HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-02-12, Page 5-4 4 I I • 4 4 I I 4 4 4 4 1 ;FOR SALEi— 'Registered Boxer puppies two weeks old. Pair Girls Figure Skates size 5. Pair Boys C. C. M. 'Skates seize 2. Guelph Cook Stove 1 with good oven, all Ivory enamel. James C. McNeil Phone 76 Brussels ii `DEKALB STARTED PULLETS FOR SALE' — ' '' A number of Dolm,lb . started pullets, vaccinated for Newcastle and bronchitis, ready for immediate delivery at 12 and 14 weeks of age. Price list on request. Discount on.- 1 large orders. Moore's Poultry Fara R.R, 3 Seatorth, Ott, Phone 6474 FOR SALE Good House it the Village of nrudsels, bath, furnace, cuprboards, garage attached to helm, large, garden. Price $3500.00 150 Acre Farm, House, hydro, large barn, Price $7000.00 100 Acre Farm, Red Brick House, hydro, large barn and -strawshed, good cement stabling, drilled well, 3 Miles frail urge town. Price $7800,00 half down. 100 Acre Parini on County Road, near store and school, 96 acres arable, Frame HOUSei bath, and furnace, good bank barn, new Steel reef, Pilo° $9800,00 100 Acre Farm, near highway White Brick House, ' Bank Bart, Price 111,500 half dottis 1. C. tong, Realt'or, Brussels, ont, VitA4,4 FARMIllf:" FIRE: INSUPANtE Eitabuthed in 1104 NE ED STORM WINDOVvo. Before You Buy let ,jacksoh Ilonrels Ltd. give you an estimate on Aluminum self storing windoWs, No Obligation, Plow, Xeaforth 3W NOTICE -- W011 Papering and Painttag. 10% Off .oft 1958 Wallpaper until ,• February lst. Douglas Dalton Brussels Phone 48r9. ' . . ... G KRAUTER Pl.U Mt31NG,t HEATING 1.1( (3r4 EIGON BRUSSELS". 0:kow.:4,. . . . µ ^ - HORTICULTURE MEETING The Annual Meeting of the Brus- sels and District horticulture Soc- iety was hold in the Library with a large attendance, The report was given by Mrs. Kerney and Mrs. Cousins concern- ing the ,flower beds which included iseven small beds south of the bridge, besides the Library and Clerk's office. Also north of the bridge at the Lions Park, half a block in front of Mr, Frank Mitch- ells, also window boxes on the bricligp and at the Town Hall and flowers at the signs at the approach to town. • The financial statement included expenditures; Civic improvement $1015.10 Prizes for Posters & 13ird House Competitions. $ 11.00 Meetings,. lectures etc. 25.06 Delegates.- O. H. A. Membership fees 289.40393..1751 Cost of plants etc. M Receipts $4841,1.40'75 KTsocetaltlancous Membership Grants Leg. & Town $$8265..0000 Sale of plants elle. $312.88 Total lellaneous $438.1858.00 Mr, Iipps, District Director of Zone 8, Clinton, conducted the election of Tlig Mk/SSW POST IN MEMORIAM MoN10.404 ----,1- 14 Wing meinory of 0. 04.rr• httshan4 and father, Jallleg. I 1 s. ' ms,ss NeMehol, )00 ,pagset14.away, 4 - years Ago. February 1.7th, 1914 140014g back with MOMeries lipoit the path you trod we bless the years We had With yen And leave the rest to dod, Ditch leaf and flower may wither ryeplaig suns may set Put the hearts that loved you dearly Are the hearts that won't forget, . - — Lethigly remembered by his wife and family, ?"!".•;,A", ?1,.." .4..k ,tf,4 weatrooy, rolimary 034 14t REGISTERED HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL deare114-"-ON Cash paid for 00, 819k .or 018 414 0.4 -140,r.PeS ,$)r „,c0Wao IFfe0 • pickup " on sMaller animas* ' erompt service Mtn Winch equipped trucks, PHONE Leroy Acheson Atwood 153 collect or George Hisiop Wrexeter 2r15 l'AkE CART) KNOW 14X 0w *to jviAtcR WGNE..+ERFol.. Tcrvi,efro REALLY, WHAT yousz RECIPE? RIVERIIPE moroRs' roR CE MPLETE SER,i0$ o THEM?... SOPAR EXPERT mECHANIcS, WE 'ONLY SELL — ANC? PLEASE. TAKE l NEED, oo.cieR .40kogs GUARANTEED )114-: WM1-1141/44°TA°1""WNgN51:/%RFP1-• YROYMINSCBT Sr cat: -6:1)-si 5MART TO )iAAW:at-lx\L-cl-YAR 1-05 '$TLIFF: It 1,10VVS .• t 41.1KA1.41AmnmAA:t ar orgy #4110 ';t41°t 'PROPERLY /A/57;4444.70 REVERSI PE `.2' :t.Moitors Owned by: ELMER CARNEY R. R, 4, GEORGETOWN, ONT. Hays Farms Ltd., Sale Consultants V.••••/: ' 57 Chev. Sedan 54 Chev. Power Glide Deluxe 2 — 52 Plymouths tscisisacansw44-4444tgosisua lrell?