The Brussels Post, 1958-02-05, Page 5retail prices means today, as in that earlier period, that we have suffered not only from open in-. fiction but from a concealed in- flation of production 'and district bution costs., The process of healthy adjustment would seem now to require the elimination through price reductions of in- flated production and distribu- tide costs. A tight money policy has inhibited itifiation and has indeed been instrumental in breaking the circle and ending, for the time at 'least, the round- robin Oa cost and pride increases that can continue indefinitely only if the money supply or the velocity of the monetary cireu- laden is allowed to increase." "Fete years ago I Mentioned that it Might be worth while to investigate the possibilities of a short term Money Market in da- nada. Such e, mg-11d did beetle into being, about sbt. intniths later', We theilld e I believe, now study the possibilities Of breed, erileig the base of Otte money Market, Ad• Of now the Only itia ,ettatirierita available for use within this Market are Govern= ,meet TreatairjeBills and Govern=s • Meet Bonds With a Maturity sloes exceeding three years, What I have particularly in tilled is a study of possible Steps to achieve the stature of a real Money indiee kti4 that lei a market that *bind ,14 Backache IS often tidied by taffy kidney' khan. When kidneys )Ref but of etsiee and wastes remain es the leitate. Then backache diatufhed rest Si that tired-our Snd heavy-headed feeling inay soon follow That's the tune to take Dodd'i Kidney Pala. thidd'i Stimulate the kidneyi to. normal action. Theri yoit led better-sleep betteS*Worls bend-, Gil Dodd's Kidney Pills now: How Can I? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I relieve a sore *moat? A. A remedy for sore throat is to gargle with a warm solu- tion of salt water. Or, dissolve one teaspoonful flour of sulphur in hot milk and sip slowly. Q. How can' I clean nickel .faucets? A. Try using lemon rinds, af- ter squeezing out the juice. Rub thoroughly, then wash, and pol- ish with a dry cloth, The fau- cets will shine like new. Q. How can I prevent rubber boots from cracking? A. Rubber boots will not crack and the air will be permitted to circulate freely through them, if the boots are held erect with rolls of cardboard when they are not in use. Q. How can I overcome the 'difficulty of pouring catsup from a bottle? A, All necessary is to push back the thickened portion that Congeals around the top. The catsup will then pour easily. Q. How can I prevent starch from Sticking? A. Starch will not stick if a drop or two of kerosene, or a little lard, is added to a small basin of starch and then allowed to come to is boil. ISSUE 4 — 1958 AGENTS WANTED . . , ...I GO INTO BUSINESS for . yourself. Sell ,our exclusive itOuSe. Wares, .watches .41114. Pther prodhets. pot found in, 'stores, No competition, Profits up to 00%. Write now for free colour .P.4419814% and separate Confidential wholesale price sheet, Murray Sales, qapg St. Lawrence, Montreal. ARTICLES FOR SALE cof.,QVart44 past stone facing applied any house front, Free estimates, Rome Cast Stone, .Box 342, Stouffyille, Qatatio. NO, 1 extra white honey. 48 lb, eases, 8 lb. pails $11, In b4 lb. pails $11.50. In 2 lb. palls 512, gd Howard, Emo, Ont, WET-PACK Shammy always wet, Packed into moisture proof self-sealing poach, Ideal for; Windows, Chrome, rile Porcelain, Large 17" x 20", Keep one In your car, truck or kitchen. Only $1.59 plus 100 for postage and handling, Fred Quegnel, 90 Donegant Ave., Valois, SPARK-O-MATIC LIFETIME Power Spark Plugs are guaranteed to start your car in the cold weather, Save gag, gain horsepower, taster pickup; six electrodes, only 51,69 each. Shipped C,O.D. Satisfaction or full re-fund. January orders receive FREE set of lifetime points, LANG BROS. — Box 25 E., Avonmore, Ontario BABY CHICKS. MIXED chicks. In a wide choice breeds, crosses. Pullets, including Ames In-Cross. Dual purpose cockerels, Broilers (these should be ordered now for Feb-ruaty — March. Complete list. Bray Hatchery, 120 John N., Hamilton. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE JOBS with union pay, Pension, await (J on 'Railway, as Asst. Agent, and Telegrapher. Train at home. We secure Job. A.B.C. Shorthand Course trains for Stenographer in 10 weeks, at home. Free folder either course. Write. CASSAN SYSTEMS 7 Superior Ave., Toronto 14, Ont. INSTRUCTION EARN more! Bookkeeping, Salesman-ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Lessons 50c. Ask for free circular. No 83. Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street, Toronto MECHANICAL PARTS, REPAIRS MOTALOY RING AND VALVE JOB While you drive for only $8.00. For cars — trucks — tractors, etc. Un- conditionally guaranteed. Effective for life of car. Mataloy saves you money. Motaloy Sales Co., 34 west Street, Goderich, Ontario. Dealer Inquiries invited. ptiERLAAPTITI:A;$XV948RYNEtitIFITEIR$FRol99PoLo TRY DIXON'S REMEDY, MkINRO'S, DRUG ,STOPEOTTAWA. 535 ,ELGIN, .Express Collect POST'S :ECZEMA SALVE f:rS:the torment of dry :eczema ralfsandweopingsintroubs. lotsc4enasalvwmotdi4appcnt you. Itching, sealing and teeming ecae, ma; acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorleSS ointment regardlese of how stubborn or hapless they 'aeon. Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE OM PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 284$ St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN VAR from Church? Study Sunday School lessons by mail, Send name., address, age, school grade, Lutheran Sunday Sch.00l by Mail, 237 King Street West, Kitchener, Ontario. MAILING Lists, $7 per 1000, 51. per 100, Your choice. circulars mailed $3 per 1000. Addressing work wanted. Robert West, 1416 Gaty, E. St. Louis, Illinois. PART Time selling, men and women. excellent product, very large profit. Box 3, Snowdon, Montreal. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignied profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates. America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Blear St. W., Toronto ' Branches: 44 King St. W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PATENTS. FET1TERSTONHA UGH & Company Patent Attorneys, Established 1890. 600 University Ave, Toronto. Patents all countries. PERSONAL FREE revolutionary information about "That Something" within you, that makes or breaks you. Writ e: A. Vollmer, 58 Washington. Street Denver 3, Colo., USA. IT'S bold, frank and personal. "What A Male Teenager Should Know." Sold only through Mall Order, 354. Nallob Enterprises, Box 7103, New Orleans 19, La. C.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty-five deluxe iersonal requirements. Latest °eta-gue included. The Medico Agency, ox 22, Terminal "Q" Toronto, Ont. SWINE ilTARSAN Landrace, registered, two to five months sows and boars of unre. Mated stock. flEORGE TANNER, Walkerton. Ontario. IT PAYS TO USE OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS KILL CIGARETTE HABIT OVERNIGHT WITH "SURE-KURE" FORMULA! ONLY $1.00 ' Money back guaranty. Read "Nicotine — The. Smoker's Enigma" in January Reader's Digest. S. C. LUND 1445 Marlyn Road 7, Fort Myers, Florida ITCH IN (.1)1 i;rFEF or money bock Very first use of soothing, cooling liquid D.D.D. Prescription positively relieves raw red itch—caused by eczema, rashes, scalp Irritation, chafing—other Itch troubles. Greaseless, stainless, 39I trial bottle must satisfy or money back. Don't suffer. Ask your druggist for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. WANT A HOT LIST OF ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE? this list is so hot it's burning tits ;And e yeses profits tip in, smoke! Statistics show 43% of firms whose records arc destroyed by fire never' resume busiticss„ 8teelcs and heeds, securities, accounts receivable, 'daily' cash receipts, business receses‘asenething ivorth keeping, 15 iodPth keepihkih d ,S.4F.E1 Taylot Stifeg are sturdily built, Their design a ptciduct of extensive scientific tests and 100 seats of experience. Consult your Taylor Selo representative now for fire 'and burglary" protection, Al•WIffihr VANdancee liktYLI • 145 FROIIt STR EET EAT, foliOnfe$ te.4106' Although the round-robin of cost and price rises is undoubted- ly en inflationary factor, even the best intentions on the part of both labour and management cannot long resist an inflation- ary environment created by ex- cess spending through errors or inefficiency of monetary and fis- cal management, declared James Muir, Chairman and President of the Royal Bank of Canada in his address at the bank's an- nual meeting in Montreal on Thursday, January 9th. "In such a situation, wages would rise even without trade unions to press for them," said Mr. Muir. "The employer finds that to in- crease production in response to rising demands, he must bid for labour at a higher price. He may often find