pounds of butterfat during her career. She's the matron of the purebred dairy herd of Mooseheort which pro- duces at least a quart of milk each day for the nearly 800 children in the town. By ftvy, ,Barclay WRgIelik IMMIGRANT — A privileged character is this Aphidoletes Thompson', .who figuratively wears a "don't swat me" label. The "skeeter" is one of 1,800 imported from Czechoslovakia and colonized in Oregon and Washington to combat the balsam wooly aphid which causes gout-like swellings in silver fir. This unusual close-up photo of a "skeeter" in flight was taken by the Pacific Northwest Forest and Ranger Experiment Station. AC17OSS 1. Fined or 'whales 4, Oove'S note 7. nePosjtorioll rot valuables 72' Milk fish 13 Wont first 14. SpiCe• 15, 'Hard feeling 17. Visitor IS Chor d of• three tones 114 Hackneyed 20, w m.i.n ti, 21. Worthless dog 22 010 di-00N 2:1. /Veen ish. elloW 29 Ratite 1.1x1St at, Steal 32 17Wite.' rive 3'4 Pine 171'PP State' PrOnotiii 07 Latneftlahle 40. 'oad 42. frielinc the heap 4 Foal le Soil. 40. Lasseer 45.1 .tare 42. Vote • 01, wear; AWAY 2'. Poet, Isa•sai• A bstract51. being 55. ;Moulage nroclanlatinn Pemnle rabbit' Pnriod light 29, Sunken fence 20. Wire Measure 23. trick in ghat 00. (lance fish 85, Rocky pinnacle 30,, Ready to fire ft. Wise laWgivel- 44. boxing ring 45. Untidy 4 r. Cooking. Vb8$61$ 48, At liberty 49. Child's napkin 5U. Ohio college tov..n 51. Sell 53, Ytar of our (ttto. II 24 45 weight tabssina IS, Serve food 1. Court en- 17. Large artery closed by a lb, Undeveloped cloister flower ,R,nowtrig 21. Advisory 8, Insand person council 4. TAIrnp or 28,, batter earth 24 Watch closely 5. Above (contr.) 25. Cut off Hypothetical 27. Ship-shape olnrit PUZZLE 10, Night before 9. Ensue 11. Oriental 7. 11e,td CROSSWORD metrically ' • 0. Appease 7 6 14 17 9 10 3 22 23 28 33 34 39 44 43 54 ••• 51 19 2 3 4 12 13 15 16 20 V...• • 40,.. ," 'NV 25 26 , 27 38 36 37 41 42 47 46 51 so 49 29 30 1:+1 32 48 35 40 Ael8Wtt 'page. TIE FARM FOR Joivausseil It is generally accepted that wild oat seed may have the abil- ity to remain alive in the soil for a period of at least three years without germinating. -Until this weed germinates not much can be done in the way of con- trol as .our knowledge stands at present, and this holds true even when chemicals are applied to wild oat infested soil before a crop is sown. Recent experiMents by Dr. B. G. Cumming, dealing with the influence of light on the germination behavior of wild oat seeds, indicate that although non-dormant seeds are not un- der normal conditions influenced by either light Or darkness, a higher proportion of partially- dormant seeds may be 'induced to germinate by depriVing them of sunlight, providing there is sufficient moisture for germin- ation. This end might be accom- plished by burying them through fall cultivation. $ Partially-dormant' seed obtain- ed from different localities in Eastern and Western Canada and from plants grown under tem- perature and humidity controlled greenhouse conditions were test- ed under artificial light and sun- light. Partially-dormant. samples almost completely failed to ger- minate on the soil surface when exposed to light, although mois- ture was sufficient and allowed complete germination of the non- dorniant seeds placed on the soil surface. At the same time, how- ever, a considerable number of the partially-dormant seeds ger- minated when buried to a depth of one inch. On the other 'hand, when completely deprived of light the partially-dormant seeds germinated as well on the soil surface as at one inch depth. Althsugh delayed seeding is still -the most widely used and effective form of wild oat control, fall tillage has been studied fairly extensively during the past two years by workers in Western Canada, to determine its overall effect on germination. The 1957 Research Report of the Western Section of the National Weed Committee shows that a much greater 'number of wild oats may germinate where fall tillaged is practised, So far, the best results have been obtained from the me- dium-late to late tilled plots.' Almost without exception the re- sults indicated the wild oat seed- lings emerged earlier in the spring and in greater number from plots tilled late in the fall, that is between the 5th and 20th of October, Research workers are assisted in their effort.' to control certain agricultural pests by predators and parasites that prey on plant disease organisms, insects and Weeds, The value of these natural control agents has been fully realized for smite time and every effort is being extended by the Science- Service of the Canada Depeatinerit of Agriculture to in- create the effectiveness of this so-called biological tontrol, '9 4, IN In a recent test at :Belleville, Ont.) a 'species Of nematode Was applied to potato plants by a hand sprayer' at the rate of 5,60. per plant to detertitine what effect they would haVe on potato