HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-01-15, Page 4THIS FATAL ACCIDENT WAS CAUSED BY EXCESSIVE SPEED! LOCATIONt A curve oh Highway NO.36 -TIME: 7.20 p.m. ROAD stiaPACE: Asphalt. Dry RESULt Passenger kiiied. Driver seriously injured. Thiel car wee travelling north at high speed, The driver, riot familiar with'the Toad, failed to make the CitrVe, The eat crossed the highway and wrapped itself around a tree. Tile driVer'S Wife Was orb:died to death and he was badly injured. When he recovered lie was Charged with cateleaS driving and hla licence suspended, This is jiiet One of.the countless accidents caused by Ceasive speed. Think about this picture the next t ,,you Start to press year accelerator past the safe limit. DEPARTMENT 6.# '1-11-614WAYt.,,oftrAitriti la• 1* THE BRUSSELS POST I'Voanoaday. 10.(11, .,,,,e.m•rimm•••,••••••••••.,•,130104SMI.E14teibl#004e74:11-1 - • 110.....rerf•ritar4, CRAM BROOK '';•;.11‘tr;r4.17's:Wi:!f4w. l'tte animal laea(pag pg or440094 1.41-1 Doard, will be held on 't'iday, January 170. lu the Q941r11,14447, Oekatre. ?AMOS p.1.04.00 bring lunch. f/voryone welcome, t1,0 AN TEXTRA.v SHOWER IN YOUR PLACE WILLTAKE UP VERY LITTLE. SPACE r***-60,Lief N115 1011 The .anplual, ..meeting Ohnmh. will be held on Tuesday tie lot npon.,.Jan. 21, at 2t Clock Rey., W. A. W1lliat4s. interim4aoderator will be Stuart ZvaWs, con,. won't to Orplaie ht Byrom last week where he. is •undeligeing•tests and treatment, Mr, Ar,'INtchols„ Proadbagen,. is in Stratford Hospital, where he WO taken last week owing to to heart ronclition, Mrs. Glen Huielher and Mrs. Mae rept,esented the Evening Anxillary and tmenier M, Tronn &I the annual meeting of yr..o:flend Presbyterial Society in , Andrew's Church, Mullein, on Tuesday, .Tairmary 14th. vr. and Mrs Jlames McIntosh Jim r•••1 M,nrv, of Cm . VISrea last wpr,k with Mr. and Mrs, Win, Per- 1,1 r, ^TO. i'01•1111V, 1..411 4.• Cs G KRAUTER PLUMBING:.HEATING iirrAL z L' I •: Pk SELS kl;•1.7-.., 47 X You can have a newer, fuller, outdoor life with a real future . . in the Canadian Army. If you want a steady job . a career with a future ... and can meet the high standards set by the Canadian Army, there is a world of opportunities open to you. Here is a challenging career .. one with a purpose • good companions . . . opportunities for advancement and adventure ... good pay. The years when you are young are THE GREATEST YEARS OF YOUR LIFE Make the most of them as a proud member of the Canadian Army. GET THE FACTS FOR, YOURSELF TODAY Phone, or send this coupon to; ARMY RECRUITING STATION r—,•• •••••••••—••••-•••••••••••••••••r. 10,11.0r, i',...••••••••••••• ,•• INEEM ,NFoRIV,ArtoN "ror artiOc.ial tV4IetnIniatiod tutor.. citation ot seriice urom al' nreede P1' cattle, phone the, Waterloo Canis, Breeding Aasoma..r.ion at: Clinton Fl V.2 Palmerston 4911 oetween 1.30 and 9.31, A. al, We nave all breeds avallabie yin quality a, low cost." DEAD. STOCK Picked up promptly in sanitary trucks. Small charge made tor animals under 500 los. total. Phone collect: Brussels. 72 Ingersoll. ‘Vitliana Stone Sow Limited; 4e4., . - • ETI-4E1.! United Church W. M. 5, The January meeting, of the Ethel United Church Women's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mrs, Wm. Dobson with twelve ladies present. Mrs, de :Doelder was in charge or the devotional period. Mrs. Les. Earl read the scripture. A hymn was sung. The president, Mrs. Quest Dobson, took charge Of dihe business. Roll call was -answered by pay. meat of fees, Group leaders were appointed for three months each: Mrs. Bert Godden Mrs. James Pearson Mrs. Joe Pearion Mrs. Geo. Pearson . 