it necessary to raise price% but these higher prices can be paid only because the original inflationary environment makes it possible for his cus- tomers to pay them. Under these conditions, wages and profits rise together, but they are symptoms rather than the cause of inflation. "However, once the circle is broken, by effective monetary and fiscal policy, mutual res- traint is clearly in order. Profits fall first and unions might well at this point temper the wind to the shorn. lamb. In fact, if we are to obtain not merely full employment and growth, but stability as well, the exercise of restraint in making demands must become the responsibility not only of labour and, business, but of electorate and government as well." FREE EXCHANGE RATE' Mr, Muir mentioned that among the 'built-in stabilizers' of the economy Is Canada's free foreign exchange rate, and point- ed out that in the absence of flexible price levels and with a domestice fiscal policy geared to `full employment', the floating exchange rate provides the only mechanism of adjustment, other than rigid exchange controls, to the ever-changing requirements for equilibrium in. Canada's in- ternational accounts. "It is some- times argued that the ,investment flow covers our trade deficit," said Mr. Muir, "and that any stoppage of this flow would be disastrous. But we should re- member first that a large part of our imports are the result of the inflow of investment funds; and, second, that, should foreign investment (a n d investment- induced imports) fall off, our flexible exchange rate provides an automatic device for adjust- ing any deficit remaining in ,our trade in goods and services with the outside world." HELP FOR EXPORTERS Mr. Muir pointed out that de- serving businessmen seeking ex- port markets may be hampered by inadequate export financing compared with that available to their foreign competitors, "As matters stand at the moment," he explained, -"We have an absurd situation. A Canadian industry, for example, obtains an order from abroad amounting to mil- lions of dollars and the export Credits Insurance Corporation guarantees to any lender the re- payment of this paper over a period of years. However, when the exporter considers his own James Muir declares. Electors and Government jointly responsible with Business and Labour in curbing inflation Creation of new financial institution suggested to fill need for more adequate long term export financing. Time ripe for Money Market to assume more positive function. financing, we have no device within this country suitable to his needs. "What he requires is the dis- count of paper maturing over a period of years or a term loan for a similar period secured by that paper. During a period of tight money, the chartered banks do not have available in any quantity funds for this purpose. The result has been that some of our Canadian corporations have had to go outside the coun- try to arrange their credit re- quirements with non-Canadian banks. We have actually seen cases in which the absurdity arises that a Canadian bank is asked to lend its customer money which he, in turn, deposits with a non-Canadian bank to facilitate that foreign bank's lending operations. • "I would like to suggest that a consortium of Canadian banks, Canadian exporters, and perhaps other interests, should consider the formation of a company with power to'. discount commercial paper covering the kind of long- term export transactions which I have here described." SMALL BORROWER NOT NEGLECTED "Generally speaking, banks are in position to take care of the legitimate needs of all credit-worthy small to moder- ate borrowers," said Mr. Muir. "In the past few months, how- ever, there has been a, great to-do about scarcity of credit for this sector of our economy; and government authorities have apparently become ex- ercised about it. Frankly, I am baffled when I read of these things and I cannot es- cape the impression that the whole case must be grossly exaggerated, or that, perhaps without realizing it, we may be witnessing an evolution in this field. It may be that a fundamental change is taking place in our economy and that the small merchant is experi- encing something that credit cannot help. There is some evidence not only that sales outlets are becoming more and more concentrated, but that sales and production units are developing an increasingly close relationship with one' another, "From the inception of