HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-01-22, Page 4Let these help you to Planned Saving OH BOY, WHAT PaRvoRmANcs! F / TEL-Ni YES: 7 t 0 • • I 44,1 i•ro $ke Ar•Itp •eQi..) sg, You w. Aga M5,PIONG., sPCEPY? WHY, 5R-.4tN YOU sAY Yot.)1 4, JUST HAD YOuR CAR 9VgiRFIALILED RIVERVPE Aloroizsi rr,-0--•,••••••. •`• ot • A HEATER GIVES YOU WATER — A LITTLE. WATER OR A LoT .ar.suf Ethel shoot aJti 8 p. m. Meeting adjourned on Motion. of Conley to meet again on Feb. 4, at 2 pi. m. ' 1 41 19,F Norman S. Heafrer, Secy. STUDIO RECITAL 'The thtrd of a series of Studio; Recitals was Oven on Saturday afternoon last, by the senior Mai. of Lents, ID. Thompson, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. ; Eighteenth and nineteenth tjury Oast° and vocal music was' performed. Some organ soles were also feartares of The program. C.:k 7?4?0.0:': Cranbrook W. M. b. Mrs. Fred ISmalldon was . the hostess for the January meeting of Crenbrook W, M. S. Mrs. Harold .Tacklin als leader opetfed tue ing with "Be with us in the rtes )Year". Hymns were sung with; Mrs.Elpgel alt. the piano. Scriptural were read from Matthew, chapter 6, by Mrs. Schnock and chapter T by Mrs. Dwnn Prayer by Mrs. Lyntf. Evaits. 'Life's Highway' by MI'S. :Fibroid Jacklin, The jToplic on "Ile Highway' by Miss Forrest. 12 mei& hers answered: the roll. ;Mrs. Stati- ley Fischer, the Wee Presidents, took over the businlelss part of the meet- ing. All who could attend 'the Mait- land Presbytery at Wingham. Macklin dimisseed the meeting. Mrs. Engel assisted Mr's. Smalldon, in servq,ng INSEM•pAlION ,NFORmArtON 'Tor areocial Maemtnation tutor. [nation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Atesocla.tion at: Clinton H V.3 - 3441 er Palmerston 4VX between 1.1111 and LSO A. M. We have all breeds menet& — to quality at low aesi.! Tired,Weak Men! Get New Pep at 40,50760 Get now strength, pep and energy the %tic* easy way _that amazed thousands[ Try Orisqz Tonle Tablets to&y. For weak, mad own. tired-out feeltng due to iack of iron at 40, 50, or 60i conditions you may call "getting , They Ithaulate, invigorate, revitalize and energize blood, 0 morns. Yoti soon feel years y:eottunglirualnie sizseettgulonigyet807APPallNdnIggu"gt. MM. .40•••••••••=1.111• .311!.f.fRft,47,4: tgfri.9;Si47742.4..s.? t.v?..2„,04tarti, - • '4',F"•!•j''1-7„:7',..1*.ttr'Sllii.rtAtt`4v, .".• • • Most things you buy today have gone up in pricer anaverage of 8o% between i 9 40 and 1 9 5 6 according to the Consumer-Price Index. 114 Mrs. Edith Moore — $325 Motion of Conley and Smith that the Board accept the following tendons for wood Carried 'Gordon Campbell to supply 50 cords at .$5.75 per cord No. 4 and 5 — cords No. 111: and U 4 — 10 cords each Everett Perdue to supply 25 cords at $6.1 50 to be divided equally be- tween Nos. 9 and 10 'Gordon Campbell Ito supply 20 cords of cedar, a, cords to each school except No. 3 and U 12, at $3.00 per cord. Motion of Conley' and Cox that Bolger look after fixing pump at No, 8 school . Carried Motion of Bolger and Conley that Board employ Orval Harrison for electrical repairs and wiring and the secretry inform him of needed repairs at No, 3, 0 11. and ;II 4 Carried Motion of smith and Bolger that .'he following bills be paid.: Carried Relitarce Pet. Ltd., oil $ 59.54 Mrs. M. Ward, caretaker No.5 10.00 Mrs. :Wilda cleaning after painters 10.00 Geo. T. Pearson, supplItes 22.40 Jean Sperling, suPPI'Ves 16.25 Robt. L. Cunningham, coal 149,86 Onit. Trustees' & Raiiepayers' Assoc., fee 26.15 George Mitchell 'supplies 8.35 Meehan Hardware, supplies 1.90 Post Pub. House, adV. 2.00 Print Shop, report cards 8.48 N. Hoover, aelephone 2.86 Robt Engel, water No. 7 • 10.00 E. Bossenherry,thuning pianos 101 00 Cecil Eckm3er, labour 46,85 Motion of Smith and Cox thatl the ( Board advertise for lenders for mintenance man for the Grey' Twp. 'School Area. APplidant's to s'ate salary and, transportatioh Ig allowance. Tenders' receitved up to ti Feb. 3. ti Carried d OS Household tasks, and farm tasks too, are done more quickly, more easily, more economically and the world of entertainment is yours at the flick of a switch... all for only a few cents a day. Live Better Electrically...the safe, clean, modern. way. ELECTRICITY, DOES SO MUCH • COSTS SO. LITTLE., 0 yi ,r. • ,•••' aawams. "5' cry moderately priced front Convenience--3 minute walk to At Unton Station, closest hotel to !wart of downtown, Luxurious guest rooms .1 rood Foca—full rniirse meats and datieio ,..s snacks. e En terra inment— I lo top of !he famous Club Indigo Icaturin. Broddnoy Shows nightly. 