HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1958-01-08, Page 5W A N CRANBR.001‹ ,Thp commounov ho a Aro scare on Friday afternoon whoa a traolop iii stile garage took fire On the farm for' W., (len) Otefflam. Fortunately it was. a stool build. lug and itellA BOOIL arrivad, Oarmau Fiselier, with his 'tractor, was close at hand (and Pulled the burning lrneter to a eafe distance from the huildinge Grey Township fire truck, arrived1 'tale, scene but the :thitteer helpers had it tinder control, VMS Isahei Engel has secured a Selh901 'Pear M,00refield and began her teaching duties on Mpnday, We are sorry to report that Mrs, Kennett] 'McDonald is undergoing treattnectit in Victoria Hosnitnl, London, Her many friends hope for better health' in the noar future, Approximatolly 25 members of the 'of Cranibroolt Women's Institute enjoyed a free bits trip to Kitch- ener on Friday. with. Mr. MO Pearson as bus driver. They made a tour of "Weston's" in the fore- noon and visited the CKCO Tele vision pnagnaM, "Bazaar" man? enjoyed Watching this program on their Isets at home. Several were lucky in bringing home cash prizes. NOTICE — Wpll Papering and Painting. 10% Off 'on 1958 Wallpaper until February list. Douglas Dalton, Brussels' Phone 48r9 WANTED — Highest cash prices paid for sick, down or disabled cows and horses Dead cows and horses picked up for removal promptly. Also wanted to buy, hoar hogs, Call collect, Bruce Marlatt, Brussels, Phone Br? PIONEER CHAIN SAWS Gash paid. paid for dead, sick or disal?lect horses or cows, Free PIPK•IrIP, Pa -Colonel' .anlinale., ifl'erritot service egtdpoed trucks, PHON E.. LIapegGHTW4iGHT ATTACHMENTS' WITH 16 ATTACHMENTS Ler9y, Acheson Atwood 153 collect or • • "eEittEMENE.,,,L. vt„, George Hislop Wroxeter 206, or Brussels 85r12 111,571fil. When you apply for 1958 licence plates . A MAJOR REDUCTION IN PIONEER'S LIGHTWEIGHT MODEL RA! CLASSii-q4l) FOR SALE — 7 Cattle about 500 lbs. Olen YanCaanp R. R. 4 Phone 1747 ...you must show proof of Liability Insurance*. FOR SALE 49 Ford .Coaelb, good meoharnical condition and tires. Joe Gliapinitil Phone Uri Savings have been made possible by,.,.. • NEW TECHNIOAL EFFICIENCIES! *MASS RAW MATERIAL BUYINGI *NEW PRODUCTION ECONOMIES! ▪ MASS MIRSHANDISING METHODS! and passed on to you! See the famous 'Model HC Now only $199.50 THE QUALITY LEADER IN THE POWER OHAIN SAW FIELD i-OR RENT — A six room housE, Possession Jan. 1st. For particulars contact Elliott's Grocery Phone 43 16" If you do not hove this Liability Insurance Certificate,' phone your insurance company or agent today, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINI LIMITED 116-4111311 PIONEER FOR SALE 22 M,ossberg M 152 K Semi-Auto- matic, 8 'shot clip, • new condition $35.00 ; W. J. Henry 8th of Morris VANCOUVER CANADA A OUIFIDIDIANY OF TM OUTOOAND MARINI 110111PIPRATION 'ff *AMAIN OW ... or pay $5.00 EXTRA into the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund •t Here's why: The additional $5.00 fee to be paid by motorists withoutliability coverage is made necessary because of the new increased maximum pa T yments available from the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund. he Fund was established by • the Government to help'pay judgments arising out of acci- dents involving uninsured motor vehicles. Drivers of such vehicles must repay the full amount of the judgment to the Fund. If you do not have Liability Insurance, and are involved in an accident, you could lose everything you own. e Liability a judgment be made against you, and you do not hav k Insurance or other means of meeting it, you could lose your home, your motor vehicle, your savings and a large part of ‘•4 your future earnings to meet the judgment. rt Sold by:. BUDNARK WELDING & SUPPLY MALE HELP WANTED Large United States and Canadian Manufacturing Company requires Field Rellresentative in Morris and Hay townships, Exceptionally high °runnings, 'Guaranteed repeat business. Automobile essential.. Agricultural or farming background most imp,or tent, Sales training given, Reply to Box 34, London, Ontario. Brussels, Ontario. FOR SALE Village Ciretery Store and Pool Room, large brick building, (Proom apartment above, 2-pfeoe Price for building 2,800.00, 7 ft. meat counter, scales, cash register, shelving and counters, 2 pool tables. and equipment, $1300.00, stock approximately $12,00.00 at invoke price. $5,300.00 takes all. Mums reason for selling. 100 acre farm, good house, hydro. bank barn, 3 other buildings. never failing stream on farm. Price $5,500.00, terms. 7 acre farm, good house, hydro, barn. Price $1800.00 3 acre place in village, frame cottage, barn. Price $2,000.00 (flood house in town, 2-piece bath, Only $1,500.00 3. 