beetle Control. At the completion of the test it was found that the num- ber of potat'd beetles Was tech:iced from an average of 61 per plant to 39 per plant, despite the fact that 13/1, inches of rain fell with- in 24 hours after the nematodes were released. Nematodes were recovered from dead potato bee- tles found on the sprayed plots. A survey of parasites and pre- dators of the potato beetle in the Belleville" area showed that para- sitism by a common species of parasite average less than one per cent early in the summer but increased to about 50 per cent toward the end of the sea- son. Further research of this na- ture at Belleville on sweet cloVer weevil control yielded promis- ing results. Three species of para- sites imported from Sweden de- veloped satisfactorily in this for- age Jest * Perhaps of more recent inter- est are the attempts to use in- sects to control weeds. Adults of a certain species of beetle col- lected in the Belleville district were released at Marsden, Sask., and Codesa, Alta., in an attempt to control toad flax. Other spe- cies have been released in Brit- ish Columbia for the control of common St.-John's-wort. These species have continued to in- crease in number in some areas. At Fruitville, B.C., the adult beetle population was 282 per cent greater-in 1957 than in 1956 and the number of flowering stems of St-John's-wort de- creased by 43 per edit over the same period. e Really Said If® With Flowers The father of an attractive nineteen-year-old girl was adam- ant on one point. He would not agree to her marriage to her boy friend Tom unless he could be sure she was genuinely in love. "She can go away on a world tour for six months," he told Tom. "If when she returns shz still feels the same way about you — you may marry .But dur- ing her absence you must both undertake not to write to or 'phone one another." Torn had to agree to the con- ditions, for he was very much in love with Jane, and she with him. - Soon afterwards the girl left her native Illinois, with her aunt, bound for England. Torrnwas at his wits' end. He wanted to keep reminding 'the girl of his love for her an yet he had agreed neither to write nor 'phone. Eventually he had a brain- wave. He visited a florist who was a member of Interflora, the nor- lots' Telegraph Delivery Associa- tion which has thousands of branches throughout the world.. Tont discussed his problem With the florist and they cooked up a scheme, after studying which flowers were available hi cities at the time when jute and her Mint would arrive. On het arrival in London Attie received a lovely bouquet of irises: In Paris it was a bou- quet of lilacs and in Rome a spray of orchids. As' she went from city to city each florist faithfully delivered Torti'a orj der:,- sticking strictly to the type Of flowers ordered. Tom reasoned that Jane, a Smart girl; would tumble to the secret message, And when 8ii&te- teivbd her Pula' bouquet in Special. Dellyeil,, Through The Snow; For several months of each. year, heavy deposits of snow_ Which on the 'nigher elevations frequently reached a depth Of twenty feet, Pr more--.caused the suspension of virtually all trans- mountain travel, This Was, dur- ing the early years, a source of muelt inconvenience, 'and Q.CP4-• sionally of genuine hardship,. to residents on bOtb sides of the range,. „ It was not until the winter of 1850-1857 that residents of these areas received same measure of relief, and it came from an un- expected quarter. The one re, sponsible was John A,' Thomps son, a thirty-year-old native of Norway, who was then operat- ing a ranch in the .$acramenta Valley. Ope day Thompson, a giant of a man with blue eyes and flowing blond heir and beard, .read a newspaper story stating that all -traffic over the Sierra had been suspended for the winter due to beavy snow- fall on the upper levels. Al- though be had left his native Scandinavia while still a • boy, he well remembered that snow had never been looked, on there -as a serious obstacle to travel. Accordingly he set to work making himself a pair of "Nor- wegian snowshoes," using the wood of an. oak tree that he had recently cut down on his ranch. By present-day standards, the. shoes, or skis, he fashioned were awkward in the extreme, they being, according to one account, ten feet long, four-and-a-half inches wide in front and four inches wide behind, and weigh- ing twenty-five pounds. . . After a few days of practice to accustom himself to his cum- bersome skis, Thompson was ready to assay .his first winter crossing of the range. With a Well-filled bag of east-bound mail strapped to his back, and carrying little else except the clothes he wore, he set out from Placerville late in January, 1856, beaded for the Ciarson Valley some ninety miles distant, The trip took him three days, in the course of which he crossed the seventy - three - hundred - foot summit, passing over snowdrifts that in places were as much as fifty feet in depth. On the journey he • rested. but two or three hours each night. . • During the winter of 1862- 1803 when he was crossing .over a new route farther to. the south — from Murphy's Camp to. Genoa, via Markleyville and Hermit Valley .