'Topic was taken by member's on Japan:. , Meeting closed with a hynin. ' Mrs. Dobson closed the meeting with benediction and Lord's Prayer. Lunch was served by the hostess. OLD POST OFFICE suiL,p),No KITCHENER, ONT. TELEPHONE SH8-6661 NEED STORM WINDOW.J. Before You Buy let. Jackson Home Ltd. give you an estimate on Aluminum self storing windows. No Obligation. Phone Seaforth 3W 3traford uernetary Memorials, 38 Avondale Ave., Phone 257W., Ray Shantz and Bert Pretty, Proprietors! For a memorial of ,lasting beauty at a reasonable price and guaranteed worknumshiv contact our represent- ative. Mir, Frank W. Kemp PEOPLE WE KNOW * * Mr. Canxibell Grant, of Toronto, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Grant. * * * James Perrie had charge of the Services at Bluevale and Delmore oil Sunday. Peter MoKague conducted servtes wt .Brusisels and .Delgrave Presbyterian • churches. (Both are students at Waterloo College. ..„ * . * Mrs. J. 'tr. Fischer, who has been confined to Winlgham Hosplital for the past twelve Week with injuries, suffered •in a fall, returned home on Tuesday, where she will be confined to bed for another month. a t a 4 4 a Please send me, sailboat obligation, details on career oppor• Sanhies- N. the Canadian Army. Name .die Address City/Town E$7/3r, LaraGE McCUTCAIION ••. ••.r. WITH HIM, SHE .LUST LIKES TO GO RIDING. EgN rotergr-n- RIVERSIDE MOTORS" AND. SHE KNOWS AIDING IN ONE OF NE.IR CARS IS TOPS PI.EASUREF 56 Chev. Station Wagoj 57 Chev. Sedan 2 — 52*Plymouths ••• •••••-• •••••••,••• 4.4".....orszl•mglme "IN ELMA eARMERS' r4tTrUkli FIRE INSURANCE CO Ebtablished In 1884 Head Office Atwood, Ont Insures Farm Property, . Private Dwealia, and Contents In Towns and Schools, 'Churches . and thos., 3 •Pv on an "INSURANCE AT COST" IA* PROMPT ADJUSTMENT OP CLAIMS contact your Nearest Director or Agent R. W. (Dick) Whitfield, Imo Windstorm Inzaranoll. Brussels, Ont. 80 Years Of Safety Since 1877 thousands of wise investors and clepesitprs have saved their money at The British Mortgage and Trust in Stratford, knowing that their money was absoll ,tely safe. Why not put YOITR monev wh"re vereji never have a moment's worry or concern abont it —in a British Mortgage account earning 3% interest a British Mortgagp 5% guaranteed certificate. With,signs of easier money —the present excellent rate at 5% for 1 to 5 years may not' last much longer. SO don't delay —invest by sending tour cheque. The British Mortgage does the rest For full information, write for a free investment folder. BRITISH MOBTGACE AND TRUST ,Founded STRATFORD ••• IT'S TRUE WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT THE '58 CHEVROLET! A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE •••, • •••••:4•:itc,:'. • 1-4 . . „ .. • •::;:•,,y ;•••*•::: • Dazzling Impala Convertible .................... •••• • • Glamorously new Bel Air 4-Door Sedan Canada's really going overboard for this .'58 Chevy! In a little over a month, millions have acclaimed it from coast to coast. Crowds are coming in to see and drive the new Chevrolet—and they're buying in record-breaking numbers! Here—from actual on-the-spot comments in the showroom—is a sample of what they're saying. "It sure is a smart-looking car." "Those beautiful fabrics. They look and feel so rich." "Body-by-Fisher coachwork certainly makes a big difference in quality." "Air Ride's really got it!" "Nine inches longer. That's more for my money." • "And look at that trunk space!" "Only Chevy lets me choose any power team in every model." "Chevy's the only low priced car with everything I'm looking for." "Chevy has so much more pep than the others." "Rides just like a high priced car." "Chevy's Air Ride really is out of this world." "I never thought you could find such luxury at Chevy's price."' "Chevy's 'way bigger and lots better this year!" "How do they do it — looks and is lower but there's an inch of extra road clearance," "I've teen them all, and now I'm buying Chevrolet." "I was amazed at the low price." HAVE YOU SEEN AN!) DRIVEN THE NEW CHEVROLET? WHEN YOU D01 YOU'LL AGREE , OT". THE MOST AUTOMOBILE FOR THE MONEY YOU'VE EVER SEEN( C-116ed 4,04.;:at*e..2.44,1 niers e Motors Brussels, Ont.