0. Long Real Estate Broker Phone .88r2a Brussels, Ont. .11;oara ..,,,,,.Tnellineaccalmnammornaaetecoornevoratav °.••• NOTICE A resolntion was passea at the Decertiber meet* of the BrusseLs Council, stating that the pro- hibition contained in the Public Utilities, Act, Chapter 320, Section 13, be unforced and that notice thereof .he sent to all the Plumbers crastomarily doing work in the Mulnalpality and further that the same be published 'in the news- . paper. The Act is, as follows. — Every imerson who lays or =fees to be 7kaid any pipe or 'main Ito communricate with any pipe or main 'of the Waterworks. or in any way obtains or uses the water Wilthotilt the consent 'of the Cor- poration, shall be guilty of an •I:offence, and for every such offence I elntull be liable, 'to a penalty of not *LIABILITY INSURANCE is your protection against legal obligations arising from accidents in- oolving injury, death or damage to property of others. A policy for Fire, Theft and Collides, Is NOT Liability Insurance. • George Myles Davis. George M. Davis passed away at his home in Brussels on Saturday, Docemly..r 141,h, in his 73rd year. While in failing healjth for severai i. years his ',Math was sudden. lie was a life long resident of this community, farming on the 5th line of Morris township prior -to retir- ing to Brussels a number of years ago. He is survived by his widow and One son, James, of .Morris township and 2 grandchildren; also two sisters Mrs. (Nellie) Happ of Rochester and Mrs. (Elizalieth) Dodd 'of Aurora; and a. nephew, Fred Williamson. of Toronto. Resting at the 0, A. Rann funeral fhlomne ier-al servile untileSday morning, the was held at St. John's Anglican Church conducted by tha Rev. F. E, Jewell, at 2 p.m. Tuesday. Intern-Isnt 'took nioce in Brussels cemetery. Pallbearers here: Mervyn Pipe, Pipe, Ross Cardiff, Howard' 'TENUERS WANTED Tenders will be receilved by the undersigned up to February 3rd. .lior the position of Mainttnance man 'for the 1.121 schools iii the Grey ,Township S'dhool Area. Applicants to state Ifourly wage. and ;trim/BMW expenses expected, Ditties to- co- mmence February 17th. Norman S, Hoover Secy. R. R. 3, Brusisels tb, vsg The additional $5.00 payment is NOT a substitute for Liability Insurance See your insurance company or agent today and make sure have Liability Insurance on your vehicle v.m.suttnfttsm4t4.4&,, „;Eartmokb. ritig , v*.ra wait BEST ...stANITRO Witt. L.tetigrarg erd ..,,,arurnarienta. Itbarnitable ••.;, y —Pttart:4- a 3086114 SPOTTON ' met. Ve (mg+, am f.iefr49161 9403 %.\\\X\saskLts*,,\InkkkJULIN. stkktRUM, ser•INIS1111113.111\ more thialn, $20.00, or may be . ',Mooned without option of a fine for a term of one month. G. McOutcheon H. A. Pincher Reeve Clerk Village of t Village of. Brusses Brussels a perfeet BIG BROTHER 1,6? the popular FC-150 'Jeep' Big load capacity plus.—and go-anywhere maneuverability are both highlights of the new 'Jeep' FC-170, 11/2 Ton Forward Control vehicle, with 4-wheel drive. Over 80 Cu. ft. of cargo space is now available with suitable racks, giving a G.V.W. of 7,000 lb. Pquippgd with the powerful Willys 6 cylinder, 10911 p.'• Head engine, the EC-170 has a curb weight of 3,490 lb. with a f'081,6" wheelbase. Stop irt today and see for yourself how the 'Jeep' PC-170 offers you greatO visibility, greater maneuverability, more cargo space and a do-anything versatility with over 50 pieces of special, ,771.71.job-provenr equipment. 1. WILLYS OFCANADA LIMITED WINDSOR, ONTARIO Canada's most useful vehicles 144)01: MEMBERS OF THE. FAMOUS. Moret0 FAMILY OF 4-WHEEL DRIVE VEHICLES, An important .tne.5,10 froni the -Onterto, Department pf Transport OPTARIO MOTORISTS ONTARIO IP I 9 5 8 ONTARIO. . 1 9 5 0 C 2.545 12 4 3 nk • ...u.106..):•., • .41.. MakiZi* it • . 4 0 4.1*ii? Smith, Ino. Jordon, all 5,th. line 0 Morris neighbours, agd, George, Davidson. Harvey Kitchen land .Jack Davik son were flower bearers. NOTICE Having purchased .the and; Clothing Store of Mr. Hugh Peai son, it 'is our desire itio serve OA puiblic in a friendly and CoUrtectiltif manner. Mlur.rra and Gordon • Gaut 1 • - try, it today. • • the BIG LOAD FC -170 FORWARD CONTROL — " :ge;isieriiss—se-seirseisrusfillis Ti4se ps,. • becurity 4 peace of mina . • • self- confidence! You can find all these in your savings pass-book. Every time you open ito you will be encouraged to save steadily, provide security for your future. Open your savings account today at our nearest' branch—we have more than 650 to serve you. ana tan Built by Willys—the world's largest maker of 4-WHEEL DRIVE. VEHICLES KW-5523 fi Sons BRUSSELS, ONT.. WILLYS` SALES & SERVICE keitiL(4 •