— he sometimes sought temporary shelter in. one Or another of a group of deserted miners' cabins at the last-named place. Often, however, the snowdrifts were :so deep at that point that the pabins were eoms pletely buried And he was able to locate them only by probing downward with his long ski, pole until it struck one of their roofs, Thompson maintained his Ufa, que one-man service across the mountains for close to two deg codes. — From "High Sierra Country," by Oaar Played Dead To Keep, Alive If a savage animal attacks you, it is no use offering re- sistance, just play possum, You then have a aporting chance of emerging from ti le melee with- out serious damage." Few hunters ever had so stern a test of this theory Qt feigning dead in order to sur- vive as a South African farmer, Johnny van Zyl, Setting out re- cently from his home at Ghanzi, in Bechuanaland, .he was enjoy- ing himself shooting at small game when suddenly a leopard charged straight at him. In self-defence, he loosed of.f both barrels of his .shotgun, but if his 'pellets atruck the great cat they did not alter its speed. or course. On it came, to leap for the kill at his shoulders. With great presence of mind, Van Zyl let himself be borne to the ground and, with the beast snarl- ing over him, lay still. He even kept his left arm out- thrust, as if inviting the leopard to bite it, The leopard Iboked ptizzled by this remarkable deve- lopment,. did no more than nuz- zle the prostate figure, and then seemed to lose interest in it completely, Seeing their employer, un- harmed, his native stalkers re- covered their courage and shout- ed wildly, causing the great cat to slink. away. TRUISM Being a husband is just like any other job. It's much easier if you like your bess.0 KING-SIZE RANCHER—Joseph C. Coney, San Francisco steamship company executive, locates on a map of Argentina lands com- prising some 2,300,000 acres whith, he, says, makes him .owner of the. world's largest ranch, The fabulous King Ranch In Texas covers about 1,000,000 acres of the Lone Star State. Coney plans to staff his holdings with families from the Netherlands and Italy .if he gets Argentine and U.N. approval. Honolulu shortly before return- ing home she did `sit down and work out what Toni was trying to say with flowers. ' She had made a note of each bouquet and listed them as fdl- lows: irises, liliacs, orchids, violets, evening primrose, jon- quils, asters, narcissi, eucharis lilies„ tulips, orchids and — — mimosa. It took her only a minute or two to take the initial letter from each flower and to arrive at his message "I Love Jane — Tom." The six months were not quite up so she couldn't write or tele- phone. But she went to a florist in Honolulu and, a few hours after handing in her order there, a cable was delivered to a florist in Evanston. The same afternoon Tom received a small spray of orange blossoms; which signified only one thing -- marriage; WARNING Don't smoke in bed — the next ashes that fall on the floor may be your own. One Of The Rarest Birds In The World One Sunday shortly after my return from Hook's I suggested to a couple of friends that they should come and climb a neigh, bouring hill for exercise s the hill was in the Masai Reserve, It was hard going in the bright sun, and whenever the shade of a thorn-tree OVered, we were thankful to sit down. A couple of hours later f put my' head over the crest, only to fall back again as though I'd been sniped. 'What on earth's the matter?' Trevor inquired in alarm, 'Have you seen something odd?' Had I seen something odd! I was so excited that I could scarcely bring myself to speak, 'Now listen you two,' I hissed, 'I've just had a shock, Gliding about the valley on the further side of this crest is one of the largest and rarest birds in the world, You'd probably take it for an eagle, But it's neither an eagle nor yet a venture, but a larnmergeyer, and ..I want to see whether I can photograph it without being seen.' By now both Trevor and Mac were beside me anxiously peer- ing into the void. 'Whist—d'ye call yon a birdie?' Mae whistled, 'Why not a super- jet and have done? It must be 10-fOot across.' Ten foot indeed, or 9 at 'least. The huge golden bird was wheeling at eye-level only a feW yards from where wt' crouched. 'It's got black round its eye like a panda,' Trevor breathed. 'If only we had a pair of field glasses.' 'If only I had telescopic-lens,' I sighed. 'D'you realize that the African lammergeyer has never been photographed before?'