the tight money policy, your bank has made it clear by word of mouth and by .repeated writ- ten communications to all of our branches that they were still required to' deal sympa- thetically with applications for personal and small business loans. "In spite of our lending pol- icy there has been a reduction not only in the number of bor- rowers but a substantial re- duction as well in the amount borrowed in this particular field, As far as this"bank is concerned, the credit facilities have been available, our Man- agers have known of this pol- icy, and yet it would seem that Small borrowers have not taken advantage of their op- portunities to obtain credit." • .CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 'Total-Assets have now passed $3% billion mark Sedgewick, General Manager, noted that not only had the assets of the loyal Bank reached the -imposing total of $3,760,544,017, but that mortgages under the National Housing Act had increased by more than $30,000,000, reaching a figure of $210,590,000 which represents ap- proximately 38% of the total for all Canadian banks. Mr, Sedgewick reported the year's net profits at $13,919,550, an increase of 11.6% over the previous year, and that capital funds now stand at more than $202,000,000. "The Balance Sheet confirms that the cash position of the bank is strong," he said. "As- sets in this form, coupled with Canadian Government Treasury Bills and Day-to-Day Loans rep- regnt 22.5% of the bank's ag- gregate liabilities to the public." "Because of the peroicl of so- called digestion through which we are now passing," remarked Mr. Sedgewick," we look for no particular increased demands from industry as a whole, but we wish to emphasize that the real needs of our credit-worthy customers, small or large, are of concern to us, and are needs which will be satisfied within the limits of our ability." Discussing the bank's exten- sive building and renovation program, Mr. Sedgewick report- ed that the bank now operates a system of 821 branches in Can- ada and 82 abroad — a total of 903, representing an increase of 31 during the past year, Includ- ed among new branches was one established at Frobisher Bay, the first Canadian bank to be open- ed in the Arctic Islands. ROYAL BANK ABROAD "Due to experience gained in more than 50 years since our first branch was established abroad, we era well equipped to deal with the peculiarities of in- ternational banking," said Mr. Sedgewick. Referring to the Brit- s ish West Indies area where im- portant • constitutional develop- ments are taking place, Mr. Sedgewick mentioned that the benk is playing a part in assist- ing in the economic growth of this newly developing member of the Commonwealth family. He also spoke of the unusual op- portunities which exist for young men with the aptitude and desire for a career in interna- tional banking, pointing out that there are openings in the bank for a select number- of such young men each year, BROADER MONEY MARKET Four years ago, Mr. Muir re- called, he had mentioned that it might be worth while to in- vestigate the , possibilities of a short-term money market in Canada. "Such a market," he said, "did come into being about six months later. We should, I believe, now` study the possibili- ties of broadening the base of our money market, As of now, the only instruments available for use within this market are Government Treasury Bills and government bends with a matur- ity not exceeding three years. What I have particularly in mind is a study of possible steps to achieve the stature of a real money market, that is, a market that would include commercial paper in the form of bankers' acceptances. Useful as our pres- ent money market 'is, it would, I believe, be worthwhile to de- termine whether or not it is ready by this" time to outgrow its swaddling clothes and become a more lusty and an increasingly independent part of our financial system," , include commercial paper in the form of bankers' acceptances. Useful as our present money Market is, it would, I believe, be worthwhile to detettniee „ whether or not it is ready by this time to outgrow its swad- dling clothes and become a Mete lusty and an increasingly inde- pendent part . Of out financial systerri. "Today, in contrast to the high spirits and great expectations Of a few years agos we find a grows ing uncertainty and leek of en- thusiesm. This is an extreme that we should avoid. After all, We haste the same