-14taSe.; m.ierrir,^sor4wer—n4isswierisly,", -veAtt-E-R. 1u .. r4fa1141.1tE 0%tV5 SPEE CAUSED THIS FATAL ACCIDENT Mr. wrank W. Kemp LOCATION": Rural road, near Stratford. TIME: 6;45 p.m, ROAD SURFACEt Hard gravel. RESULT: One killed. The driver of this car was travelling at an estimated 70 m.p.h. when he pulled out to overtake another car. He lost control while overtaking and rammed into the abutment of this narrow bridge. He was crushed to death on impact. Before you tramp down on that accelerator, remember two things: (1) The faster you travel the less control you have, (2) This photograph. I 4 0 1 I I I DEPARTMENT OP TRANSPORT — ONTARIO 4 I I I • 7- POSTPONED AUCTION SALE ' Of High Oracle HOLSTEIN COWS that was to have been held at HEiNSALL SALE BARNS on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11th, will be held on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY, 15th at 1 P. NE. 21 Holsteins Cows 5fresh with calves balance, due In Feb. 2 — 2 year old Heifers, due hi' Feb, 10 year old Heifers terms" Dash Auctioneer, Harold Jackson. A ,vsrsov• I He is saving so he and his wife can take an extended motor trip- I • • She Is saving so she can continue • her music studies I • I I 1 I I 1 I I I 4 I I • I 1 • 4 I I I I HOLtIt14 ooti/6 -HEIFERS at 'Lot den, Stanley 1 nines East of briteefield tUktbA.V# OkitchliAtiSfr 18 on A t tao . _ . • both have a bank accountiand a., purpose :for saving 11 I dews and High Oracle itolatokt dowg and ,Heitera recently Treat; tenie diiie in Feb arid %reit, vaccinated-, several togtitotoil, • drtilitetitilg, Where they intend t0 upend a Week With Mr. and Data: Idohloo iICtitglik who are SPetilditig, the Winter thefe, Mrs. IletightS titbit and MA'S, ken reitoiifoi spent ti feW days itt Ititeliener' where tileY' Attended the tesipi iihig Cereinany at the nurses' reghlehee of the 1<.W ttosDittil, When, Miss 'Milli Alin I Dina§ WAS bite bt 30 iiitradS1 *ho Welt theft,' e-itts,. Robert TtAtieby, •gtitiutgtin tend Mrs. TI Ei Itirkby; 'ts• ithildlit tl t. faVeartible redeirety Tit Nthiglieliii 'hospital toitowling his . *eta Mrs, -J'ettit ititOor, the fine ltJtrifif Is a i5ittleitt iii S'ohforth Iosliital, 1 ;11 10 ItoigtbIti totkok redelltlY bred (Vtieditlatedi‘ •N'ttiriiijei' 'toting .dg.itig' tilott to attend ithia sate of dholiao thtry .61e.ttie -Sate Will be held' cover` terrilai. 'dealt 'Roo!. tfiAeok 414thwell .tt ejhg Attar., Na o" .Jaak'abit A ,-lead citfted At toeboa, Out inouret Firth Prdperty, PriVate fn and Deritajitel to toWnii and Viliagel. Schools, Churches and 4844 1 dit ail 44iikt6thitAt4dE Ab.suftitkkiker OP CLAIMS Contact S'Our (learnt Direeter or Anent (dick) Whitfield tied Wiridatorni Inaurafion iteuiteto, onC: The difference between reaching. a goal and missing it can be the savings you put by, now, in a bank.adeonnt 8iteh savings don't: lust happen. They involve some sacrifice, definite planning., But at your dollars mount tip :you feel a'sense- of aiecitaplithitiont,bf gotting toritevehere,tiat, makes the eiTtitt more than "Wfittli W111160 Your batik account provides 'ready cash that call help take date of any emergency that 'nay' aftsd, or open- the way to bargains Ot '0th-et' oppatttnitles„ Whatever objective you may ba:Vd 10 land; and whatever use your savings may UltiniattlySetVei yotill always be glad yOU,SaVedw 64iiije at rt ,bank rrl fTtoits tIOI T.HE CHARI--02 D BANKS StitititN0.-It.0.011, COMMONtillt CLASSii- 5,D ADS. FOR SALE — Good Holstein Cow, 7 years old, due in. March. John Stevenson Phone 43r14 TOR SALE 3 Heifers Shorthorn Registered; :also one Bull, 13 months old. Wm. Blake WANTED -- 5 and 11 quart baskets, reason- -ably clean. East Huron Produce WANTED --- 20 head of cattle to feed for the 'winter, hay and ensilage. Jack White Phone 33r5 VACANCIES — For invalids. and Semi-intvalids -special rate's for pensioners. cellent nursing care. Phone 103 McKay Rea- Home, Wingham. 