4- per pet;ton, ., double 00e/1S/to .. I 1 •Fl• 1-IOTEL, !.77r‘ FRONT riti(t '81MCOE' ST' — TORONTO -i, MN:at EMPIRE 3 41111 NvQopmsa3y, „10.11.441 7 THE BRUSSELS 'OST 0314r-••,••••• "P. 0.0 .Fer Qiitsirman. • WalsQ4 .ArewAl k PANDiaated 1W. Conley 7.. John Conley • 1/QM.14.ated Bolger • NomillNlela closed by motion of. StlItth and Cox declared ,elected OheirMan Por 1958, Mr. Conley .Wielled to, have hie name Withdrawn as be had already served as. chairman - •for the Vast, 'three years and •WatIoen .propn was' declared. .0.000 cliairtnan. for 196;, For Vice-Chalman, Williap •Smith; nominated by Brown. Harry 13olger noininalted:by Conley, In the veiling by . which . followed, .Win. Smith received Ole • majority of (votes and was decleared. •. eleceled vice-chairman for 1958. 1111MMIN 'IS IE " 4', GECNZGE /WV/ICl/EON 57 Cliev,. Sedan 54 Chev. Power Glide Rehire 2 — 52 Plymouths ,„! RiviRswE -motors .6 , 1, s';9".....c56 KRAUTER MING 4 7 X waif te The new chairman assumed the chair and spoke briefly. Motion of Bolger and Smith that the Board re-hlre the secretary fa 1958 on the same terms als halt yea: Carried Motion of Cox and Smith thastl the chairman and secretary be author- ized. to 'borro'w for School purPoses as needed lip to $10;000.00 9,1'1 the Think of Commeree, Brussels Carried 1 Conley -- Nos, 5 and 6 Cox — Nap. 9 and 10 Smith — 3, 4, and 7 carried Motion of Smith and Conley that the Board pay caretakers at No. $10,00 for ens tra work tin cleaning schoolroom, Carried Motion of Conley and Bolger that ihe Board accept the tenders for caretakers for 11 schools as follows and the Bolger see about one for No. 8. Carried No. 1 Mrs. E, Hemingway — $325 No, 3 Mrs. Myrtle 'Nicholson $276 No, 4 'Mrs Ann Johnston ;MO No. '5 Fred W. FelsIter — $300 No. 6 Mrs. Eliza) Fraser — $300 * No, 7 Mrs, Annie Steffler — $375 No. 9 Mrs. 'Wilda Baillie $400 No. 1$ 'Mrs. Noreen Barlow -- $360 U 12 Hugh Johnston — $250 PERSONAL CHEQUING ACCOUNT Pay all bills by cheque on, a Personal Chequing Account. A quarterly statement will help you keep your records straight. The low service charges are pre-paid. Your cancelled cheques are on file if you need them. GREY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD The regular meeting of 'the Grey Township School Board was held in the Ethel school on Tuesday, January 7 at 2 p.m. with all members and Inspee or Kinkead present. The minutes of two previous mee'dngs, Dec. 3 and 13. were read and adopted on motion' of ' Bolger and Smith. Carried ,The chairman extended a welcome Ito Mr. John R. Cox, a new member of the Board. John .Conley now vacated the chair and he secretary was appoint- ed to (conduct nominations for chairman and vitteAchairman whtch resuFed as follows: Motion of Cetilloy and Bolger that'( the chairman or vice-dhairman and secretary sign all cheques and have surthority to pay all teachers caretakers; Infs., driver and bee-1 retary for 'current year 1958, as per ,cdntralcel and' also all hydro bills' when rendered. 2 SAVINGS ACCOUNT Keep your Savings Account for saving. Add to it every pay. As your balance grows you'll gain peace of mind. Start Planned Saving at our nearest branch now. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 770 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA READY TO SERVE YOU. N-Iosc 'Carried Motion of Cox and Conely that the schools, be divided be,ttween trustees as follows: Bolger — Nos. 1,, 8, and U 121 Brown — Nols. 11 and 74 BRUSSELS BRANCH — L. W. J. GLASGOW MANAGER .1 4 0 How little But in Ontario during these same years, the average price of ELECTRICITY used in the home and on the farm has actually gone down 4_%. The average cost of a day's cooking for a family of four is only 5.3 cents. Electricity is one of the most important things in your daily life. Your home is safer ...easier to keep clean... brighter ....more comfortable than ever befbre. • 'Motion of Bolger and Conley that 1 the Board make their annual , visit to the schools on January 28. Ment- bers to meet in Brusselg 9 tut, Motion of Conley and Smith ''(rat It the Board meet with ,''eachers and TrenTosenPatilte of ,Tack' Mod School Supolies on. Toesdy Feb. 11 in the • TILE 4. t tit .44 -Wr sip • •••