country With the saute people,- the same cries-- Mous natural resources, and the same potential for prosperity sled economic growth. There is DO reason, therefore, for a pees eitniSm bole of a temporary check to the almost unbelievable prosperity arid eXpaissibli of the peet few years*, Let us thefi re- member' the principles of sera Vide and humility Which, in press Peri% We tend ablnetirriee tc forget. But 'let us remember thein f not iri a Spirit of glooni and guilt, but as sources of even tree* strength iri Catieda'a continuous afid inspiring etitige gle toWards the great destiny" Which, I believe, Providence it- edit ordained for this' Yeting, sarong,• growing, :giant Of the Martha' . REAR GUARD -- Well padded where it will probably do the most good, Mark Dzeda, starts out for a spin. The ,two-year- old tot was trying out his new wheels for the first time, Figureheads — Old As History The use of a figurehead is as old as recorded history. The early Norse naeigators sought to terrify the "Old Man of the Sea" and other denizens of the deep by placing figureheads of fierce dragons or menacing warriors at the bows of their vessels. The Chinese put eyes at the bowa of their junks so they could see whre they were going; for "No can see, no can go". The down- cast Yanks put a figurehead at the bows of his vessel because it was the decent and traditional thing to do. A' dignified captain of a ship would as soon have appeared on the street minus collar and neck- tie or have ignored the waterline of. his vessel as to put out to sea without a figurehead. She simply was not shipshape without it, A suitable figurehead under the bow of the vessel gave every last man aboard a feeling of security. With its gaze fixed directly ahead„ never turning to right or left, no matter how great the whistle of the wind or how loud the creaking of the tackle, it seemed to be the very embodi- ment of that steadfastness of pur- pose so necessary to the life of a' sailor, .American captains, as a whole, took great pride in the appear- ance of their vessels. Every- thing• aboard ship was kept as spick and span, as smooth and polished as paint, varnish and elbow grease could make it. The figurehead was the darling of many a skipper's heart. The de- coration and redecoration of such' figures cost as much as an outfit for the good wife—and in s many instances probably the good wife came in second. Her position was less conspicuous. In one of his stories Conrad tells of a skipper who was bemoaning the loss of his figurehead. A so- licitous friend, not realizing the depth of the old salt's attach- ment, suggested that after all„he could get another one, to which the mourner replied, "A new figurehead! Why, I've been a widower for eight and twenty'• years come next May, and I would as soon think of getting a new wife!" Figureheads were discarded, however, and replaced by oth- ers when the vessel's name was changed, which was done fre- quently. The chief point to a figurehead, aside from its decor- ation, was its symbolism. A ves- sel named Andrew Jackson Might be a "she," but, it would have been nothing shoat of teen- dalots for her to carry under her bow the figure of a women. Men who could execute a satis- factory figure named their own price, As competition increased this expensive bit of artistry was abandoned, The schooners, although many had fine lines, especially about the bow, had no ornamentation there other than a billet head or a very Mo- dest scroll. — From "A Town That Went to Sea," by Aubigne term ond Packard. JUST IN TIME A woman driving 75 miles ail hour in a 65 Mile limit area no- ticed a Motorcycle cop closing in on her, She stepped on the gas and shortly thereafter noticed two motorcycle cops closing in. She pulled into a Oiling station with screeching brakes and dash- ed into the room marked "Ladies.' The cops Were still there when she dame biet. Without batting an aye the lady Said ''I bet you thought I tVetilift Make it." Q. itoia tan prevent rugs' Curling et the corners? A. small triangular piece of Corrugated rubber to the wrolig tide of each censer. Sig Business • As A. Macy & Co,, Inc., began celebrating its 100th year,. et• just-published book gives an idea of the magnitude of the giant enterprise. Besides the parent, store (19 floors, 1,08 sellingdepts.), Macy's numbers other complete de, partment stores, including five branches in the New York area. Its 50,000 employes sell mer- chandise at a $450 million-a-year clip, packing it in 4,50 miles of cotton twine and 5.7 million boxes, The whole incredible story at the growth of this greatest of emporia is told in a new book by Margaret Case Harriman, "And the Price Is Eight," She te114 Macy's story in terms of its people from Rowland H, Macy, the seafaring Quaker who started it all, to •autocratic "Mr. "Jesse" Straw, who turned it into a public corporation in 1919. Macy set up his store in 1858 at the then-residential corner of Fourteenth Street and Sixth Avenue. ("Come, come, time, 'time, cease, come, time, time, the time has come," roared one of his early newspaper ads.) The Strauss family, which had, oper- ated a china concession for Macy, becaeae partners in 1888, after thessfounder's death, and owners in 1896. Six years later, the Strauses moved Macy's uptown to 'Herald Square, where bright merchandising — plus a long- standing policy of 6 per cent off for cash — sent Macy's rocket- ing to success. There, beginning in the 1920s, Kenneth Collins left off teaching English at Harvard to organize the group of bright young women who wrote the ads that gave Macy's its modern stance. One was Bernice Fitz-Gibbon, who wrote the famous slogan; "It's smart to be thrifty." Mrs. Harriman does not over- look 'such minor characters as Torn Maloney, a porter "with the shamrock in every syllable." A male customer once asked Toni if he could point out the' Chintz ROdOm. "That I can," said Tom, escorting him to a door labeled "Men." She also lists the distinguished Macy graduates — fiscal expert Beardsley Ruml, hat merchant Lilly Dacha, poetess Margaret lishback, to name• a few, An- other later won fame on Broad- way. walked out at 1, o'clock one day and never went back," says actor Tom Ewell. Macy's nevertheless sent him a full week's pay. "I guess they didn't miss me," EWell adds, —From NEWSWEEK. Unafraid .Of Toil People in the Agricultural ,Ex- tension Service at Athens (Georgia) are quite elated this week, and understandably so, over the accomplishments of a 4-H Club member in growing sweet potatoes. Freddie McLeod had a net re- turn of $1,152 from two acres ,of sweet potatoes. Freddie is just 13, but he prepared and cultivated his crop with all the forethought and care of a jiive- nile Burbank. Naturally, he used certified seed. The two acres received heavy applications of fertilizer, and the crop was hoed twice and cultivated twice. It was properly dusted to keep insects away. Freddie put the money in the bank, against the day when he attends college. The Extension Service happily observes that I'reddie, at the rate he's going, should be able to send money home instead of writing home for help. In these days of juvenile way- wardness and the aversion of many boys for anything resem• bling toil, the example of Fred- die McLeod shines like a beacon. Georgia could use to advantage many more just like him. —Atlanta Journal. MERRY MENAGERIE 'Going home' to her mother again—but she can never stay mad long- die:Melt to get there' Royal Bank Head Reviews Past, Envisions Future lear. Tarries Muir, Chairman and President, said: "I shall not attempt today • to determiee whether in the gobbledy-gook of economic forecasting we are keying a 'recession' or a 'rolling readjustment'. Whatever We call the phenomenon it is abundant- fy clear that, though all infla- tionary forces have not disap- peared, we have reached what seems to be the end of the latest Inflationary surge, A mild slump at, this time should cause little surprise or apprehension: it eiesaitid be unrealistic to expect, our economy tb expand- ing indefinitely Without gonad' kind of beeathirig spell, "Lower iriterest Pates do not Mean that 'money has betel-tit Sally 'eaSy' and it is Unlikely, my View? that the time is yeti ripe to' adept either= deficit finest- sting by government or . easy crone policies by, the Monetary authority and the Chartered IttatiltS; It Would Odin that now, 1953ass itf and 1054, price ad- taiettnerits are necessary to' Mein, bin Stability and prosperity et Olathe and to ensure eine atenatta Wee- Positiett iii World niatkets, 'the feet that lower rant material . ,date have hot been reffeeted in 4' Annual Meeting of Shareholders Thellord.Bunk..01-Conodo you SLEEP CAN TO-NIGHT AND RELIEVE NERVOUSNESS 4111DAY TO-MORROW! SEDICIN tablets token according 10 directions Is a safe way to induce sleep or quiet ihcts j e nervesi when tense. 0 $1.00 - $4.95 SE~ Drvg Slam 0141