'FOR SALE — Chicks - standard varities in 'wide choice, Special hybrids and `broiler chicks, Pullets. Bray Hatchery. Hamilton, or Mrs. R. 'Barrett. '"*R. R. 5, Brussels, Phone '54-12 MEMORIAL) ..3treford cemetery Memorials, 38 Avondale Ave., Phone 257W., Ray Shantz anal Bert Pretty, Proprilltoret For a memorial of lasting beasts at a reasonable price and guaranteed workmanship contact our represent- ative, WANTEL' — Highest cash prices paid for sick, down or disabled cows and horses Dead cows and horses picked up for removal promptly. Also wanted to buy, boar hogs. Call collect, Bruce Marlatt, BriuSself, Phone 56t1 • TENDERS WANTED (renders will be received by the I undersigned until Feb. 15th, for 15 cords of green 1.)ardwool and 5 5 cords of cedar for Duff's United, Church, Walton. - Wood to be de- livered by June 2nd, Bert Johnston, Soc, Board of Stewards. ,NFORrviArrON "For' artIticini insemination tutor csa.tion or serrice -.rem all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association et: Clinton H - 9441 Palmerston 4t fl 6etween 7.3e and 9.3b A. M. have all breed!! available -- Inalftv nt low coat" FRIDAY', FEBRUARY 28th at 1,00 p,m, ' '"; 4iieWhO4iti3 401E4! at BRAMPTON SALES 4 miles North of Brampton at Snolgrovo A Pally ,Accredited and Listed herd of "high (nudity Holsteins, many Fresh, alto Springing, Famous Cbcog hlooditues of the "Curnaeres" fami- lies, i0earge- Taylor, HOWittd. of 50 well, Bong Kirkby and James •ht ate. en a Motor trip to g AUCTION SALE CHOICE 1 Mr. Glenn Huether was taken to Listowel Memorial Hospital last Tuesday night where he nunderwent an appendectomy. He made :favour- able ,psiogress and has returned home. ,Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mac Macintosh on the artsy.al of a a young son on Monday February 10, in Li'stowel Memorial Hospital. Mrs, C. Thompson and wee daughter arrived borne to the manse on Monday: Flu has been going the rounds in this district. Owing to storm conditions the regular. morning' service in Knox '1 Presbyterian Church was cancelled otisStriday. School children had a holiday on Monday but school was held as usual on (Tuesday, althoiugh the roads to the south and east of the village had not been opened. Cranbrook W. M. S. Mrs. John Petrie was hostess for I he W. M. S. on February 5, `with nine ladies preSent. Mrs. Bari Dann as leader' Opiened the Meeting With the theme ;preparing the way of the Lord. Hymns were sung with Mrs. Engel at the piano. The scripture Was read by Mrs. Sacklin. Mrs. TIMM teat few facts abont japan, Miss Forrest read a poem On "Building Virtues". The Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison, The ,topic, Japan, The Land and its peo- ple was taken by Mrs. Fischer, Mrs, blenel gave a report of the Pteaby- tere at Whighani, Plans Were blade for the Wotid Day of Prayer on Feb. 21. The meeting cloaca With the Mishap Benediction. The next nieetittg win be held at Mi'S. Earl Dunn's. A bountiful Bench Was sorted by litre, Pertio assisted by Mrs Engel. IN MEMORIAM AIN.TO'UL — in loving memory of a dear husband and father Chester -W. Miami who passed away seven years ago, February 14th, 1951. There's an open gate at the end.. of the road ,Through which each ulna go alone And there is a light we cannot see Our Father claims His own, Beyond the gate our loved one Finds happiness and rest, And there is comfort in the thought That as loving .Cod knows best. — Sadly missed' by his wife, Mrs. C, Rintoal and • daughters Helen and Wanda, .':•"64'1 0- a I' -rryNt r -4re4tiet Mrs. W. Bell Mrs, E. Oudmoro 2nd Vice Mrs. 14I, Kerney I See. Treas. Mrs. Sharrie Directors Mrs, Barrows, Mrs. Mrs, 3..M. McDonald, Mrs. Reid, ' Mrs. Love, Mrs.. Michel, Mrs. • Cousins, Mrs. Stephens, Mrs. W, Evans, Mrs. Gemmel, Mrs. Rahn.. Mr, Epps. also spoke on "Elora- 1 culture work and showed some Thirty seven members joined and the society will be pleased to have ony new inernhers. We Wish to thank-all those who are interested in flowers and are trying to make Brussels a beauty spots officers ---- President — 1.s4; Vice-Pres. iN 1