... Just then a, pair of augur buz- zards shot out from the rocks below, and emphasized the lam- mergeyer's bulk by contrast, An augur buzzard is no mean bird, but it looked like a pigmy be- side a giant. Closer' and closer the lammergeyer wheeled, then suddenly dropped from sight. I presumed that it had settled at its resting site, and edged fur- ther along the ridge to get a view.. 'What I saw made me gasp. Not one, but two Iammergey- ers were seated side by side on a ledge. Their white heads bob- bed in the sunlight as they preened their golden feathers, and they looked as calm and comfortable as parrots in a cage. Probably I ryas the only man in the world, I reflected bitterly, to have ever surprised a pair of African lammergeyers at their toilet. Yet I had neither suit- able lens to record the fact, nor even a pair Of glasses to watch them properly. Just then the birds 'appeared to notice something, and in a flash one dropped over the rim. The other rocketed into the sky, climbing unbelievably fast. It was already no bigger than a peregrine, and was soon the size of a swift. began to under- stand how easily such a bird could escape notice.. . By now the lammergeyer had quite disappeared, and shoulder- ing our packs we turned to re- sume the ascent, —FrOm "Adven- venture Begins in Kenya," by John Pollard. Upsidedown to Prevent Peeking • MIDEIDEI0CTfORIMEIE1 EllEglil>lEINIak':1313111E111 NE115111111b'11111MCItlh':;PW 12113011ICTICIRICTIC1ii1151 1211111311 t:MINION Tort., MC M C11:110111111iik !ammo! mrimpintigni ilia$111101E1',1301E11110E1 INEJEK2Igr GIDEIL MOM 1 Timothy Al; 11). ,.01.korcb* the W0441 4nlYftoelayr40S:14eirleotie441:414.tt 1.4.1;0! trine; -eoatimle In them; for 14 doing this 094 shalt both saw,. thyself, .and them that bear thee. Timothy 4;10, mended ins both 'the is °'aClanci17! New Testamet. How can peopio TIvneee'Y ud according' Sunday School t ckhnto°771°i is rida4 1valuable1PIr opportunity for teaching the Bible, Quarterlies and' helps, valuable as they may be, shoO14, not supplant the Bible, Let al as soon as they can reads 'lea... athnedirus e ilstle to Sunday Sehoo , The minister must be "apt •to' teach", He will exercise the gift in conversation with individuals. a's Philip did with the Ethiopian eunuch and Jesus did with dernus and the Woman oat the well, He will teach as be visits homes as Jesus did at the home of Martha and Mary and in the home of the Pharisee. (Luke 7.) He will teach in the church. He will not major on his own °pit- ions but on what the Bible says, One of the reasons` for Billy Graham's success is that :he speaks with authority, quoting many times in each sermon what "the Bible says," The minister cannot carry the whole load. He must commit the truth -to lattliful men, who shalt be able to teach others also. One cannot teach what he only half-heartedly .• believes. If he does not accept the Bible as the very Word of God he will be teaching it as the word of mere man. It is hard to understand how men Will remain in the pulpit and still discard such car- dinal truths as the Virgin Births the deity of Jesus Christ, the resurrection of the body and, the future reward of the righteous and punishment of the wicked. Such teachers only add to the confusion of unbeliet. They need to repent and be- lieve on. Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Saviour. My old Chemistry text-book: is much Out-of-date. But not se with the Bible. The Word of the Lord abideth" for ever. Let ;la experience its truths and the4 teach it to others. • Monkey Business Starts A War Indian merchants, shippers and trappers dealing in monkeys are now engaged in a bitter in- flationary price war Trappers, formerly satisfied with $10 per live monkey for export, are to- day demanding double and sometimes as much as $25 a head for the sturdiest specimens. Some merchants, resentful 'of this imposition, have felt it worthwhile to employ trappers on their own account. Naturallys -between the new cutsprice spe- cialists and the long-established catchers, no love is lost. Each side feels the other is making monkey out of it. This embittered strife does not, unhappily, promise an easier life for the monkey. His worth to India as an article of export is nearly $3,000,000 a year. Latest figures issued by the Indian Government show that between April, 1956, and Janu- ary, 1957, merchants exported 150,000 monkeys, netting almost two million dollars. Main recep- tion countries were: The U.S.An 120,000; Canada, 18,000 and the United Kingdom, 8,000. "SPORTSCAR" HAY BALER—Farmers attending the Parni Show will get a look al: a new hay baler so highly Maneuverable it has been called the "sportscor of farm machinery". it i# 'pictured above, being' dettionstrated. Called the Super Haylirier,. it picks up hay from hay tows, sweeps it info the barer. Here measured dnidUtitt of hay tire' whisked into the beike titethibet. By Vett& 'tension controls, the fernier ca 11 control the density of the Bale and #utornatically get the bole-weight he wants,. totes ore tied with either wire or n preferred: