HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-02-12, Page 1ft ." H4 PREltiv IN CANADA MI MP IN He se chess sit . leadership and fine example she Imp Assoc., grant gave d Gamer Nichals'otiuring her term as president. Foal, members had perfect aitterS fox bounty dance records for 1957. Cards ex- George Taylor ' pressing the best wishes of thef fox bounty 2.00 '4.00 e..110 79.20 I 2.40 1.00 1800.00 ; 900.00 15.00 260.00 2747.14 1675.93 it it 1174.63 477.80 1. Regent 'Theatre S tAr0 R114 Theis,; ort., and Eat: bEVOND SoMSASA Cornel ilde DOM% Reed- ,„ Tit the riling of an atielent Arab city an Ainericati ,ladVeiititter and "oriels wornaii discover' d secret and a leVe that flame through ilark $400 per yea"- - ;$45/0 x-ti..11"' Wednesday, February li2tb, 1958 an minelid AM's rest 1P Otit Publishin g kIouse e r Melville Young Women's Guild BAKE SALE In the Bruasels Public Library Saturday, February 15th 0 $ P, M. was Certd- Pf 12 Miss HONORS WON BY Miss Iietty Aicock dti f3rusa o awarded Provincial Honor Mate and l4ti fer ow:010ton 4,11 liomerna/Ping Wrelects, CDNG,HATW-ATJ91411, Mr. D. A. Ii,anu was. awarded first prixo, In the Photegraphic Com) 14"ions, Section 4 `View b P y roPe e r t O r n t PA"O fr m St t reenetli', eP S ociety, the ocietY, The award was • won with colored 414.10 showing pjortion of the pAtie and petninin, ,bed at 'their home, Sharon .Hemingway and ''wane Pollard; Bru,ssele, were winners of County Heitera for .certintleting 0, projects.. 'awards were ,presented at the 4-H Achievement. Pay held in Wiegliarn, •Satierday. ROSS. ;SMITH „OF MIORI31 MON115 VOAQralQ1).•of Agrt, • Milture heiC1 its AMMO tm0,4et in the Forreetees hall, *grave On' Tuesday night, Feb. 404 A toast to the queen was pronesod by vice. • presideat ;floss $Mith; Rev, Wen t d.e Vries, said. .grace, Leslie Bolt expreSSed thanks to the women of the Anglican Church for the turkey Omer. Clark Johnson led In a slag% ' .soopuiteg-ronipanied 'by Coupes, Arthur' Belton, assistant agrlenisr twat representative, introduced ! Keith agricultural roP, resentative for Middlesex. Riddell said hp thmight the next ; • *ix inonths would be sliffichtit for the farmers, but. that thipgs would improve by then. He suggested that gOod farm management and closer co-operation between farm organiz- ations would help, James Mair .expressed thanks to, f the speaker. Winston Shapton, s)iresident of Huron County Feder- ation. spoke briefly. Be said the federation is asking for a guaran- teed price se 70 per cent of parity. Carl Hemingway spOlte on car t • -insurance„ •Simon Hallahan, • calf stub leader gave a few remarks, • The auditors report was given by George Martin., Mr. Shapton conducted the elec., I lion of officers: pasit Howard 'Wilkinson; President, ! Ross .Smith; vice-pr'esi'dent, Garner e Ncholson; directors, NO. 1. Mr, and . Mrs. James Williamson; No. 3, Mr. .and Mrs. Clarence Yuill; No. 4, Mr, and Mrs, Ross ;Nicholi- No, 5, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grasby; No. 6, Mr. I and Mrs. Joe Black; No,' 7, Mr. and Airs, 'Stanley Hopper; No. 8, Mr.I and Mrs. Mel Craig; No. 9. ..Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ross MoCall; No. 10, Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Johnston; *IISS No, 3, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fear; iisTo,4, Mr. and Arm. George Fischer; No. 8, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Henderson; No. 11, Mr, anV,Irs.• Ken McDonald; No. 12, Mr. and, Mrs, MerVin Rich- mond; • No, 17, Mr. and Mrs. Med., Fear; county directors, hog prcs • ; ducers, Albert. BatIon and R, H. , Coultes; cream producers, George Hetherington and Dennis Lang ridge; beef producers, Jim Mair; ;poultry •producers, Robert Wallace; . county director, Ross Smith; lady county director, Mrs. Carl Johnston; ! to the TB orearization, • Earl An- , dersoni; ; auditor, •George roPP,Olr MODERN AND QI.D TYME DANC E. in Brussels Town Hall an TUESPAY, FEB, 18th Featuring "The Brunettes" The Sensational All Girl Orchestra THYNNE — Al-POPK. Admission 50c lipoabandm oldPcYPdYe Federal Riding of Hcrron LIBERAL Morris. Twp, Council Council met in the Township Hall on Feb. 3, With all members Present, The minutes of the last meet:"'=g were read and Ndopted on motion ;of Cordon p. and Ross Duncan. Moved by Ross Duncan seconded by Gordon 'Wilkinson that we give e, grant of $25 to the Salvation Army ,..11,••••••• Nominating Convention Nominating Convetion Thursday Afternoon, Feb. 20th Progressive Conservative Association Federal Constituency of Huron. at 2,30 P. M. SKATING CARNIVAL TO BE HELD HERE FRI. FEE 21st 1.1.au to attend the Ca`ralYal to be held in the arena on Friday even- ing, February 21st, Not only will you have a very enjoyable time but but you will be supporting a good ' cause, The rink: • committee brave ten- tative Titans of cemetipg the ice surface, which they they mink will make this, building more service. able to the community in that ice could be mode much more quickly Also it could be made more use of Legion. Hall, Clinton, Ont. COME AND HEAR Outstanding Liberal Speakers Everyone Welcome MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17th at 8.30 P. M. Legion Hall, Clinton, Ont. — Speaker — Mr. John B. Hamilton Recently Parliamentary Assistant to Minister of Citizenship and Immigration — Carried Moved by Walter Shortreed, see. ended by Stewart Procter that we give a grant of $25 to the Huron during the summer months for such Crop Improycinent Association, — Carried activities as roller skating, Banc- 111 ing, tennis, etc. i°v. by Ross Duncan seconded by Walter ;Shortreed that the road The committee bas an estimate of Superintendent be paid: $2000 for this job, WM-eh after all would only be 2000, people with — Carried $1.00 each. Moved by Walter Shortreed, sec- ' *Let us ;all get behind this project on-ded by Stewart Procter that • we Advertise for fenders to supply, and put it over the top. See ,adver- crush and deliver ,approihnately tisement inside page of this paper. 142000 cubic yards of gravel through a inch screen. Tenders to be by 12 o'clock noon, March 1 CarrieK Moved, by Ross Duncan seconded by Gordon Wilkinson that we adver- tise for tenders Ito supply 1000 lbs. of Warble Fly Powder, tenders to be in by 12 o'clock noon, March 1 — Carried Moved by Stewart Procter, Second- ed Gordon 1V(likinson, that we advertise for applications for warble fly inspector at $1.00 per hour ohm $71.0coentspeprerhoumri;le;antrduckhedlpreisr,er for warble fly spraying at 85 cents per hour: ALICE S. THOMPSON CHAS. S. „MlaciNAUGHTON ICE Cf3EAbi SPLCiAL FLAVOUR For FEBRUARY is Secretary President St, AMBROSE ALTAR SOCIETY CHERRY VANILLA IN BRICKS, HALF GALLONS AND CONES TAKE HOME - ENOUGH rile January meeting' of St Ambrose Altar Society wras held at the home of Mrs. Joe Ryan with seventeen members present. The meeting opened 'with The Lord's Prayer led by Mrs. J. Deitner. The minutes of 'the last meeting were read and adopted followed by the financial statement. Mrs. Louis Blake and Mrs. John Blake velun- tered to serve as Altar Committee for the month, The election of officers took place and they are as follows: President — Mrs. Cc Steffler Vice 'Pres, — Mrs. Gordon Blake iTreasurer — Mrs. Leo. Gaynor meeting adjourn to meet again on ! Secretary — Mrs. .Is. Re-nag-tan March 8 at 1 p,tn.: • The retiring president, Mrs. J, Nolan gave a summary, or the year's The following i accounts --weC ,eatiTaiekdi activities and thanked the members Salvation Army, grant Association of Rural $ 25.00 for their loyal euport and co-operat- ion in 1957. Municipalities, fee Mrs. L. Hernaghan expressed a ( Mu"itlal vote of thanks on behalf of the subscriptions members to Mirs, Nolan for the , Huron Crop( i. Knox Church, CRANBROOK minister: Mr. C. Thompson DEALER ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Edward Caleuhoun of Cornwall Oreario, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Rita Joan, to Douglas Edmond Leath, son of Mr. W. G. and Mrs. Leach, Brussels, Ontario. The marriage to take place at St. John's ;Presbyterian Church, Oornwall, February 22nd, 1958. FROM YOUR NEAREST 11 A.M. I Not what we GAIN but what we ova, Measurers the worth of the lite we live. Worship Service R. B. COUSINS LTD. Brussels Phone '22 Jack Thynne CONCERT and DANCE — Carried Moved by Stewart Procter, second, ded by Walter Shortreed, that the Knox. Church. IrTHEL Minister: Mi. C, L. Thompson HALL MONCRIEF COMMUNITY 1.4.1140., •••PPMPO•Orp.OP/p/,....... 41P4 ...,.v..» Bible Class 1,00 P. M. Sunday School 1.00 P. M. Worship Service 2,00 , FRIDAY, FEB. 14th at 8.30 p.m. Admission 590 and 25e 59c 370 21c 2'5c ..... Nestle's Quick, 1 lb. tin ..... Tree Sweet Orange Juice, 48 oz . Foster Sweet Mixed Pickles Snowflake Shortening Aylmer Dew Drop Peas, 20 oz. What kind of Church would my r Church be, M If all its members were just like me. Attend Church This Sunday 10.00 CARD OF THANKS I wish to. express my deep appreciation to all of you who sent cards, gifts and flowers, while in St. Joseph's Blosplital. London; also those 'who called on me in Hospital and at home. Mrs. Andrew Jacklin 2 for 45C 24.00 25.00 2.00 mom. • leo wit. mad other values Just as prep, amMom.mmEmom.. COMMUNITY WORKSHOP To Be Held in CRANBROOK COMMUNITY HALL - FEBRUARY 24th to 28th watcn tor rurtner isarticuiars 000rom000mo o ST. PATRICK'S BAKE SALE Brussels Library at 3 p. m. SATURDAY, MARCH 15th Auspices -- Ladies Divilslon of -- the Agricultural Society NOTICE — The World Day of Prayer Service will he held itt Brussels United Church on Friday afternoon, Feb. ' -21s1b, at, 3 D. in. Theme: — The Bread of Life. • The service this year has been , iprepared by the women of the ' Commonwealth Australia, 2,00 Melville' church - Organist — Donaid Dunbar THE RUTLEDGE GROCERY Swing School 10 A. M. Divine Worhip 1.1 A. M. Rev. T. Blakely will preach Feb. 33rd at 11 a.m. in view of a, call of tn• yaw. Not Just to-day or to-morrow, but Every Day of the sealskin, were read from Mrs. Stanley Cook TENDERS WANTED R. McBride and Fr. O'Flaherty. At foX bounty roll call once member gave a smell l .Tack MUMS, faX bOunty (renders for the spraying of to their "Forget-me-not" after : Brusse10 Telephone, tolls Cattle for Warble Fly in theTown-1 gift ship ot Grey will be received by the which names were exchangedl for! AlobnerhtaiClaarnddiff%htendstiforarlisedyr' the coming year. A poem was given undersigned inntil 3 p.m., Saturday, head per spray. March 1st, 1958. State price per salts s. • Blake Jr. gave the story of the by Mrs. J. Cooper and Mrs. Geoirligf.ee ;tietwetoe,lopaMirotzin,0:taetlerilesr:toffe of St. Blaise whose teatt, is Feb. 2. Lowest or any tender • not Tile Drainage Loan Mrs. P. Connelly brought, laughter necessarily / accepted. Edythe M. Cardiff with her true-ttlo-life account entitled Rnelleief Dratlage Loan: Clerk, TownshiP Of Grey! At The MOvies I Mrs. C, Steffler read several Delit, of Highways Short articles which were enjoyed. Wheeler Drain Mrs. J. Ryan held the attention of Rateillayers on Lament Drain Members with her reading about grant a harrowing emPerience one day on trowitship of esrdY gram the farm,on Lamont Drain A contest, was conducted and Mrs. Rataipayers on Cole Drain L, ICThynor was the winner, The lunch committee, Mrs, John Rft:plap,t ' yeire on 11Inrray. Bloke, and 11/i,s. L, Ryan served a LaMb Draft, grant dolicions lundb, assisted by the ITawnshisA Of Grey, grant Hostess. A hearty- tote. of thaelts i74yMlise;.s on meeting 1. irai was given then' and the eeeing Ra adjourned, To grant ENDERG WANT ED ToWnsh4 of Grey; gratit T , Tenders will be retelVed by tho We Deliver Phone 7 4 EL CAPITOL I MT" THEATRE airfar iii No. The United Church OF CAr.AUA ilinPater: Rev. L. Brown B.A; Organist:, Mrs. A. E: Martin A. "Questions Seam Asked" (4) `3 hat of the speck in your brother's eye?" IS Noon Church School ' 7.30 P. M. "Interviews of Jesus" ••• ea«...1 sOrsfies. Thursday, Friday And Saturday tebruary 13 - 15 TENDERS WANTED Tenders for supplying Warble( Fly Powder for the Town- ship ot Grey will be received by the I undersigned until 2 p.m,, Saturday, March 1St, 1958. State price per pound, — Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. VALIS BEAUTY SMOPPE Brings Wu- Annual 1 tOLb WAVE SPECIA.Li, • Until February 15th 114.47 ! $6.00 Perms . $8.00 Perms o .. otol MILLIONS OF NEW FANS FOR ELVIS PRESLEY at his grctat,esti 4t.I4 *I* Edythe M. Cardiff Clerk, Township of Grey i. $4.75 $6.75 48.75: $9 fib, 1 Appointment ' $10.00 Perrris , $12.60 Perms, Phone 40X: for Your Nichol Drain Village of Bnuasels. grant Undersigned foie Sitnnlying, ettish- Gulnbn en Nichol Drain and yards, trore Matthew§ hauling18,000 (I Of Grey. ,Crusher to be equipiped sonn'tge Ivetikililig /vows Were ek- ridge brdm, grant 1442.22 leeS, Of graVel let the tov.pightt •; thtt§eis tutted' Par- *Itit wriest;, Gravel to be Changed' on Saturday, Ternary 8th, Parrott' 60a. Marti; ailholase aPP(reesed by read, stterintendent: My ito * Matthews and Charles Reeve Clerk Anglican Church Off; CANADA Perish it itrin$00 Rae, Frei IL Ainiin, Li S. T. heals ileihnie Churn!), Bitieeele / 'A. M: MtlAtine OctOO1 ASH WEI)NtSbAY 8.00 P. M, in tii0114004: i• An Avon ki/txtiiit Rock • 2685.79 8.83 11.08 A Certified oketiiie for 00,00 must 1 I:1, quined,-Sudbniz Ont, dcieetrOly each tender. tenders to The bride ist the daughter of Mr, beld by 1 P.M.,•Sattittlat, Marsh 1St : and 'Mrs, . C. Stevenson, 1664. Lowest any tender net R. 1t 3, and the groOlii is the 'son of ! Mr. S. rind the late MrsneeekiSalitily kidepitert fidythe 11%I. Cardiff Mnshegoh, Mich Clerk. town§hip nt' Gi t!y th6Y t#0'6. Attdif(l'A tir Nra, Stanley PEOPLE, WE 'kt‘IOW Miss .Turdith Ann Work, will be a igiteet at a. Valentine Party on. "Mliedy" OrtN:t-TV; on Friday, February at .3:15 it Hentryit 2.50 tyetisikig .0undaY School Monday Tuesday Wednesday February 17' - 10' Harry taelafclite the nation's 'top sintdhd Stet, in Darryl 2dbuokie, i+14LAbiti, Adult tpte binairiateope 'and ectot Jilft'Wag tailed' 'toe itaiiiiintp